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The region between the rbcL and atpB chloroplast genes and the first 53 codons of the rbcL gene have been sequenced for 19 species of angiosperms. Nine of these belong to the four largest families within the order Celastrales sensu Cronquist (i.e., Aquifoliaceae s.l., Icacinaceae, Celastraceae, and Hippocrateaceae). Both phenetic and cladistic approaches were used to test the monophyly of the order and to specify its relationships with Euphorbiaceae, Rhamnaceae, Rosaceae, and Theaceaea. Based upon this molecular analysis, the order Celastrales is polyphyletic and is divided into two major clades. The first group, containing Aquifoliaceae s.l. and Icacina, is related to Camellia (Theaceae). The second, containing Euonymus (Celastraceae), Hippocratea, and Salacia (Hippocrateaceae), is related to Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae).  相似文献   

Using the large subunit of RuBisCo (rbcL) sequences from cyanobacteria, proteobacteria, and diverse groups of algae and green plants, we evaluated the plastid relationship between haptophytes and heterokont algae. The rbcL sequences were determined from three taxa of heterokont algae (Bumilleriopsis filiformis, Pelagomonas calceolata, and Pseudopedinella elastica) and added to 25 published sequences to obtain a data set comprising 1,434 unambiguously aligned sites (approximately 98% of the total rbcL gene). Higher levels of mutational saturation in third codon positions were observed by plotting the pairwise substitutions with and without corrections for multiple substitutions at the same site for first and second codon positions only and for third positions only. In accordance with this finding phylogeny reconstructions were completed by omitting third codon positions, thus using 956 bp in weighted-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses. The midpoint-rooted phylogenies showed two major clusters, one containing cyanobacteria, glaucocystophytes, a phototrophic euglenoid, chlorophytes, and embryophytes (the green lineage), the other containing proteobacteria, haptophytes, red algae, a cryptophyte, and heterokont algae (the non-green lineage). In the nongreen lineage, the haptophytes formed a sister group to the clade containing heterokont algae, red algae, and the cryptophyte Guillardia theta. This branching pattern was well supported in terms of bootstrap values in weighted-parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses (100% and 92%, respectively). However, the phylogenetic relationship among red algae, heterokonts, and a cryptophyte taxon was not especially well resolved. A four-cluster analysis was performed to further explore the statistical significance of the relationship between proteobacteria, red algae (including and excluding Guillardia theta), haptophytes, and heterokont algae. This test strongly favored the hypothesis that the heterokonts and red algae are more closely related to each other than either is to proteobacteria or haptophytes. Hence, this molecular study based on a plastid-encoded gene provides additional evidence for a distant relationship between haptophytes and the heterokont algae. It suggests an evolutionary scenario in which the ancestor of the haptophyte lineage engulfed a phototrophic eukaryote and, more recently, the heterokont lineage became phototrophic by engulfing a red alga.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates an alternative approach to studying the process of social support in close relationships by examining three tape-recorded conversations between breast cancer patients and their partners. We argue that existing research fails to take account of the "social" aspects of social support, and that new methods, sensitive to the complexities of human interaction, are needed. One promising method, tape-assisted recall (in which an audiotape of an interaction is played back to participants), allows researchers to examine the help-intended communication within a dyad as well as each participant's view of that communication. The conversations of the three couples and the participants' moment-by-moment perceptions of these conversations illustrate the complexities of help-intended communication. The commentaries in the tape-assisted recall sessions yielded insights into the interactions that were not always apparent on the surface: the personal meanings of the interactions, in the context of the couple's relationship, were necessary for understanding how support attempts are delivered effectively and why they sometimes fail. The strengths and limitations of the method for the study of social support are discussed. Implications for community health interventions to optimize support for couples coping with illness are also addressed.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the major cause of non-A, non-B hepatitis worldwide. Current treatments are not curative for most infected individuals, and there is an urgent need for both novel therapeutic agents and small-animal models which can be used to evaluate candidate drugs. A small-animal model of HCV gene expression was developed with recombinant vaccinia virus vectors. VHCV-IRES (internal ribosome entry site) is a recombinant vaccinia viral vector containing the HCV 5' nontranslated region (5'-NTR) and a portion of the HCV core coding region fused to the firefly luciferase gene. Intraperitoneal injection of VHCV-IRES produced high levels of luciferase activity in the livers of BALB/c mice. Antisense oligonucleotides complementary to the HCV 5'-NTR and translation initiation codon regions were then evaluated for their effects on the expression of these target HCV sequences in BALB/c mice infected with the vaccinia virus vector. Treatment of VHCV-IRES-infected mice with 20-base phosphorothioate oligonucleotides complementary to the sequence surrounding the HCV initiation codon (nucleotides 330 to 349) specifically reduced luciferase expression in the livers in a dose-dependent manner. Inhibition of HCV reporter gene expression in this small-animal model suggests that antisense oligonucleotides may provide a novel therapy for treatment of chronic HCV infection.  相似文献   

3' non-coding region sequences in eukaryotic messenger RNA   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
The sequence A-A-U-A-A-A is present in six different purified messenger RNA molecules (specifically the alpha-and beta-globulin mRNAs of rabbit and human, the immunoglobulin light chain mRNA of mouse (MOPC 21) and the ovalbumin mRNA of chicken) about 20 residues away from the 3'-terminal poly (A) sequence. In addition, a large selection of the 3' non-coding regions of rabbit and human globulin mRNAs (both the alpha and beta globin mRNAs) are 85% homologous, demonstrating that this region is significantly conserved in evolution.  相似文献   

Using a PCR strategy based on an initial set of 15 couples of primers designed from the known cDNA sequence, we identified 18 introns in the human RET proto-oncogene and sequenced the corresponding 5' and 3' exon-intron junctions. This approach was successful in locating all the introns contained in fragments short enough to be amplified by PCR. Thus 19 exons were identified which, together with the previously reported exon subjected to alternative splicing, brings the total number of RET exons to 20. This information is relevant for the screening of recently reported missense mutations of RET which cause Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2A (MEN2A) and for the search of additional point mutations of the same gene which might cause two other neural crest disorders, MEN2B and Hirschsprung disease, mapping in the same region as MEN2A.  相似文献   

Rapid evolution of sex-related genes in Chlamydomonas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Biological speciation ultimately results in prezygotic isolation-the inability of incipient species to mate with one another-but little is understood about the selection pressures and genetic changes that generate this outcome. The genus Chlamydomonas comprises numerous species of unicellular green algae, including numerous geographic isolates of the species C. reinhardtii. This diverse collection has allowed us to analyze the evolution of two sex-related genes: the mid gene of C. reinhardtii, which determines whether a gamete is mating-type plus or minus, and the fus1 gene, which dictates a cell surface glycoprotein utilized by C. reinhardtii plus gametes to recognize minus gametes. Low stringency Southern analyses failed to detect any fus1 homologs in other Chlamydomonas species and detected only one mid homolog, documenting that both genes have diverged extensively during the evolution of the lineage. The one mid homolog was found in C. incerta, the species in culture that is most closely related to C. reinhardtii. Its mid gene carries numerous nonsynonymous and synonymous codon changes compared with the C. reinhardtii mid gene. In contrast, very high sequence conservation of both the mid and fus1 sequences is found in natural isolates of C. reinhardtii, indicating that the genes are not free to drift within a species but do diverge dramatically between species. Striking divergence of sex determination and mate recognition genes also has been encountered in a number of other eukaryotic phyla, suggesting that unique, and as yet unidentified, selection pressures act on these classes of genes during the speciation process.  相似文献   

Partition modules stabilize bacterial plasmids and chromosomes by actively promoting their segregation into daughter cells. The partition module of plasmid P1 is typical and consists of a centromere site, parS, and genes that encode proteins ParA and ParB. We show that ParB can silence genes flanking parS (to which ParB binds), apparently by polymerizing along the DNA from a nucleation site at parS. Wild-type ParB contacts an extensive region of P1 DNA; silencing-defective ParB proteins, which were found to be partition-defective, are less able to spread. Hence, the silenced structure appears to function in partitioning.  相似文献   

Alphaviruses are mosquito-transmitted RNA viruses that cause important diseases in both humans and livestock. Sindbis virus (SIN), the type species of the alphavirus genus, carries a 11.7-kb positive-sense RNA genome which is capped at its 5' end and polyadenylated at its 3' end. The 3' nontranslated region (3'NTR) of the SIN genome carries many AU-rich motifs, including a 19-nucleotide (nt) conserved element (3'CSE) and a poly(A) tail. This 3'CSE and the adjoining poly(A) tail are believed to regulate the synthesis of negative-sense RNA and genome replication in vivo. We have recently demonstrated that the SIN genome lacking the poly(A) tail was infectious and that de novo polyadenylation could occur in vivo (K. R. Hill, M. Hajjou, J. Hu, and R. Raju, J. Virol. 71:2693-2704, 1997). Here, we demonstrate that the 3'-terminal 29-nt region of the SIN genome carries a signal for possible cytoplasmic polyadenylation. To further investigate the polyadenylation signals within the 3'NTR, we generated a battery of mutant genomes with mutations in the 3'NTR and tested their ability to generate infectious virus and undergo 3' polyadenylation in vivo. Engineered SIN genomes with terminal deletions within the 19-nt 3'CSE were infectious and regained their poly(A) tail. Also, a SIN genome carrying the poly(A) tail but lacking a part or the entire 19-nt 3'CSE was also infectious. Sequence analysis of viruses generated from these engineered SIN genomes demonstrated the addition of a variety of AU-rich sequence motifs just adjacent to the poly(A) tail. The addition of AU-rich motifs to the mutant SIN genomes appears to require the presence of a significant portion of the 3'NTR. These results indicate the ability of alphavirus RNAs to undergo 3' repair and the existence of a pathway for the addition of AU-rich sequences and a poly(A) tail to their 3' end in the infected host cell. Most importantly, these results indicate the ability of alphavirus replication machinery to use a multitude of AU-rich RNA sequences abutted by a poly(A) motif as promoters for negative-sense RNA synthesis and genome replication in vivo. The possible roles of cytoplasmic polyadenylation machinery, terminal transferase-like enzymes, and the viral polymerase in the terminal repair processes are discussed.  相似文献   

The germline chromosomes in Paramecium and other ciliated protozoa contain regions of DNA that are excised and eliminated during the development of a new macronuclear genome. Paramecium tetraurelia internal eliminated sequences (IESs) are invariably flanked by a 5'-TA-3' dinucleotide sequence that is part of a larger 8-bp terminal inverted-repeat consensus sequence. Both features, the absolutely conserved 5'-TA-3' and the remaining 6-bp terminal inverted repeat, are shared with the mariner/Tc1 class of transposons. In this article we describe a mutant cell line (AIM-2) defective in excision of a single IES from the coding region of the A51 surface antigen gene. Excision of the 370-bp IES6649 is prevented by a single A to G transition in the invariably conserved 5'-TA-3' dinucleotide. Failure to excise IES6649 also revealed a 29-bp IES located inside IES6649. Additional experiments with the previously isolated AIM-1 mutant, which also contains an internal IES, shows that alternate excision using the wild-type end of IES2591 with an end from the internal IES is extremely rare or nonexistent. These results indicate that IESs are discrete elements whose excision depends upon nucleotides located within the consensus sequence, but also suggest that additional information is required to match one end of an IES with its excision partner.  相似文献   

The fragmented mitochondrial ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs) of the green algae Chlamydomonas eugametos and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii are discontinuously encoded in subgenic modules that are scrambled in order and interspersed with protein coding and tRNA genes. The mitochondrial rRNA genes of these two algae differ, however, in both the distribution and organization of rRNA coding information within their respective genomes. The objectives of this study were (1) to examine the phylogenetic relationships between the mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences of C. eugametos and C. reinhardtii and those of the conventional mitochondrial rRNA genes of the green alga, Prototheca wickerhamii, and land plants and (2) to attempt to deduce the evolutionary pathways that gave rise to the unusual mitochondrial rRNA gene structures in the genus Chlamydomonas. Although phylogenetic analysis revealed an affiliation between the mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences of the two Chlamydomonas taxa to the exclusion of all other mitochondrial rRNA gene sequences tested, no specific affiliation was noted between the Chlamydomonas sequences and P. wickerhamii or land plants. Calculations of the minimal number of transpositions required to convert hypothetical ancestral rRNA gene organizations to the arrangements observed for C. eugametos and C. reinhardtii mitochondrial rRNA genes, as well as a limited survey of the size of mitochondrial rRNAs in other members of the genus, lead us to propose that the last common ancestor of Chlamydomonas algae contained fragmented mitochondrial rRNA genes that were nearly co-linear with conventional rRNA genes.  相似文献   

The species Treponema pallidum includes three subspecies (pallidum, pertenue, and endemicum) that cause syphilis, yaws, and bejel, respectively. A closely related species, Treponema paraluiscuniculi, is the etiologic agent of venereal syphilis in rabbits but does not infect humans. Although these treponemes cause distinct diseases, no laboratory method for differentiation has been reported. Genetic signatures were defined in the 5' and 3' flanking regions of the 15-kDa lipoprotein gene (tpp15) that distinguish the human pathogens and T. paraluiscuniculi, as well as distinguishing T. pallidum subsp. pallidum from the causes of human nonvenereal treponematoses. A single Eco47III restriction site in the 5' flanking region differentiates T. pallidum subsp. pallidum from the other subspecies and species, and an XcmI site in the 3' flanking region differentiates T. paraluiscuniculi from the human pathogens. Polymerase chain reaction methods and restriction polymorphism were used to analyze 27 strains of pathogenic Treponema species.  相似文献   

A group of 32 healthy adult volunteers completed three blocks of a reaction time task that varied in the degree of controlled processing load. A rest period preceded each of the task blocks. The task blocks were presented in the order of either increasing or decreasing cognitive load. For each of the six periods, mean values and spectral measures of heart rate and respiration variability were calculated. The spectral measures were obtained for three different frequency bands. Differences between the cardiac measures of the task and preceding rest periods were compared with respect to differences in task load and the order of task presentation. All comparisons were carried out while adjusting for respiratory variability in the corresponding frequency band. The frequency band in which task load-related changes in heart rate variability became manifest appeared to be dependent on the individual's breathing pattern.  相似文献   

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