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Cyclophosphamide (CP) metabolites, acrolein and 4-hydroxy-CP, were found to denature rat liver microsomal cytochrome P-450, whereas another metabolite, phosphoramide mustard, CP perse or its analog Ifosfamide had no effect. The denaturation produced by CP metabolites could be blocked by cysteine, suggesting an interaction between CP metabolite(s) and sulfhydryl groups in cysteine and probably in cytochrome P-450. These studies might explain the biochemical basis of the specific depression of various microsomal mixed function oxygenase activities produced by high doses of CP.  相似文献   

The effect of spironolactone administration on the content of adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450 and on the activity of adrenal 17α-hydroxylase was examined in male cortisol and corticosterone-producing animals. Decreases in the content of microsomal cytochrome P-450 and in the activity of the 17α-hydroxylase after spironolactone treatment occur only in those animals which predominantly produce cortisol rather than corticosterone and which have a high activity of adrenal steroid 17α-hydroxylase. The administration of spironolactone to cortisol-producing animals, namely the guinea pig and the dog, caused a 50 to 80% loss of microsomal cytochrome P-450 with a concomitant decrease in the activity of the microsomal 17α-hydroxylase. In contrast to its effect in cortisol-producing animals, the administration of spironolactone caused either an increase or slight alteration in the concentration of adrenal microsomal cytochrome P-450 in corticosterone-producing animals such as the rat and the rabbit.  相似文献   

Oligomycin Sensitivity Conferral Protein (OSCP) and an F1-ATPase Binding Protein were isolated from F1-depleted rat liver mitochondrial membrane. Their molecular weights on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and urea were 22,500 and 8,500 respectively. When incubated with liver TUA (trypsin, urea and ammonia-treated) submitochondrial particles, the binding protein was effective in the binding of F1 to the particles with the resultant particle-bound ATPase activity not oligomycin sensitive. When OSCP was then incubated with the reconstituted membrane-bound ATPase, its activity became oligomycin sensitive. These results suggest that, first; the binding protein, but not OSCP, connects F1-ATPase to the membrane of rat liver mitochondria and maybe to the “stalk”, if indeed there is a stalk in mitochondrial membrane ATPase complex; and second; the function of OSCP is solely to render the ATPase activity sensitive to oligomycin and other similar inhibitors.  相似文献   

Antibody raised in rabbits against Complex V (miochondrial ATP synthetase complex) purified from beef heart mitochondria cross-reacted with Complex V and submitochondrial particles from beef heart, beef adrenals, and rat liver as shown by double-diffusion and rocket immunoelectrophoresis analysis. Of the various isolated and purified components of Complex V, only the oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein showed strong reactivity with the anti-Complex V antibody, soluble F1-ATPase reacted very faintly, while F6 and ATPase inhibitor protein showed no precipitin lines. Crossed immunoelectrophoresis indicated that antigenic determinants recognized by the antibody were present on OSCP and possibly on the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding protein. The components of Complex V could be precipitated from beef heart submitochondrial particles dissolved in Triton X-100 and pretreated with control IgG. When the composition of the immunoprecipitate was compared to that of purified Complex V, all the constituent polypeptides of the latter were present in the immunoprecipitate, except for one polypeptide in the low-molecular-weight region. Incubation of Complex V or submitochondrial particles with the anti-Complex V antibody in the absence of Triton X-100 caused inhibition of ATP-Pi exchange but not of ATPase activity. In the presence of Triton X-100, oligomycin sensitivity of Complex V was lost and the antibody was able to inhibit also the ATPase activity. The enzymic activity of soluble F1-ATPase was unaffected by the antibody in the absence or presence of Triton X-100. These results suggest that the anti-Complex V antibody might be a useful tool for identifying and probing the role of Complex V components involved in energy transduction.  相似文献   

An altered cytochrome P-450 (SG1 P-450) was partially purified from Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutant SG1 which is defective in lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylation. Oxidized SG1 P-450 showed a Soret peak at 422 nm and the alpha peak was lower than the beta peak. This spectrum was considerably different from those of known low-spin P-450s, indicating a unique ligand structure of SG1 P-450. The absorption spectrum of ferric SG1 P-450 was superimposable on that of the imidazole complex of ferric P-450, suggesting the presence of a nitrogenous ligand such as histidine of the apoprotein at the 6th coordination position. SG1 P-450 was immunochemically indistinguishable from cytochrome P-450 of S. cerevisiae catalyzing lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylation (P-45014DM) but had no lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase activity.  相似文献   

A protein which contains 2-aminoethylphosphonic acid (AEP) has been isolated from the ciliate protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. The protein contains about 30% carbohydrate with both N- and O-glycosidic linkages to the polypeptide and 8% AEP which is attached only to the O-linked glycoside. The amino group of AEP is unreactive to dansyl chloride as is the amino terminus of the protein. The polypeptide portion of the molecule, Mr 22,500, contains 22% glycine, 5.5% hydroxyproline, and is quite acidic. The phosphoprotein is found in the cell membranes. Its synthesis is inhibited by tunicamycin to the same extent which the antibiotic inhibits cell division.  相似文献   

Soluble extracts of Bacillus megaterium ATCC 14581 prepared by centrifuging a sonicated cell suspension at 40,000 xg for 30 min apparently contained no cytochrome P-450 unless the culture had been grown in the presence of an inducer: a reduced+CO minus reduced spectrum was used to measure cytochrome P-450 concentration. When the 40,000 xg supernatants from the uninduced cultures were recentrifuged at 105,000 xg the respiratory cytochromes, including one like cytochrome a1, were sedimented, and cytochrome P-450 was observed to be 100 nM or 30 +/- 9 p mol cytochrome P-450/mg protein (n=9). Measurements of cytochrome P-450 in cultures induced with phenobarbital were always higher after ultracentrifugation. There was soluble cytochrome o in all extracts. When cytochrome a1 was present a deep trough at 441 nm developed in the reduced +CO minus reduced difference spectrum of the 40,000 xg supernatant of both the uninduced and the induced cultures. The 40,000 xg supernatant obtained after lysing protoplasts of B. megaterium did not contain cytochrome a1 and always gave a good measure of cytochrome P-450.  相似文献   

A simple model for ferrous cytochrome P-450 has been investigated by proton and carbon-13 Fourier transform NMR. In the proton spectrum of the β-phenethyl mercaptan-protoheme-CO complex, the protons α and β to mercaptide sulfur are observed 2.62 and 0.62 ppm upfield of tetramethylsilane. The 13CO spectra show characteristic shifts at 204.7 and 197.0 δ for neutral and deprotonated mercaptan complexes, respectively.  相似文献   

The reaction of two equivalents of diphenylchlorophosphate in cold pyridine with 2,5-anhydrohexitols has been assumed to result in only 1,6-bis(diphenylphosphate) products. However, by thin-layer, silica gel dry-column, and DEAE-Sephadex A-25 column chromatography, the products of this reaction have been shown to contain three major components; monophosphates (32 or 30%, by weight), 1,6-bis(phosphates) (40 or 56%), and 1,4,6-tris(phosphates) (28 or 14%): the former percentages for the product from 2,5-anhydro-d-mannitol (1) and the latter for the product from 2,5-anhydro-d-glucitol (10). The identity of each bis- and tris-(phosphate) of 1 or 10 was established by 31P- and 13C-n.m.r. spectroscopy. Acetylated bis- and tris-(diphenylphosphates) of 1 were also examined by 1H-n.m.r. The significance of these findings on the interpretation of studies of the anomeric specificity of enzymes and on the specificity of the reagent diphenylchlorophosphate are discussed. The formation of only a 1,4,6-tris(phosphate) of 10 suggests that the 1,6-bis(diphenylphosphate) of 10 may undergo formation of a 1,3-cyclic phosphate triester by transesterification with elimination of phenol. A method for the determination of the number of cyclohexylammonium groups crystallizing with a sugar phosphate is proposed that simplifies the elemental analysis of this type of salt.  相似文献   

Incubation of [3H]-sidechain-labeled and [14C]-C(4)-ring-labeled cyclophosphamide (CPA) with purified cytochrome P-450 from liver microsomes of rats treated with phenobarbital resulted in the production of a major metabolite that contained both labels, was unaffected by diazomethane, possessed high polarity, was identical in TLC and HPLC behavior to a synthetic standard, didechlorodihydroxy-CPA, and was converted to CPA and bis(2-chloroethyl)amine by thionyl choloride. These results indicate that phenobarbital-inducible cytochrome P-450 is able to dechlorinate CPA and may account, in part, for the inability of phenobarbital to enhance the therapeutic activity and toxicity of this important anticancer and immunosuppressive agent.  相似文献   

Two forms of rabbit pulmonary cytochrome P-450 have been characterized spectrally and their activities in reconstituted monooxygenase systems investigated. The presence of both microsomal phospholipids and sodium cholate was required to obtain optimum activity. Only one of the cytochromes (I) was active in the N-demethylation of benzphetamine and the O-deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin. However, cytochrome II was 20% more active than cytochrome I in the metabolism of benzo[a]pyrene. The profile of the metabolites formed from benzo[a]pyrene indicated that metabolism at the 9 and 10 positions was insignificant in the case of cytochrome I but represented about 40% of the metabolites produced by cytochrome II. The two forms of the cytochrome are present in pulmonary microsomes in approximately equal amounts.  相似文献   

Live ppolysomes isolated from rats that had been treated with phenobarbital (PB) are able to incorporate [3H]leucine into total protein invitro at a rate almost five times that of polysomes prepared from control animals. Specific immunoprecipitation of translational products has shown that polysomes from induced animals synthesize cytochrome P-450b at a rate almost seven times greater than polysomes from control animals. The increased protein and cytochrome P-450b synthesis can be detected as early as 6 h following phenobarbital administration and reaches a maximum at 12–18 h. The results suggest that PB administration effects an increase in mRNA for cytochrome P-450b.  相似文献   

Cells of Saccharomycescerevisiae, harvested from log phase cultures, contain cytochrome P-450 and are capable of activating promutagens to products that are genetically active in the same cell. The effect of cumene hydroperoxide, a compound known to support cytochrome P-450-mediated reactions, on the activation of a variety of the promutagens was investigated. In all cases the genetic activity of the promutagens was increased. With dimethyl-nitrosamine as the promutagen, the increased rate of gene conversion was linear for at least 1 hr. Yeast cytochrome P-450 was stable in intact cells in the presence of cumene hydroperoxide. However, in microsomal preparations the cytochrome was rapidly destroyed. When cumene hydroperoxide was added to a suspension of intact yeast cells, a spectrum with a Soret maximum at 455 nm — indicative of an interaction with cytochrome P-450 — was observed.  相似文献   

There are two 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (EC in rat liver, one in mitochondria (type I enzyme), and another in peroxisomes (type II enzyme). In a series of the studies on the properties and the physiological roles of fatty acid oxidation systems in both organelles, the two enzymes were purified and compared for their properties. The final preparations obtained were judged to be homogeneous based on the results of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and sedimentation velocity analysis. Type I enzyme was composed of two identical subunits of molecular weight of 32,000, whereas type II enzyme was a monomeric enzyme having a molecular weight of 70,000–77,000. These subunit structures were confirmed by the results of fluorescence studies. Both enzymes were different in amino acid compositions, especially in the contents of tryptophan and half-cystine. Antibodies against them formed single precipitin lines for the corresponding enzymes, but not for the others when subjected to an Ouchterlony double-diffusion test. The Km values of type II enzyme for various substrates were lower than those of type I enzyme except those for acetoacetyl-CoA. As for 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA substrates, both enzymes had lower Km's for longer-chain substrates. The V for the substrates of C4C10 were similar for each enzyme, though the value of type II enzyme for C10 substrate was rather lower. The results of fluorescence studies suggested that their dissociation constants for NADH were lower and those for NAD+ were higher at lower pH. Both enzymes were specific to l-form of 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA substrate. The optimal pH of the forward reaction of type I and type II enzymes was 9.6 and 9.8, and of the reverse reaction, 4.5 and 6.2, respectively. From these results they were concluded to be completely different enzymes.  相似文献   

Lipoamide dehydrogenase (NADH:lipoamide oxidoreductase EC has been isolated from Ascaris suum muscle mitochondria. This activity has been purified to apparent homogeneity from both the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and from 150,000g mitochondrial supernatants which were devoid of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex activity. The enzymes from both sources exhibited similar kinetic, catalytic, and regulatory properties and appear to be identical as judged by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The native enzyme acts as a dimer, containing 2 mol of FAD, and has a subunit molecular weight of 54,000, as estimated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel chromatography. The enzyme also possesses substantial NADH:NAD+ transhydrogenase activity. Heat denaturation and differential solubilization experiments imply that the transhydrogenase activity previously reported is, in fact, associated with the lipoamide dehydrogenase moiety of the Ascaris pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. Whether or not this activity functions physiologically in hydride ion translocation, as previously suggested, remains to be demonstrated.  相似文献   

A previous study of energy-independent in vitro Ca2+ uptake by rat intestinal epithelial membrane vesicles demonstrated that uptake by Golgi membrane vesicles was greater than that by microvillus or lateral-basal membrane vesicles, was markedly decreased in vitamin D-deficient rats, and responded specifically to 1,25-(OH)2D3 repletion (R. A. Freedman, M. M. Weiser, and K. J. Isselbacher, 1977, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA74, 3612–3616; J. A. MacLaughlin, M. M. Weiser, and R. A. Freedman, 1980, Gastroenterology78, 325–332). In the present study, properties of Ca2+ uptake and release by intestinal Golgi membrane vesicles have been investigated. The initial rate of uptake was found to be saturable, suggesting carrier-mediated uptake. Uptake was markedly inhibited by Mg2+ and Sr2+, but not by Na+ or K+. Lowering the external [H+] or raising the internal [H+] resulted in enhancement of the initial rate of uptake; the intial rate was found to correlate with the internal-to-external [H+] gradient. The initial rate of uptake could be enhanced by preloading the vesicles with MgCl2 or SrCl2 but not CaCl2, NaCl, or KCl. Vesicles preloaded with K2SO4 failed to show enhanced uptake in the presence of valinomycin, suggesting that enhancement in uptake by vesicles preloaded with MgCl2 was not due to transmembrane potentials. The internal volume of the Golgi membrane vesicles was determined and found to be 9 μl/mg protein; this volume could accomodate less than 1% of the Ca2+ uptake maintained at equilibrium. Therefore, the remainder of the Ca2+ taken up was presumably bound to the Golgi membranes. A dissociation constant of 3.8 × 10?6m was found for this binding. The bound Ca2+ could be rapidly released by external Mg2+ or Sr2+, but not Ca2+, Na+, or K+. Release of bound Ca2+ could also be induced by raising the [H+] of the external medium. Failure of external Ca2+ to release bound Ca2+ suggested that the release induced by external Mg2+, Sr2+, or H+ was not due to competitive displacement of Ca2+ from its binding sites. These results indicated that Ca2+ uptake by intestinal Golgi membrane vesicles consists of carrier-mediated transport followed by binding of Ca2+ to the vesicle. The effects of H+, Mg2+, and Sr2+ on Ca2+ uptake and release suggest the existence of cation countertransport in the Golgi membrane vesicles.  相似文献   

Extracellular polysaccharides from Rhizobium trifolii, U226, Coryn and Bart A; Rhizobium phaseoli, U453; Rhizobium leguminosarum, U331; and Rhizobium meliloti, U27, after chemical modification, become substrates for certain β-d-glucan hydrolases. The Streptomyces (1 → 4)-β-d-glucan endohydrolase (EC hydrolyses reduced and deacetylated rhizobial polysaccharides, both before and after removal of carboxyethylidene substituents, to produce a series of oligosaccharides. The Rhizopus arrhizus (1 → 3)-β-d-glucan endohydrolase (EC hydrolyses only fully modified polysaccharides to yield, in the case of R. meliloti U27, laminarabiose, and, in all other instances, a disaccharide identified β-d-Gal-(1 → 3)-D-Glc. The same disaccharides are released by the Rhizopus enzyme from oligosaccharides produced by the action of the Streptomyces enzyme on fully modified polysaccharides. The results are discussed in relation to the available data for the structure of the polysaccharides and the specificity of the enzymes.  相似文献   

Using bovine adrenocortical cells in monolayer culture it has been shown that treatment with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) causes a dramatic increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity. In postmitochondrial supernatant fractions (PMS) prepared from cells maintained in culture, there was a 15-fold increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity 36 h following initiation of ACTH treatment compared with the activity measured in PMS prepared from control cells. In the continued presence of ACTH, 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity declined; however, even after 60 h of exposure to ACTH, 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity was eight times higher than that present in control cells. The dramatic increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity provides an explanation for the previously observed phenomenon that following initiation of ACTH treatment of bovine adrenocortical cells in monolayer culture there is a shift in the pattern of corticosteroid secretion from approximately equal amounts of cortisol and corticosterone to almost exclusively cortisol. Thus, the modulation of 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity by ACTH action appears to serve a key regulatory role in the pattern of corticosteroid production. Soluble cytosolic factors apparently do not participate in the regulation of 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity in the bovine adrenal cortex. Increases in the magnitude of substrate-induced absorbance changes are indicative that the increase in 17 alpha-hydroxylase activity is due, at least in part, to an elevation of cytochrome P-450(17)alpha synthesis.  相似文献   

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