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于涛  刘文斌 《淡水渔业》1999,29(10):43-44
红螫螫虾(Cherasqlla’Illcndlltlllls),原产于澳大利亚北部。在分类上属甲壳纲、十足国、长臂虾科、光壳虾属。因外形酷似海中龙虾,所以又称澳洲淡水龙虾。自八十年代起,澳大利亚对红螫螫虾进行商业开发养殖,由于其自身优点,在澳洲和美国掀起一股养殖和消费热潮。日本、法国、西班牙和东南亚许多国家先后从澳洲引种试养,并显示出很大的发展潜力。我国1992年开始引进,在全国多个地方试养。但目前报道,大多集中在澳洲淡水的生物学特性方面,关于池塘养殖试验至今还不多见。作者于1998年5月5日至…  相似文献   

红螯螯虾又名澳洲淡水龙虾,原产于大洋洲,其外形似海水中的龙虾,雄性成虾2螯足的前端有一鲜红的膜质斑块,故称红螯螯虾。该虾生存水温为5~42℃.水温20℃以下基本不生长,常见个体50~150g。为摸索红螯螯虾的生长规律,我们于2003年在吴兴区东林镇东明村进行了池塘主养澳洲红螯螯虾试验。现将试验情况总结如下。  相似文献   

楼丹  邬勇杰 《渔业现代化》1999,(3):20-20,37
红螯螯虾属拟螯虾科,光壳虾属,俗称淡水龙虾。原产澳大利亚北部,个体大,生长快、食性杂。为热带淡水虾类。我国自九十年代初开始引进,其有别于其它螯虾之最大特征是头胸甲前部有4条隆脊,2条位于额剑侧沿,2条位于左右眼眶后缘。1997~1998年我们在浙江鄞县合众养殖场、石矸养鱼场进行了池塘养殖与水泥池保温越冬试验,初获成功。1条件与方法1.1养殖池:土池总面积10.1亩,其中单养5.8亩,4口塘,混养4.3亩,3口塘。池深1~1.5m,四周围栏。1.2放养前准备:清塘、培水、投放栖息物、移养水葫芦等水…  相似文献   

曹闻阳 《齐鲁渔业》2001,18(2):13-14
红螯螯虾俗称澳洲淡水龙虾,又称淡水龙虾,是一种大型螯虾类,体型稍平扁,体色褐绿,螯的外侧顶端有一膜质鲜红带,原产澳大利亚。该虾具有个体大,食性杂,适应性强,生长快,产量高,抗病力强,肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,可食性比率高,财长途运输,可鲜活上市等优点,是倍受国内外消费者青睐的适宜池塘养殖的淡水优良养殖品种。目前市场前景十分广阔,一般售价在100元/kg左右。为帮助广大农民尽快致富,根据我单位1997年以来养殖试验情况,将其养殖技术要点作如下介绍:1虾池建设 虾池应建造在通风向阳,环境安静,排灌方便,水…  相似文献   

从澳大利亚直接引起红螯螯虾1万尾,放入1.5亩土池,进行鱼虾混养,池底投放隐蔽物,定期测定水质和生长情况,投喂颗粒饵料,螺蛳,小杂鱼虾,豆渣,使用塑料薄膜防逃,经过118天饲养,出池对虾165.92kg,平均尾重30.9g成活率64.98%,试验证明,红螯螯虾最适生长水温22~32℃放养密度20尾/m^2不影响生长,混养品种以中上层滤食性鱼类为宜,北方地区因适温期短,应放养尾重2g以上的苗种。  相似文献   

北京地区的鲜活虾较少,又远离沿海,为了找到一种适合于内陆地区生长和繁殖的虾类,从1994年开始立项研究红螯螯虾。因为该虾的繁殖和生长过程完全是在淡水中。从市场情况看,该虾也受到欢迎,原产地澳大利亚,商品虾规格50克左右的售价为18澳元/公斤。研究出合适的养殖方法和途径,更好的开发这一水产资源,将会产生一定的社会效益和经济效益。 我所对该虾的研究主要是在亲虾培育、繁殖,育种等方面进行了探讨,从理论和实践上取得了一些收获。本文仅就一年多的工作作以下报导。 一、村料和方法 1.实验材料:实验用红螯螯虾(C,quadric arinatus)是1993年12月和1994年初从广东省新会县购进,平均个体50克。运到后,暂养到温室水槽中,水温控  相似文献   

澳大利亚红螯螯虾养殖发展趋势初析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
澳大利亚红螯螯虾养殖发展趋势初析红螯螯虾,它是目前世界上淡水螯虾中最优良的品种。最近几年在它的原产地澳大利亚得到迅速发展。86年澳还成立研究所,对螯虾所属品种进行系统研究,目前已筛选出较为理想的三个养殖品种即:红螯螯虾、马朗虾、亚比。其中以红螯螯虾最...  相似文献   

红螯螯虾成虾和幼虾是否能在福建闽南地区自然越冬,是评价其在该地区是否有发展养殖生产前景的重要因素之一,为此,我们于1993年10月至1995年3月分别在厦门高崎养鳗场和厦门湖里区湖边水库养殖场进行了成虾和幼虾的越冬试验,现报告如下。1 试验情况和结果 试验分别于1993年10月25日至1994年5月24日和1994年9月15日至1995年3月24日进行。试验池共5只(表1)。红螯螯虾成虾及幼  相似文献   

红螯螯虾适应性强,个体大,生长快,肉质鲜美,养殖技术简单,经济价值较高,具有显著的养殖优势。济南市水产站近年通过对该虾的引进试养,已较全面地掌握其生物学特性和人工养殖技术。经过示范推广,取得显著的社会效益和经济效益。养殖该虾一般可亩产100~200kg,最高可达402kg,每千克销价为40~60元。现将其生物学特性及池塘养成技术介绍如下:  相似文献   

红螯螯虾感染白斑综合征病毒   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
沈锦玉 《水产学报》2007,31(4):556-560
红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)是澳州淡水龙虾的一种,属甲壳纲、十足目、长尾亚目、拟螯虾科、光壳虾属,原产地澳大利亚,具有个体大、生长快、食性杂、易饲养等养殖性能优势;同时,因其肉味鲜美、富含低胆固醇蛋白质,是目前世界上较名贵的淡水经济虾之一。目前,美国、拉丁美  相似文献   

为深入了解红螯光壳螯虾酚氧化酶原(proPO)基因的非特异性免疫机制,利用RACE技术从红螯光壳螯虾血细胞中克隆到酚氧化酶原基因cqproPO,cqproPO基因cDNA全长为2 962 bp,开放阅读框为1 998 bp,编码665个氨基酸,其结构中含有两个铜离子结合位点,预测分子量为75.86 ku;同源性比对结果显示,红螯光壳螯虾CqproPO与克氏原螯虾酚氧化酶原的同源性最高为79%,其次是淡水螯虾74%、挪威龙虾69%、美国龙虾67%等;进化分析发现CqproPO与克氏原鳌虾、淡水螯虾、挪威龙虾、美国龙虾等的酚氧化酶原亲缘关系最近;Realtime-PCR实验结果表明,CqproPO在血细胞中表达水平最高,其次是肠、触角腺、鳃等;在肝胰腺中有适量表达;WSSV感染后红螯光壳螯虾CqproPO mRNA在血细胞、肝胰腺和鳃组织中具有不同的时空表达趋势,但感染组和免疫后感染组mRNA表达量分别在感染后12h和24 h达到最大值,且在3种组织中2个感染组的CqproPO表达量为对照组的1.3 ~2.55倍,显著高于对照组(P<0.05),之后cqproPO基因的转录水平明显下降.免疫后再受病毒感染的虾,CqproPO mRNA的表达量在3种组织中总体高于感染组,感染7d后的免疫保护率达到51.86%,表明免疫增强剂可使机体的抗病毒能力增强,对防御WSSV感染具有一定的免疫保护作用.  相似文献   

红螯螯虾弗氏柠檬酸杆菌病病原的分离与鉴定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
从濒死的红螯螯虾(Cheraxquadricarinatus)的肝胰脏中分离得到可疑病菌L1和L2,经细菌学鉴定2株细菌均为弗氏柠檬酸杆菌(Citrobacterfreundii);经人工感染试验证实L1和L2均导致健康虾发病死亡,其LD50分别为2 2×105CFU/ind、7×105CFU/ind;2株细菌对14种药物的敏感性相似,对9种抗生素敏感,对5种抗生素有抗性。从中筛选出有效药物,应用于生产中取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

Feeding trials with five levels of crude protein (CP) (22%, 27%, 33%, 39%, and 45%) and digestible energy ranging from 14.32 to 15.21 kJ g?1 were carried out to determine optimum dietary protein for the growth and production of pre‐adult freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Triplicate groups of males (ω=23.1±0.58 g) and females (ω=21.8±0.33 g) were fed diets for 70 days in monosex culture. Optimal digestible protein (DP) was estimated for males by fitting mean weight gain to a quadratic model (y=27.86+0.839x–0.0216x2, r2=0.945), and a linear model for females (y=32.84–0.0745x, r2=0.959). Optimal male growth occurred with 25.6% CP, equivalent to 19.4% DP. Male crayfish attained significantly higher final weights and absolute growth rate than females fed the 22%, 27%, and 33% CP diets. The results indicated that a 19.4% DP diet, with a P/E ratio of 11.4 mg kJ?1, produces an optimum growth response for pre‐adult C. quadricarinatus under experimental conditions.  相似文献   

A feeding trial was conducted to determine digestive enzyme activity in Cherax quadricarinatus in response to diet composition. Eight experimental diets, each containing one of squid, red crab, sardine (600 and 650 g kg?1 crude protein), sorghum, wheat meal, soy paste and the reference diet were evaluated over 30 days in terms of amylase, lipase, and protease activities in the hepatopancreas. The diet containing wheat meal produced the highest amylase activity. Lipase activity was not significantly different among treatments. Protease activity was higher in animals fed fish meal (60 g kg?1 protein), soy paste and reference diet. Results suggest that C. quadricarinatus can modify hepatopancreatic enzyme levels in response to different compounds in the diet and can digest a broad variety of ingredients, particularly starch.  相似文献   

红螯螯虾的室内人工育苗   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
顾志敏 《水产学报》2003,27(1):32-37
于1996-1998年,在浙北地区,对澳大利亚引进的红螯螯是进行亲虾培育、人工越冬,怀卵孵化,室内人工育苗技术的研究。研究表明,在浙北地区,2.8-4.9g的幼虾经5个月左右的饲养可以达到性成熟并部分怀卵,利用电厂余热水水泥池人工越冬的成活率可达70%以上。越冬后亲是在水温20℃以上即开始交配怀卵,怀卵盛期4-6月。红螯螯虾一年可产卵4次,但只有第一、二次怀卵可用于育苗生产,个体一次怀卵量较少,一般为400-500粒,但群体怀卵比率较高。试验还表明,红螯螯虾出膜幼体即呈幼虾状,需依附母体7-10d后才营独立生活并开口摄食外源性饵料,所研制的幼虾Ⅰ号饲料为红螯螯虾室内人工育苗较好的开口饲料。室内人工育苗成活率可达60%以上。  相似文献   

血细胞在甲壳动物免疫过程中起重要作用,探讨红螯螯虾(Cherax quadricarinatus)不同类型血细胞结构与免疫特性有助于其病害防治。应用流式细胞术(FCM),根据前向角散射光(FSC)和侧向角散射光(SSC)的强度差异对血细胞进行分类,利用特异性荧光染料进行标记,分析血细胞总数(THC)、线粒体数量、溶酶体数量、吞噬活力、活性氧(ROS)含量、一氧化氮(NO)含量和非特异性酯酶活力。结果显示,应用FCM可以区分透明细胞(HC)、半颗粒细胞(SGC)和颗粒细胞(GC)三类血细胞,其占比分别为9.82%、61.11%和25.24%;红螯螯虾平均血细胞总数(THC)为(8.43±0.87)×10~6个/mL;GC含有最多数量的线粒体和溶酶体,HC中含量最少;HC、SGC和GC的吞噬率分别为2.54%、14.45%和6.98%,SGC吞噬活力最强,HC最弱;HC、SGC和GC的活性氧(ROS)含量分别为7.80、45.95和134.69 AU,GC的ROS含量最高,HC最低;HC、SGC和GC的一氧化氮(NO)含量分别为8.20、79.78和344.31 AU,GC的NO含量最高,HC最低;HC、SGC和GC的非特异性酯酶活力分别为86.59、121.84和236.91AU,GC的酯酶活力最高,HC最低。研究表明,红螯螯虾三类血细胞在形态结构、数量及免疫特性上均存在差异,SGC的数量最多、吞噬活力最强,而GC含有最多与能量供应、免疫防御相关的细胞器,并拥有最强的氧化活力和酯酶活力,表明GC和SGC是红螯螯虾免疫防御过程中发挥主要作用的血细胞类型。  相似文献   

Australian red claw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus is considered a popular crustacean species in several countries around the world because of its large size potential and resemblance to high‐priced American lobsters. However, little is currently known of the nutrient requirements and practical diet formulations for red claw. Lecithin has been shown to be required in the diets of several crustacean species, but there are no reports of dietary lecithin requirements for red claw. A 10‐week feeding trial was conducted in an effort to evaluate lecithin requirements for juvenile red claw. Juvenile red claw (mean individual weight of 1.6 ± 0.91 g) were individually stocked in a recirculating system at random into 80 plastic‐mesh culture units, each containing its own individual water line. There were 20 red claw per treatment (diet). Water was recirculated through biological and mechanical filters. Four semi‐purified diets were formulated to contain increasing percentages of commercial soya bean lecithin (0, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%). Diet ingredients included solvent‐extracted menhaden fish meal (FM), casein, dextrin, wheat flour, pellet binder, vitamin and mineral mix, cod liver oil, and corn oil. Semi‐purified diets were formulated to contain 40% protein using casein, menhaden FM, and wheat flour as protein sources. After 10 weeks, no significant differences (P > 0.05) were found in final weight, percentage weight gain and specific growth rate with average values of 13.0 g, 934%, and 3.14% day?1, respectively. Percentage survival was high during the 10‐week period (100, 95, 100 and 95%) as only two individuals died during the study; one of these, because of an escape from the culture unit. There was also no significant differences (P > 0.05) in percentage moisture, protein, fat and ash in whole‐body red claw carcasses (wet‐weight basis) among any treatment (diet) and averaged 77.1, 12.6, 1.3 and 6.2%, respectively. Based upon the present study, these results indicate that a diet containing 5% cod liver oil and 1% corn oil, and having no supplemental lecithin, may be sufficient for growth and survival of juvenile red claw crayfish.  相似文献   

The effect of five experimental diets with different crude protein content (220, 270, 330, 390 and 450 g kg−1) on gonad development of female Cherax quadricarinatus was tested under laboratory conditions. After 70 days, a significant linear relationship indicated that higher concentrations of protein and carbohydrates in the hepatopancreas were produced as the dietary crude protein increased ( P  < 0.05). There were significant responses of the gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index, biochemical composition of the gonad (protein, lipids, carbohydrates and energy) and frequency of secondary vitellogenic oocytes to dietary protein level, as indicated by significant fits of the quadratic equation to the observed experimental data. The optimal response of the criteria parameters corresponded to levels of crude protein in the range 284–355 g kg−1. Overall, 330 g kg−1 crude protein with a protein : energy ratio of 15.6 mg kJ–1 was considered the most adequate concentration of dietary protein for gonad development and biochemical composition in female redclaw crayfish.  相似文献   

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