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Walter Binder 《Software》2006,36(6):615-650
This article presents a novel framework for the sampling‐based profiling of Java programs, which relies on program transformation techniques. We exploit bytecode instruction counting to regularly activate a user‐defined profiling agent, which processes the current call stack. This approach has several advantages, such as making the instrumentation entirely portable, generating reproducible profiles, and enabling a fine‐grained adjustment of the sampling rate. Our framework offers a flexible API to write portable profiling agents in pure Java. While the overhead due to our profiling scheme is comparable to the overhead caused by prevailing, timing‐based profilers, the resulting profiles are much more accurate. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation of embedded software is essential in an early development phase so as to ensure that the software will run on the embedded device's limited computing resources. The prevailing approaches either require the deployment of the software on the embedded target, which can be tedious and may be impossible in an early development phase, or rely on simulation, which can be very slow. In this article, we introduce a customizable cross‐profiling framework for embedded Java processors, including processors featuring a method cache. The developer profiles the embedded software in the host environment, completely decoupled from the target system, on any standard Java virtual machine, but the generated profiles represent the execution time metric of the target system. Our cross‐profiling framework is based on bytecode instrumentation. We identify several pointcuts in the execution of bytecode that need to be instrumented in order to estimate the CPU cycle consumption on the target system. An evaluation using the JOP embedded Java processor as target confirms that our approach reconciles high profile accuracy with moderate overhead. Our cross‐profiling framework also enables the performance evaluation of new processor architectures before they are implemented. As a case study, we explore the performance impact of various processor design choices and optimizations, such as different cache sizes or pipeline organizations, and come up with an improved processor design that yields speedups of up to 40% on standard Java benchmarks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bytecode instrumentation is a widely used technique to implement aspect weaving and dynamic analyses in virtual machines such as the Java virtual machine. Aspect weavers and other instrumentations are usually developed independently and combining them often requires significant engineering effort, if at all possible. In this article, we present polymorphic bytecode instrumentation(PBI), a simple but effective technique that allows dynamic dispatch amongst several, possibly independent instrumentations. PBI enables complete bytecode coverage, that is, any method with a bytecode representation can be instrumented. We illustrate further benefits of PBI with three case studies. First, we describe how PBI can be used to implement a comprehensive profiler of inter‐procedural and intra‐procedural control flow. Second, we provide an implementation of execution levels for AspectJ, which avoids infinite regression and unwanted interference between aspects. Third, we present a framework for adaptive dynamic analysis, where the analysis to be performed can be changed at runtime by the user. We assess the overhead introduced by PBI and provide thorough performance evaluations of PBI in all three case studies. We show that pure Java profilers like JP2 can, thanks to PBI, produce accurate execution profiles by covering all code, including the core Java libraries. We then demonstrate that PBI‐based execution levels are much faster than control flow pointcuts to avoid interference between aspects and that their efficient integration in a practical aspect language is possible. Finally, we report that PBI enables adaptive dynamic analysis tools that are more reactive to user inputs than existing tools that rely on dynamic aspect‐oriented programming with runtime weaving. These experiments position PBI as a widely applicable and practical approach for combining bytecode instrumentations. © 2015 The Authors. Software: Practice and Experience Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   

Many profilers for virtual execution environments, such as the Java virtual machine (JVM), are implemented with low‐level bytecode instrumentation techniques, which is tedious, error‐prone, and complicates maintenance and extension of the tools. In order to reduce the development time and cost, we promote building profilers for the JVM using high‐level aspect‐oriented programming (AOP). We show that the use of aspects yields concise profilers that are easy to develop, extend, and maintain, because low‐level instrumentation details are hidden from the tool developer. In order to build efficient profilers, we introduce inter‐advice communication, an extension to common AOP languages that enables efficient data passing between advices that are woven into the same method using local variables. We illustrate our approach with two case studies. First, we show that an existing, instrumentation‐based tool for listener latency profiling can be easily recast as an aspect. Second, we present an aspect for comprehensive calling context profiling. In order to reduce profiling overhead, our aspect parallelizes application execution and profile creation, resulting in a speedup of 110% on a machine with more than two cores, compared with a primitive, non‐parallel approach. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Internet of Things (IoT) has gained wide popularity both in academic and industrial contexts. Unlike traditional embedded devices with specialized firmwares, modern IoT devices accommodate general‐purpose operating systems, allowing developers to run more sophisticated applications written in high‐level languages like JavaScript. Because IoT devices are subject to resource constraints like available battery power, we need to dynamically migrate a running process between different devices to prevent losing state. However, it is challenging to apply migration techniques using memory snapshots across the heterogeneous pool of IoT devices. We present ThingsMigrate, a middleware providing platform‐independent migration of JavaScript processes across IoT devices. Prior to execution, ThingsMigrate instruments the source code of a given program to expose its internal state. During run‐time, the transformed program produces on demand a JSON snapshot of its current state, from which new code is generated to resume execution. Thus, ThingsMigrate enables process migration entirely in the application space without any modifications to the underlying virtual machine (VM), providing VM‐independence. We present three versions of ThingsMigrate, each building on the previous to optimize for run‐time latency and memory consumption. We report on the experience of building each successive version and discuss the insights gained and the learning outcomes. We evaluated ThingsMigrate against standard benchmarks, over two IoT platforms and a cloud‐like environment. We show that it can migrate even highly CPU‐intensive applications, with average run‐time latency overhead of 33% and memory overhead of 78%. ThingsMigrate supports multiple subsequent migrations without introducing additional overhead over each subsequent migration.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing research interest in extending the use of Java towards high‐performance demanding applications such as scalable Web servers, distributed multimedia applications, and large‐scale scientific applications. However, extending Java to a multicomputer environment and improving the low performance of current Java implementations pose great challenges to both the systems developer and application designer. In this survey, we describe and classify 14 relevant proposals and environments that tackle Java's performance bottlenecks in order to make the language an effective option for high‐performance network‐based computing. We further survey significant performance issues while exposing the potential benefits and limitations of current solutions in such a way that a framework for future research efforts can be established. Most of the proposed solutions can be classified according to some combination of three basic parameters: the model adopted for inter‐process communication, language extensions, and the implementation strategy. In addition, where appropriate to each individual proposal, we examine other relevant issues, such as interoperability, portability, and garbage collection. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Calling context trees (CCTs) associate performance metrics with paths through a program's call graph, providing valuable information for program understanding and performance analysis. In real applications, however, CCTs might easily consist of tens of millions of nodes, making them difficult to analyze and also hurting execution times because of poor access locality. For performance analysis, accurately mining only hot calling contexts may be more useful than constructing an entire CCT with millions of uninteresting paths, because the distribution of context frequencies is typically very skewed. In this article, we show how to exploit this property to considerably reduce the CCT size, introducing a novel runtime data structure, called hot CCT (HCCT), in the spectrum of representations for interprocedural control flow. The HCCT includes only hot nodes and their ancestors in a CCT and can be constructed independently from it by using fast, space‐efficient algorithms for mining frequent items in data streams. With this approach, we can distinguish between hot and cold contexts on the fly while obtaining very accurate frequency counts. We show, both theoretically and experimentally, that the HCCT achieves a similar precision as the CCT in a space that is several orders of magnitude smaller and roughly proportional to the number of hot contexts. Our approach can be effectively combined with previous context‐sensitive profiling techniques, as we show for static bursting. We devise an implementation as a plug‐in for the gcc compiler that incurs a slowdown competitive with the gprof call‐graph profiler while collecting finer‐grained profiles. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a solution for a worst‐case execution time (WCET) analyzable Java system: a combination of a time‐predictable Java processor and a tool that performs WCET analysis at Java bytecode level. We present a Java processor, called JOP, designed for time‐predictable execution of real‐time tasks. The execution time of bytecodes, the instructions of the Java virtual machine, is known to cycle accuracy for JOP. Therefore, JOP simplifies the low‐level WCET analysis. A method cache, which fills whole Java methods into the cache, simplifies cache analysis. The WCET analysis tool is based on integer linear programming. The tool performs the low‐level analysis at the bytecode level and integrates the method cache analysis. An integrated data‐flow analysis performs receiver‐type analysis for dynamic method dispatches and loop‐bound analysis. Furthermore, a model checking approach to WCET analysis is presented where the method cache can be exactly simulated. The combination of the time‐predictable Java processor and the WCET analysis tool is evaluated with standard WCET benchmarks and three real‐time applications. The WCET friendly architecture of JOP and the integrated method cache analysis yield tight WCET bounds. Comparing the exact, but expensive, model checking‐based analysis of the method cache with the static approach demonstrates that the static approximation of the method cache is sufficiently tight for practical purposes. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper describes JaRec, a portable record/replay system for Java. It correctly replays multi‐threaded, data‐race free Java applications, by recording the order of synchronization operations, and by executing them in the same order during replay. The record/replay infrastructure is developed in Java, and does not require a modification of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) if it provides the JVM Profiler Interface (JVMPI). If the JVM does not support JVMPI, which is used for intercepting the loaded classes, only a minor modification to the JVM is required in order to run the system. On ystems with limited memory resources, JaRec can be executed in a distributed fashion. This also makes it suitable to aid debugging of multi‐threaded applications on embedded systems. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present Jcluster, an efficient Java parallel environment that provides some critical services, in particular automatic load balancing and high‐performance communication, for developing parallel applications in Java on a large‐scale heterogeneous cluster. In the Jcluster environment, we implement a task scheduler based on a transitive random stealing (TRS) algorithm. Performance evaluations show that the scheduler based on TRS can make any idle node obtain a task from another node with much fewer stealing times than random stealing (RS), which is a well‐known dynamic load‐balancing algorithm, on a large‐scale cluster. In the performance aspects of communication, with the method of asynchronously multithreaded transmission, we implement a high‐performance PVM‐like and MPI‐like message‐passing interface in pure Java. The evaluation of the communication performance is conducted among the Jcluster environment, LAM‐MPI and mpiJava on LAM‐MPI based on the Java Grande Forum's pingpong benchmark. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Bug‐finding tools rely on specifications of what is correct or incorrect code. As it is difficult for a tool developer or user to anticipate all possible specifications, strategies for inferring specifications have been proposed. These strategies obtain probable specifications by observing common characteristics of code or execution traces, typically focusing on sequences of function calls. To counter the observed high rate of false positives, heuristics have been proposed for ranking or pruning the results. These heuristics, however, can result in false negatives, especially for rarely used functions. In this paper, we propose an alternate approach to specification inference, in which the user guides the inference process using patterns of code that reflect the user's understanding of the conventions and design of the targeted software project. We focus on specifications describing the correct usage of API functions, which we refer to as API protocols. Our approach builds on the Coccinelle program matching and transformation tool, which allows a user to construct patterns that reflect the structure of the code to be matched. We evaluate our approach on the source code of the Linux kernel, which defines a very large number of API functions with varying properties. Linux is also critical software, implying that fixing even bugs involving rarely used protocols is essential. In our experiments, we use our approach to find over 3000 potential API protocols, with an estimated false positive rate of under 15% and use these protocols to find over 360 bugs in the use of API functions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of service robots has gained more attention over the last years. Advanced robots have to cope with many different situations emerging at runtime, while executing complex tasks. They should be programmed as dynamically adaptive systems, capable of adapting themselves to the execution environment, including the computing, user, and physical environment. Recently, dynamic languages are becoming widely used because of the high runtime adaptability they offer. Therefore, we have analyzed the suitability of these languages to implement robotic systems with high runtime adaptability requirements, using Python as case study because of its maturity. To evaluate their suitability, we have implemented a reflective robotics framework that can be programmed in both Java and any dynamic language supported by the standard Java Scripting API. An example scenario has been developed using Python to show how its distinguishing meta‐programming features have facilitated the development of runtime‐adaptable robotics services. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Haoxue Ma  Tore Risch 《Software》2007,37(11):1193-1213
Timely and efficient information communication is a key factor in ensuring successful collaboration in engineering collaborative design. This work proposes a database approach to support information communication between distributed and autonomous CAD systems. It provides the designer with an easy and flexible way, a project‐based propagation meta‐table, to specify what parts of a CAD information model should be communicated to other collaborating designers. A CAD peer manager, containing a peer database that stores information to be exchanged with the other collaborators, wraps each participating CAD system. The peer manager identifies changes made to the CAD model by using stored procedures and active rules in the peer database that are automatically generated based on the propagation meta‐table. The identified updates are propagated in a timely manner to other peers via inter‐database message passing, thereby minimizing the volume of necessary information to be exchanged. Furthermore, remote peer designers can flexibly incorporate, filter, or delete received updates by using a propagation control interface, which is also used to issue user's commands to download the data from the CAD system to the peer database and lookup the received messages in the peer database. The approach is applicable on any CAD system having a CORBA interface and can also be applied to other kinds of object‐oriented interfaces. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dynamic consolidation of virtual machines (VMs) is an efficient approach for improving the utilization of physical resources and reducing energy consumption in cloud data centers. Despite the large volume of research published on this topic, there are very few open‐source software systems implementing dynamic VM consolidation. In this paper, we propose an architecture and open‐source implementation of OpenStack Neat, a framework for dynamic VM consolidation in OpenStack clouds. OpenStack Neat can be configured to use custom VM consolidation algorithms and transparently integrates with existing OpenStack deployments without the necessity of modifying their configuration. In addition, to foster and encourage further research efforts in the area of dynamic VM consolidation, we propose a benchmark suite for evaluating and comparing dynamic VM consolidation algorithms. The proposed benchmark suite comprises OpenStack Neat as the base software framework, a set of real‐world workload traces, performance metrics and evaluation methodology. As an application of the proposed benchmark suite, we conduct an experimental evaluation of OpenStack Neat and several dynamic VM consolidation algorithms on a five‐node testbed, which shows significant benefits of dynamic VM consolidation resulting in up to 33% energy savings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we deal with building parallel programs based on sequential application code and generic components providing specific functionality for parallelization, like load balancing or fault tolerance. We describe an architectural approach employing aspect‐oriented programming to assemble arbitrary object‐oriented components. Several non‐trivial crosscutting concerns arising from parallelization are addressed in the light of different applications, which are representative of the most common types of parallelism. In particular, we demonstrate how aspect‐oriented techniques allow us to leave all existing code untouched. We evaluate and compare our approach with its counterparts in conventional object‐oriented programming. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Iain Milne  Glenn Rowe 《Software》2005,35(15):1477-1493
Although the principles of writing compilers and interpreters are well known, we have found that the ideas needed to develop an interpreter for the express purpose of allowing direct interaction with the running code do not yet appear to have been published in an academic context. We describe a programming method that can be used for the production of an interpreter for common object‐oriented languages such as C++, Java and C#. The main purpose of the interpreter is to parse short, relatively simple programs and allow direct interaction between the user and the running code. Such a system is useful for projects such as OGRE, which is an educational tool allowing students to visualize in three‐dimensional graphics the state of a program as it runs. The interpreter works by first parsing the source code and building up a data structure capable of representing the program's source code in a form that can be used to both run the program and extract detailed information from the running program. This extraction allows for novel uses of the interpreter, such as forming the basis for a visualization system that must display and provide such information to the user as they watch their executing program. This paper considers the construction of such an interpreter specifically for C++, but the principles should be the same for other similar languages such as Java and C#. We cover the main tasks required of the programmer to create and use the data structure, highlighting areas such as its design, initial construction during parsing, and techniques required to use it for interpretation. These include the ability for the data structure to intelligently clone subsets of itself when multiple copies of one of its elements are required by the running program, how it handles C++'s complicated function overloading and overriding rules, and how inheritance and polymorphism can be supported. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

E‐learning is the indispensable technique to educate huge number of people and students in short period of time with optimized usage of different kind of required resources. It is employed as a crucial teaching approach by almost all kind of educational institutions all around the world. Since e‐learning involves significant amount of resource utilization and cost, it requires some essential methodology to enhance the current system of e‐learning more efficient. The mere publication of the educational content in websites is not enough. It is very clear that, without applying suitable strategic models and concepts and establishing appropriate communication channels between contributors of e‐learning system, the educational goals cannot be achieved as we desired. Distributed database involves greater contribution in the field of cloud based e‐learning process. Basically, data replication is crucial decision of companies as database distribution can be achieved effectively by the method of database replication which generates the same copies of information called replicas. In this article, we analyze the supremacy of synergetic learning and concentrates on data replication's significance in cloud based learning system. Here we propose an excellent mechanism for data replication and enhancing the performance in terms optimized access and update of data by the determination of exact location of data through dynamic programming. The efficiency of proposed mechanism is clearly illustrated by experimental results.  相似文献   

Abstract— A low‐temperature amorphous‐silicon (a‐Si:H) thin‐film‐transistor (TFT) backplane technology for high‐information‐content flexible displays has been developed. Backplanes were integrated with frontplane technologies to produce high‐performance active‐matrix reflective electrophoretic ink, reflective cholesteric liquid crystal and emissive OLED flexible‐display technology demonstrators (TDs). Backplanes up to 4 in. on the diagonal have been fabricated on a 6‐in. wafer‐scale pilot line. The critical steps in the evolution of backplane technology, from qualification of baseline low‐temperature (180°C) a‐Si:H process on the 6‐in. line with rigid substrates, to transferring the process to flexible plastic and flexible stainless‐steel substrates, to form factor scale‐up of the TFT arrays, and finally manufacturing scale‐up to a Gen 2 (370 × 470 mm) display‐scale pilot line, will be reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper studies the real‐life problem of dynamically optimizing the number of airport check‐in counters to allocate for a single flight. The main feature of our work is the use of empirical data collected at the Singapore Changi Airport, which drives the dynamic optimization model of a parallel queues system. We propose an event‐based dynamic programming model that simplifies considerably the optimization analysis even for large‐scale problems with 700+ booked passengers. We investigate the following research questions: (a) For a particular flight, what is the optimal number of counters the system should open with and what is the corresponding optimal total cost? (b) Given the state of the system at any event epoch, should we open another counter or not and what is the optimal cost‐to‐go from this state? The empirical data we collected at the airport are used to test the assumptions, estimate the key parameters, and run the computational experiments. We apply our model to 14 flights at the Singapore Changi Airport and identify cases in which, depending on the cost parameters, the model advocates the use of either a dynamic or a static policy. Although the model concerns only an exclusive‐use system, it is flexible enough to apply to other configurations such as a common‐use system or a single‐queue, multicounter system.  相似文献   

Development environments based on ActiveX controls and JavaBeans are marketed as ‘visual programming’ platforms; in practice their visual dimension is limited to the design and implementation of an application's graphical user interface (GUI). The availability of sophisticated GUI development environments and visual component development frameworks is now providing viable platforms for implementing visual programming within general‐purpose platforms, i.e. for the specification of non‐GUI program functionality using visual representations. We describe how specially designed reflective components can be used in an industry‐standard visual programming environment to graphically specify sophisticated data transformation pipelines that interact with GUI elements. The components are based on Unix‐style filters repackaged as ActiveX controls. Their visual layout on the development environment canvas is used to specify the connection topology of the resultant pipeline. The process of converting filter‐style programs into visual controls is automated using a domain‐specific language. We demonstrate the approach through the design and the visual implementation of a GUI‐based spell‐checker. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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