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This study assesses the nature of selective exposure and avoidance behaviors among political liberals and conservatives using a survey of 351 American citizens obtained through Amazon’s Mechanical Turk. Analyses of a new “homogeneity of media diet” measure suggest that although liberals and conservatives consume a comparable total number of media sources, the homogeneity of those media sources is higher among liberals than it is among conservatives. In the sample examined here, liberals were significantly more likely than conservatives to selectively attend to ideologically onsonant media sources and were significantly more likely than conservatives to selectively avoid ideologically discrepant media sources. Analyses include a validity test of the self-reported selective exposure used by Pew and others, as well as an examination of partisan perceptions of the ideological leanings of various media sources. Results indicate that conservatives are more likely than liberals to rate neutral media sources (e.g., CNN, USA Today, and network news broadcasts) as ideologically biased. Meanwhile, liberals are more likely than conservatives to perceive the bias in their ideologically consonant media sources. Implications for future studies of selective exposure and avoidance—and democratic theory in general—are discussed.  相似文献   

新媒介环境下传媒与青少年社会化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对近十几年来国内有关传媒与青少年社会化问题的文献进行了系统回顾,归纳出研究现状和特点:网络和电视等电子媒介是研究的主要内容;研究集中于社会化的结果,缺乏对于青少年的认知机制如何影响其处理传媒的信息的过程研究;研究对象存在着明显的不平衡现象,且概念使用混乱;研究方法日趋多样,但缺乏大型、系统的实证研究。在此基础上,对今后研究的发展方向进行了预测和分析。  相似文献   

新媒体语境下传统媒体的核心竞争力培育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
新媒体以惊人的速度和影响力冲击着传统媒体,形成了一种革命性的变革。传统媒体包括报刊、户外、广播、电视等四大媒体。相对于传统媒体而言,现代传媒被称为新媒体,依序而论,又被称为"第五媒体"。新媒体借助于现代科技的力量,其外延在不断扩大,涵盖了网络、手机、数字广播、数字电视、数字电影、数字杂志、数字报纸、桌面视窗等形式,时下最流行的博客、播客、维客(Wiki)也在新媒体之列。但综合而言,任何一种新媒体都是世界现代化进程的产物,是数字技术与网络平台托举起来的一种新型传媒。有人认为报刊等传统媒体在新媒体的包围下,即将退出历史舞台。在这场传媒世界深刻的变革中,传统媒体所面临的挑战并非空穴来风,而是构成了某种事实上的困境。那么,面对新媒体的冲击,传统媒体尤其是传统期刊究竟该如何应对?本文以传统媒体中的期刊为主要阐说对象,认为培育传统媒体的核心竞争力是其生存与发展的关键。  相似文献   

Do foundations effectively use social media to engage stakeholders? Do usage and engagement vary by foundation type? This article has been written to stimulate discussion and research about social media use and user engagement by foundations beyond measuring social media presence. We analyzed Facebook usage and stakeholder engagement for three types of foundations: community, corporate, and independent grant‐making foundations. We found that although community foundations are more likely to have a social media presence, corporate and independent foundations are more likely to use Facebook and to effectively engage stakeholders. Findings illuminate the need to understand social media usage and engagement in addition to presence. We discuss potential benefits of social media use and provide practical communication management recommendations for nonprofit practitioners.  相似文献   


Social media policing is composed of individual and institutional activity. Instead of supplanting conventional policing, individual users actually enhance its scope, and are often unwillingly enrolled in this process. This produces a visibility that combines the mandate and impunity of police scrutiny with the unique optics of everyday life. After proposing a theoretical framework to make sense of the sociological relevance of social media policing, I consider the response to the 2011 Vancouver riot as an exemplar of how police are adapting to the volume of information on sites such as Facebook.  相似文献   

New Media review     

对媒体来说,其存在最重要的价值是什么?核心竞争力又是什么?相信不同的媒体会有不同的答案,但是我认为,对广州日报这样一家城市主流媒体而言,权威性和影响力是最重要的价值,也是主流媒体的社会责任所在.  相似文献   

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