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A regional groundwater management system has been elaborated, integrating Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and various web services. It consists of web geospatial application so-called HydrIS (Hydrogeological Information System) based on Open Source components and technologies, leading to a feasible and low-cost solution. Therefore, HydrIS permits delivery of data from a number of heterogeneous sources to standards supported by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The protocols used for exchanging data are also derived from OGC standards, i.e., WMS (Web Mapping Service), WFS (Web Feature Service), and WCS (Web Coverage Service). Finally, a geoportal was developed, which consists of client-applications that communicate with different Web Services (WMS, WCS, and WFS) through http-requests.  相似文献   

A regional groundwater management system has been elaborated, integrating Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and various web services. It consists of web geospatial application so-called HydrIS ( Hydrogeological Information System) based on Open Source components and technologies, leading to a feasible and low-cost solution. Therefore, HydrIS permits delivery of data from a number of heterogeneous sources to standards supported by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). The protocols used for exchanging data are also derived from OGC standards, i.e., WMS (Web Mapping Service), WFS (Web Feature Service), and WCS (Web Coverage Service). Finally, a geoportal was developed, which consists of client-applications that communicate with different Web Services (WMS, WCS, and WFS) through http-requests. A prototype for web-based GIS application was designed using the deegree Framework to provide systematic interfaces and functions. This system was developed to demonstrate the value of making hydrogeological data more widely accessible through client/server architecture. This experience and knowledge already gained in this project will be a source for technology transfer and policy decisions. Otherwise, this will enable user groups to improve the management of their groundwater resources and contribute to enhanced decision support capabilities.   相似文献   


Big Earth Data has experienced a considerable increase in volume in recent years due to improved sensing technologies and improvement of numerical-weather prediction models. The traditional geospatial data analysis workflow hinders the use of large volumes of geospatial data due to limited disc space and computing capacity. Geospatial web service technologies bring new opportunities to access large volumes of Big Earth Data via the Internet and to process them at server-side. Four practical examples are presented from the marine, climate, planetary and earth observation science communities to show how the standard interface Web Coverage Service and its processing extension can be integrated into the traditional geospatial data workflow. Web service technologies offer a time- and cost-effective way to access multi-dimensional data in a user-tailored format and allow for rapid application development or time-series extraction. Data transport is minimised and enhanced processing capabilities are offered. More research is required to investigate web service implementations in an operational mode and large data centres have to become more progressive towards the adoption of geo-data standard interfaces. At the same time, data users have to become aware of the advantages of web services and be trained how to benefit from them most.  相似文献   

蝗虫遥感监测预警研究现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
气候变化背景下全球蝗灾日益肆虐,为支撑虫害及时精准防控,迫切需要开展大面积蝗虫动态监测预警研究。本文从蝗虫生境遥感监测、蝗虫发生动态遥感预警,以及蝗灾遥感损失评估3个方面介绍了当前研究现状,并指出当前存在的问题主要包括3个方面:蝗虫监测预警的时空分辨率较粗,无法精准定位虫害热点发生区和重点危害区;遥感虫害响应机制与虫害生物学扩散模型耦合度较低,导致模型时空普适性较差;缺乏高时空精度的虫害监测预警空间信息服务产品。因此,当前急需发展面向全球、洲际、全国、区域的多尺度、长时序、高精度虫害精准监测预警平台。通过建立时空精细尺度的虫害监测预警指标体系,研制遥感机制与虫害生物学机理深度耦合的高精度预测预报模型,发布多尺度高时频的虫害监测预警空间信息产品和服务,以实现海量数据的自动入库和智能存储、多层次模型的快速调用和高性能计算、虫害测报产品的在线生产和可视化服务。建立从数据到模型到产品服务的全链路,从而切实提升全球应对重大迁飞性虫害的智能化水平,为保障粮食安全、维护区域稳定和可持续发展提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

旱情遥感监测研究进展与应用案例分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在大范围、长时序的旱情监测中,遥感技术以其快速、经济和大空间范围获取的特点,弥补了基于台站气象数据旱情监测的不足,为防旱和抗旱决策提供了实时、动态、宏观的辅助决策数据。本文对已有旱情遥感监测方法进行分析和整理,将其总结为基于土壤热惯量、基于土壤波谱特征、基于蒸散模型和基于植被指数的旱情监测方法,并对各类方法从监测原理、适用范围和应用进展等方面进行了阐述。在此基础之上,详细介绍一种结合了全球植被水分指数和短波角度归一化指数的优势建立的旱情遥感监测模型和方法。以2010年春季西南地区旱情为应用案例,从监测模型方法、数据处理流程和应用分析等方面,介绍一种基于植被水分指数的旱情监测方法,并对其监测结果进行统计分析与评价。  相似文献   

中国目前已形成了地面巡护、近地面监测、航空巡护和卫星监测等4级立体林火监测层次,但森林火灾仍是造成中国森林资源损失、森林生态环境安全和人身伤害的主要林业灾害。为对林火预警监测技术研究提供技术借鉴参考,本文从可燃物参数估测、烟区识别、着火点检测、森林大火燃烧动态监测、森林火烧迹地制图、森林火灾受害程度评价、森林燃烧生物量估算和火后植被恢复监测等8个方面,对中国近二十多年来开展的林火卫星遥感预警监测应用技术的研究进展、存在的技术问题和发展趋势进行了分析,并对构建服务于生态文明建设的天—空—地一体化的林火预警监测技术体系建设进行了展望。  相似文献   

滑坡是全球发生最为频繁、造成损失最严重的自然灾害之一,滑坡表面形变测量对于滑坡的早期识别、监测和预警具有重要意义.雷达遥感具有非接触式大范围空间连续覆盖和高精度形变测量等优势,在滑坡地质灾害领域中取得了广泛的应用.本文概述武汉大学干涉雷达遥感团队近几年在利用雷达遥感监测滑坡形变方面的研究内容,包括:雷达遥感在滑坡形变监...  相似文献   

青海玉树地震灾情遥感应急监测分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2010-04-147时49分,中国青海省玉树藏族自治州结古镇附近(北纬33.2°,东经96.6°)发生了Ms7.1级地震。利用灾后高分辨率航空影像,结合震前北京一号小卫星、SPOT正射影像,在分析地质构造背景基础之上,从房屋建筑物损坏情况、生命线工程的损毁程度以及次生灾害的调查等方面开展了灾情遥感应急监测工作,为地震应急决策救援提供宏观、科学(定性、定量)的辅助决策依据。  相似文献   

农作物长势综合监测——以印度为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邹文涛  吴炳方  张淼  郑阳 《遥感学报》2015,19(4):539-549
提出农作物长势综合监测方法,利用卫星遥感得到的NDVI时间序列数据,综合采用实时监测、过程监测和时间序列聚类监测方法,明确不同方法适用的监测尺度及监测目的,对不同范围农作物长势进行监测。改进了Crop Watch全球农情遥感速报系统运行化作物长势监测方法,克服了原有作物长势监测中实时监测方法无法反映相同区域苗情在整个生长过程中的连续变化情况的缺点。实现对相同区域作物长势连续变化的定量描述,可对作物长势进行更准确的判断。利用官方发布的作物单产变幅数据,对单产变幅较大的12个作物主产省区作物长势监测结果的准确性进行判断,结果表明:6个邦的实时监测和聚类监测方法所得结果一致,都符合作物单产变化的实际状况;4个邦的聚类监测方法所得结果对作物长势监测更为准确,更符合该区域作物单产的实际变化;1个邦实时监测结果对作物长势监测比聚类监测方法更为准确;只有1个邦采用两种方法对作物长势的监测存在误差,聚类监测方法在对农作物生长过程的连续监测及空间分布的定量化表述方面,比实时监测更为准确。3种方法可以综合使用,实现业务化运行的农作物长势监测。  相似文献   

黑龙江省矿集区尾矿库遥感监测与分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尾矿库是一个具有高势能的人造泥石流危险源,存在溃坝危险,一旦失事,容易造成重大或特大事故。尾矿库不仅占据了大量的土地资源、破坏土地植被,给环境安全带来隐患,同时尾矿中含有的各种重金属矿物和毒性物质经过淋滤和渗透,会严重污染尾矿库周边和下游的生态环境。为实现对尾矿库的遥感监测与分析,以黑龙江省重点矿集区尾矿库为研究对象,利用高分辨率遥感图像建立准确的遥感解译标志,对尾矿库进行遥感解译;利用GIS软件提取尾矿库的相关信息,摸清现有尾矿的基本类型、堆存数量、地理位置和有害因素等;同时了解和掌握尾矿堆放区的环境地质情况和生态状况,以期为尾矿库的监督和管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

泥石流灾害对流域植被、土壤、水体等生态环境要素具有极强的破坏作用,快速有效地监测灾害影响区内生态环境的变化对防灾减灾工作有着重要意义。本文选取白龙江流域泥石流灾害为研究对象,利用多期次遥感影像提取了生态因子信息,构建了生态质量评价模型。结果表明,基于时间序列影像的遥感监测能够有效地刻画灾害发生前后的区域生态变迁过程,对地质灾害区的生态监测和修复具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

昆承湖水质状况遥感监测与空间特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
何磊  童玲  李玉霞 《测绘科学》2015,40(4):58-62
针对镇域水资源常规的监测方法不能满足对水质适时、大尺度的监测评价要求等问题,该文以江苏常熟辛庄镇昆承湖为例,分析叶绿素a(Chl-a)和悬浮物(SS)浓度值与水体归一化反射光谱、一阶微分反射光谱特征的关系,运用PEARSON法分析两者之间的相关性,确定Chl-a和SS的敏感波段,利用Chl-a和SS敏感波段归一化光谱反射值和实测浓度数据建立了水质参数反演模型。采用同时相ETM遥感数据对水质参数(叶绿素a和悬浮物)浓度进行遥感定量反演,并根据反演结果分析镇域水体污染空间分布特征。结果表明,对水质参数几个最大正(负)相关的光谱值进行波段组合处理可以提高反演精度,并且模型反演值和实测浓度值之间误差较低。通过对叶绿素、悬浮物等水质参数反演实现了对昆承湖水体污染状况的快速、准确和动态的信息获取和评价,有效地实时监测镇域水体在空间和时间上的变化状况和特性。  相似文献   

Drought is one of the most frequent climate-related disasters occurring in Southwest China, where the occurrence of drought is complex because of the varied landforms, climates and vegetation types. To monitor the comprehensive information of drought from meteorological to vegetation aspects, this paper intended to propose the optimized meteorological drought index (OMDI) and the optimized vegetation drought index (OVDI) from multi-source satellite data to monitor drought in three bio-climate regions of Southwest China. The OMDI and OVDI were integrated with parameters such as precipitation, temperature, soil moisture and vegetation information, which were derived from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Land Surface Temperature (MODIS LST), AMSR-E Soil Moisture (AMSR-E SM), the soil moisture product of China Land Soil Moisture Assimilation System (CLSMAS), and MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (MODIS NDVI), respectively. Different sources of satellite data for one parameter were compared with in situ drought indices in order to select the best data source to derive the OMDI and OVDI. The Constrained Optimization method was adopted to determine the optimal weights of each satellite-based index generating combined drought indices. The result showed that the highest positive correlation and lowest root mean square error (RMSE) between the OMDI and 1-month standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI-1) was found in three regions of Southwest China, suggesting that the OMDI was a good index in monitoring meteorological drought; in contrast, the OVDI was best correlated to 3-month SPEI (SPEI-3), and had similar trend with soil relative water content (RWC) in temporal scale, suggesting it a potential indicator of agricultural drought. The spatial patterns of OMDI and OVDI along with the comparisons of SPEI-1 and SPEI-3 for different months in one year or one month in different years showed significantly varied drought locations and areas, demonstrating regional and seasonal fluctuations, and suggesting that drought in Southwest China should be monitored in seasonal and regional level, and more fine distinctions of seasons and regions need to be considered in the future studies of this area.  相似文献   

聂娟  邓磊  郝向磊  刘明  贺英 《遥感学报》2018,22(3):400-407
高分四号(GF-4)是国家高分辨率对地观测系统重大专项天基系统中的一颗地球同步卫星,为探索GF-4号卫星在大面积干旱监测中的应用,本文对该卫星在快速监测大面积干旱方面的应用能力进行了初步探讨。以2016年内蒙古自治区巴林左旗和巴林右旗地区严重旱灾为例,利用NDVI差值对该区域的干旱情况进行了监测,并与MODIS NDVI产品进行对比分析,得到了研究区内2016年干旱分布情况,结果表明其总体趋势与MODIS NDVI产品一致,且细节信息更加丰富。本文主要是GF-4卫星数据结合GF-1卫星数据对内蒙部分干旱区域进行监测和分析,体现了国产高分辨率卫星数据,尤其是GF-4卫星数据,对提高中国突发灾害的应对能力具有重要意义。  相似文献   

邱凤  霍婧雯  张乾  陈兴海  张永光 《遥感学报》2021,25(4):1013-1024
多角度遥感观测是研究植被冠层BRDF(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function)特性的重要手段,但目前对森林冠层进行连续间隔采样的多角度遥感观测及数据较少,热点方向的观测尤为缺乏.本研究基于无人机多角度高光谱成像系统,在主平面上对针叶林冠层以等角度连续间隔采样进行多...  相似文献   

时间序列分析方法对短期建筑物变形预报具有较高的模型拟合及预报精度.本文从时间序列预测算法原理出发,阐述了使用此方法对所获得的桥梁变形监测数据进行模式识别、模型建立及预报的过程,并利用MATLAB实现了编程代码.通过对某桥梁变形监测预报的应用表明,该方法实用性较强,可以及早为桥梁变形做出预警,以避免或减少灾害的发生..  相似文献   

The combined powers of Web-based geographic information systems (GIS) and on-line remote sensing tools can significantly reduce the high cost and labor associated with environmental monitoring and natural resource management. This paper introduces an integrated Web-based GIS architecture by combining three levels of geographic information services (GIServices): data archive, information display, and spatial analysis. A prototype Web site, WGAT (Web-based GIS and Analytic Tools), has been developed to provide easy access of geospatial information and to facilitate Web-based image analysis and change detection capabilities for natural resource managers and regional park rangers. The Web-based integration framework emphasizes user-oriented services, distributed network environments, metadata standards, communication protocols, client/server computation, and ubiquitous access.This paper forms a portion of the Integrated Mobile GIS and Wireless Image Web Services for Environmental Monitoring and Management project supported by NASAs Affiliated Research Center (ARC) at San Diego State University. Funding by the NASA ARC program and matching funds from the San Diego State University Foundation are acknowledged and greatly appreciated. The author wishes to thank John Kaiser, the ARC program coordinator, and Dr. Douglas Stow, the ARC program Principle Investigator, for their coordination efforts on this project. Java programming was provided by Liang Guo, a geography graduate student at San Diego State University.  相似文献   

王迪  邹浜  文静  郭秦 《全球定位系统》2019,44(3):99-104
传统的边坡监测技术有着自动化程度低、警情上报慢和响应时间长等不足,为了克服传统技术的缺点,提出一种基于北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的边坡监测智能预警系统.该系统搭配目前主流的高精度接收机,其平面和高程监测精度均能达到毫米级;在灾情判断方面,结合了传统的点位稳定性分析方法和目前较新的图像移动判别技术,使得灾情的误报率进一步降低;本系统集合了数据处理、数据存储、数据分析、信息管理、灾害预警和跨平台信息发送等功能,一体化、自动化和智能化程度高.经过一段时间的实践证明,该系统运行正常,能有效减轻管理者的工作负担,具有一定的推广价值.  相似文献   

孙久虎 《测绘通报》2020,(3):129-133
针对目前土地遥感监测工作中存在的监测频次低和数据现势性差等问题,通过统筹获取国产卫星影像数据提升监测频次,设计了多源遥感影像的空间网格组织和调度方法,改变传统的影像切片发布模式,建立实时影像服务方法,大幅提升了土地督察遥感监测时效。通过在国家土地督察济南局试点应用,研发了云端一体化的土地督察遥感监测服务平台,实践证明基于空间网格的影像组织管理效率优于传统金字塔切片管理模式,有效支撑了违法用地、永久基本农田保护和城市开发边界突破等监测预警,应用成效显著。  相似文献   

王牲  江南  胡斌  魏清字  胡显志 《测绘科学》2010,35(2):164-166,53
对于动态监测太湖蓝藻水华空间分布的业务需求,构建相应遥感动态监测信息系统可以为之提供有力支持。本文从系统总体结构和系统技术流程角度介绍系统的构建思路,并且探讨研发本系统的关键技术。本系统采用系统配置与单体模式技术实现系统架构,并设计良好的数据结构组织影像数据处理过程,同时将当前蓝藻水华遥感信息提取的主要方法应用到系统影像建模中,使得本系统在太湖蓝藻水华遥感监测的业务化运行中取得明显效果。  相似文献   

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