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The alternating current losses have been investigated at 77 K on the silver-sheathed (Bi, Pb)-2223 multifilamentary tape having 37 filaments using an inductive technique under ac magnetic field with frequencies between 100 and 510 Hz. The measured data on the multifilamentary tape have been discussed vis-à-vis that reported for monofilamentary tapes. The results obtained could be accounted fairly well by considering contributions from the eddy current losses in the silver matrix along with the hysteresis losses in the superconducting filaments.  相似文献   

姚琲  李春艳  曾荣 《材料工程》2005,(10):13-16,41
采用SEM和TEM观测了经热压处理后的Ag/Bi(2223) 带材(Jc=56000A/cm2,在77K、自场)和只经过室温轧制处理的带材.与室温轧制的带材比较发现:即使在临近第二相的区域,热压处理后的带材结构也非常密实;热压处理后,晶体缺陷诸如裂缝、亚晶界、残余无定形态和中间相等,易阻碍或中断电流传输的缺陷显著减少;热压处理后带材的位错密度基本相同,但在某些区域分布不均匀或呈网状结构;在一定方向上晶界能捕获途经它的位错;热压过程促使第二相部分转变为超导相Bi(2223),进而提高带材的载流能力.  相似文献   

采用常规的形变热处理工艺制备Bi2223带材,通过X射线衍射仪、超导量子干涉仪和标准四引线法研究热处理气氛对带材中Bi2201相含量及载流能力的影响.结果表明,Bi2201相是影响带材临界电流的重要因素,而热处理气氛影响Bi2201相含量,通过一种复合热处理(热处理过程中使用2种气氛)可以消除带材中的Bi2201相.优化热处理工艺后,带材临界电流从78A增加到103A.  相似文献   

张进治  何艾生 《功能材料》1998,29(3):333-334
研究了Bi(2223)超导体磁屏蔽筒的磁屏蔽效应,从而得出磁屏蔽效果与超本的屏蔽空间大小有关,以及将0.3mm厚的软铁筒放于两超导体屏蔽筒之间,可使磁屏蔽效果提高为单超导体蔽筒的21倍的结论。  相似文献   

High-T c superconducting joints between Ag-clad Bi-2223 tapes have been developed for persistent current applications. Two presintered tapes with one side of the silver stripped were lapped and then wrapped by a silver foil. The complex was uniaxially pressed followed by appropriate sintering to form a high-T c superconducting tape joint. It was found that the ratio of critical currents through the joint to that of the tape,I cj/Ic, depended on the uniaxial pressure and the sintering conduction. At liquid-nitrogen temperature 77 K,I cj/Ic=99% has been achieved. Persistent current loops formed by Bi-2223 tapes have also been fabricated and tested. Joint resistance of a loop was determined to be 4×10–13 between the decay time of 120 and 3600 sec.  相似文献   

本文主要研究了Bi223/Ag带材的弯曲应力-应变特征及弯曲疲劳对其在77K自场下临界电流的影响。分析临界电流Ic降低的原因是应变和热循环引起的超导陶瓷芯内部的微裂纹。实验研究发现当带材的弯曲应变超过0.3%以后,Ic显著降低;当带材受到多次弯曲时,前四次弯曲会使Ic急剧降低,然后Ic降低非常缓慢。因此,在实际应用过程中,应使Bi223/Ag带材的弯曲应变不超过0.3%,且在Bi223/Ag带材的生产和使用过程中,均应尽量减少其弯曲的次数。  相似文献   

The processing of Ag/Bi(Pb)-2223 tapes via the prevailing solid state reaction was investigated. A precursor powder of the composition Bi1.86Pb0.26Sr1.96Ca1.95Cu2.97O10+ containing mainly Bi-2223 phase was employed. Particular attention was devoted to the microstructural properties of the tapes subjected to rolling and subsequent heat treatment in one, two, and three steps, respectively. A sharp texturing gradient exists in the superconducting cores, and the repeated treatment leads to deterioration of the superconducting properties. The latter effect is ascribed to the formation of periodic defects arising during the repeated rolling of the sintered superconducting core.  相似文献   

The field dependence of real () and imaginary () component of ac susceptibility of superconductors within the critical state model can conveniently be used for evaluating the critical current when field amplitude is larger than the penetration field. A method to analyze the real () and imaginary () component of fundamental ac susceptibility with the objective of extracting the temperature dependence of critical current density J c(T) is reported. The procedure makes use of the ac susceptibility data of two polycrystalline (Bi-Pb)-2223 samples measured with different excitation amplitudes below and close to the critical temperature. The temperature dependence of J c is extracted using the isothermal scan over and data. Results obtained from this procedure are found to be in fair agreement with J c(T) calculated from traditional loss-maximum data.  相似文献   

To improve on present critical current (J c) performance, multifilamentary Ag/Bi-2223 tapes with a large range of reduction rates were manufactured. The relative core mass density D was calculated, dependent on the measured geometric dimensions of the tapes. Experimental results, D vs. J c, D vs. maximum pinning force density F max , and D vs. irreversible magnetic field B irr, are quantitatively formatted. In particular, the magnetic field dependence of J c is critically dependent on its core density. If the core density increases by 10%, J c of the tapes in this experiment is enhanced by as much as 100%. Therefore, in the present state of the technological process for manufacturing Ag/Bi-2223 tape, increasing the core density is clearly a significant strategy in improving the electronic and magnetic properties of the tapes and enhancing the capacity for carrying current at high magnetic fields. The limit of the bulk self-field-J c can be calculated by the relationships of J c vs. D. The limit is estimated to be on the order of 200 kA/cm2 for multifilamentary Bi-2223 tapes, which was supported by magneto-optical (MO) magnetization measurements results. It is a hard task to approach this limit with the present state of the art in manufacturing Ag/Bi-2223 tape, and it is the time to suggest some new ideals for Bi-2223 tapes to promote large-scale applications.  相似文献   

A controlled gelation method through an acrylate route is identified for the synthesis of high quality precursors for the production of bulk (Bi,Pb)-2223 superconductors. The method overcomes the problem of undesirable precipitation of crystallites during gelation by controlling the vapour loss from the sol and the temperature and leads to an amorphous gel which on subsequent processing results in a highly reactive and homogenous precursor. (Bi,Pb)-2223 superconductors prepared from the precursor have shown highly enhanced properties with respect to final phase purity, sintered density, microstructure and critical current density compared to those prepared from conventional solid state precursors.  相似文献   

N. Nanato 《低温学》2007,47(1):8-11
This paper presents the electric insulated type detection method of the temperature rise in the Bi2223/Ag tape using the time-frequency visualization of AE signals based on the wavelet transform. At the high operation temperature, the specific heat and the normal zone propagation velocity of the Bi2223/Ag tape are high and low, respectively, and therefore the local and excessive temperature rise is easy to generate in the superconducting-to-normal transition. As a result, the Bi2223/Ag tape is degraded or burned. In the proposed method, AE signals accompanying with the temperature rise are measured by an AE sensor, and furthermore AE signals are precisely and visually measured and estimated by the time-frequency visualization using the wavelet transform. Experimental results show the feasibility of the proposed method as the detection method of the temperature rise in the Bi2223/Ag tape.  相似文献   

用刮浆刀法制备Bi(Pb)SrCaCuO/Ag复合带材   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The development of the fabrication process of Ag-sheathed Bi(2223) tapes has been carried out in order to improve their transport and mechanical properties, as required by the power applications which are so far under study. Critical current density values of 28 kA/cm2 at 77 K have been achieved on long multifilamentary Bi(2223) tapes, with a fabrication process that has been successfully employed in the fabrication of samples longer than 50 m. The microstructure and homogeneity of Ag-sheathed multifilamentary Bi(2223) tapes has been markedly improved by employing an alternative deformation technique. In a substantial part of the fabrication process, swaging, drawing, and rolling have been replaced by deformation with an active turks-head machine, which allows the deformation of rectangular shaped wires. At present, critical current densities in excess of 25 kA/cm2 at 77 K have been achieved on long samples prepared with this technique. Moreover, innovative filament configurations have been employed for the fabrication of square-shaped Bi(2223) wires with reduced anisotropy and with critical current densities exceeding 20 kA/cm2 at 77 K.  相似文献   

T.-M. Qu  Y. Song  L. Zhao  P. Li  Z. Han 《低温学》2007,47(2):127-131
Optimization heat-treatments have been performed on multi-filament Bi-2223/Ag superconducting tapes under 1 bar total gas pressure, the oxygen partial pressure being 8.5%. In a first heat-treatment (HT1), the tapes were sintered within 822-838 °C for 1-50 h. After intermediate deformation, all the samples underwent the second heat-treatment (HT2) at 825 °C and 830 °C for 20 h followed by a thermal sliding procedure. The relative content of the phases present in HT1 samples was measured by XRD. It was found that the Bi-2212 phase content after HT1 strongly influences the values of Jc after HT2. There is a correlation between the amount of Bi-2212 phase after HT1 and the final Jc values after HT2. A maximum of Jc was found for a ratio of 0.15 between Bi-2212 and Bi-2223.  相似文献   

DC magnetization and AC complex susceptibility measurements on (Bi,Pb) : 2223 high-temperature superconductors impurified with various amounts of BaZrO3 are presented. The results are discussed in the frame of the critical state model, and the values of the inter- and intragranular critical current density as well as of the field for full penetration are estimated. The values of the intergranular critical current density are consistent with those obtained from transport measurements. The intragranular critical current density and the field for full penetration have similar values from both DC magnetization and AC susceptibility measurements. It was shown that, in the (Bi,Pb) : 2223 system, BaZrO3 impurification changes only the properties of the intergrain matrix, while the superconducting properties of the grains are not modified.  相似文献   

The effects of local characteristics on the performance of full length Bi2223 multifilamentary tapes are investigated computationally and experimentally at 77 K and self-field. Generally the current-voltage characteristics of superconductors are described by the standard power law model with parameters such as critical current Ic and index n. By measuring the critical current {Ici} and index {ni} values of local tapes, we can get the critical current Ic and n value of full length tapes by means of statistical method. The results show that the distribution of local critical currents are non-uniform, and local critical currents have important effect on the performance of the entire tapes. The critical current of the entire tape is different from the mean value of local critical current based on Gaussian statistical distribution along the long tape.  相似文献   

It has been found that the degree of thermal stability of Bi(Pb)-2223/Ag pancake-shaped coils at 77 K can be determined by controlling the amount of matrix and superconducting materials during processing. The intermediate deformation step between sintering stages has been found to be crucial in optimizing the performance of the processed composite tapes as well as governing the thermal stability of the subsequently made pancake-shaped coils. Results obtained from numerical analysis of the finite element method has shown that monolayer coils produced from Bi(Pb)-2223/Ag composite tapes are thermally very stable with high values of the fill factor. However, increasing the number of co-wound tapes would require either a reduction in the fill factor or an increase in cooling rate for thermal stability to be sustained as would otherwise be achieved with the metallurgically same single tape.  相似文献   

True zero-field critical current densityJ c of a well-characterized BPSCCO/Ag tape has been determined by means of high-resolution ac susceptibility in the temperature range 77–110 K. The resultant values (30,000 A/cm2 at 77 K) agree well with the transportJ c of the same tape. Because of a very thin BPSCCO, the coreJ c determined from the imaginary part of the ac susceptibility is nearly the same as the zero field one. AllJ c 's follow the same (1-T/T c )n withn=1.45 dependence.J c shows an approximateH –0.5 field dependence over the explored temperature range. Accordingly, the variations ofJ c withT andH seem to be determined by the flux creep.  相似文献   

Experiments showing hysteresis of critical currents versus the external magnetic field Ic(Be) were performed with two multifilamentary Bi(2223)/Ag tapes. The Ic(Be) hysteresis is observable in the transversal as well as in the longitudinal orientation of the long axis of the tape with respect to the magnetic field. Based on the idea that the hysteresis is the effect of trapped flux in a network of well-connected current paths, a way to overcome this effect has been proposed and experimentally verified. The induced frozen-in screening currents are split into several parallel current patterns by cycling the external magnetic field around the adjusted value. Using the proposed method, the ‘neutral’ Ic(Be) characteristics have been found. Approximate calculations of the penetration depth of the trapped flux show that the network of well-connected current paths could be formed by several disk-shaped grains (≈ Φ8 × 0.4 μ) stacked into more or less axially ordered (quasi cylindrical) colonies of average dimensions estimated to ≈ Φ8 × 4 μm.  相似文献   

(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3(BNT)基无铅压电陶瓷研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苏鑫明  张梅  王习东  李文超 《材料导报》2006,20(5):37-40,43
(Bi0.5Na0.5)TiO3(BNT)基无铅压电陶瓷体系是目前研究最广泛的功能陶瓷材料之一.综述了BNT基无铅压电陶瓷的研究现状,讨论了相关体系的设计方法、铁电性、压电性以及BNT体系的制备方法.分析比较了BNT系压电陶瓷与Pb(Zr,Ti)O3(PZT)压电陶瓷的性能差异以及存在的问题,对BNT基无铅压电陶瓷进行了展望.  相似文献   

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