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—An enhancement of the electrical conductivity in the upper layers in the subduction zones of southern Peru and northern Argentina is found by analyzing the solar quiet geomagnetic variations. This feature appears in a zone associated with large subduction angles. In this region high values of heat flow have been measured, therefore a one-dimensional thermal model is proposed using regional characteristic parameters to reproduce these values. It is found that thermal convection necessarily plays a contributing role. This effect may be produced by the ascending magma and fluids, which can explain the enhancement of the electrical conductivity.  相似文献   

Free-air gravity anomaly in plate subduction zones, characterized by island-arc high, trench low and outer-rise gentle high, reflects the cumulative effects of long-term crustal uplift and subsidence. In northeast Japan the island-arc high of observed free-air gravity anomaly takes its maximum about the eastern coastline. On the other hand, the current vertical crustal motion estimated from geological and geomorphological observations shows a gentle uplift in the land area and steep subsidence in the sea area with the neutral point near the eastern coastline. Such a discrepancy in spatial patterns between the free-air gravity anomaly and current vertical crustal motion can be ascribed to a change in the mode of crustal uplift and subsidence associated with the initiation of tectonic erosion at the North American-Pacific plate interface. We developed a realistic 3-D simulation model of steady plate subduction with tectonic erosion in northeast Japan on the basis of elastic/viscoelastic dislocation theory. Through numerical simulations with this model we found that simple steady plate subduction brings about the crustal uplift characterized by island-arc high with its maximum about the eastern coastline, while steady plate subduction with tectonic erosion, which is represented by the landward retreat of the plate interface, brings about gentle uplift in the land area and steep subsidence in the sea area with the neutral point near the eastern coastline. Therefore, if we suppose that tectonic erosion started 3–4 million years ago after the long duration of simple steady plate subduction, we can consistently explain both patterns of free-air gravity anomaly and current crustal uplift in northeast Japan.  相似文献   

The Normalized Full Gradient (NFG) method has widespread applications in the analysis of potential fields, especially the gravity and magnetic fields. This method is used to identify the lateral and horizontal density variations in the crust and lithosphere. In this study, the NFG method was applied to the gravity data of the Cretan Arc and its surroundings. Because of the tectonic features of the eastern Mediterranean, the Cretan Arc and the neighboring areas are seismically very active. Especially the subduction zone and the complicated crustal features have been defined applying many different geophysical methods. In this study, first the NFG method is tested with synthetic prisms (two cubes). After that, the NFG method was applied to the Bouguer gravity data of the Cretan Arc and its subduction zone (Hellenic subduction zone) and Hellenic subduction zone was defined with the foci depth data (USGS) along the south–north direction. Thus, geometry of the focal depth distribution has been created to determine probable media depths and their localizations. According to the NFG results, vertical structural transitions were observed at a depth ranging between 10 and 180?km. Also, these results were compared with the foci depth model and the other results of the related publications. Finally, some considerations in vertical solution with the NFG method have been presented and locations of the different structures at horizontally have been defined with application of the NFG method.  相似文献   

应用布格重力异常研究太行山地区地壳密度结构   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在深地震测深(DSS)资料约束下,使用做过地形校正的重力资料对太行山山前地区的深部构造进行研究.在4条测线上通过分层剥离的方法分别得到沉积层和莫霍面的空间图像以及深部密度界面的形态分布特征.研究结果表明,在太行山山前断裂带两侧地壳结构明显不同,西面高原地区沉积层较薄,平均在4 km以下;东侧华北平原地区多数在5 km以上,且起伏剧烈,对应于华北平原地区一系列次级的凹陷与隆起构造.莫霍面和康氏面在两侧均相对平缓,康氏面从东部的大约18 km增加到西北部山区的28 km左右;莫霍面深度从东南侧平原地区的大约34 km左右向西北侧埋深陡然增加到42~43 km.太行山断裂带表现为太行山重力梯级带,并在太行山山前地壳内各界面均发生错断,莫霍面和康氏面错断距离达4~5 km,这还证明太行山山前断裂带的确是深大断裂.  相似文献   

断裂区带变形分析方法及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
杨博  周伟  陈阜超  韩月萍 《地震工程学报》2010,32(3):215-219,225
应用GPS观测技术专门研究活动断裂区带的地壳形变及其服务于地震预测的数据处理方法目前还不够完善与充分。本文针对这一问题并结合实际的需求,从场的角度提出了适合于断裂区带活动特征分析的数据处理方法,并以川滇菱形块体东边界带为例,依据1999-2004年的GPS资料对其进行了简要分析。结果表明:①经过这种处理与描述可使人们从多角度更清楚全面地了解断裂及两侧的相对活动,及在空间上的演化特征;②走滑运动等值线显示川滇菱形块体东边界两侧相对活动量最大达15 mm/a,分布宽度约400 km,然而活动量的2/3只分布在断层两侧近100km的范围内,清晰而定量地显现了高剪切应变的积累与存在的空间;③走滑运动梯度显示川滇形块体东边界带南段变形大于北段;④张压性运动结果显示断裂两侧没有明显的差异变化。  相似文献   

It is well known that the quality of gravity modelling of the Earth’s lithosphere is heavily dependent on the limited number of available terrestrial gravity data. More recently, however, interest has grown within the geoscientific community to utilise the homogeneously measured satellite gravity and gravity gradient data for lithospheric scale modelling. Here, we present an interdisciplinary approach to determine the state of stress and rate of deformation in the Central Andean subduction system. We employed gravity data from terrestrial, satellite-based and combined sources using multiple methods to constrain stress, strain and gravitational potential energy (GPE). Well-constrained 3D density models, which were partly optimised using the combined regional gravity model IMOSAGA01C (Hosse et al. in Surv Geophys, 2014, this issue), were used as bases for the computation of stress anomalies on the top of the subducting oceanic Nazca plate and GPE relative to the base of the lithosphere. The geometries and physical parameters of the 3D density models were used for the computation of stresses and uplift rates in the dynamic modelling. The stress distributions, as derived from the static and dynamic modelling, reveal distinct positive anomalies of up to 80 MPa along the coastal Jurassic batholith belt. The anomalies correlate well with major seismicity in the shallow parts of the subduction system. Moreover, the pattern of stress distributions in the Andean convergent zone varies both along the north–south and west–east directions, suggesting that the continental fore-arc is highly segmented. Estimates of GPE show that the high Central Andes might be in a state of horizontal deviatoric tension. Models of gravity gradients from the Gravity field and steady-state Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE) satellite mission were used to compute Bouguer-like gradient anomalies at 8 km above sea level. The analysis suggests that data from GOCE add significant value to the interpretation of lithospheric structures, given that the appropriate topographic correction is applied.  相似文献   

Simple models, like the well-known point source of dilation (Mogis source) in an elastic, homogeneous and isotropic half-space, are widely used to interpret geodetic and gravity data in active volcanic areas. This approach appears at odds with the real geology of volcanic regions, since the crust is not a homogeneous medium and magma chambers are not spheres. In this paper, we evaluate several more realistic source models that take into account the influence of self-gravitation effects, vertical discontinuities in the Earths density and elastic parameters, and non-spherical source geometries. Our results indicate that self-gravitation effects are second order over the distance and time scales normally associated with volcano monitoring. For an elastic model appropriate to Long Valley caldera, we find only minor differences between modeling the 1982–1999 caldera unrest using a point source in elastic, homogeneous half-spaces, or in elasto-gravitational, layered half-spaces. A simple experiment of matching deformation and gravity data from an ellipsoidal source using a spherical source shows that the standard approach of fitting a center of dilation to gravity and uplift data only, excluding the horizontal displacements, may yield estimates of the source parameters that are not reliable. The spherical source successfully fits the uplift and gravity changes, overestimating the depth and density of the intrusion, but is not able to fit the radial displacements.  相似文献   

三维连续密度分布的重力计算及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
楼海  王椿镛 《地震学报》1999,21(3):297-304
给出了基于矩形网格模型的三维连续密度分布的重力解析公式.这种密度模型与一类地震层析算法采用的速度模型有相同的参数化形式.因此,地震层析成像的速度模型可以很方便地通过适当的速度密度函数转换为密度模型,从而进行地震 重力资料的综合解释.一致性的速度密度模型还有利于地震重力资料的联合反演.试验表明,在相同计算精度下,变密度分布情形的线性密度算法比常密度算法要快.利用这个算法对大别山东段的三维地震层析结果进行了地震重力的综合解释.  相似文献   

选取2009~2014年发生在云南地区、每个地震均在10个以上台站有记录的7412个地震数据,作走时曲线。同时为提高精度,重点对其中每个地震均在80%以上台站有记录的、ML≥3.0的83个地震数据,再作线性分析、折合走时曲线和区间稳定性分析,结合前人研究成果得到了研究区的初始地壳速度模型。选取2010~2014年云南省内M≥3.0的200次地震,采用Hyposat批处理方法迭代初始速度模型,以及对S波作分层速度拟合,得到云南地区的地壳速度模型,即2015云南模型:v_(P1)=6.01km/s,v_(P2)=6.60km/s,v_(Pn)=7.89km/s,H_1=20km,H_2=21km,v_(S1)=3.52km/s,v_(S2)=3.86km/s,v_(sn)=4.43km/s。基于新模型的地震重定位分析表明,云南地区地震事件大多发生于20km内的上地壳;对2011年3月10日盈江M5.8和2014年8月3日鲁甸M6.5典型地震进行重定位,得出震源深度分别与精定位结果和震中强震台震源距接近,表明新的一维速度模型能更好地反映研究区平均速度结构。  相似文献   

This paper selects the records of 7,412 earthquakes,each recorded by more than 10 stations in Yunnan between 2009 and 2014 to acquire the traveltime curves.Meanwhile,for improving precision,linear analysis,reduced traveltime curve and interval stability analysis are conducted focusing on the records of 83 earthquakes with M_L≥3.0 recorded each by≥80%of the stations,and by combining predecessors'research results,the initial crustal velocity model of the study area is obtained.By selecting 200 earthquakes with M≥3.0 occurring in Yunnan between 2010 and 2014,using the Hyposat batch location processing method to iterate the initial velocity model,and performing fitting to S waves layered velocity structure,we obtain the crustal velocity model for the Yunnan region,namely,the 2015 Yunnan model,with:v_(P1)=6.01km/s,v_(P2)=6.60km/s,v_(Pn)=7.89km/s,H_1=20km,H_2=21km,v_(S1)=3.52km/s,v_(S2)=3.86km/s,v_(Sn)=4.43km/s.Analysis on earthquake relocations based on the new model shows that most earthquakes occurring in Yunnan are at a depth of 10km-20km of the upper crust.The March 10,2011 M_S5.8Yingjiang and August 3,2014 M_S6.5 Ludian earthquakes are relocated,and the focal depths determined with the new model are respectively close to the precise positioning result and hypocentral distance to the strong motion stations at the epicenters,indicating that the new one-dimensional velocity model can better reflect the average velocity structure of the study area.  相似文献   

郑旭  周少辉 《华南地震》2022,42(1):86-96
俯冲带通常位于陆地板块与海洋板块或者海洋板块之间的交界处,地质构造复杂,地震活动频繁.在南海海域,马尼拉海沟俯冲带对中国海洋战略及近海重大工程的实施位置至关重要.在缺少实际地震数据的前提下,为分析马尼拉海沟俯冲带地震动及其衰减关系特征,通过采用随机有限断层法模拟该俯冲带地震动,分析地震动加速度时程及反应谱特点,同时分别...  相似文献   

— We developed a 3-D simulation model for long-term crustal deformation due to steady plate subduction in and around Japan by incorporating viscoelastic slip-response functions into a realistic 3-D plate interface model, constructed on the basis of the topography of ocean floors and hypocenter distributions of earthquakes. The lithosphere-asthenosphere system is modelled by an elastic surface layer overlying a Maxwellian viscoelastic half-space. Kinematic interaction at plate interfaces is rationally represented by the increase of tangential displacement discontinuity (fault slip) across the interfaces. With this model, giving the steady slip rates at plate interfaces calculated from NUVEL-1A, we simulated long-term crustal deformation due to steady plate subduction in and around Japan. The simulated crustal deformation pattern is characterized by steep uplift at island arcs, sharp subsidence at ocean trenches and gentle uplift at outer rises. The numerical results show the strong dependence of the deformation pattern on the 3-D geometry of plate interfaces.  相似文献   

对海域地震区划中涉及的我国海域有影响的俯冲带地震动参数预测模型研究进展与阶段性成果进行介绍,基于资料、回归方法等,对地震动参数预测模型建立过程进行说明。依托可靠的强震加速度记录与宽频带速度记录,采用使结果更稳定的分步回归方法,考虑俯冲带深大地震断层尺度与震源深度影响选取新的预测模型。针对我国海域实际地震环境,新的预测模型重点关注了对俯冲带长周期地震动的估计。  相似文献   

沂沭断裂带地壳垂直形变的演化及其构造含义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王若柏  扬国华 《中国地震》1995,11(2):174-180
本文使用多期精密水准资料,经采用统一的计算方法和起算标准处理后,分别对沂沭断裂带上的山东和苏鲁皖地区地壳垂直形变场及其演化特征进行了深入的分析,并结合地震地质背景、区域应力场、地震活动特征等研究了地震危险性问题。  相似文献   

在我国大陆开展的流动重力重复观测是监测地震前兆异常的主要技术手段之一。 对大地震前流动重力场观测资料研究结果表明, 区域性持续的重力场增加和减少与大地震发生有显著关系。 目前, 区域重力场变化监测已经成为一种常规前兆观测技术手段。 本文首先从三维倾斜台阶模型入手, 计算了理论重力异常, 并对异常进行变换, 找到了一种可以更好刻画其场源边界的方法, 并进一步应用空间相关系数法进行异常特征分析, 得到了从概率意义上估计危险区的方法。 最后, 本文尝试运用此方法对青藏高原东缘地区1998—2005年的四期流动重力测网资料进行处理和分析。 应用本文提出的异常处理技术, 可有效地圈定异常梯级带位置, 确定质源体边界形态, 并可以联合背景重力异常场等其他资料, 给出危险区发震概率的空间估计, 分析结果在年度震情会商中可以有效地对地震危险区的划定提供技术支持。  相似文献   

In this paper, we firstly analyze the "3,400 travel time table" used for a long time in Xinjiang Seismological Network to obtain the velocity structure models in accord with the table by fitting. Then we fit the velocity of all seismic phases recorded in Xinjiang region in January 2009 ~ December 2013. Simulation analysis is done on the reliability and stability of the velocities, and a concept is proposed for building subarea crustal velocity models according to partitioning of seismic cluster regions. The crustal velocity model suitable for the Yutian area is fitted with the data of all phases of seismic events within a radius of 1 ° around the 2014 Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake since January 2009, and the model is applied to the relocation of the Yutian Ms7. 3 earthquake and determination of focal depths of the earthquake sequence.  相似文献   

张永  张永志  瞿伟 《地震工程学报》2015,37(4):996-1000
基于向错-位错组合模型模拟渭河盆地内主要断层的滑动与转动运动变形,通过数值计算获得断层滑动及转动变形引起的地表水平位移,并与盆地内实测GPS水平位移进行了对比。结果表明:采用向错-位错组合模型能够完整地描述断层实际的滑动与转动运动变形状态,组合模型模拟断层滑动与转动引起的地表水平位移与实测GPS水平位移,无论在量级或是运动趋势上均具有较好的一致性特征。  相似文献   

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