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Exchange-biased CrMn/Co bilayers with various thicknesses of Co sputtered onto Si(1 0 0) substrates by the RF sputtering system have been studied. Double-shifted loops have been observed with the thickness of Co layer in a narrow range and become single-shifted loops after some cycles of measurement. Those results are interpreted as the association of positive and negative exchange bias.  相似文献   

A systematic study of exchange bias in MnPd/Co and MnPd/Co1−xFex bilayers has been carried out. Very large unidirectional anisotropy constant of 2.2 erg/cm2 and the appearance of double-shifted loops, ascribed to the coexistence of positive and negative exchange bias, have been observed. The dependence of exchange bias, unidirectional anisotropy constant and coercivity on thickness, temperature, annealing regime and Fe content has been investigated and discussed.  相似文献   

A systematic study of the magnetic properties by ion beam sputter-deposition system, was conducted in conjunction with the structure of FePt/FeMn multilayers fabricated onto MgO(0 0 1) substrates. Both parallel and perpendicular exchange biases were observed in the multilayers and were found to decrease drastically, as the deposition temperature is higher than 350 °C, which is evidently due to the interdiffusion at the interface. The thickness dependence study shows that the perpendicular magnetic anisotropy observed in the multilayers originates from surface anisotropy, being consistent with the decrease of perpendicular magnetic anisotropy as the deposition temperature is increased. The difference between parallel and perpendicular blocking temperatures that was clearly observed, is possibly due to the spin canting out of plane at the interface.  相似文献   

Strain in the La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 films has been tuned by varying substrate and film thickness, and its effects on magnetic anisotropy are studied based on the measurements of isothermal magnetization. Measuring the strain in the films by the out-of-plane lattice parameter (c), we found a strong dependence of the magnetic anisotropy constant (Ku) on strain. Ku decreases linearly from ∼−1.1×106 erg/cm3 for c=0.763 nm to 1.2×106 erg/cm3 for c=0.776 nm, corresponding to a change from tensile strain to compressive strain. Positive Ku signifies a uniaxial anisotropy with the easy axis perpendicular to the film plane, while negative Ku demonstrates an anisotropy of the easy plane character. Smaller or larger c leads a decrease or increase in Ku, which indicates the presence of other effects in addition to those associated with strain. Three distinctive processes for the magnetization are observed along the hard magnetic axis of the films on (001)SrTiO3, suggesting a possibility of strain relaxation even in ultra-thin films.  相似文献   

Recent experiments show that on rather thick Co films deposition of Cu or adsorption of CO or C can switch the magnetization direction along the surface normal. We present semi-empirical self-consistent tight-binding calculations for a semi-infinite hcp Co(0001) crystal. It appears that the contribution of the magnetic anisotropy-energy from the surface layer favors the in-plane alignment of magnetic moments. Various surface perturbations (Cu deposition or CO adsorption, artificial suppression of surface magnetization), however, reduce this contribution considerably or even change the sign of the electronic part of the magnetic anisotropy energy, thus making conditions for perpendicular magnetization more favourable.  相似文献   

We report thickness dependence of magnetic linear dichroism (MLD) of in situ grown NiO(0 0 1) films on Ag(0 0 1) substrate at the Ni L2 absorption edge. Antiferromagnetic domains at the surface of NiO(0 0 1) films are found to be preferentially aligned in-plane. For films thinner than a critical thickness tctc (20–40ML), we observe a softening of the in-plane magnetic domain alignments with increasing film thickness, arising from the strain-relaxation effects. Films thicker than tctc exhibits a residual in-plane anisotropy, possibly related to the finite-thickness effects.  相似文献   

The coercivity of a Co/Pt multilayer with out-of-plane anisotropy can be lowered greatly if it is grown onto an ultrathin NiO underlayer . By making use of this characteristic, a series of samples glass/NiO(10 Å)/[Co(4 Å)/Pt(5 Å)]3/Pt(x Å)/[Co(4 Å)/Pt(5 Å)]3 with different Pt spacer thickness have been prepared to determine the ferromagnetic (FM) coupling between Co layers across the Pt layer. The measurements of major and minor hysteresis loops have shown that the FM coupling between the top and bottom Co/Pt multilayers decreases monotonically with the Pt layer thickness and disappears above the Pt layer thickness of 40 Å. This thickness of 40 Å is much larger than that in the literature. In addition to the FM coupling between the top and bottom Co/Pt multilayers across the Pt spacer, there exists a weak biquadratic coupling, which induces the broad transition of the bottom Co/Pt multilayer.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of Co nanoparticles of 1.8 nm diameter embedded in Mn and Ag matrices have been studied as a function of the volume fraction (VFF). While the Co nanoparticles in the Ag matrix show superparamagnetic behavior with TB=9.5 K (1.5% VFF) and TB=18.5 K (8.9% VFF), the Co nanoparticles in the antiferromagnetic Mn matrix show a transition peak at ∼65 K in the ZFC/FC susceptibility measurements, and an increase of the coercive fields at low temperature with respect to the Ag matrix. Exchange bias due to the interface exchange coupling between Co particles and the antiferromagnetic Mn matrix has also been studied. The exchange bias field (Heb), observed for all Co/Mn samples below 40 K, decreases with decreasing volume fraction and with increasing temperature and depends on the field of cooling (Hfc). Exchange bias is accompanied by an increase of coercivity.  相似文献   

A TbFeCo film was deposited by DC magnetron sputtering and studied by transmission electron microscopy, polar and longitudinal magneto-optical Kerr effect, and magnetometry measurements. Transmission electron microscopy has shown the existence of lateral compositional inhomogeneity. Magneto-optical measurements have shown that the initial layer at the bottom consists of only magnetic perpendicular component and the top surface layer has a compositional inhomogeneity and consists of in-plane components and perpendicular one. The perpendicular components in the bottom and the surface layers have identical composition. Two in-plane components have been shown by magnetometry measurements. It is shown that phase segregation exists in the TbFeCo film and possible form of compositional inhomogeneity has been discussed. The two in-plane components are exchange coupled with a magnetization off-alignment of 35°. For the soft in-plane component, the in-plane and out-of-plane angular dependence of the exchange biasing is similar to those of the conventional one. Within temperatures from 100 to 300 K, the exchange field and the coercivity are both linear functions of temperature.  相似文献   

Epitaxial and c-axis oriented double perovskite Sr2CrWO6 thin films were prepared on SrTiO3 (100) and LaAlO3 (100) substrates by pulsed-laser deposition. Structural, magnetic and transport properties were found to be sensitive to the gas conditions employed during the deposition. A small amount of oxygen along with Ar during the deposition was found to be essential for B-site ordering; such films displayed lattice parameters close to the bulk value and display ferromagnetic metallic behavior. The Curie temperature observed above 500 K in these films is higher than bulk Sr2CrWO6 samples. Films grown without oxygen were observed to have long c-parameter and no B-site ordering; they were non-magnetic and semiconducting.  相似文献   

Superlattices of [001]fcc Co/Pd with varying Co thicknesses from one to eight atomic layers per modulation period were epitaxially grown on NaCl by vapour deposition in UHV. Transmission electron diffraction indicates lattice coherence between the Co and the Pd layers for Co thicknesses up to six atomic layers. If deposited at a substrate temperatureT s=50°C, only the superlattices containing Ci-monolayers show perpendicular magnetization. By raisingT s to 200°C, the perpendicular anisotropy for Co monolayers is increased, and is also observed for Co bilayers. We suggest that this is due tolayer smoothening, which increases Néel's interface anisotropy. For more than 6 atomic layers of Co a loss of coherence is observed atT s=50°C, accompanied by a structure transformation to hcp Co with a (0001)Co(111)Pd orientation.Non-epitaxial polycrystalline [111]-multilayers have a different anisotropy versus thickness behaviour. For such multilayers the range of Co thicknesses giving perpendicular magnetization is extended from 8 Å up to 12 Å atT s=200°C. The different behaviour of the single crystal [001] films is caused by a strong volume contribution to the anisotropy, which favours in-plane magnetization, opposing the perpendicular interface anisotropy. This easy-plane term is attributed to magneto-elastic anisotropy due to stretching of the Co layers, via a positive magnetostriction.  相似文献   

We have used soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering (XRMS) to search for the presence of an effective ferromagnetic moment belonging to the antiferromagnetic (AF) layer which is in close contact with a ferromagnetic (F) layer. Taking advantage of the element specificity of the XRMS technique, we have measured hysteresis loops of both Fe and CoO layers of a CoO(40 Å)/Fe (150 Å) exchange bias bilayer. From these measurements we have concluded that the proximity of the F layer induces a magnetic moment in the AF layer. The F moment of the AF layer has two components: one is frozen and does not follow the applied magnetic field and the other one follows in phase the ferromagnetic magnetization of the F layer. The temperature dependence of the F components belonging to the AF layer is shown and discussed.  相似文献   

The magnetocrystalline anisotropy of thin magnetic wires of iron and cobalt is quite different from the bulk phases. The spin moment of monatomic Fe wire may be as high as 3.4 μB, while the orbital moment as high as 0.5 μB. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) was calculated for wires up to 0.6 nm in diameter starting from monatomic wire and adding consecutive shells for thicker wires. I observe that Fe wires exhibit the change sign with the stress applied along the wire. It means that easy axis may change from the direction along the wire to perpendicular to the wire. We find that ballistic conductance of the wire depends on the direction of the applied magnetic field, i.e. shows anisotropic ballistic magnetoresistance. This effect occurs due to the symmetry dependence of the splitting of degenerate bands in the applied field which changes the number of bands crossing the Fermi level. We find that the ballistic conductance changes with applied stress. Even for thicker wires the ballistic conductance changes by factor 2 on moderate tensile stain in our 5×4 model wire. Thus, the ballistic conductance of magnetic wires changes in the applied field due to the magnetostriction. This effect can be observed as large anisotropic BMR in the experiment.  相似文献   

A structural and thermodynamic study of the newly synthesized single crystal Sr5Rh4O12 is reported. Sr5Rh4O12 consists of a triangular lattice of spin chains running along the c-axis. It is antiferromagnetically ordered below 23 K with the intrachain and interchain coupling being ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM), respectively. There is strong evidence for an Ising character in the interaction and geometrical frustration that causes incomplete long-range AFM order. The isothermal magnetization exhibits two step-like transitions leading to a ferrimagnetic state at 2.4 T and a FM state at 4.8 T, respectively. Sr5Rh4O12 is a unique frustrated spin-chain system ever found in 4d and 5d based materials without a presence of an incomplete 3d-electron shell.  相似文献   

The surface and bulk magnetic properties of amorphous FeNbB ribbons in as-quenched state are investigated using various non-destructive methods. The conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy has detected the presence of crystalline phase at both surfaces of ribbon sample while the bulk was amorphous. The coexistence of crystalline and amorphous phase was shown also in the X-ray diffraction pattern. Magnetic properties measured by bulk sensitive vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) strongly differs from the surface characteristics investigated by magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE).  相似文献   

The magnetic domain configurations of Fe 3d spins in Fe/CeH2 multilayers were measured by soft X-ray resonant magnetic scattering. The interface region could be probed by setting up X-ray standing waves due to the multilayer periodicity. By resolving first- and second-order magnetic scattering contributions, we show that the latter probe directly the magneto-crystalline anisotropy which is dominated by the Fe interface layers causing a spin reorientation transition when the temperature is lowered. Received: 30 May 2001 / Accepted: 4 July 2001 / Published online: 5 October 2001  相似文献   

The magnetic hysteresis of Fe57Ni43/Si(100) with magnetic anisotropy induced by an external field has been studied by Brillouin light scattering (BLS). The results are compared with those of the magneto-optic-Kerr-effect (MOKE) measurement and the vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). The BLS results show that the sample film has strong in-plane anisotropy. The angle between the magnetization and a 4.6 G applied magnetic field H reaches a maximum value of 45° when H lies along the hard axis. The coercivity and magnetic anisotropy field for the film obtained by the BLS are compared with the values obtained by the VSM and MOKE measurement.  相似文献   

The low-temperature magnetic ordering of the dimorphic DySi compound has been studied at 1.5 K by neutron diffraction on two polycrystalline samples. The samples comprise various amounts of the two orthorhombic modifications: CrB-type (Cmcm Nr. 63, all atoms at 4c site: (0, y, )) and FeB-type (Pnma Nr. 62, all atoms at 4c site: (x, , z)), both order antiferromagnetically (TN≈38 K). The CrB-type phase orders with a uniaxial structure with the wave vector q1=(0, 0, ) requiring a doubling of the c-axis. The Dy moments point along the linear chain with the shortest distance c. At 1.5 K, the ordered moment value is 8.57(1) μB/Dy atom.Two symmetry independent wave vectors describe the 1.5 K magnetic ordering of the FeB-type phase: q2=(0, , ) and q3=(0, 0.484(1), 0.0892(1)), coexisting in form of domains. In both structures the magnetic moments are confined to the (0 0 1) plane at an angle of 2(2)° and 22(3)° from the shortest axis b, respectively. Both structures correspond to sine wave modulations. The amplitude of the q2 wave is mo=7.5(1) μB/Dy atom and that of q3 8.2(1) μB/Dy atom. The wave vector q2 when referring to the (a, 2b, c) cell and the wave vector q=(0, 0, ) corresponds to a transversal modulation, which by a proper origin choice can be also described as an antiphase domain structure with two amplitudes. The moments point to the b-axis and are stacked in the sequence (+mo/2, −mo/2, −mo, −mo/2, +mo/2, +mo, …) along the c-direction, while tb acts as an antitranslation. For the q3 phase, the local moment value depends on the atom position in the wave. We also discuss the case where q3 and q2 act simultaneously in physical space.  相似文献   

The temperature magnetic phase diagrams, of the dimorphic DySi compound, have been studied in terms of wave vectors in the range 1.5-45 K, by neutron diffraction. The polycrystalline sample consists of 26% of CrB-type (Cmcm no. 63, all atoms at 4c site: (0, y, 1/4)) and of 74% of FeB-type (Pnma no. 62, all atoms at 4c site: (x, 1/4, z)). The CrB-ordering is described by the wave vector: q1=(0, 0, 1/2) over the entire magnetically ordered regime with a uniaxial magnetic structure along the shortest axis c. The FeB-type magnetic phase diagram reveals three distinct regions of magnetic ordering below TN and one first order transition at T2=23.5 K (on heating). The ordering is described by two symmetry independent magnetic vectors q2=(0, 1/2, 1/6) and q3=(0, q3y, q3z) with a temperature variable length. At 1.5 K q3y≈1/2 and q3z≈1/11. The two phases coexist in the form of domains. They differ in the moment orientation of the q3 phase that deviates by ∼22° from the b-axis in the (0, 0, 1) plane. The low temperature range (LT) 1.5 K—T2 subdivides into two regions: (i) LT-1, between 1.5 K—T1 where the relative amount of the two phases remains unchanged and in (ii) LT-2: T1-T2 where the amount of the incommensurate q3 phase increases at the cost of the commensurate q2 amplitude modulated structure which remains unchanged but fully disappears at the first order transition at T2=23.5 K. The q3 phase undergoes minor changes until 22 K and gets destabilised at T2 where the q3z component jumps from the LT value q3z≈1/11 to the HT value ≈1/7 and the q3y component increases from 0.484(1) to 0.495(1). (iii) The high temperature (HT) range T2-TN (TN=40±1 K) is described by a single wave vector q3. The disproportionation of the HT magnetic phase q3 below T2 into two coexisting distinct phases q2, q3 down to 1.5 K is an unusual phenomenon, to our knowledge observed for the first time. Various mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

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