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Remarkable diversity of size and health of offspring exists after normal pregnancies. When pregnancies are complicated by an extrinsic variable such as inappropriate maternal nutrition, birth weight and health of the neonate are substantially affected. The placenta is the organ through which respiratory gases, nutrients, and wastes are exchanged between the maternal and fetal systems. Thus, transplacental exchange provides for all the metabolic demands of fetal growth. Transplacental exchange is dependent upon uterine and umbilical blood flow, and blood flow rates are in turn dependent in large part upon vascularization of the placenta. Therefore, factors that influence placental vascular development will have a dramatic impact on fetal growth and development, and thereby on neonatal mortality and morbidity. Recent work from our laboratories has focused on the effects of nutrient intake during pregnancy on placental growth and vascular development. Both nutrient restriction of the adult dam and overnourishment of the adolescent dam during pregnancy suppress placental cell proliferation and vascularity. Furthermore, placental expression of angiogenic factors and their receptors, factors that are known to affect vascular growth, are perturbed by level of nutrition. Studies in this area will lead to improved methods to manage nutritionally-compromised pregnancies.  相似文献   

Phagocytic and nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reductive activities of blood neutrophils from 19 Holstein heifers were measured by light microscopic and spectrophotometric methods, respectively. These functional properties of neutrophils correlated well (r = 0.64) and varied significantly (P less than 0.05) among animals studied. Variations in phagocytosis and NBT reductive activities attributable to the source of sera were determined in experiments in which cells from the same cows and zymogen particles opsonized with heat-inactivated autologous or homologous sera were used. Variations attributable to the source of cells were determined in experiments in which cells from different cows and particles opsonized with pooled sera from all the cows were used. Most of the variation in phagocytic properties and NBT reductive activities was attributable to the source of cells (ie, each cow). The source of sera contributed slightly to the variation in NBT reductive activities, but not to the phagocytic properties. These results support the concept of functional heterogeneity of neutrophils among cows.  相似文献   

Fetal deer, in the last month of gestation, accumulate high concentrations of copper in the liver. Livers from fetal deer in late gestation were homogenised and fractionated by continuous sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The distribution of copper closely followed that of DNA; approximately two thirds of the metal was localised to the nuclear fractions with the remaining third in the cytosolic fractions. The fractionation procedure was repeated with digitonin, a lysosomal perturbant: lysosomes were disrupted and the marker enzyme, N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminidase, shifted from the particulate fractions to the cytosolic fractions; the distribution of copper was unaffected. Differential centrifugation of homogenate confirmed that approximately two thirds of the copper was associated with the nuclear fraction. Further confirmation of a nuclear localisation of copper was provided by X-ray microanalysis of purified nuclei.  相似文献   

In the period around parturition, cows experience an increased susceptibility for the development of Escherichia coli mastitis. This increased susceptibility has been correlated with a decreased functionality of neutrophils. In the current study, it is suggested that the decreased neutrophil functionality may be induced by the extensive alterations in sex steroid levels occurring around parturition. It was first hypothesized that 17beta-estradiol and progesterone influence the viability, apoptosis and necrosis of blood neutrophils from cows in their last month of gestation. Subsequently, it was hypothesized that 17beta-estradiol modulates the expression of CD11b, CD18 or CD47 thereby explaining its influence on the migration of bovine neutrophils. Neither 17beta-estradiol nor progesterone significantly influenced viability, apoptosis or necrosis in spontaneous apoptosis conditions. However, when apoptosis was induced with TNF-alpha and gliotoxin, progesterone exerted a survival effect (P<0.05). In addition, 17beta-estradiol treatment of bovine blood neutrophils significantly decreased the expression of CD47 (P<0.05) but not of CD11b or CD18. It can be concluded that 17beta-estradiol and progesterone do not affect spontaneous apoptosis of bovine blood neutrophils while a survival effect was observed for progesterone on induced neutrophils apoptosis. Moreover, our results concerning the influence of 17beta-estradiol on the CD11b, CD18 and CD47 expression extend previous demonstrations of the suppressive effect of 17beta-estradiol on neutrophils migration and indicate that the altered expression of CD47 may contribute to this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Two Swiss Braunvieh cows in late pregnancy underwent surgery because of a rare form of ileus due to strangulation of the duodenum at its caudal flexure by the gravid uterus. The whole uterus had passed through a gap between the mesoduodenum and duodenum and with increasing weight had led to strangulation of the duodenum. This was possible since the mesoduodenum and both walls of the greater omentum adjacent to its caudal edge were not connected with the duodenum, probably due to a congenital inhibitory malformation. A transsection and an end-to-end anastomosis of the duodenum were necessary in both cases since it was impossible to retract the gravid uterus through the defect. Postoperative recovering was uneventful in both cows, which were discharged after seven and five days respectively and calved normally about two months later. Copyright Harcourt Publishers Ltd.  相似文献   

Concentrations of amino acids, urea, glucose, fructose and corticosteroids were measured in maternal and fetal plasma from nine Scottish Blackface ewes during the last 35 days of pregnancy. During this period maternal plasma levels of most amino acids did not change significantly. In fetal plasma the concentrations of most amino acids decreased or remained relatively constant until about 20 days before birth (day -20) and then increased as term approached. Glucose levels in plasma from both sources did not change, but urea concentrations rose to maximum values about day -20. Except for valine and isoleucine, the concentrations of amino acids in fetal plasma varied independently of levels in maternal plasma up to day -20, but thereafter 10 amino acids, including seven essential amino acids, showed a significant positive correlation with maternal values. Possible causes of the observed variations in fetal plasma composition are discussed.  相似文献   

Pregnancy was terminated in 4 cows by manual rupture of the amniotic vesicle on day 41 (n = 1) and day 46 (n = 3) after insemination. Each cow was necropsied 36 days after vesicle rupture, by which time only one cow had come into estrus. Luteal activity, monitored daily by plasma progesterone assay, was still evident in 2 cows 35 days after fetal death; in the remaining 2 cows, regression of the corpus luteum (CL) was achieved at 28 and 32 days, respectively. Uterine release of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha), measured as the 15-keto metabolite (PGFM) PGF2 alpha, was monitored by a plasma sampling schedule; specimens were obtained every 4 hours. There were no appreciable releases of PGF2 alpha associated with fetal death. The first appreciable PGF2 alpha release in episodic form was seen only in conjunction with CL regression. In all cows, a palpable membrane slip was evident for 18 days after rupture of the amniotic vesicle, although at that time, uterine resilience was diminished in the 2 cows in which the CL subsequently regressed. After 18 days, the uterus was noticeably edematous and fluid-filled in all cows; in 1 of the cows with a regressed CL, the uterus had returned to prepregnancy size and tone by day 33.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Fetal activity and mobility and changes in diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in the uterine horns were studied in mares between days 69 and 81 of pregnancy by use of transrectal ultrasonography (n = 12) and transcervical videoendoscopy (n = 8). The insertion tube of the videoendoscope was positioned within the allantoic sac to permit viewing of the fetus and entrance to each uterine horn. Each uterine horn was divided ultrasonographically into 3 segments of equal length, and the horns were designated on the basis of side of umbilical attachment (cord vs noncord horns). The diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in the cornual segments increased (P less than 0.05) over the cranial (18.6 +/- 1.9 mm), middle (35.6 +/- 2.9 mm), and caudal (51.7 +/- 4.4 mm) segments, but differences between cord and noncord horns were not evident. Dynamic changes in diameter of the allantoic fluid compartment in cornual segments (ultrasonography) and at the entrance to each uterine horn (videoendoscopy) were detected (no significant difference between methods). During continuous videoendoscopic viewing (17 to 60 min/mare), extreme changes in allantoic fluid compartment diameter (76 to 100% of maximum to 0 to 25% of maximum or vice-versa) occurred an equivalent of 2.6 times/h/horn entrance; changes had an average duration of 3.4 minutes. A change from 100% (maximal diameter) to 0% (no visible lumen) or vice-versa occurred an equivalent of 1.3 times/h/horn entrance. Sometimes the uterine wall was so closely constricted++ around the fetal-amniotic unit that no intervening allantoic fluid was ultrasonographically detectable whereas at other times the uterus in the same location was widely dilated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   


Two herds of approximately 50 dairy cows were observed for oestrous behaviour for 6 weeks, 12 times a day for 30 minutes. It appeared that 3.08% of the pregnant cows showed oestrous behaviour during pregnancy (EBP) in such an intensity that they would have been considered in oestrus. With a less rigid oestrus detection threshold, 10.8% of the pregnant cows would have been considered to be in oestrus. Animals showed EBP during all months of pregnancy, but most of the behavior was observed in the middle of the gestation period.  相似文献   

Oxidative status during late pregnancy and early lactation in dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the last few years, the detection of free radical damage and the body's defences against it have become increasingly important in clinical medicine as a complementary tool in the evaluation of metabolic status. The aim of this study was to evaluate, under field conditions, the anti-oxidant status of healthy cows during late pregnancy and lactation onset using two parameters: (1) plasma levels of malondialdehyde (MDA), a degradation product of lipid peroxidation, and (2) total antioxidant status (TAS). Results were compared with those obtained in another group of cows with lesser metabolic demands. We also investigated possible relationships between antioxidant status markers and other relevant blood parameters. Our results confirmed the characteristic metabolic changes associated with late pregnancy and early lactation. MDA and TAS provided an accurate reflection of the internal physiological status of the animal. The data indicated increased lipid peroxidation around parturition, but with wide individual variations that may be attributable not only to the physiological stage but also to unknown factors that will have to be further considered in future studies.  相似文献   

Fetal amino acid nutrition and metabolism have been studied primarily in pregnant sheep. The umbilical uptake of amino acids changes during gestation, but at both mid- and late gestation the total supply exceeds that required for growth. Weight-specific protein synthetic rate decreases with increasing gestational age, and these changes are proportional to the changes in metabolic rate. The use of multiple tracer methodology coupled with measurement of net tracer fluxes into and out of fetal and placental tissues can be used to delineate amino acid metabolism in considerable detail. Such studies demonstrate that even essential amino acids can be oxidized extensively by the fetus. The oxidation rate of leucine exceeds its rate of accretion in tissue proteins. Glycine metabolism is unique in several ways; there is a large umbilical uptake of glycine without a measurable uterine uptake. In late gestation there is no significant umbilical uptake of serine, although there is a significant uterine uptake, suggesting net uteroplacental utilization. Glycine is oxidized within the fetal liver and used for serum production. The interorgan exchange of amino acids between the fetal liver and placenta is clearly of major importance for serine and glycine metabolism and is likely to be of major importance for most nonessential amino acids.  相似文献   

Average daily core body temperature and behavioural patterns of pregnant mares were studied, in search of definitive signs of parturition within 24 h of the event. Nineteen pony mares were sampled twice daily for core body temperature. A significant temperature drop, averaging 0.1 degrees C (0.2 degrees F) was observed during the day prior to parturition. Between 18.00 h and 06.00 h, during the two weeks before parturition, Thoroughbred and Standardbred mares (n = 52) spent an average 66.8 per cent of their time standing, 27.0 per cent eating, 4.9 per cent lying in sternal recumbency, 1.0 per cent lying in lateral recumbency, and 0.3 per cent walking. On the night before parturition, mares spent significantly less time lying in sternal recumbency than on previous nights and on the night of parturition all behaviour patterns except eating were significantly different from the nights of the two weeks before parturition. There was an increase in walking (5.3 per cent), lying in sternal recumbency (8 per cent) and lying in lateral recumbency (5.3 per cent) whereas standing (53.3 per cent) was decreased. In 58 observed pregnancies, 54 mares (97 per cent) foaled in a recumbent position and 50 mares (86 per cent) foaled between 18.00 h and 06.00 h.  相似文献   

The effects of pregnancy and of the onset of lactation on blood composition was studied in 21 Friesian cows. Among the 23 components studied only seven showed significant variations. Serum iron decreased at the end of pregnancy while creatinine increased throughout the last six months. There were decreases in blood glucose, cholesterol and alanine aminotransferase at the end of pregnancy. Triglycerides increased rapidly after drying-off and serum urea increased in the first month after calving.  相似文献   

The concentration of ovine placental lactogen (oPL) in maternal plasma varies with litter size and nutritional status, making it difficult to compare these concentrations across studies. In this study, 27 Dorset and Finn-Dorset crossbred ewes with litters of known size and gestational age were used to relate concentrations of oPL in maternal plasma to placental and fetal weights. Fetal oPL concentrations also were correlated to these variables in 12 chronically catheterized singleton fetuses. The concentration of oPL in maternal plasma increased with increasing placental weight across litter sizes ranging from 1 to 3 (r = .716). When expressed per gram of placenta, oPL was greater (P less than .05) in those ewes carrying multiple fetuses. There was no correlation between maternal and fetal oPL in time-matched samples or in average values between individuals for ewes carrying singleton pregnancies. Within the singleton group, placental weight and fetal weight were well correlated (r = .761), as were the concentration of fetal plasma oPL and fetal weight (r = .699). Placental weight plus fetal oPL could explain 81% of the variation seen in fetal weight. These results imply that maternal and fetal oPL release are controlled independently and that fetal oPL affects fetal growth by a mechanism not directly related to placental size.  相似文献   

Elevated concentrations of plasma fatty acids in transition dairy cows are significantly associated with increased disease susceptibility and poor lactation performance. The main source of plasma fatty acids throughout the transition period is lipolysis from adipose tissue depots. During this time, plasma fatty acids serve as a source of calories mitigating the negative energy balance prompted by copious milk synthesis and limited dry matter intake.Past research has demonstrated that lipolysis in the adipose organ is a complex process that includes not only the activation of lipolytic pathways in response to neural, hormonal, or paracrine stimuli, but also important changes in the structure and cellular distribution of the tissue in a process known as adipose tissue remodeling. This process involves an inflammatory response with immune cell migration, proliferation of the cellular components of the stromal vascular fraction, and changes in the extracellular matrix. This review summarizes current knowledge on lipolysis in dairy cattle, expands on the new field of adipose tissue remodeling, and discusses how these biological processes affect transition cow health and productivity.  相似文献   

Blood flow to the gravid and nongravid uterine horns of four multiparous Holstein cows (mean +/- SD, BW=641.8 +/- 95.4 kg; age=4.8 +/- 1.2 years; parity=3.0 +/- 1.2) was measured on days 225, 248, and 266 of gestation. Surgery was conducted on day 214.5 +/- 4.0 of gestation through the flank of the standing cows. Transit-time ultrasonic flow probes (diameter 12 or 14 mm) were fitted surgically around the uterine arteries of each cow. Surgery was completed within two hours of anesthesia, and the animals recovered rapidly following surgery. Uterine blood flow (UBF, l/min) was recorded at 10 sec intervals for approximately 23.5 hours; these values were averaged to determine UBF. The mean gravid UBF was significantly (P<0.05) greater than the nongravid UBF in this study. The range of the gravid and nongravid UBFs varied from 3.61 to 14.05 and 0.72 to 6.54 l/min, respectively. There were no changes (P>0.1) in the mean gravid and nongravid UBFs from day 225 to 266 of gestation.  相似文献   

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