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余海军  杜建明  张秀兰 《物理学报》2011,60(9):90305-090305
本文运用IWOP技术推导出Wigner算符的相干态显式,计算出一类特殊单模压缩态 |z〉f,g=exp[-(|z|2)/2 +(fz+gz*)a+fga+2]|0〉的Wigner函数解析式,通过数值计算可以看到,参数fg的任一个取值固定时,另一个参数的旋转取值会使得特殊 关键词: IWOP技术 Wigner算符 Wigner函数  相似文献   

《Physics letters. A》2006,349(5):291-296
In thermal field dynamics usually for every real field operator acting on a real space has an image acting on a fictitious space. In this work we construct a new kind of squeezed thermal state of continuum variables in which two real modes share one fictitious mode, this can be named the degenerate case. We also prove that this state-set makes up a new quantum-mechanical representation and show its application in solving some master equation.  相似文献   

本文仔细讨论了相位算子在单模压缩态光场中的行为,计算了压缩态下相位算子的平均值和涨落。在得到了严格的、普遍性的结果后我们详细地讨论了压缩真空态这一特殊情形下的结果。此外,本文还讨论了严格的结果在经典极限下的渐近行为。  相似文献   

We explore how a two-mode squeezed vacuum state sechθ ea+b+ tanh θ |00> evolves when it undergoes a singlemode amplitude dissipative channel with rate of decay κ. We find that in this process not only the squeezing parameter decreases, tanh θ → e-κt tanh θ, but also the second-mode vacuum state evolves into a chaotic state exp{b+bln[1 - e-2κt tanh2 θ]}. The outcome state is no more a pure state, but an entangled mixed state.  相似文献   

周南润  胡利云  范洪义 《中国物理 B》2011,20(12):120301-120301
We explore how a two-mode squeezed vacuum state sechθ ea+b+ tanh θ |00> evolves when it undergoes a singlemode amplitude dissipative channel with rate of decay κ. We find that in this process not only the squeezing parameter decreases, tanh θ → e-κt tanh θ, but also the second-mode vacuum state evolves into a chaotic state exp{b+bln[1 - e-2κt tanh2 θ]}. The outcome state is no more a pure state, but an entangled mixed state.  相似文献   

Using the way of deriving infinitive sum representation of density operator as a solution to the master equation describing the amplitude dissipative channel by virtue of the entangled state representation, we show manifestly how the initial density operator of a single-mode squeezed vacuum state evolves into a definite mixed state which turns out to be a squeezed chaotic state with decreasing-squeezing and deeoherence. We investigate average photon number, photon statistics distributions for this mixed state.  相似文献   

根据Pegg-Barnett 相位定义,计算了一种新的非线性叠加相干态的相位概率分布函数和光子数-相位压缩效应,并进行了数值模拟.  相似文献   

Reshaping the spatial profile, or mode, of a quantum state of light is one of the challenges in many quantum optics applications. We test the noise properties of a universal programmable mode converter and demonstrate that it can reshape the spatial mode of a beam while retaining its quantum properties. No detectable amount of noise is added to the light and only the standard transmission losses through conventional optical elements are found to affect the non-classical nature of the transformed light.  相似文献   

Theoretical investigations of dynamical behavior in optical parametric oscillators (OPO) have generally assumed that the cavity detunings of the interacting fields are controllable parameters. However, OPOs are known to experience mode hops, where the system jumps to the mode of lowest cavity detuning. We note that this phenomenon significantly limits the range of accessible detunings and thus may prevent instabilities predicted to occur above a minimum detuning from being evidenced experimentally. As a simple example among a number of instability mechanisms possibly affected by this limitation, we discuss the Hopf bifurcation leading to periodic behavior in the monomode mean-field model of a triply resonant OPO and show that it probably can be observed only in very specific setups.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate the phase sensitivity with parity measurement on a Mach–Zehnder interferometer with a coherent state combined with a squeezed number state. Within a constraint on the total mean photon number, we find, via parity measurement, that the mixing of a coherent state and squeezed number state can give better phase sensitivity than mixing a coherent state and squeezed vacuum state when the phase shift deviates from the optimal phase φ= 0. In addition,we show that the classical Fisher information for parity measurement saturates the quantum Fisher information when the phase shift approaches to zero. Thus, the quantum Crame′r–Rao bound can be reached via the parity measurement in the case of φ= 0.  相似文献   

Although squeezed states are nonclassical states, so far, their nonclassicality could not be demonstrated by negative quasiprobabilities. In this work we derive pattern functions for the direct experimental determination of so-called nonclassicality quasiprobabilities. The negativities of these quantities turn out to be necessary and sufficient for the nonclassicality of an arbitrary quantum state and are therefore suitable for a direct and general test of nonclassicality. We apply the method to a squeezed vacuum state of light that was generated by parametric down-conversion in a second-order nonlinear crystal.  相似文献   

Using a numerical computational method, quasiprobability distributions of new kinds of even and odd nonlinear coherent states (EONLCS) are investigated. The results show that the distributions of the new even nonlinear coherent states (NLCS) are distinct from those of the new odd NLCS and imply that the new EONLCS always exhibit some different nonclassical effects. Finally, with the aid of newly introduced intermediate coordinate-momentum representation in quantum optics, the tomograms of the new EONLCS are calculated. This is a new way of obtaining the tomogram function.  相似文献   

周军  范洪义  宋军 《中国物理 B》2012,21(7):70301-070301
We construct a new type of photon-added squeezed coherent state generated by repeatedly operating the bosonic creation operator on a new type of squeezed coherent state [Fan H Y and Xiao M 1996 Phys. Lett. A 220 81]. We find that its normalization factor is related to single-variable Hermite polynomials. Furthermore, we investigate its statistical properties, such as Mandel’s Q parameter, photon-number distribution, and Wigner function. The nonclassicality is displayed in terms of the intense oscillation of photon-number distribution and the negativity of the Wigner function.  相似文献   

梁修东  台运娇  程建民  翟龙华  许业军 《物理学报》2015,64(2):24207-024207
基于Husimi算符具有压缩相干态投影子形式, 首先介绍了一个新的量子算符表示, 即压缩相干态表示.当高斯展宽参数κ = 1时, 该函数约化为通常的P函数. 作为例子, 研究了热态的压缩相干态表示, 通过图示说明了压缩相干态表示与P函数的区别. 为更好地在量子光学问题中使用该表示, 我们揭示了压缩相干态表示与Wigner函数、Q函数以及Husimi函数间的积分变换关系.  相似文献   

The distribution of a modulated squeezed state over a quantum channel is the basis for quantum key distribution(QKD) with a squeezed state. In this Letter, a modulated squeezed state is distributed over a lossy channel. The Wigner function of the distributed state is measured to observe the evolution of the quantum state over a lossy channel, which shows that the squeezing level and the displacement amplitude of the quantum state are decreased along with the increase of the channel loss. We also measure the squeezing level in the frequency domain by the frequency shift technique. The squeezing of the modulated squeezed state at the modulation frequency is observed in this way. The presented results supply a reference for a QKD with a squeezed state.  相似文献   

We derive simple formulas for the higher-order moments of the quadrature operators operators of a two-field superposition by introducing a new generalized characteristic function depending on two complex variables. Using this formalism we investigate the preservation of higher-order squeezing during weak thermalization of an even coherent state.  相似文献   

吕菁芬  马善钧 《物理学报》2011,60(8):80301-080301
解析推导了任意光子扣除(增加)压缩真空态与压缩猫态的保真度. 研究表明,无论是光子增加还是光子扣除,最大保真度都随光子增加或扣除数目的增加而增加,且最大保真度对应的叠加态振幅也增加;此外,对于相同数目的增加和扣除光子数,光子增加后的最大保真度所对应的叠加态振幅比光子扣除所对应的叠加态振幅要大,而最大保真度略小一些. 尽管目前从实验上实现光子增加比光子扣除困难较大,但光子增加也可以成为获得大振幅猫态的一个有力手段. 关键词: 光子扣除压缩真空态 光子增加压缩真空态 压缩猫态 保真度  相似文献   

Squeezed state of light has drawn an enormous attention in information processing and digital communication since it has broken the quantum limit of noise. Here we have analytically investigated the interactions among coherent and vacuum squeezed states of light, interaction among coherent vacuum and squeezed states of light, and that between phase and amplitude squeezed states of light signals. Hence we established the nature of the resulting interaction with the help of photon statistics.  相似文献   

王继锁  孟祥国  梁宝龙 《中国物理 B》2010,19(1):14207-014207
Based on the Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen (EPR) entangled state representation, this paper introduces the wave function for the squeezed atomic coherent state (SACS), which turns out to be just proportional to a single-variable ordinary Hermite polynomial of order 2j. As important applications of the wave function, the Wigner function of the SACS and its marginal distribution are obtained and the eigenproblems of some Hamiltonians for the generalized angular momentum system are solved.  相似文献   

In this paper, the photon-added-then-subtracted squeezed vacuum state (PASSVS), a non-Gaussian state, is presented by adding then subtracting photon to a squeezed vacuum state. It is found that PASSVS is just a superposition state between S(r) | 0〉 and S(r) | 2〉, where S(r) is the single-mode squeezing operator with the squeezing parameter r. Its non-Gaussianity is exhibited via its Wigner function and the Hilbert–Schmidt distance. In addition, a possible scheme is presented to produce the PASSVS by virtue of the cavity QED.  相似文献   

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