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 腐蚀失效是压力管道失效的主要形式之一,研究腐蚀管道的可靠性具有重要理论意义和应用价值.在对腐蚀管道可靠性分析时,概率可靠性模型和模糊可靠性模型对于数据信息的要求较高.而在掌握不确定性信息很少情况下,为了充分利用管道的不确定性信息弥补原始数据的不足,可将腐蚀管道可靠性分析中的材料屈服强度、管道直径、缺陷深度和操作压力等不确定参数视为区间变量,基于区间模型建立一种在役腐蚀管道动态非概率可靠性模型,给出了腐蚀管道剩余寿命预测的简便方法.结合工程实例计算与分析,表明了文中所提出方法的可行性和合理性,并在此基础上,分析了管道的壁厚、缺陷深度、实际压力和腐蚀速率这些区间变量的不同变异系数对非概率可靠性指标的影响,分析结果表明非概率可靠性指标对管道壁厚的变异系数最为敏感.  相似文献   



票据票证将实施绿色印刷 国家新闻出版广电总局、环境保护部、工业和信息化部、国家认监委日前联合印发《关于票据票证实施绿色印刷的通知》,安排部署票据票证实施绿色印刷的有关工作。《通知》要求,从2013年起,各地要开始在票据票证领域宣传推广绿色印刷;  相似文献   

美工程师研制出新形式的“零维”碳纳米管 据物理学家组织网日前报道,美圜匹兹堡大学斯万森工程学院的工程师们研制出了一种新形式的“零维”碳纳米管,科学家们未来或可用此制造出超薄的电子设备和人造细胞,研究发表在著名的《德国应用化学》杂志上。该研究的主要领导者斯蒂芬·利特尔副教授表示:“自从问世以来,碳纳米管就承载了科学家们变革电子学、材料科学甚至医学的梦想。‘零维’碳纳米管为科学家们提供了一种制造出超薄且超快电子设备的可能。科学家们甚至还能用这种‘零维’碳纳米管制造出超坚固且超轻的汽车、桥梁和飞机。”  相似文献   

欧盟将启动对德国可再生能源法征税标准的诉讼程序 据德国《明镜周刊》2013年12月15日报道,关于德国可再生能源法案征税标准的争议即将被解决,欧盟委员会计划在2013年12月18日周三启动诉讼程序。欧盟委员会将对德国一些企业免交生态电能税款是否符合法律规定做出判断,如果这项规定不合乎法律,那么这些企业必须偿还这部分费用。数百家德国企业是否可以继续免于缴纳生态电能税款?当地时间2013年12月18日,欧盟委员会将开始针对该问题的诉讼程序,这一诉讼程序主要针对德国工业企业在能源方面的特权。  相似文献   

CQC通过CB体系国际同行评审 2013年11月22日,中国质量认证中心(CQC)作为我国惟一的IECEE国家认证机构(简称NCB),接受了来自TüV heinland、Intertek和TüV SUD PSB专家开展的CB体系国际同行评审。  相似文献   

美国公布统一的轮胎质量等级标准 2013年11月15日,美国公布统一的轮胎质量等级标准。统一的轮胎质量等级标准(UTQGS)包含产生关于乘用车轮胎耐磨指数、牵引力和耐温性消费者信息的详细测试程序。  相似文献   

 为研究重型车侧翻特性,建立准静态侧翻的系统理论计算模型,导出其侧倾力臂h和整车等效轮距B的理论计算公式,分析了各主要参数的影响,并以某重载搅拌车为例,计算了其准静态侧翻阀值,同时针对该车极限稳态回转试验,进行了防侧翻支架设计,并利用稳态回转试验,对理论计算模型及支架结构进行验证.试验结果表明:理论计算所得的准静态侧翻阀值与试验结果相吻合,所设计的防侧翻支架可以准确有效地进行车辆侧翻的预警和保护,达到了预期的设计目标.  相似文献   

Posbist fault tree analysis of coherent systems   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
When the failure probability of a system is extremely small or necessary statistical data from the system is scarce, it is very difficult or impossible to evaluate its reliability and safety with conventional fault tree analysis (FTA) techniques. New techniques are needed to predict and diagnose such a system's failures and evaluate its reliability and safety. In this paper, we first provide a concise overview of FTA. Then, based on the posbist reliability theory, event failure behavior is characterized in the context of possibility measures and the structure function of the posbist fault tree of a coherent system is defined. In addition, we define the AND operator and the OR operator based on the minimal cut of a posbist fault tree. Finally, a model of posbist fault tree analysis (posbist FTA) of coherent systems is presented. The use of the model for quantitative analysis is demonstrated with a real-life safety system.  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of the dependence state between basic events (BEs) on fault tree analysis (FTA) when the probabilities of events are characterized by interval values. The well-known Frèchent bounds are extended for modeling six different types of dependence states between BEs. Three indices, called average dependence effect (ADE), location effect (LE) and size effect (SE), are defined for evaluating the effect of the dependence states between BEs on the probability of top event (TE) and identifying influential and non-influential dependence states. Then, the proposed method is applied to fault tree (FT) examples, thereby explaining the dependence problem in FTA. To further verify the practicability of the method, FTA of the unilateral asymmetric movement failure of an aircraft flap mechanism is performed. The results show that: (i) the opposite and negative dependence contribute to the reliability of a parallel system while the perfect and positive dependence reduce it, (ii) the perfect and positive dependence contribute to the reliability of a series system while the opposite and negative dependence reduce it, and (iii) parallel systems are more reliable than series systems regardless of the dependence between BEs.  相似文献   

The theories of fault trees have been used for many years because they can easily provide a concise representation of failure behavior of general non-repairable fault tolerant systems. But the defect of traditional fault trees is lack of accuracy when modeling dynamic failure behavior of certain systems with fault-recovery process. A solution to this problem is called behavioral decomposition. A system will be divided into several dynamic or static modules, and each module can be further analyzed using binary decision diagram (BDD) or Markov chains separately. In this paper, we will show a very useful decomposition scheme that independent subtrees of a dynamic module are detected and solved hierarchically. Experimental results show that the proposed method could result in significant saving of computation time without losing unacceptable accuracy. Besides, we also present an analyzing software toolkit: DyFA (dynamic fault-trees analyzer) which implements the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

为了能够对爆破后形成的露天边坡稳定性进行合理的分析评价,结合大小鱼山岛露天爆破边坡失稳的情况,采用事故树分析方法,建立了工程爆破现场露天边坡失稳事故树模型。计算出事故树的最小割集96个,最小径集3个以及基本事件的结构重要度系数,并得到基本事件结构重要度排序,找出了导致边坡失稳的主要原因是边坡监测和边坡支护。然后根据基本事件结构重要度的排序,制定合理有序的预防措施。事故树分析方法可以全面阐述露天矿边坡失稳的各种因素和逻辑关系,并通过对结构重要性分析,提出合理预防措施,为爆破露天边坡的安全管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

为了能够对爆破后形成的露天边坡稳定性进行合理的分析评价,结合大小鱼山岛露天爆破边坡失稳的情况,采用事故树分析方法,建立了工程爆破现场露天边坡失稳事故树模型。计算出事故树的最小割集96个,最小径集3个以及基本事件的结构重要度系数,并得到基本事件结构重要度排序,找出了导致边坡失稳的主要原因是边坡监测和边坡支护。然后根据基本事件结构重要度的排序,制定合理有序的预防措施。事故树分析方法可以全面阐述露天矿边坡失稳的各种因素和逻辑关系,并通过对结构重要性分析,提出合理预防措施,为爆破露天边坡的安全管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

提出了通过分析计算机系统的资源实体、访问者权限、安全需求和弱点等安全属性,按照不同的安全需求构造出安全故障树来直观地反映攻击者可能选取的攻击手段的安全状况评价方法;分析安全故障树,使用潜在攻击路径和系统安全失效概率从定性和定量两个方面表达计算机系统的安全状况,为系统的安全改进提供指导和建议。  相似文献   

For conventional systems, their availability can be considerably improved by reducing the time taken to restore the system to the working state when faults occur. Fault identification can be a significant proportion of the time taken in the repair process. Having diagnosed the problem the restoration of the system back to its fully functioning condition can then take place. This paper expands the capability of previous approaches to fault detection and identification using fault trees for application to dynamically changing systems. The technique has two phases. The first phase is modelling and preparation carried out offline. This gathers information on the effects that sub-system failure will have on the system performance. Causes of the sub-system failures are developed in the form of fault trees. The second phase is application. Sensors are installed on the system to provide information about current system performance from which the potential causes can be deduced. A simple system example is used to demonstrate the features of the method. To illustrate the potential for the method to deal with additional system complexity and redundancy, a section from an aircraft fuel system is used. A discussion of the results is provided.  相似文献   

为了防止露天爆破飞散物事故的发生,确保爆破施工安全,根据露天爆破作业流程,分析了爆破飞散物产生原因,建立了事故树模型,在此基础上进行了定性分析,求出事故树最小割集为15个,最小径集为4个;得到了结构重要度排序,提出了爆破飞散物事故的对策措施,可为今后的爆破设计、施工和安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

故障树分析法在某型飞机火控系统故障诊断中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
故障树分析法是系统安全、可靠性分析研究中常用的一种方法。基于故障树分析法与专家系统相结合的某型飞机火控系统故障诊断仪,以机载火控系统不工作为顶事件,建立了故障树,并对故障树作了定性分析,本系统不但具有故障诊断能力,还具有较强的自学习的功能。结果表明,故障树分析法是机载火控系统故障诊断的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Condition-based maintenance methods have changed systems reliability in general and individual systems in particular. Yet, this change does not affect system reliability analysis. System fault tree analysis (FTA) is performed during the design phase. It uses components failure rates derived from available sources as handbooks, etc. Condition-based fault tree analysis (CBFTA) starts with the known FTA. Condition monitoring (CM) methods applied to systems (e.g. vibration analysis, oil analysis, electric current analysis, bearing CM, electric motor CM, and so forth) are used to determine updated failure rate values of sensitive components. The CBFTA method accepts updated failure rates and applies them to the FTA. The CBFTA recalculates periodically the top event (TE) failure rate (λTE) thus determining the probability of system failure and the probability of successful system operation—i.e. the system's reliability.FTA is a tool for enhancing system reliability during the design stages. But, it has disadvantages, mainly it does not relate to a specific system undergoing maintenance.CBFTA is tool for updating reliability values of a specific system and for calculating the residual life according to the system's monitored conditions. Using CBFTA, the original FTA is ameliorated to a practical tool for use during the system's field life phase, not just during system design phase.This paper describes the CBFTA method and its advantages are demonstrated by an example.  相似文献   

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