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 设置长日高温、长日低温、短日高温和短日低温4组环境,对我国西南地区26份主栽粳稻品种的感光性、感温性及基本营养生长性进行了分析。西南地区各粳稻品种表现出不同程度的感光性和感温性,基本营养生长性整体表现适中,品种间也存在着一定的差异。回归分析发现,抽穗期长短与品种的感光性呈显著相关,感光性是影响西南地区粳稻品种抽穗期长短的主要因素。以一套抽穗期主基因近等基因系以及2个QTL近等基因系为测验品种分析26份粳稻品种的抽穗期基因型。结果表明,西南地区粳稻品种携带有显性早熟等位基因Ef 1或Ef 1t,多数品种在E1位点都携带主效显性感光等位基因E1或感光性比E1稍差的E1t;在Se 1位点,大部分品种携带非感光等位基因Se 1e; 另外,有22个品种还携带可部分抑制Se 1、E1表达的隐性感光抑制因子hd2。进一步明确了我国西南地区粳稻品种的抽穗期基因型,揭示了该地区粳稻品种具有不同程度感光性、感温性和适中基本营养生长性的遗传基础,为该地区粳稻品种的选育和推广提供了依据。  相似文献   

我国华北地区粳稻品种抽穗期遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
 设置长、短日照和高、低温共4种环境,分析了我国华北地区14份主栽粳稻品种的抽穗期光、温敏感性及基本营养性。结果表明,华北地区多数粳稻品种表现出感光性,但感光性大都偏弱,抽穗期长短与品种的感光性呈显著线性相关。此外,大多数品种对温度也比较敏感。并利用一套抽穗期主基因近等基因系对这些品种抽穗期基因型进行了分析。结果表明,所有华北地区粳稻品种都携带主效感光基因E1,而在Se 1位点,有11个品种为非感光的Se 1e,同时,有13个品种都携带早熟基因Ef 1,另外,有9个品种还携带具有一定感光抑制效应的hd2。这些结果从基因型角度揭示了华北地区粳稻品种具有一定的感光性和较短的基本营养生长期的原因,为华北地区选育适宜抽穗期的粳稻品种提供了依据。  相似文献   

水稻品种桂朝2号抽穗期的基因型分析   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
应用抽穗期感光基因型明确的秋光(e1e1 e2e2e3e3 Se1eSe1e)、越光 (E1E1E2E2e3e3Se1eSe1e)、日本晴(E1E1e2e2e3e3Se1Se1)和日光(E1E1 E2E2 e3e3Se1Se1)作鉴别品种,分析了中籼水稻品种桂朝2号的抽穗期基因型。结果表明桂朝2号的抽穗期感光基因型为E1E1e2e2E3E3Se1tSe1tiSe1 iSe1, Se1t可能是Se1位点中的一个新的显性感光基因,其效应小于Se1n和Se1u。进一步用抽穗期QTL近等基因系NIL(Hd1)、NIL(Hd2)和NIL(Hd5)进行的实验也验证了桂朝2号存在显性的主效感光基因Se1t及hd2, hd2基因可能与隐性感光抑制基因iSe1等位,其功能是抑制显性主效感光基因Se1t的表达。  相似文献   

我国部分早籼品种及杂交早籼骨干亲本抽穗期遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设置长、短日照和高、低温4种环境,分析了我国长江中下游和华南地区早籼水稻品种和杂交早籼骨干亲本共19份材料的抽穗期光温敏感性及基本营养生长性。结果表明,这19份早籼材料(包括杂交稻亲本)都表现出弱感光性,其中16份材料对温度比较敏感。这些早籼材料的基本营养生长性整体较弱,但是个体间表现出一定的差异。抽穗期长短与每个材料的基本营养生长性呈显著线性相关。利用一套抽穗期主基因近等基因系对这些早籼材料抽穗期基因型进行了分析。结果表明,所有早籼材料均带有隐性非感光位点hd2,大多数早籼材料都带有显性早熟基因Ef-1,而在Se-1和E1两个主效感光基因位点,所有早籼材料不带或只带有一个感光等位基因。这些结果从基因型角度揭示了早籼材料具有弱感光性和较强感温性,是其适合在我国华南双季稻作区和华中单双季稻作区作早稻种植的原因,为早籼水稻品种的选育及推广提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

  籼型细胞质雄性不育系科丰A表现出早熟性,该不育系与晚籼恢复系所配组的F1都呈现不同程度的显性早熟现象。为了解该不育系显性早熟性的遗传机制,利用一整套抽穗期感光基因近等基因系EG0~EG7、ER、LR、T65、T65Eb、T65Ebm、T65m、NIL(Hd1) 和NIL(Hd4) 等对科丰A抽穗期感光基因的基因型进行了初步分析。结果表明,科丰A的抽穗期基因型为E1E1e2e2E3E3Se 1uSe 1uEf 1Ef 1,并带有感光基因E1的显性抑制基因(暂定名为Su E1)和感光基因Se 1u的隐性抑制基因(i Se 1)。分析了由该不育系配组的杂种F1表现早熟现象的原因,并探讨了科丰A所带早熟相关基因的育种利用价值。  相似文献   

两个中籼水稻品种的抽穗期遗传   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南京11和武进香籼均为中籼稻品种,F1生育期超(晚)亲优势极强。通过对F1、F2、BC1、BC2等世代在自然日长或短日照处理条件下抽穗期的考察,证明杂种超亲迟熟与双亲的3个感光性主基因位点的分化有关,三者以互补方式决定植株的强感光性;两亲本分别含有2对和1对互补基因,根据系谱分析双亲的互补基因分别来自我国华南或东南亚的水稻品种。  相似文献   

江淮稻区不同生态型粳稻品种的籼粳分化度和遗传多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 摘要: 利用25对籼粳特异性SSR标记分析81份江淮稻区不同生态型粳稻品种籼粳分化程度,品种TDj值变异幅度为0773~0962,以中熟中粳类型品种最高,晚粳类型品种最低。49对多态性SSR引物共检测到131个等位基因,每个位点为2~5个,平均为267个; 多态性信息量(PIC)为0068~0657,平均为0362,第11染色体平均位点等位基因数和平均PIC值最高。在三个生态型粳稻品种群体中,中熟中粳品种检测出的等位基因数最多,而迟熟中粳品种的平均位点PIC值和Nei基因多样性指数(He)均高于中熟中粳和晚粳品种,表明在DNA水平上迟熟中粳品种的遗传多样性高于中熟中粳和晚粳品种。中熟中粳与迟熟中粳群体之间的遗传相似性最高,遗传距离最近,而中熟中粳与晚粳群体之间的遗传相似性最低,遗传距离最远。UPGMA聚类结果表明,同一育种单位育成品种的品种间遗传距离较小,亲缘关系较近。  相似文献   

为了从分子水平上了解黄淮麦区部分骨干品种(尤其是西农系列品种)的春化和光周期特性、矮秆基因、抗赤霉病基因类型及全基因组优异位点的分布,以西农979、西农511等近年黄淮麦区主栽小麦品种(共64份)为材料,采用分子标记及小麦35K芯片对供试品种进行检测。结果表明,13份材料含有显性春化基因 Vrn-D1(20.3%),3份材料含有显性基因 Vrn-B1(4.7%),未检测到显性基因 Vrn-A1和 Vrn-B3;除中国春和宁春45外,其余62份材料均含光周期不敏感基因 Ppd-D1a;9份材料携带矮秆基因 Rht-B1b,28份材料携带矮秆基因 Rht-D1b,35份材料携带矮秆基因 Rht8;15份材料同时含有 Rht-D1b和 Rht8;苏麦3号和兰考198含抗赤霉病基因位点 Fhb1。芯片检测结果发现,西农系列品种亲缘关系较近,共含有1 049个特异SNP,集中在2A和6B染色体上,这些位点可能是决定西农系列品种区别于其他品种的重要遗传位点;所有参试材料共含有1445个相同的SNP位点,集中在2D和3B染色体上。  相似文献   

华南南部属于南亚热带,双季晚稻生长发育的生态特点,主要是气温由高到低,光照由长变短,辐射的强度较大,中后期易受 台风降温的影响。因此,晚季水稻一般选用感光性的稻种,因为这一类品种或组合,需要一定的短光照条件才能转入生殖阶段,营养生长期不受高低温度影响而缩短或延长,生育期比较稳定,后期耐寒性也较强,功能叶维持绿色的时间较长,黄熟期叶片转色较好,比用感温性稻种翻秋种植稳产。 为了选育适应华南晚稻生态特点的感光性晚稻组合,我们曾选用感光性的恢复系或不育系,利用感光基因的显性作用,获得了具有较强竞争优势的感光性组合南优55…  相似文献   

选用5个籼稻、2个粳稻和1个爪畦稻共8个亲本按半双列杂交配制28个组合.研究分析了亲本及组合抽穗期的特性及遗传关系,发现抽穗期的主要表现可归纳为三种类型:明显的显性早熟、部分迟熟显性和超显性迟熟,这些遗传表现可能分别是显性早熟基因、迟熟基因和不等位的抽穗期迟熟基因或感光基因互作而引起的。在杂交稻育种上,通过选择适宜亲本不仅可以培育早熟杂交稻组合,而且可以避免杂交稻组合抽穗期超亲问题,特别是籼粳亚种间组合抽穗期超亲问题。  相似文献   

Heading date of 26 native japonica rice cultivars in southwest China was investigated,and their basic vegetative growth(BVG),photoperiod-sensitivity(PS) and temperature-sensitivity(TS) were analyzed under artificial short-day and natural long-day conditions in Nanjing,as well as artificial high-temperature and natural low-temperature conditions in winter in Hainan.The results showed that the PS and TS varied among different cultivars.The BVG of all the japonica cultivars was well situated,but differed withi...  相似文献   

东北春玉米区玉米栽培品种对大斑病抗性水平研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工接种,利用分离纯化的玉米大斑病强毒力菌株和混合菌株对2008~2009年从东北地区收集的269份玉米品种进行温室和大田玉米大斑病抗性水平鉴定。结果表明,温室鉴定条件下这些栽培品种对玉米大斑病抗性水平较低,田间人工接种和自然发病处理整体表现抗玉米大斑病水平较高。田间人工接种处理高感病品种(HS)占0.37%,感病(S)品种占4.83%,中抗(MR)品种占31.60%,抗病(R)品种占55.02%,高抗(HR)品种占7.80%;温室人工接种处理高感品种占64.31%,感病品种占21.56%,中抗品种占10.40%,抗病品种仅占3.72%;田间自然发病处理高感病品种为0,感病品种占1.11%,中抗品种占10.40%,抗病品种占22.68%,高抗品种占65.80%。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):160-168

The resistance to high-temperature stress and the structural appearance of the imperfect grains caused by a high temperature at the ripening stage were studied using 13 selected cultivars of rice. High temperature treatment (daily maximum temperature range, 32-40°C) given from the 4th day after heading caused the decrease in panicle weight in all of the cultivars examined. The number of empty grains in the upper and lower parts of a panicle was increased by the high temperature in 10 cultivars. Cultivars KRN, Citanduy, Belle patna and BPB were tolerant to the high-temperature treatment at the ripening stage, and cvs. Koshihikari, Sanlicun, Tainung 67, Yamada-nishiki and Lady Wright were sensitive. Light microscopic observation showed that, the whole endosperm was covered with a nucellar epidermis (NE) under both high and natural temperature (26-31°C) conditions at the first week after heading (WAH). Under high-temperature conditions the NE degenerated earlier than under natural temperature conditions. Scanning electron microscopic observation showed that, the endosperm cells of the seeds with a specific gravity (s.g.) of higher than 1.06 had large amyloplasts filled with starch granules. However, the endosperm cells of seeds with a s.g. of 1.00-1.06 had many small amyloplasts containing small single starch granules and had numerous spaces among the amyloplasts. In the endosperm cells at the dorsal side of imperfect grain, layered structures showing progressive decomposition of starch granules were observed.  相似文献   

2013年、2016年分别以40个杂交中稻品种为材料,在人工气候室和自然高温条件下鉴定了不同品种开花期的耐高温性。结果表明,人工气候室模拟高温下鉴定耐高温指数≥0.5的品种,两种条件下的耐高温指数呈极显著正相关;而人工气候室模拟高温下鉴定的耐高温指数≤0.49的品种,两种条件下的耐高温指数的相关性不显著,原因在于部分在人工气候室模拟高温下鉴定的不耐高温品种在自然条件下因花时早而避开了高温伤害,仍表现出较高的耐高温指数。根据开花期耐高温性可以把杂交水稻分为耐避双重型、耐高温型、避高温型和高温敏感型4种类型。  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted in 2012 and 2013 during drought conditions in South Texas and the Texas High Plains to test whether cotton water-deficit stress, age, and cultivars are moderating and interacting factors that affect cotton fleahopper, Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (Reuter) (Hemiptera: Miridae), abundance and yield loss. Irrigation and sequential plantings of several cultivars were used to simulate a range of water stress, plant ages, and cultivar variability. Cotton grown under these experimental conditions were exposed to cotton fleahopper using natural and artificial infestation. Cotton cultivars had a strong influence on cotton fleahopper abundance, with higher densities on Stoneville cultivar 5458 B2RF, which is relatively pubescent, than on the Phytogen cultivar 367 WRF, which is relatively glabrous, in South Texas (p < 0.04). But the strong cultivar effects on cotton fleahopper abundance did not correspond to yield reduction. No water stress effects on cotton fleahopper densities were observed in 2012 (p > 0.05), whereas cotton fleahopper densities increased on older cotton grown under no water stress in 2013 in South Texas (p < 0.05). In contrast, yield response was primarily sensitive to soil moisture conditions (up to 50% yield reduction when grown in dryland mimic conditions below 75% crop ET replacement, p < 0.0009). Water and cotton fleahopper stress synergies were detected but variable, with greatest lint yield loss attributable to cotton fleahopper seen in cotton grown in high water stress conditions in the High Plains (p < 0.05). Yield trends were consistent across cultivars (no interaction with cultivar), even though cotton fleahopper populations varied significantly across cultivars and exceeded regional economic thresholds beginning the second week of squaring (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

Effects of photoperiod on phasic development, leaf appearance and seed growth in two cultivars of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.), and of photoperiod × temperature interactions on seed growth in one cultivar, were examined. The cultivars were Kanckolla (an early-flowering cultivar from the Andean plateau in Southern Peru) and Blanca de Junín (an intermediate flowering cultivar from the tropical valleys of central Peru). The main objectives were to establish which developmental phases are sensitive to photoperiod and whether conditions during a particular phase had delayed effects on subsequent development. Plants were grown in naturally lit growth cabinets and photoperiods were given as 10 h of natural daylight followed by extensions with low intensity artificial light giving either a short (SD, 10.25 h) or long (LD, 14 or 16 h) photoperiod. Treatments were constant (SD or LD) photoperiods or involved transfers between photoperiods at different developmental stages. A quantitative SD response was observed for time to anthesis and total number of leaves, and more than 50% of leaf primordia were formed after floral initiation. With transfers effected during the reproductive phase, the maximum number of leaf primordia, total number of leaves and time to anthesis varied by up to 9%, 33% and 24%, respectively, in relation to controls under constant SD; and by up to 8%, 39% and 12%, respectively, in relation to controls under constant LD. Photoperiods applied after leaf primordia initiation had ceased affected duration of the reproductive phase and total number of leaves through effects on the proportion of primordia that remained unexpanded (range 7–33%). Plants grown in SD until anthesis produced seed, measured 66 days after anthesis, four-fold larger in diameter than seed on plants always grown in LD. Seed diameter was also reduced by 24% by LD applied after anthesis, and by 14% by high temperature (28°C cf. 21°C), but the combination of high temperature with LD gave the greatest inhibition of seed growth (73%). Clearly, photoperiod had strong effects on all stages of plant reproduction and often acted indirectly, as shown by delayed responses expressed in later phases of development.  相似文献   

本文研究了白菜型冬油菜物质转运、叶片光合、荧光动力学特征及其与冬油菜抗寒性关系,为我国西北寒旱区冬油菜抗寒育种和种质抗寒评价提供依据。在大田条件下,选用白菜型冬油菜品种陇油7号(强抗寒)和天油4号(弱抗寒),调查自然降温过程中冬油菜幼苗干物质分配、光合特征、叶绿素荧光参数和叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线等指标。结果发现,随着自然温度的下降,两个白菜型冬油菜根部干物质分配率增加,叶片光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、叶绿素荧光诱导动力学曲线O-J-I-P的Fo(20μs时荧光,O相)、F_k(300μs时荧光,K相)、F_j(2 ms的荧光强度,J相)和Fm(最大荧光,P相)均下降,说明低温下光合作用的抑制有利于根部干物质的分配。在冬前低温下白菜型冬油菜光系统受到损伤,发生光抑制现象,表现为PSⅡ受体库的大小(Area)、光合性能指数(PI)、最大荧光(Fm)和PSⅡ的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)下降,初始荧光(Fo)上升。与弱抗寒品种天油4号相比,强抗寒品种陇油7号的Pn、Fm、Fv/Fm、PSⅡ的潜在活性(Fv/Fo)、Fk-j(Q_A被还原能力)和Fj-i(Q_B含快还原PQ库)均较低,说明冬前低温条件下,陇油7号光合能力下降,由非气孔因素引起,低温导致光抑制增强。综上,白菜型冬油菜抗寒性与冬前低温下叶片光合特性以及干物质积累有关,弱的光合作用可减弱白菜型冬油菜地上部生长和根系物质消耗,有利于白菜型冬油菜根部干物质积累,以增强其抗寒性。  相似文献   

Summary The ‘cutting technique’ or ‘tuberisation stimulus’ (TS) technique was investigated as a method of identifying heat tolerant clones ofSolanum tuberosum ssp.tuberosum. TS levels were assessed, using leaf cuttings, for 100 experimental clones growing under heat stress in a controlled environment (35/15°C day/night temperatures, 16 h photoperiod). No correlation was found with the tuber yields of these clones when grown in an irrigated trial in Israel. The relationship between TS levels and tuber production was investigated using early and later maturing cultivars grown with and without heat stress. These experiments showed that the cv. Blanka had high TS levels in all environments and high tuber fresh weights when grown under heat stress. However, the correlation between TS levels and tuber fresh weight for all cultivars was weak (r=0.45). The results indicated that this TS technique is unlikely to be an accurate method of screeningtuberosum clones for heat tolerance.  相似文献   

遮光对光照敏感型新梢白化茶春梢化学成分含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以光照敏感型新梢白化茶树‘黄-2’、‘黄-8’和‘黄-13’为供试材料,在春季一芽一叶期采用30%透光度的黑色遮阳网覆盖遮光处理7天,HLPC法检测一芽二叶新梢咖啡因、儿茶素类、氨基酸类和色素类化合物含量。结果显示,遮光处理对茶叶咖啡因含量无显著影响;遮光对儿茶素类总含量的影响因品种而异,在品系‘黄-2’显著提高,而品系‘黄-8’和‘黄-13’则显著降低;遮光显著提高品系‘黄-13’的氨基酸总含量,降低品系‘黄-8’氨基酸总含量,但对品系‘黄-2’无显著影响;遮光显著提高β-胡萝卜素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b和新黄质的含量,显著降低紫黄质含量。具有热耗散作用的黄体素在光照敏感新梢白化茶品种的含量很低,是其容易受到强光胁迫伤害的原因。在强光照条件下,光照敏感型新梢白化茶叶片呈现黄色,主要是叶绿素含量显著降低,而不是因为胡萝卜素和叶黄素含量提高所致。根据这些研究结果,作者认为:在高温强光季节采取适度遮光,将有助于光照敏感型新梢白化茶提高叶片叶绿素含量,增强光合作用,进而提高茶苗生长势和抗性,有助于提高茶苗移栽成活率。  相似文献   

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