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宋小勇  毛悦 《测绘科学》2021,46(6):14-20
轨道交叉点在标校卫星系统偏差参数、评估卫星载荷性能以及卫星精密定轨方面具有重要作用.针对现有轨道交叉点计算多采用搜索法结合多项式拟合方法,虽能够获取精确交叉点位置但较难分析交叉点整体分布特征的问题,该文从二体问题解析解出发,推导了交叉点概略位置理论计算公式,并分析了不同卫星轨道交叉点特性,提出了基于交叉点函数的计算方法,并用仿真试验数据对本文方法有效性进行了验证.该文方法为分析交叉点概略位置空间分布特性提供了一种思路.  相似文献   

The crossover adjustment plays a central role in the processing of satellite altimeter measurements. The usual procedure is to form sea surface height differences at crossover points, solve for the radial orbit error (with due attention to the singular nature of the estimation problem) and then to construct altimetric sea-level maps using the mean sea surface heights at the crossover points. Our approach is very different, to make direct use of measurements at crossover points without differencing and to estimate simultaneously orbit parameters, mean sea surface height and sea surface height variability in a single, unified adjustment. The technique is suited for repeat data over an area small enough that adjoining passes may be considered to be parallel and to permit the solution of a set of linear equations of dimension equal to the number of crossover points. The size of the numerical problem is almost independent of the number of repeat cycles of the altimeter mission. Explicit recognition is given to the rank defect of the least-squares estimation problem; we show that, for an orbit model with r parameters, the rank defect of the local crossover problem is exactly r 2. The defect may be overcome by choosing an appropriate set of constraints – either giving a best fit of mean sea surface heights to a reference surface, or minimising orbit parameters, or a minimum norm solution in which both mean sea surface heights and orbit parameters are minimised. There is no need to choose a reference pass, all passes are treated equally and data gaps are easily accommodated. Numerical results are presented for the south-western Indian Ocean, based on the first 2 years of altimeter data from the Geosat Exact Repeat Mission. Received: 31 May 1996 / Accepted: 19 April 1997  相似文献   

Calibration of satellite gradiometer data aided by ground gravity data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Parametric least squares collocation was used in order to study the detection of systematic errors of satellite gradiometer data. For this purpose, simulated data sets with a priori known systematic errors were produced using ground gravity data in the very smooth gravity field of the Canadian plains. Experiments carried out at different satellite altitudes showed that the recovery of bias parameters from the gradiometer “measurements” is possible with high accuracy, especially in the case of crossing tracks. The mean value of the differences (original minus estimated bias parameters) was relatively large compared to the standard deviation of the corresponding second-order derivative component at the corresponding height. This mean value almost vanished when gravity data at ground level were combined with the second-order derivative data set at satellite altitude. In the case of simultaneous estimation of bias and tilt parameters from ∂2 T/∂z 2“measurements”, the recovery of both parameters agreed very well with the collocation error estimation. Received: 10 October 1996 / Accepted 25 May 1998  相似文献   

 The new GFZ/GRGS gravity field models GRIM5-S1 and GRIM5-C1, currently used as initial models for the CHAMP mission, have been compared with other recent models (JGM 3, EGM 96) for radial orbit accuracy (by means of latitude lumped coefficients) in computations on altimetry satellite orbits. The bases for accuracy judgements are multi-year averages of crossover sea height differences from Geosat and ERS 1/2 missions. This radially sensitive data is fully independent of the data used to develop these gravity models. There is good agreement between the observed differences in all of the world's oceans and projections of the same errors from the scaled covariance matrix of their harmonic geopotential coefficients. It was found that the tentative scale factor of five for the formal standard deviations of the harmonic coefficients of the new GRIM fields is justified, i.e. the accuracy estimates, provided together with the GRIM geopotential coefficients, are realistic. Received: 20 February 2001 / Accepted: 24 October 2001  相似文献   

卫星导航定位系统时间同步技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
卫星导航定位系统测距的基础是测时,而定轨和定位的前提是各观测量的时间同步,因此,时间同步是卫星导航定位系统建设的关键。卫星导航定位系统中时间同步技术包括卫星与地面(星-地)和地面站间(地-地)的时间同步,主要时间同步方法有用于星-地时间同步的双向时间频率传递法(TWSTFT)、倒定位法等,以及用于地-地时间同步的TWSTFT、卫星共视法、搬运钟法等。本文重点介绍TWSTFT和卫星共视法进行时间同步的基本原理、精度分析和卫星导航定位系统的钟差预报。  相似文献   

 The single- and dual-satellite crossover (SSC and DSC) residuals between and among Geosat, TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), and ERS 1 or 2 have been used for various purposes, applied in geodesy for gravity field accuracy assessments and determination as well as in oceanography. The theory is presented and various examples are given of certain combinations of SSC and DSC that test for residual altimetry data errors, mostly of non-gravitational origin, of the order of a few centimeters. There are four types of basic DSCs and 12 independent combinations of them in pairs which have been found useful in the present work. These are defined in terms of the `mean' and `variable' components of a satellite's geopotential orbit error from Rosborough's 1st-order analytical theory. The remaining small errors, after all altimeter data corrections are applied and the relative offset of coordinate frames between altimetry missions removed, are statistically evaluated by means of the Student distribution. The remaining signal of `non-gravitational' origin can in some cases be attributed to the main ocean currents which were not accounted for among the media or sea-surface corrections. In future, they may be resolved by a long-term global circulation model. Experience with two current models, neither of which are found either to cover the most critical missions (Geosat & TOPEX/Poseidon) or to have the accuracy and resolution necessary to account for the strongest anomalies found across them, is described. In other cases, the residual signal is due to errors in tides, altimeter delay corrections or El Ni?o. (Various examples of these are also presented.) Tests of the combinations of the JGM 3-based DSC residuals show that overall the long-term data now available are well suited for a gravity field inversion refining JGM 3 for low- and resonant-order geopotential harmonics whose signatures are clearly seen in the basic DSC and SSC sets. Received: 15 January 1999 / Accepted: 9 September 1999  相似文献   

The ERS-1, ERS-2 and Envisat series of satellite altimeters provide the only extensive datasets that could conceivably be usedto constrain ocean tide models in high latitudes. Their sun-synchronous sampling, however, severely limits theobservations of solar tides, especially the principal semidiurnal S2 constituent. The Munk–Cartwright response method is anatural choice when attempting to analyze sun-synchronous data. The present study examines various ways a response analysis might be implemented to extract tides from ERS data. Admittances expressed as simple linear or constant functions of frequency cansometimes improve estimates over standard parameterizations, especially if done in conjunction with a reasonably accurate priorsolution. Some form of regularization, such as ridge regression, is also shown to improve the estimates. The approach provesbeneficial in a test for the southern Indian Ocean tides. It offers some promise for regions otherwise void of usefulobservations.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of crustal deformation, as evidenced by changed station coordinates, in the Tokyo metropolitan area detected by the satellite laser ranging (SLR) technique. The coordinates of two Key Stone SLR stations, Tateyama and Kashima, were determined from 4 weeks of orbital arcs of the LAGEOS-1 and LAGEOS-2 satellites with respect to 16 SLR stations kept fixed in the ITRF2000 reference frame. The station coordinates were calculated using the NASA GEODYN-II orbital program. The orbital RMS-of-fit for both satellites was 16 mm. The standard deviation of the estimated positions was 3 mm. A jump of about 5 cm in the baseline length between the Kashima and Tateyama stations was detected in June–August 2000 by VLBI and GPS techniques. This work confirms this crustal deformation as determined by SLR and vice versa. Analysis of coordinates of these stations shows that this effect was caused by a 4.5-cm displacement of the Tateyama station in the north-east direction. The change in the vertical component was not significant.  相似文献   

Galileo系统的特点分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
随着“全球定位系统(GPS)”在各个领域应用的不断深入,欧盟也认识到了拥有自身卫星导航系统的重要性,经过长时间的协调和争论,终于在2002年3月26日由欧盟各国交通部长正式签署协议开始建设欧洲自己的卫星无线电导航系统-Galileo系统。我国在Galileo系统谈判阶段就开始与欧盟接触,寻求未来在Galileo系统上与欧洲相关的技术协作和系统共享,目前已经达成初步协议,并于2003年9月18日在北京成立了“中欧卫星导航系统培训与合作中心”。对该系统的总体设计思路、系统特点以及相关技术进行了分析。  相似文献   

The analysis of the time and space distribution of specular (reflecting) points in bistatic altimetry between GPS and CHAMP satellites or SAC-C (taken as examples) is extended from Wagner and Klokočník (2003 J. Geod 77: 128–138). We demonstrate a significantly higher number and density of reflecting points in bistatic altimetry in comparison with traditional monostatic altimetry. After an outline of our older accuracy assessment for the vertical position of the reflecting point, we add a new independent derivation and compare both approaches. We account for orbit errors of both the transmitters (GPS) and receiver (CHAMP) satellites, and the measurement (delay) error. We found that the accuracy of the vertical position of the reflecting point decreases only slowly with increasing off-nadir angle and that the orbit errors must be accounted for if decimeter and better accuracy is required. In this paper, we do not study errors such as state of the ocean, technical parameters of the receiving system, and atmospheric corrections.  相似文献   

卫星定位技术在精准农业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星定位技术可以在精准农业的各个环节发挥作用,如精准播种、精准施肥、精准喷药、精准收割等等。卫星定位技术在农业机械中的应用,极大地提高了农业生产和作业效率。文章介绍了全球定位系(GPS)在精准农业作业流程中的应用,和美国Trimble公司生产的AgGPS农用卫星定位系统以及其在土壤采样中的应用实例。  相似文献   

Remotely sensed images are an important data source for the mapping of glacial landforms and the reconstruction of past glacial environments. However the results produced can differ depending on a wide range of factors related to the type of sensors used and the characteristics of the landforms being mapped. This paper uses a range of satellite imagery to explore the three main sources of variation in the mapped results: relative size, azimuth biasing and landform signal strength. Recommendations include the use of imagery illuminated with low solar elevation, although an awareness of the selective bias introduced by solar azimuth is necessary. Landsat ETM+ imagery meets the requirements for glacial landform mapping and is the recommended data source. However users may well have to consider alternative data in the form of SPOT, Landsat TM or Landsat MSS images. Digital elevation models should also be considered a valuable data source.  相似文献   

Satellite gradiometry using a satellite pair   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The GRACE mission has substantiated the low–low satellite-to-satellite tracking (LL-SST) concept. The LL-SST configuration can be combined with the previously realized high–low SST concept in the CHAMP mission to provide a much higher accuracy. The line of sight (LOS) acceleration difference between the GRACE satellite pair, the simplest form of the combined observable, is mostly used for mapping the global gravity field of the Earth in terms of spherical harmonic coefficients. As an alternative observable, a linear combination of the gravitational gradient tensor components is proposed. Being a one-point function and having a direct relation with the field geometry (curvature of the field at the point) are two noteworthy achievements of the alternative formulation. In addition, using an observation quantity that is related to the second-instead of the first-order derivatives of the gravitational potential amplifies the high-frequency part of the signal. Since the transition from the first- to the second-order derivatives includes the application of a finite-differences scheme, the high-frequency part of the noise is also amplified. Nevertheless, due to the different spectral behaviour of signal and noise, in the end the second-order approach leads to improved gravitational field resolution. Mathematical formulae for the gradiometry approach, for both linear and higher-degree approximations, are derived. The proposed approach is implemented for recovery of the global gravitational field and the results are compared with those of LOS acceleration differences. Moreover, LOS acceleration difference residuals are calculated, which are at the level of a few tenths of mGal. Error analysis shows that the residuals of the estimated degree variances are less than 10–3. Furthermore, the gravity anomaly residuals are less than 2 mGal for most points on the Earth.  相似文献   

A detailed accuracy assessment of the geopotential model Jgm3 is made based on independent single- and dual-satellite sea-height differences at crossovers from altimetry with Jgm3-based orbits. These differences, averaged over long time spans and in latitude bands, are converted to spectra (latitude-lumped coefficients) by least-squares estimation. The observed error spectra so obtained are then compared directly to error projections for them from the Jgm3 variance–covariance matrix. It is found from these comparisons that Jgm3 is generally well calibrated with respect to the crossover altimetry of and between Geosat, TOPEX/Poseidon (T/P), and Ers 1. Some significant discrepancies at a few lower orders (namely m=1 and 3) indicate a need for further improvement of Jgm3. A companion calibration (by order) of the geopotential model Jgm2 shows its variance–covariance matrix also to be generally well calibrated for the same single- and dual-satellite altimeter data sets (but based on Jgm2 orbits), except that the error projections for Geosat are too pessimistic. The analysis of the dual-satellite crossovers reveals possible relative coordinate system offsets (particularly for Geosat with respect to T/P) which have been discussed previously. The long-term detailed seasonally averaged Geosat sea level with respect to T/P (covering 1985–1996) should be useful in gauging the relative change in sea level between different parts of the ocean over the single 4-year gap between these missions (1988–1992). Received: 16 February 1998 / Accepted: 25 November 1998  相似文献   

The time and space distribution of general reflection altimetry from two satellites (senders and receivers) via the the oceans surface is examined with specific reference to GPS senders and two current receiving satellites. While a considerable enhancement of conventional altimeter coverage is possible in all configurations if the reflection signals can be used, repeating passes of these (with GPS senders) having reasonably small cycle times (days to tens of days) occur only if the receiving orbit is nearly polar. Results of an analysis of the fundamental geometry show that over a large range of reflection angles the error of recovered sea heights depends almost entirely on the errors in the delay signal and the radial error of the receiving satellite (using current estimates of GPS orbit accuracies). The most critical element is the precision of the delay measurement. Both it and the accuracy of the receiving orbit should be below the decimeter level for the technique to achieve its full potential.  相似文献   

Absolute phase center corrections of satellite and receiver antennas   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
Results of the estimation of azimuth-dependent phase center variations (PCVs) of GPS satellite antennas using global GPS data are presented. Significant variations of up to ±3–4 mm that are demonstrated show excellent repeatability over eight years. The application of the azimuthal PCVs besides the nadir-dependent ones will lead to a further reduction in systematic antenna effects. In addition, the paper focuses on the benefit of a possible transition from relative to absolute PCVs. Apart from systematic changes in the global station coordinates, one can expect the GPS results to be less dependent on the elevation cut-off angle. This, together with the significant reduction of tropospheric zenith delay biases between GPS and VLBI, stands for an important step toward more consistency between different space geodetic techniques.  相似文献   

资源三号卫星影像融合算法对比分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国第一颗高精度民用立体测绘卫星——资源三号卫星搭载了2.1m分辨率的全色相机和5.8m分辨率的多光谱相机,针对资源三号影像研究有效的影像融合算法对于提高资源三号的影像质量和应用范围具有很大意义。文章分析了Pansharp、Gram-Schmidt、Modified IHS、改进的SFIM和Brovey 5种融合算法,梳理了影像融合的质量评价指标体系,采用资源三号卫星影像覆盖的农田、城区、林地、裸地等不同类型的区域开展几种融合算法试验,并对试验结果进行了分析评价。实验结果表明,5种融合算法中,Pansharp融合算法对资源三号影像数据融合效果最优,Gram-Schmidt融合算法次之,其次为Modified IHS影像融合算法,改进的SFIM融合算法和Brovey融合算法融合效果较差。  相似文献   

Obtaining reliable measures of tree canopy height across large areas is a central element of forest inventory and carbon accounting. Recent years have seen an increased emphasis on the use of active sensors like Radar and airborne LiDAR (light detection and scanning) systems to estimate various 3D characteristics of canopy and crown structure that can be used as predictors of biomass. However, airborne LiDAR data are expensive to acquire, and not often readily available across large remote landscapes. In this study, we evaluated the potential of stereo imagery from commercially available Very High Resolution (VHR) satellites as an alternative for estimating canopy height variables in Australian tropical savannas, using a semi-global dense matching (SGM) image-based technique. We assessed and compared the completeness and vertical accuracy of extracted canopy height models (CHMs) from GeoEye 1 and WorldView 1 VHR satellite stereo pairs and summarised the factors influencing image matching effectiveness and quality.Our results showed that stereo dense matching using the SGM technique severely underestimates tree presence and canopy height. The highest tree detection rates were achieved by using the near-infrared (NIR) band of GE1 (8–9%). WV1-GE1 cross-satellite (mixed) models did not improve the quality of extracted canopy heights. We consider these poor detection rates and height retrievals to result from: i) the clumping crown structure of the dominant Eucalyptus spp.; ii) their vertically oriented leaves (affecting the bidirectional reflectance distribution function); iii) image band radiometry and iv) wind induced crown movement affecting stereo-pair point matching. Our detailed analyses suggest that current commercially available VHR satellite data (0.5 m resolution) are not well suited to estimating canopy height variables, and therefore above ground biomass (AGB), in Eucalyptus dominated north Australian tropical savanna woodlands.  相似文献   

The problem of datum definition as applied to local-area geodetic networks is investigated using data collected from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). It is shown that the process of double differencing makes the model more sensitive to computational errors that reduce the ability of the satellites alone to control the translation component of the datum definition, and as a result additional regularization is required. Traditionally, datum definition has been accomplished by constraining one station to set coordinates. Alternative regularization strategies are analysed in terms of their effects on positioning and ambiguity resolution. In doing so, processing strategies are developed which can improve the quality of global positioning system (GPS)-based position solutions in geodetic network applications of limited spatial extent, such as high-precision engineering and deformation monitoring networks.  相似文献   

CBERS-02B卫星遥感影像的区域网平差   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
袁修孝  汪韬阳 《遥感学报》2012,16(2):310-324
针对中巴资源一号卫星(CBERS-02B)卫星遥感影像姿态角误差较大的特点,提出了利用区域网平差方法提高其对地目标定位精度的策略和具体计算过程。首先对参与平差的每景影像选取4个地面控制点进行影像姿态角常差检校,然后采用与地形无关方案解求各自的RPC参数,最后选取带仿射变换项的有理函数模型(RFM)进行多重覆盖影像的区域网平差。对两个地区的0级CBERS-02B单条CCD立体影像对的区域网平差试验表明,对地目标定位的平面和高程精度均达到了±3个像元的水平,且高程精度明显优于平面精度。相对于常规的卫星遥感影像区域网平差方法,平面和高程精度均有明显提升,几乎达到国外同等高分辨率卫星遥感影像的几何定位精度。这说明中国卫星遥感影像亦具有较好的几何定位潜力,在区域网平差之前进行系统误差预改正是必要和可行的。  相似文献   

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