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马强 《分析测试学报》2021,(2):F0002-F0002
质谱技术兼具灵敏度高、选择性强、分析速度快等优势,是现代分析测试领域的“金标准”。  相似文献   

常压电离质谱技术(Ambient ionization mass spectrometry,AIMS)以其敞开式环境、简便操作、原位、实时、高通量等优势,成为公共安全化学毒物检测领域的研究热点.该文基于文献计量分析,简要概述了AIMS的分类、发展趋势及其在公共安全化学毒物检测领域的发展现状,重点从检测灵敏度、样品前处理...  相似文献   

敞开式离子化质谱(Ambient ionization mass spectrometry,AI-MS)是近年来兴起的质谱分析技术,可在敞开的大气环境下实现离子化,无需或只需少许样品前处理步骤,具有实时、简便、快速、高通量等诸多优点.近年来AI-MS技术的发展与应用已成为质谱领域备受关注的热点之一.该文综述了AI-MS...  相似文献   

真空紫外光电离源(VUV-PI)是一种普适性的质谱软电离源,真空紫外光电离质谱谱图无碎片、易解析、灵敏度高,适合于在线快速分析.真空紫外光电离质谱根据分析对象不同可以直接采用单光子电离或添加掺杂剂实现化学电离,能实现气、液、固体分析,也可实现成像分析.该文介绍了真空紫外光电离源的电离原理、光源类型,分析了光电离质谱灵敏...  相似文献   

超高纯气体在工业领域有着重大的需求,必须有相应的高灵敏度杂质检测技术作为支撑。大气压电离质谱(APIMS)具有非常高的灵敏度,通常比电子轰击质谱(EIMS)高104~106倍,是分析超高纯气体纯度最有效的方法。该文介绍了APIMS的产生、发展及电离原理,并综述了以往APIMS对超高纯气体纯度分析的工作,包括底气、杂质种类、杂质检出限及特殊杂质的检测方法。由于方法灵敏度对超高纯气体纯度分析至关重要,文中侧重总结了文献中报道的不同杂质的检出限。  相似文献   

质谱成像将质谱的离子扫描技术与成像处理软件相结合,能有效地对分子的空间分布信息进行检测和成像;常压敞开式离子化技术的出现,为质谱成像提供了新的发展方向。本文对常压敞开式质谱成像技术及其应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

常压敞开式离子化质谱(Ambient ionization mass spectrometry,AIMS)是指无需复杂样品前处理,并且可在开放环境下对样品进行解吸和离子化的质谱技术。随着该技术的逐渐成熟,其在临床医学诊断中的应用越来越广泛。该文综述了AIMS领域的各种技术在肿瘤组织诊断中的应用,并对未来进行了展望。  相似文献   

尿液作为一种易于获取的体内毒品检材,在吸毒人员快速筛查中被广泛应用。针对传统快速筛查技术存在假阳性率高、定量能力不足以及实验室质谱技术在快速检测中存在前处理复杂、检测耗时长、使用环境苛刻等问题,该文提出了一种基于敞开式直接电离质谱技术的生物样本快速检测方法。该研究采用探针式电喷雾离子源与便携式质谱仪联用快速检测平台,优化了喷雾电压和质谱入口毛细管温度,开发了高效快速的前处理技术。基于该平台和前处理技术,5种常规毒品(甲基苯丙胺、氯胺酮、可卡因、O^(6)-单乙酰吗啡和3,4-亚甲双氧甲基苯丙胺)的尿液加标溶液的检出限为0.5~30 ng/mL,且其中4种毒品定量检测的线性相关系数大于0.99。除此之外,5种常规毒品在3个不同水平下的加标回收率为56.1%~103.7%,多次检测结果的相对标准偏差为9.0%~27.8%,说明联用检测平台与前处理方法结合可以达到良好的准确度。为了进一步检验该联用仪器的实战能力,测试了某社区戒毒康复中心40份阳性和110份阴性实际尿液样本,总体检测的准确率接近99%,且通过一次进样在20 s内可同时检测多种毒品。该研究成果有利于推动快速检测技术的发展,促进敞开式直接电离质谱仪技术的推广应用,提升一线执法服务水平。  相似文献   

近年来,原位电离质谱技术成为质谱分析领域的研究前沿和热点.快速蒸发电离质谱技术源于外科手术中的手术烟雾现象,自2009年报道以来,作为一种新型原位电离质谱技术已被广泛应用于医学、微生物鉴定、食品真伪鉴别、代谢物研究、药用植物成分鉴定等领域.该技术通过电离切割组织或其他生物样品产生的含丰富特定区域生物特征的气溶胶,对其进...  相似文献   

质谱是现代分析测试技术中同时具备了灵敏度高、特异性好、分析速度快等特性的普适性方法,现已被广泛应用于食品检验、环境监测、药物筛选、临床医学等众多领域的高通量快速检测技术中。该文针对近年来低分辨质谱、高分辨质谱以及原位电离质谱技术在高通量快速检测,特别是小分子化合物的高通量快速检测中的应用研究进展进行了综述,并对质谱技术用于高通量快速检测的发展趋势及应用前景进行了展望,以期为相关领域的科技人员提供理论支持和技术参考。  相似文献   

敞开式离子化质谱是一种新兴的质谱快检技术,具有分析速度快、操作流程简单、特异性强等特点.该技术无需对样品做复杂预处理,尤其在与便携式质谱仪联用时,可用于大量样品的现场、快速、准确筛查,在贸易产品化学风险物质的筛查中展现出广泛的应用前景.该文主要综述敞开式离子化质谱近年来在贸易产品化学风险物质筛查方面的研究进展,并对其未...  相似文献   

Ambient ionization mass spectrometry (AIMS) is both labor and time saving and has been proven to be useful for the rapid delineation of trace organic and biological compounds with minimal sample pretreatment. Herein, an analytical platform of probe sampling combined with a thermal desorption–electrospray ionization/mass spectrometry (TD-ESI/MS) and multivariate statistical analysis was developed to rapidly differentiate bacterial species based on the differences in their lipid profiles. For comparison, protein fingerprinting was also performed with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) to distinguish these bacterial species. Ten bacterial species, including five Gram-negative and five Gram-positive bacteria, were cultured, and the lipids in the colonies were characterized with TD-ESI/MS. As sample pretreatment was unnecessary, the analysis of the lipids in a bacterial colony growing on a Petri dish was completed within 1 min. The TD-ESI/MS results were further performed by principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) to assist the classification of the bacteria, and a low relative standard deviation (5.2%) of the total ion current was obtained from repeated analyses of the lipids in a single bacterial colony. The PCA and HCA results indicated that different bacterial species were successfully distinguished by the differences in their lipid profiles as validated by the differences in their protein profiles recorded from the MALDI-TOF analysis. In addition, real-time monitoring of the changes in the specific lipids of a colony with growth time was also achieved with probe sampling and TD-ESI/MS. The developed analytical platform is promising as a useful diagnostic tool by which to rapidly distinguish bacterial species in clinical practice.  相似文献   

The development and applications of ambient ionization and miniature mass spectrometry are current research focus in chemical measurement. The analytical technology based on the combination of ambient ionization and miniature mass spectrometry can bypass chromatographic separation and eliminate or simplify sample pretreatment process. The protocol can reverse the labor-intensive and time-consuming drawbacks of traditional analytical methodologies, and realize rapid, on-site analysis with high sensitivity and high throughput. In this paper, the research progress and applications of ambient ionization and miniature mass spectrometry in the fields of food safety, consumer product safety, public security, life sciences and environmental monitoring, are reviewed, and future trends and prospects are discussed, which may provide technical guidance for the researchers engaged in relevant fields.  相似文献   

质谱作为一种具有高准确度、高灵敏度、高选择性的检测仪器,在公共安全领域有着重要的应用前景.公共安全领域的需求主要涉及毒品、毒物、爆炸物等化学物质的现场快速检测,因其影响广泛,检测结果需非常准确.作为实验室分析仪器,质谱的准确性和速度能满足公共安全的应用需求,但作为现场快速检测的仪器仍需要一定改进.现场快速检测一方面要求...  相似文献   

Ambient ionization mass spectrometry has become one of the most promising approaches for rapid and high-throughput screening of small molecules in complex biological matrices for emergency medicine, forensics, and food and agriculture applications. The simple procedures for sample collection and ionization without additional pretreatment are vital in these fields. Many efforts have been devoted to modifying various ambient ionization techniques to simplify the procedures and improve the robustness and sensitivity of the methods. Here, we demonstrate the implementation of rigid spherical sampler probes to improve the robustness of touch spray ionization mass spectrometry. The sphericity of the probes increases the stability of the cone-jet mode of electrospray, reduces the requirements for fine positioning of a sampler in the ion source, and decreases the possibility of corona discharge occurrence. The utilization of spherical sampler probes allows fast, non-invasive sampling, followed by rapid analysis for various drugs of different chemical classes in complex biological matrices, such as the whole blood or sebum collected from the skin surface. The linearity of the analytical signal response from drug concentration confirms the possibility of creating a simple semiquantitative method for small molecules monitoring using spherical sampler probes.  相似文献   

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