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近年来全民健身运动如火如荼,高尔夫运动也开始受到了越来越多的关注,在实际教学过程中怎样促进学生高尔夫球技术的培养和提升,这是必须深入思考的问题,也是推广高尔夫球运动的重要一环。本文结合笔者实际研究,探讨了普拉提训练对于高校大学生高尔夫全挥杆技术的影响和积极作用,以期能够促进其身体协调性与平衡能力,实现高尔夫球技术提升。  相似文献   

高尔夫这项运动本身并不具有很激烈的对抗性,但却有着很强的技术性与观赏性,单是一个简单的挥杆动作都有很多需要注意的内容。当高尔夫运动员掌握了挥杆动作的技术要领,并能够完整完成连贯的挥杆动作之后,运动员的身体素质就成了影响其挥杆技术的关键,而体能训练又与身体素质的提升直接相关。基于此,本文围绕体能训练对高尔夫挥杆技术的影响进行探讨。  相似文献   

体操是典型的技巧性运动项目。2006年以来,随着"难度不封顶"等新规则的实施,国际体操格局多元化更加突出,新难动作及难度动作连接不断涌现,全面掌握动作类型,提高整套动作的起评分成为获取高分的关键。在此背景下,中国体操队对科研的需求更加突出。在运动训练科技保障中,针对运动员动作技  相似文献   

周思红 《体育科学》2002,22(5):135-137,F003
大鼠经6周渐增负荷训练后随后进行4周减量训练,测取了大鼠左侧腓肠肌强度极限、肌肉最大伸长量、肌肉弹性刚度和肌肉断裂能密度等力学指标,结果发现,通过4周减量训练,训练强度对骨骼肌最大伸长量、断裂能密度影响较大。分析了4周减量训练引起骨骼肌运动能力下降的机制,并建议肌肉在减量训练时采用一定强度进行训练,较好地保持运动能力不下降过多。  相似文献   

近年来随着高尔夫球运动的普及与发展,如何改善挥杆技术、减少杆数,从而提高比赛成绩,已成为大多球员所关注的问题。在高尔夫球运动中,制约挥杆技术发展的各种因素涉及体能、技术、战术、心态和认知能力等。本文从高尔夫球员平时的训练方式、击球频次等方面入手,剖析身体因素对高尔夫球员挥杆技术产生的深远影响,并在实际训练方法上给出指导意见,有助于高尔夫球员培养合理的训练意识,增强身体综合素质,提高训练效果,最终提高竞技成绩。  相似文献   

优秀女排队员跳发球空中击球动作的生物力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用影片拍摄解析、生物力学方法,对我国优秀女排队员跳发球、击球高度、击球部位、击球点和发力起始环节的特点进行研究,为我国女排跳发球技术的发展、跳发球教学和训练提供科学的理论依据.  相似文献   

研究了不同的反馈对学习体操动作的影响,并通过实验证实,准确而具体的再反馈能对体操动作的学习过程起到很好的调控作用,使学生取得良好的学习效果。  相似文献   

为了适应蹦床技术快速发展的要求,许多教练员,特别是年轻教练员,在训练中往往把主要精力和时间都用于研究蹦床动作技术上,而对于蹦床训练过程中的安全防伤问题没有引起足够的重视,缺乏对这方面的理论研究和探讨。而客观上安全问题始终是伴随着蹦床运动的发展,并且日益突出。两年蹦床训练的实践告诉我们,  相似文献   

杨国敏 《体育学刊》2004,11(3):131-134
研究过度训练对生长期大鼠骨生物力学性质的影响。对生长期大鼠采用跳跃训练的方法,建立过度跳跃训练模型。8周后测定大鼠的体重、血红蛋白、血尿素氮和血清睾酮、皮质醇等指标,同时测定其股骨生物力学性质。结果:(1)大鼠过度跳跃训练模型建立成功;(2)大鼠股骨纵轴方向成长受到了明显抑制;(3)大鼠股骨抵抗破坏和变形的能力降低,其脆性增大强度降低。结论:过度跳跃训练使大鼠股骨生物力学性质出现明显下降。  相似文献   

目的:探讨负重训练对老龄大鼠骨组织生物力学性能的影响,以期为预防和治疗骨质疏松寻找合理的运动强度和方式。方法:32只18月龄Wistar健康雄性大鼠,随机分为安静对照组(DZ)、30%负荷组(XC组)、50%负荷组(ZC组)和70%负荷运动组(DC组),各运动组大鼠进行为期8周的负重训练。采用骨生物力学测量仪测定大鼠股骨最大载荷、弹性载荷、最大桡度、弹性桡度、最大应力和弹性模量等指标。结果:(1)50%负荷组大鼠股骨最大载荷、弹性载荷等均显著高于安静对照组(P<0.01),(2)各组间相比,50%负荷组小鼠股骨最大载荷和最大应力等均高于30%负荷组且显著高于70%负荷组(P<0.01)。结论:负重训练对老龄鼠骨组织的生物力学特性具有良好的影响,中小负荷的负重训练对改善老龄鼠骨组织的代谢较适宜,能够减缓因增龄而引起的骨量丢失,预防骨质疏松,促进老龄鼠骨骼生物力学特性的优化。  相似文献   


Twenty right-handed male golfers participated as subjects in an investigation of the two-dimensional weight transfer pattern produced during the golf swing. Ten subjects possessed handicaps of less than 10 strokes while the remaining 10 subjects had handicaps greater than 20. Center of vertical force locations were sampled during the swing with a computerized forceplate at a rate of 350 Hz. The occurrence of the initiation of the downswing (TOS) was monitored by a vacuum transducer in the club grip while ball contact (CON) was monitored by a laser/photocell system. Variables analyzed consisted of minimum/maximum force distribution ratios from heel to toe and from back foot to target foot as well as distribution ratios at TOS and CON. Intraclass correlation coefficients showed all variables to be reliable for both groups (r > 0.8). A subsequent discriminant function analysis produced one significant function (p < .05) which served to distinguish between the low and high handicap groups. The accuracy of group membership predicted from weight transfer patterns was 85%.  相似文献   


Some golf equipment manufacturers produce matched sets of golf clubs using an empirical method based on first moments of mass as well as shaft stiffness, whereas others claim to match sets on the basis of moment of inertia and dynamic considerations of shaft stiffness. This paper considers the significance of the mass distribution feature of club matching with regard to the parameters relating to physical exertion by the golfer. It is shown that dynamic considerations require a mass variation through the set almost identical to the variation prescribed by static swing weighting, and that conventionally static balanced golf clubs differ in mass by less than five percent from that suggested using a dynamic balance. It is also shown that the maximum driving force is relatively the same for a specific golfer using a variety of golf clubs but that the driving forces of the professionals were higher than those recorded for the amateurs.  相似文献   

为了更好的理解高尔夫球飞行路线的影响机制,以便为高尔夫球手更加自如的控制球路。文章从运动生物力学角度,结合空气动力学原理,分析高尔夫运动挥杆击球以及球在空中飞行和落地后的受力形式,围绕高尔夫球飞离地面、空中飞行、落地滚动及停止等主要环节,分析不同的击打方式对球飞行路线产生差别的受力情况,为高尔夫运动者进行练习提供科学的理论基础。  相似文献   

王进 《湖北体育科技》2006,25(3):304-307
单杠正握向后大摆振浪动作是发展单杠高难度下法型、大回环型、空翻再握型和空翻越杠再握型的基础.文章对4种类型振浪技术动作中出现的9种肌肉用力感觉的方法,通过参考文献,经验的传授,进行归纳与总结,得出不同类型振浪技术动作中的各种肌肉用力感觉的方法,并对它们的相同之处与不同之处的重点部位找出有效的训练手段.  相似文献   

刘云龙  赵杰 《体育科技》2014,(5):159-160
对我国高尔夫教育培养的目标及发展前景做详实的分析研究,目前我国高尔夫培养目标应着眼于多样化发展,依托学校自身的合理定位选择适合的教学模式以促进我国高尔夫专业人才的培养。  相似文献   

本文以广州体育学院田径队5名男子运动员为研究对象,进行20周的核心力量训练,通过三维摄影对实验前后跳高运动员在助跑最后一步和起跳阶段摆动腿的支撑与摆动技术的运动学特征进行分析发现:起跳腿着地时摆动腿摆动的角速度、起跳蹬伸阶段摆动腿最大角速度及身体重心水平速度增加值等差异显著。  相似文献   


At the beginning of the twenty-first century, there are 30,000 golf courses and 55 million people who play golf worldwide. In the USA alone, the value of golf club memberships sold in the 1990s was US$3.2 billion. Underpinning this significant human activity is a wide variety of people researching and applying science to sustain and develop the game. The 11 golf science disciplines recognized by the World Scientific Congress of Golf have reported 311 papers at four world congresses since 1990. Additionally, scientific papers have been published in discipline-specific peer-reviewed journals, research has been sponsored by the two governing bodies of golf, the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the United States Golf Association, and confidential research is undertaken by commercial companies, especially equipment manufacturers. This paper reviews much of this human endeavour and points the way forward for future research into golf.  相似文献   

拳击摆拳动作的生物力学分析与评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从生物力学的角度,对拳击摆拳的动作效果进行分析与评价。分析摆拳的上肢摆动、躯干转动、下肢蹬伸的肌群工作特点。分析认为,摆拳效果与动作速度、动作方向、动作时间、动作幅度有直接关系。  相似文献   


The velocity and magnitude in which the eccentric phase of an exercise is completed directly affects performance during the concentric phase. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of eccentric phase duration on concentric outcomes at 60% and 80% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) in the squat and bench press. Sixteen college-aged, resistance-trained males completed 1RM testing, established normative eccentric durations, and performed fast (0.75 times normative) and slow (2.0 times normative) metronome-controlled eccentric duration repetitions. Outcome measures assessed during the concentric phase were: average concentric velocity (ACV), peak concentric velocity (PCV), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), range of motion (ROM), and barbell path. Eccentric duration was significantly and inversely correlated with ACV at 60% (r = ?0.408, p = 0.004) and 80% (r = ?0.477, p = 0.001) of 1RM squat. At 60% of 1RM squat, both fast and slow eccentric conditions produced greater (p < 0.001) PCV than normative duration with fast also producing greater PCV than slow (p = 0.044). Eccentric duration had no impact on RPE, ROM, or barbell path. Our results report for the first time that resistance-trained males performing a deliberately faster eccentric phase may enhance their own squat and bench press performance.  相似文献   


Given that males and females respond differently to endurance-based tasks, prolonged putting practice may provide an avenue to examine gender-related differences in golf swing kinematics. The aim of this project was to determine if 40 min of putting affects thorax and pelvis kinematics during the full swing of males and females. Three-dimensional trunk kinematics were collected during the swings of 19 male (age: 26 ± 7 years, handicap: 0.6 ± 1.1) and 17 female (age: 24 ± 7 years, handicap: 1.4 ± 1.7) golfers before and after 40 min of putting. Angular displacement at address, top of backswing and ball contact for the pelvis, thorax, and pelvis–thorax interaction were calculated, in addition to the magnitude of peak angular velocity and repeatability of continuous segment angular velocities. Female golfers had less pelvis and thorax anterior–posterior tilt at address, less thorax and thorax–pelvis axial rotation at top of backswing, and less pelvis and thorax axial rotation and pelvis lateral tilt at ball contact pre- to post-putting. Analysis of peak angular velocities revealed that females had significantly lower thorax–pelvis lateral tilt velocity pre- to post-putting. In conclusion, an endurance-based putting intervention affects females’ thorax and pelvis orientation angles and velocities to a greater extent than males.  相似文献   

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