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The Kerguelen Province, consisting of two oceanic plateaus (Kerguelen, Broken Ridge) and three basins (Enderby, Labuan and Diamantina), covers a large area of ocean floor in the southeast Indian Ocean. As very few magnetic anomalies have been identified in this area and only a few basement ages from the Kerguelen Plateau are known, reconstruction models of the Kerguelen Province are not well constrained. In an effort to gain more understanding about the evolution of this area, we have used satellite gravity to identify additional fracture zones. As they are likely to be associated with high frequency and low amplitude gravity anomalies, we have computed the vertical derivative map instead of the regular satellite gravity map. Using this approach, we have identified a series of fracture zones in the Enderby Basin, which are aligned with the Mesozoic fracture zones in the Perth Basin and converge to the Kerguelen Fracture Zone. In the conjugate Bay of Bengal, we traced an equivalent pattern of fracture zones which, together, better constrain the early evolution of this part of the Indian Ocean. Synthesis of these images and the other available data from the Kerguelen Province, suggests that the spreading of India from both Australia and Antarctica is closely related. Spreading between the three continents appears to have begun about the same time, in the early Cretaceous and thus, the accretion of some parts of the Kerguelen Province must have occurred before the onset of the quiet magnetic period at 118 Ma. At about 96–99 Ma, when the spreading direction in the Indian Ocean had changed into a N-S direction, it also took place throughout the Kerguelen Province. We find that previously proposed slow spreading in the Diamantina Zone and Labuan Basins, between 96–99 Ma and the initiation of the Southeast Indian Ridge at 43 Ma, could not have taken place. Furthermore, we suggest that there is growing evidence that the same is true for spreading in the eastward continuation of the Diamantina Zone and Labuan Basin, between Australia and Antarctica. Initiation of spreading in this area is likely to be contemporaneous with the spreading in the Kerguelen Province and, thus, older than 96–99 Ma. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The southern end of the Shackleton Fracture Zone is subducted below the South Shetland forearc, while the basal detachment of the forearc continues eastward of the Shackleton ridge as a thrust fault. The western boundary between the Antarctic/Scotia plates is located at the eastern margin of the Shackleton ridge, where an elongated depositional basin and a morphological trough delineates the contact. The boundary of the Antarctic/Scotia plates and the South Shetland forearc form a triple junction at the intersection of the Shackleton Fracture Zone with the trench, between these two plates, and an independent South Shetland block.  相似文献   

《Marine Chemistry》2001,73(1):21-36
As part of the ANTARES 3/F-JGOFS cruise, the distributions of dissolved iron and manganese were measured in October 1995 in the north–east wake of the Kerguelen archipelago (48°40′–49°40′S, 68°70′–70°50′E), an area that shows high phytoplankton biomass (CZCS and SeaWiFS data) in the middle of the High Nutrient Low Chlorophyll (HNLC) Southern Ocean. The study area (about 25,000 km2) comprised a branch of the Polar Front with Antarctic surface water (AASW) intruding northward, shouldering the shelf break of the Kerguelen Plateau. The coastal zone was clearly affected by material of lithogenic origin (riverine discharges, soil leaching by rain waters, aeolian inputs), as well as by inputs from the sediments (effluxes from the sediment–water interface, resuspension from the sediments), its near surface waters showing considerable enrichment in dissolved iron (5.3–12.6 nM) and in dissolved manganese (2.9–8.6 nM). The offshore waters, although less enriched in trace-metals, were also affected by trace-metal inputs from coastal and continental shelf origin. Dissolved iron and manganese concentrations in these waters were 0.46–0.71 and 0.68–1.3 nM, i.e. far over typical antarctic open ocean surface water concentrations of 0.16 nM for iron [Martin, J.H., Gordon, R.M., Fitzwater, S.E., 1990. Iron in Antarctic waters. Nature, 345: 156–158.] and around 0.1 nM for manganese [Martin, J.H., Gordon, R.M., Fitzwater, S.E., 1990. Iron in Antarctic waters. Nature, 345: 156–158; Sedwick, P.N., Edwards, P.R., Mackey, D.J., Griffiths, F.B., Parslow, J.S., 1997. Iron and manganese in surface waters of the Australian subantarctic region. Deep-Sea Res., 44: 1239–1253.]. The dissolved iron enrichment in coastal waters of the Kerguelen Islands is much more important (about 10 times for dissolved iron) than for the Galapagos Islands, another oasis in the HNLC Equatorial oceanic system, where the concentration increase in dissolved iron in the surface waters around the islands is mostly driven by upwelling of the Equatorial Under Current (EUC) as it reaches the Galapagos Platform.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Polar Front is a complex set of meandering jets, which appear to support enhanced primary productivity. The US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study conducted a series of survey and process studies in part to study the processes regulating primary productivity in this high nutrient, low chlorophyll region. We deployed a set of surface velocity drifters, some of which were equipped with bio-optical sensors, to study the temporal and spatial scales of biological and physical processes in the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone. There were two primary sets of deployments: November 1997 before the spring bloom and January 1998 after the spring bloom. The November deployment revealed a strong spring bloom that lasted about 10 days. In late spring, when incoming solar radiation began to increase, the vertical motions associated with the meanders strongly affected the accumulation of phytoplankton biomass, primarily through their impact on light availability. Weaker meandering was observed in the January deployment, and chlorophyll values remained relatively constant. As the bloom began to decay, it appears that nutrient availability became more important in regulating phytoplankton photosynthesis. Some of the drifters in the November deployment were deployed in coherent clusters, thus allowing us to calculate vertical velocities associated with the meanders. Estimates of fluorescence/chlorophyll suggest that areas of upwelling and downwelling alternately decrease and increase photosynthetic stress, perhaps as a result of changes in the availability of iron or light during the formation of the bloom.  相似文献   

西南极沿海雪暴研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
黄耀荣 《海洋学报》2000,22(6):124-130
对“雪暴”这种天气,国内外有不同的称谓有的国家称为高吹雪,也有人称为暴风雪.日本称为地吹雪,我国高寒的东北地区称之为“烟炮大雪”.现在我们按中气象局规定统一称为“雪暴”.它的定义是:大风席卷着飞雪,垂直高度从几米到几百米,水平能见度从小于1 000 m到小于10 m,很难辨认出当时的雪是从天降下的,还是风吹起的。  相似文献   

We used the nitrogen isotope ratio of algae, suspended particles and nitrate in the water column to track spatial variations in the marine nitrogen cycle in the Mediterranean Sea. Surface PON (5–74 m) was more depleted in 15N in the eastern basin (−0.3±0.5‰) than in the western basin (+2.4±1.4‰), suggesting that nitrogen supplied by biological N2 fixation may be an important source of new nitrogen in the eastern basin, where preformed nitrate from the Atlantic Ocean could have been depleted during its transit eastward. The δ15N of nitrate in the deep Mediterranean (∼3‰ in the western-most Mediterranean and decreasing toward the east) is significantly lower than nitrate at similar depths from the North Atlantic (4.8–5‰), also suggesting an important role for N2 fixation. The eastward decrease in the δ15N of surface PON is greater than the eastward decrease in the δ15N of the subsurface nitrate, implying that the amount of N2 fixation in the eastern Mediterranean is great enough to cause a major divergence in the δ15N of phytoplankton biomass from the δ15N of the nitrate upwelled from below. Variations in productivity associated with frontal processes, including shoaling of the nitracline, did not lead to detectable variations in the δ15N of PON. This indicates that no differential fertilization or productivity gradient occurred in the Almerian/Oran area. Our results are consistent with a lack of gradient in chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and nitrate concentration in the Alboran Sea. 15N enrichment in particles below 500 m depth was detected in the Alboran Sea with respect to surface PON, reaching an average value of +7.4±0.7‰. The δ15N in sinking particles caught at 100 m depth (4.9–5.6‰) was intermediate between suspended surface and suspended deep particles. We found a consistent difference in the isotopic composition of nitrogen in PON compared with that of chlorophyll (Δδ15N[PON-chlorin]=+6.4±1.4‰) in the surface, similar to the offset reported earlier in cultures for cellular N and chl-a. This indicates that δ15N of phytoplankton biomass was retained in surface PON, and that alteration of the isotopic signal of PON at depth was due to heterotrophic activity.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variations of the mixed layer properties in the Antarctic Zone (AZ) south of Tasmania are described using 7 WOCE/SR3 CTD sections and 8 years of summertime SURVOSTRAL XBT and thermosalinograph measurements between Tasmania and Antarctica. The AZ, which extends from the Polar Front (PF) to the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF), is characterized by a 150 m deep layer of cold Winter Water (WW) overlayed in summer by warmer, fresher water mass known as Antarctic Surface Water (AASW). South of Tasmania, two branches of the PF divide the AZ into northern and southern zones with distinct water properties and variability. In the northern AZ (between the northern and southern branches of the PF), the mixed layer depth (MLD) is fairly constant in latitude, being 150 m deep in winter and around 40–60 m in summer. In the southern AZ, the winter MLD decreases from 150 m at the S-PF to 80 m at the SACCF and from 60 to 35 m in summer. Shallower mixed layers in the AZ-S are due to the decrease in the wind speed and stronger upwelling near the Antarctic Divergence. The WW MLD oscillates by ±15 m around its mean value and modest interannual changes are driven by winter wind stress anomalies.The mixed layer is on annual average 1.7 °C warmer, 0.06 fresher and 0.2 kg m−3 lighter in the northern AZ than in the southern AZ. The Levitus (1998) climatology is in agreement with the observed mean summer mixed layer temperature and salinity along the SURVOSTRAL line but underestimates the MLD by 10–20 m. The winter MLD in the climatology is also closed to that observed, but is 0.15 saltier than the observations along the AZ-N of the SR3 line. MLD, temperature and density show a strong seasonal cycle through the AZ while the mixed layer salinity is nearly constant throughout the year. During winter, the AZ MLD is associated with a halocline while during summer it coincides with a thermocline.Interannual variability of the AZ summer mixed layer is partly influenced by large scale processes such as the circumpolar wave which produces a warm anomaly during the summer 1996–1997, and partly by local mechanisms such as the retroflection of the S-PF which introduces cold water across the AZ-N.  相似文献   

Polonik  N. S.  Ponomareva  A. L.  Shakirov  R. B.  Obzhirov  A. I. 《Oceanology》2021,61(4):469-471
Oceanology - The paper presents the first data on the methane distribution in the water column of Antarctic Sound (Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean) acquired during an integrated expedition of...  相似文献   

Abstract. Both the emergent surfaces and tide pools of the rocky intertidal shores of the Bay of Morbihan, Kerguelen are depauperate in number of macroinvertebrate and macroalgal species. Diversity (H') was high and similar for macroinvertebrates in tide pools from the high to low intertidal and on the emergent surface exposed at extreme low-tide when calculated in terms of numbers of individuals. H' was lower when calculated in terms of energy and twice as high for the tide pool in the high intertidal than the lower tide-pools and the emergent surface. H' for macroalgae was 0 in the highest tide-pool and highest in the lower tide-pools. The density/species-rank curves for the macroinvertebrates and the macroalgae are logarithmic but vary in linearity. Algal biomass was 37 % of the macroinvertebrate biomass on the emergent surface at the extreme low-tide, but 106% in the highest tide-pool. Twenty-three months after denudation of the tide pools, the ratios of total densities of the macroinvertebrates (ind m-2) to the original densities were 48 % for the pool in the high intertidal, 25 % for the middle tide-pool, and 4 % for the pool in the low intertidal. The diversity indexes for the macroinvertebrates were similar to the original ones. Recolonization at Kerguelen is slow and shows an intertidal gradient. The composition of the rocky intertidal community at Kerguelen results from the rigorous physical environment and the small number and functional types of species. In the absence of major predators on macroinvertebrates and of herbivores on macroalgae, interaction among the species present seems to be competitive in nature.  相似文献   

The variation features of the Antarctic sea ice (Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ThevariationfeaturesoftheAntarcticseaice(Ⅱ)¥XieSimei;HaoChunjiang;QianPingandZhangLin(ReceivedFebruary6,1993;acceptedAugust29...  相似文献   

As part of the KErguelen: compared study of the Ocean and the Plateau in Surface water (KEOPS) project in late summer 2005, we examine the phytoplankton community composition and associated primary production in the waters surrounding the Kerguelen Archipelago, with the emphasis on two contrasted environments: (i) the Kerguelen Plateau, where a large bloom occurs annually, and (ii) the high-nutrient low-chlorophyll (HNLC) offshore waters. A biomarker pigment approach was used to assess the community composition in terms of chlorophyll biomass of three phytoplankton size classes, namely micro-, nano-, and picophytoplankton. The second objective was to evaluate a global class-specific approach for estimating the contribution of the three pigment-based size classes to the primary production in the study area. To do so, primary production rates associated with each phytoplankton class were computed from the class-specific chlorophyll biomass coupled to a class-specific primary production model, and compared with in situ measurements of size-fractionated 13C-based primary production. The iron-enriched bloom region was dominated by microphytoplankton (diatoms), which contributed 80–90% to the total primary production (of ≈1 g C m?2 d?1). In the HNLC area, the primary production was about 0.30 g C m?2 d?1, mainly (65%) achieved by small diatoms and nanoflagellates. The model results show a good overall agreement between predicted and measured total primary production rates. In terms of size classes, agreements were higher for the bloom region than for the HNLC waters. Discrepancies in this complex iron-limited area may be explained essentially by the smaller size of diatoms, or a different set of photophysiological properties.  相似文献   

The properties of the Antarctic Bottom Water flow in the region of its inflow to the channel of the Romanche Fracture Zone at 22°10′–22°30′ W are studied on the basis of CTD and LADCP profiling in the western part of the equatorial fracture zone. A deep water cataract was found at the sill over the southern wall of the fracture with a depth of approximately 4600 m, which is associated with the abyssal flow, whose potential temperature is lower than 1°C. The inflow of water into the channel of the fracture in this temperature range is fully localized over this sill. The minimum potential temperature θ recorded in 2011 near the bottom was equal to 0.51°C, which is lower approximately by 0.12°C than the minimum temperatures ever measured in the western part of the fracture. The water transport in the cataract was estimated at 0.2 Sv (1 Sv = 106 m3/s), which is approximately 30% of the known estimates of the total transport of Antarctic Bottom Water (θ < 1.9°C) through the fracture. The extremely high intensity of the cross isothermal mixing in the cataract region was found. The analysis of the bottom topography data, including the historical WOD09 dataset, shows that the inflow of water with 1.00° < θ < 1.70°C into the channel of the fracture is most likely fully localized in a few passages in the region of the survey in 2011, while the water exchange with the abyssal waters with θ > 1.70°C through the Romanche Fracture Zone between the West and East Atlantic can also occur through the depressions in the southern and northern walls of the fracture in the region of the Vema Deep.  相似文献   

Ophiopholis mirabilis is a common species with a high population density on the western coasts of the northern Pacifi c Ocean.The number of O.mirabilis has been increasing recently in the scallop aquaculture zone(the Zhangzi Island area,northern Yellow Sea)in China.To explore the mechanism of its population variation,the reproductive cycle of O.mirabilis was investigated in this area(39°04′N;122°51′E)from February 2017 through January 2018 and determined by the monthly gonad index(GI),histological examinations of the gonads and the oocyte size-frequency distribution.O.mirabilis had a clear annual reproductive cycle that was synchronous between males and females.Sea temperature and food availability played important roles in O.mirabilis reproduction.The GI value was less reliable for determining reproductive activity in O.mirabilis because the nutritive tissues within the gonads may be utilized to synthesize gametes,leading to a decrease in GI during maturation.The histological results also show that abundant nutritive phagocytes were present in the gonads of O.mirabilis,which,together with the germ cells,aff ected the weight of the gonads.In addition,the mature oocytes of O.mirabilis were relatively small(75–150μm),indicating that the larval development was planktotrophic.This study provided insights into the reproductive patterns and biology of O.mirabilis and is an essential basis for the quantity control of this species in aquaculture areas.  相似文献   

Marc  Bouvy 《Marine Ecology》1988,9(2):109-122
Abstract. An intertidal mud sediment in the Kerguelen Archipelago was sampled weekly from January 1982 to March 1983. Measurements were taken for organic matter (carbon and nitrogen) and biological (bacteria, microphytobenthos, and mciofauna) parameters. The sediment is rich in organic matter, with a mean organic carbon content of 130gC- m-2. Benthic living components yield low mean biomasscs in relation to the total organic pool. Besides some marine inputs, the main allochthonous source was identified as terrestrial inputs. Benthic activities seemed strongly governed by food availability and not by temperature. Obvious seasonal changes in bacterial abundances (direct counts), primary production, and mciofauna distributions were observed. Photosynthctic production reached high values (up to 2275 mg C-m-2-d-1), reflecting the presence of a dense microphytobenthos. Preliminary energy budgets for two seasons (spring and winter) have been constructed. In both periods, the measured primary production can support the high mciofauna production.  相似文献   

A time-series sediment trap deployment was carried out in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Antarctic Ocean (64°42′ S, 139°58′E; sea depth of 2930 m), during the austral summer. Cylindrical fecal pellets were the predominant sinking particles at 537 m in the middle of January and most of them disappeared below that depth, the loss of which were 25.3 mg C m−2 day−1 in the depth range of 537–796 m. Small-sized sinking particles other than fecal pellets increased in that depth range. Analyses of fecal pellets for remnant DNA corresponding to 16S mitochondrial RNA and 28S ribosomal RNA suggested that the large cylindrical fecal pellets at 537 m were produced by Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) and copepods. According to the presence of the DNA associated with sinking particles, E. superba fecal pellets rapidly disappeared below 537 m, while copepod fecal pellets still remained in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers. Small-sized amorphous sinking particles at 537 m also contained E. superba- and copepod-derived DNA. The abundance of trap-collected copepods (Oithona spp. and Oncaea spp.) which are known to be coprophagous increased at 796 m where many fecal pellets disappeared. We suggest that those rapidly sinking pellets were fragmented by copepods with intensified coprorhexy activity (fragmentation of fecal pellets) in the mesopelagic layers, reducing their sinking rates. These smaller and slower sinking particles can be important food sources for detritivorus or coprophagous animals in mesopelagic and bathypelagic layers in the MIZ. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Kapustina  M. V.  Krechik  V. A. 《Oceanology》2021,61(5):602-612
Oceanology - The results of the analysis of the thermohaline water parameters of the bottom layer in the Discovery Gap (Azores-Gibraltar Fracture Zone, Northeast Atlantic) are presented. The data...  相似文献   

The West Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest warming regions on Earth. Faster glacier retreat and related calving events lead to more frequent iceberg scouring, fresh water input and higher sediment loads, which in turn affect shallow water benthic marine assemblages in coastal regions. In addition, ice retreat creates new benthic substrates for colonization. We investigated three size classes of benthic biota (microbenthos, meiofauna and macrofauna) at three sites in Potter Cove (King George Island, West Antarctic Peninsula) situated at similar water depths but experiencing different disturbance regimes related to glacier retreat. Our results revealed the presence of a patchy distribution of highly divergent benthic assemblages within a relatively small area (about 1 km2). In areas with frequent ice scouring and higher sediment accumulation rates, an assemblage mainly dominated by macrobenthic scavengers (such as the polychaete Barrukia cristata), vagile organisms and younger individuals of sessile species (such as the bivalve Yoldia eightsi) was found. Macrofauna were low in abundance and very patchily distributed in recently ice‐free areas close to the glacier, whereas the pioneer nematode genus Microlaimus reached a higher relative abundance in these newly exposed sites. The most diverse and abundant macrofaunal assemblage was found in areas most remote from recent glacier influence. By contrast, the meiofauna showed relatively low densities in these areas. The three benthic size classes appeared to respond in different ways to disturbances likely related to ice retreat, suggesting that the capacity to adapt and colonize habitats is dependent on both body size and specific life traits. We predict that, under continued deglaciation, more diverse, but less patchy, benthic assemblages will become established in areas out of reach of glacier‐related disturbance.  相似文献   

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