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A 2 S albumin from oriental mustard (Brassica juncea) seeds has been isolated and characterized as an allergen. This protein, BrajI, was recognized by human IgE from mustard-sensitive individuals, as proved by using two different enzyme immunoassays. BrajI was found to be closely related to Sin a I, the major allergen from yellow mustard seeds. Many fractions with molecular weights ranging from 16,000 to 16,400 and with differences in charge were separated by ion-exchange chromatography. They exhibited small but significant amino acid composition differences for Glx, Val, Ile, Lys, and Arg contents. The heterogeneity of BrajI can be explained by size and charge differences of its heavy and light chains. All of the isoallergenic forms of BrajI gave a single precipitation band in double diffusion immunoassays when using a Sin a-I-specific rabbit polyclonal serum.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Allergic reactions induced by ingestion of foods containing sesame seeds are a well recognized cause of severe food-induced anaphylaxis. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to identify and characterize the clinically most important major allergen of sesame seeds. METHODS: Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and IgE immunoblotting were performed on sera of 10 patients selected for severe and documented allergic reaction after eating food containing sesame. The major allergen was purified by gel filtration and characterized by isoelectric point (pI), glycosylation and amino acid sequencing. RESULTS: All the patients had positive IgE antibodies and skin prick tests (SPTs) to sesame. The major, clinically most important allergen was a protein with molecular mass of about 9000. It was not glycosylated, the amino acid sequence showed it was a 2S albumin with a pI of 7.3; the small and the large subunits, forming the whole protein, showed pI values of 6.5 and 6.0.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs) are clinically relevant plant food panallergens and have been proposed as ideal tools to study true food allergy. Pru p 3, the major peach allergen in the Mediterranean area, is among the best-characterized allergenic members of the LTP family. Its diagnostic value for Rosaceae fruit allergy has been demonstrated both in vivo and in vitro. OBJECTIVE: We sought to locate major IgE-binding epitopes of Pru p 3. METHODS: A serum pool and individual sera from patients with peach allergy and positive skin prick test results to Pru p 3 were used. Three-dimensional modeling was achieved by using experimentally available structures of Pru p 3 homologues as templates. Theoretical prediction of potential IgE-binding regions was performed by selecting specific residues on the molecular surface displaying prominent electrostatic potential features. Point mutants of Pru p 3 were constructed by standard polymerase chain reaction procedures with the appropriate primers. Mutants were expressed in P pastoris by means of the pPIC 9 vector and purified from the corresponding supernatants by gel-filtration chromatography followed by RP-HPLC. IgE binding by Pru p 3 mutants was tested by immunodetection and quantified by ELISA and ELISA inhibition assays. Synthetic peptides (10 mer; 5 amino acids overlapping) covering the full Pru p 3 sequence were used to detect IgE epitopes by (125)I-anti-IgE immunodetection. RESULTS: Pru p 3 showed a 3-dimensional structure comprising 4 alpha-helixes and a nonstructured C-terminal coil (residues 73 to 91). Regions around amino acids in positions 23 to 36, 39 to 44, and 80 to 91, particularly residues R39, T40, and R44, K80 and K91, were predicted as potential antibody recognition sites according to their relevant surface and electrostatic properties. Point mutants K80A and K91A were found to have an IgE-binding capacity similar to that of recombinant Pru p 3, but the triple mutant R39A/T40A/R44A showed a substantial decrease (approximately 5 times) of IgE binding. IgE immunodetection of synthetic peptides led to the identification of Pru p 3 sequence regions 11 to 25, 31 to 45, and 71 to 80 as major IgE epitopes. CONCLUSIONS: Main IgE-binding regions of the Pru p 3 amino acid sequence were identified. The three major ones comprised the end of an alpha-helix and some residues of the following interhelix loop. These data can help to search for Pru p 3 hypoallergenic forms.  相似文献   

Characterizing B-cell epitopes is a fundamental step for understanding the immunological basis of bio-recognition. To date, epitope analyses have either been based on limited structural data, or sequence data alone. In this study, our null hypothesis was that the surface of the antigen is homogeneously antigenic. To test this hypothesis, a large dataset of antibody-antigen complex structures, together with crystal structures of the native antigens, has been compiled. Computational methods were developed and applied to detect and extract physico-chemical, structural, and geometrical properties that may distinguish an epitope from the remaining antigen surface. Rigorous statistical inference was able to clearly reject the null hypothesis showing that epitopes are distinguished from the remaining antigen surface in properties such as amino acid preference, secondary structure composition, geometrical shape, and evolutionary conservation. Specifically, epitopes were found to be significantly enriched with tyrosine and tryptophan, and to show a general preference for charged and polar amino acids. Additionally, epitopes were found to show clear preference for residing on planar parts of the antigen that protrude from the surface, yet with a rugged surface shape at the atom level. The effects of complex formation on the structural properties of the antigen were also computationally characterized and it is shown that epitopes undergo compression upon antibody binding. This correlates with the finding that epitopes are enriched with unorganized secondary structure elements that render them flexible. Thus, this study extends the understanding of the underlying processes required for antibody binding, and reveals new aspects of the antibody-antigen interaction.  相似文献   

Asp f 2 is a major Aspergillus fumigatus allergen involved in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Knowledge of the B-cell epitopes may contribute to the understanding of immunoregulation and immunodiagnosis. To elucidate the immunoglobulin E (IgE) binding epitopes in the linear sequence of Asp f 2, we synthesized decamer peptides spanning the whole molecule of Asp f 2 on derivatized cellulose membranes and evaluated IgE binding in ABPA patient and control sera. Peptides three to five amino acids long were synthesized based on amino acid sequences within the IgE binding regions and evaluated for the specificity of epitope antibody interactions. Nine IgE binding regions were recognized in this protein of 268 amino acid residues. Of the nine epitopes, seven (ATQRRQI, RKYFG, HWR, YTTRR, DHFAD, ALEAYA, and THEGGQ) are present in the hydrophilic regions of Asp f 2. Immunologic evaluation of the three recombinant fragments, Asp f 2A encompassing the N-terminal epitope region, Asp f 2B without N- and C-terminal regions of the protein, and Asp f 2C representing C-terminal epitopes, revealed that either the N- or C-terminal region of the protein is essential for the correct folding and conformation for IgE antibody binding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The involvement of CD4+ T cells in the pathophysiology of atopic disease is well established. OBJECTIVE: To gain further insight into the activation requirements for allergen-specific T cells, we characterized epitope specificity, HLA restriction and T-cell receptor (TCR) usage for T cells specific to Phl p 5, the group 5 major allergen of the grass Phleum pratense. METHODS: To identify the T-cell epitopes of Phl p 5, three Phl p 5-specific T-cell lines (TCLs) and 15 T-cell clones (TCCs) generated from the peripheral blood of three grass-allergic patients were tested with recombinant truncated Phl p 5a fragments and synthetic Phl p 5b peptides representing these two different recombinant Phl p 5 isoallergens. Additional activation experiments with HLA-subtyped antigen-presenting cells and flow cytometry analysis with TCR V-specific mAb were performed to further characterize the activation requirements for Phl p 5-specific TCCs. RESULTS: At least nine distinct T-cell specificities were identified and the T-cell epitopes recognized differed considerably among the three patients. Most of the epitopes found were isoform-specific, whereas three epitopes were shared between Phl p 5a and 5b. Several human leucocyte antigen (HLA) class II molecules were involved in the recognition of Phl p 5. Different HLA restriction specificities were even found among TCCs specific to the same epitope region. All TCCs were TCR-alpha/beta positive, and an overrepresentation of TCR Vbeta 3.1+ clones among TCCs specific to Phl p 5 appear to exists as 31% (4/13) of the TCCs expressed TCR Vbeta 3.1 (compared with 5% TCR Vbeta 3.1+ T cells in human peripheral blood) with no correlation with epitope specificity or HLA restriction. CONCLUSION: The T-cell reactivity of the three grass-allergic patients investigated shows that isoallergen-specific T-cell epitopes are found throughout the peptide backbone of Phl p 5a and Phl p 5b, and dominant T-cell epitopes of Phl p 5 were not identified. This indicates that a mixture of at least full-length rPhl p 5a and rPhl p 5b may be required to target the total Phl p 5-specific T-cell response of atopic patients.  相似文献   

The antigenic and allergenic structure of Der f I, a major allergen of the house dust mite Dermatophagoides farinae (Df) was investigated by means of a panel of 11 selected monoclonal antibodies (mAb) obtained from BALB/c mice immunized with purified Der f I. The species specificity of these mAb, tested with Der f I and Der p I--the homologous allergen from Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus--was generally restricted to Der f I since 10 out of 11 mAb reacted only with this allergen. Epitope specificity of the mAb was determined by both competitive inhibition and sandwich ELISA experiments. The results indicated the presence of at least four non-overlapping, non-repeated antigenic sites on Der f I, which were recognized by one or several mAb (sites A, B, C and D). Comparative epitope specificity studies between human IgE antibodies and mice mAb were performed, on sera and basophils of Df sensitive patients, using different inhibition assays (ELISA and histamine release experiments). The degree of inhibition varied between the patients and upon the assay design. Most of the mAb tested were found to significantly inhibit the binding of human IgE to Der f I (p less than 0.01) when compared with Der p I specific mAb as a control. The mAb reacting with site A was found to be the most potent inhibitor, presenting a mean inhibition of up to 56% in ELISA as well as in histamine release experiments. The results show that both human IgE antibodies and mAb can be directed against identical or closely related epitopes of Der f I. Therefore anti-Der f I mAb constitute immunologic probes in further allergenic epitope and peptide analysis of this major mite allergen.  相似文献   

Invasion plasmid antigen C (IpaC) is a 43-kDa plasmid-encoded protein associated with the ability of shigellae to invade epithelial cells. This protein is consistently strongly recognized by sera from convalescent patients and monkeys experimentally infected with shigellae. The strong immunogenicity of IpaC in the course of natural infection makes it a good candidate as a potentially protective antigen. To map the B-cell epitopes of this protein, the gene encoding IpaC was cloned and expressed at a high level in Escherichia coli. The partially purified recombinant protein was used to raise rabbit polyclonal antisera and murine monoclonal antibodies. A lambda gt11 ipaC gene library was screened with the antisera and antibodies. Recombinant DNA clones producing specific antigenic determinants were isolated, and the sequence of their DNA inserts was determined. The amino acid sequence of each determinant was deduced from the minimal overlap of DNA inserts of multiple antibody-positive DNA clones. Two distinct epitopes, located between amino acid residues 25 and 33 and 90 and 97, were identified. Two additional B-cell epitopes which were located between residues 297 and 349, near the carboxy-terminal end of the protein, were characterized. Each of these epitopes was also recognized by sera from convalescent humans and monkeys. Therefore, it seems likely that these epitopes are relevant to the humoral response against IpaC during natural infection.  相似文献   

The allergenic components of the shrimp (Parapenaeus fissurus) were identified by immunoblotting, with sera from 10 allergic patients. Six components, ranging in molecular weight from about 86 to 39 kd, showed IgE-binding activity and were identified as allergens of the shrimp. The component with a molecular weight of about 39 kd showed the highest frequency of IgE binding (70%) and was considered to be one of its major allergens. Two monoclonal antibodies against this 39 kd component were generated, and their antigenic cross-reactivity with five different kinds of seafood, shrimp, crab, cuttlefish, oyster, and pomfret was analyzed. Monoclonal antibody 1-6-10B reacted with the 39 kd component from shrimp only, but monoclonal antibody 2-7-IE also reacted with the 39 kd component from crab. By extraction with 0.5% sodium dodecylsulfate and ethanol precipitation, a highly purified shrimp 39 kd component was obtained. In two-dimensional gel electrophoresis six isoforms of this purified 39 kd component, with isoelectric point values from purified 39 kd component, with isoloelectric point values from 5.1 to 5.6, were identified. No marked difference was observed when the amino acid composition of this purified 39 kd allergen was compared with those of serum albumin from different animals. They all contain a high proportion of acidic amino acids. There was also a 62% to 83% sequence homology among three different pairs of peptide fragments of purified 39 kd components of shrimp and crab. In conclusion, a 39 kd major allergen from the shrimp has been identified and characterized in the present study. According to the suggestions of the International Union of Immunological Societies, this allergen is designated as Par f I.  相似文献   

An 18 kDa protein isolated from saliva of the cat flea, Ctenocephalides felis, elicits a positive intradermal skin test (IDST) in 100 and 80% of experimental and clinical flea allergic dogs, respectively. Using solid-phase enzyme-linked immuno assay (ELISA), this protein detected IgE in 100 and 80% of experimental and clinical flea allergic dogs, respectively. A cDNA (pFSI) encoding a full-length Cte f 1 protein was isolated from a C. felis salivary gland cDNA library, using a combination of PCR and hybridization screening. This cDNA is 658 bp in length, and contains an open reading frame of 528 bp. The open reading frame encodes a protein of 176 amino acids, consisting of an 18 amino acid signal sequence and a 158 amino acid mature protein. The calculated molecular weight and pI of the mature protein are 18106 Da and 9.3, respectively. The protein, named Cte f 1, is the first novel major allergen described for canine flea allergy. Recombinant Cte f 1 (rCte f 1) was expressed in Escherichia coli, Pichia pastoris and baculovirus infected Trichoplusia ni cells. Approximately, 90% of the rCte f 1 expressed in E. coli accumulated in insoluble inclusion bodies, which could be refolded to a soluble mixture of disulfide isomers with partial IgE binding activity. Small quantities of an apparently correctly refolded form of rCte f 1, which had IgE binding activity equal to the native antigen, was isolated from the soluble fraction of E. coli cells. However, P. pastoris and baculovirus infected insect cells expressed and secreted a fully processed, correctly refolded and fully active form of rCte f 1. Mass spectrometry analysis of the active forms of rCte f 1confirmed that eight intact disulfide bonds were present, matching the number observed in the native allergen. The relative ability of rCte f 1 to bind IgE in the serum of flea allergic animals, produced in these three expression systems, matched that of the native allergen. Competition ELISA demonstrated that approximately 90% of the specific IgE binding to native Cte f 1 could be blocked by the different forms of rCte f 1.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pollen of Humulus japonicus has been known as one of the important causes of pollinosis in Korea and China. To date, the major allergen of H. japonicus has not been determined. OBJECTIVE: To identify the major allergen of H. japonicus pollen and characterize its biochemical properties. METHODS: With the sera of 29 patients reactive to H. japonicus, the major allergen of H. japonicus was determined from the results of IgE immunoblotting and ELISA inhibition. The biochemical properties of the major allergen of H. japonicus were evaluated by lectin blotting assay and 2-dimensional PAGE blot. N-terminal amino acid sequences were determined by the Edman degradation method. The suggested major allergen was purified by DEAE anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. RESULTS: Twenty-nine sera contained IgE bound to the 10, 16, 20, 29 and 42 kDa proteins of H. japonicus in immunoblot analysis. A protein of 10 kDa was the most prevalent allergen in the sera of H. japonicus-reactive patients (72%). The ELISA optical density of H. japonicus-specific IgE was not inhibited by pollen extracts of birch, oak, rye grass and mugwort. The 10-kDa allergen was neither stained with PAS nor bound with ConA and five other lectins. The isoelectric point of the 10-kDa allergen was approximately pH 5.1. We sequenced the N-terminal amino acids of the 10-kDa allergen, which was not homologous with any previously characterized allergen. The 10-kDa allergen could be purified with DEAE anion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. Maximum inhibitions of H. japonicus-specific IgE ELISA by whole extract of H. japonicus and purified 10-kDa allergen were more than 97 and 88%, respectively, while the 50% inhibitory concentration of the whole extract of H. japonicus and purified 10 kDa were 38 and 20 ng/mL, respectively. CONCLUSION: The 10-kDa peptide could be a major allergen of H. japonicus. Its isoelectric point was 5.1 and it did not bind with lectins. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the 10-kDa major allergen was also determined.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The development of safe and effective immunotherapy for peanut allergy has been complicated by the high anaphylactic potential of native peanut extracts. We sought to map the T-cell epitopes of the major peanut allergen, Ara h 2 in order to develop T-cell targeted vaccines. METHODS: A panel of eight peanut-specific CD4+ T-cell lines (TCL) was derived from eight peanut-allergic subjects and proliferative and cytokine responses to stimulation with a set of overlapping 20-mer peptides representing the entire sequence of Ara h 2 determined. Proliferation was assessed in 72 h assays via tritiated thymidine incorporation, while interleukin (IL)-5 and interferon (IFN)-gamma production were assessed via sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) of cell culture supernatants. RESULTS: Eight of the 17 Ara h 2 peptides were recognized by one or more subjects, with the two peptides showing highest reactivity [Ara h 2 (19-38) and Ara h 2 (73-92)] being recognized by three subjects each. Adjoining peptides Ara h 2 (28-47) and Ara h 2 (100-119) induced proliferative responses in two subjects. Each of these peptides was associated with a Th2-type cytokine response. CONCLUSION: Two highly immunogenic T-cell reactive regions of Ara h 2 have been identified, Ara h 2 (19-47) and Ara h 2 (73-119), providing scope for the development of safe forms of immunotherapy for peanut allergy.  相似文献   

Parvalbumin, the major fish allergen, is recognized by allergen-specific IgE of more than 90% of all fish-allergic patients. A detailed knowledge of allergenic structures is crucial for developing a vaccine inducing blocking antibodies specifically directed towards the IgE binding epitopes. In the present study we aimed to use the phage display technique to generate mimotopes, which mimic epitopes on parvalbumin. Parvalbumin-specific IgE was purified from sera of fish-allergic patients and used for screening of a constrained decamer phage library. After four rounds of biopanning using parvalbumin-specific IgE, five phage clones were selected which were specifically recognized by parvalbumin-specific IgE as well as IgG. DNA sequencing and peptide alignment revealed a high degree of sequence similarities between the mimotopes. Interestingly, on the surface of natural parvalbumin three regions could be defined by computational mimotope matching. In accordance, previously defined allergenic peptides of cod parvalbumin highlighted areas in close proximity or overlapping with the mimotope matching sites. From the presented data we conclude that our approach identified conformational epitopes of parvalbumin relevant for IgE and IgG binding. We suggest that these mimotopes are suitable candidates for an epitope-specific immunotherapy of fish-allergic patients.  相似文献   

Isolation and partial characterization of a major peanut allergen   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We isolated and partially characterized a major peanut allergen (Peanut-I) using the radioallergosorbent test (RAST) to monitor the allergenicity of various fractions. Raw peanuts were pulverized, defatted, and extracted; the resulting crude extract (CPE) was fractionated by diethylaminoethyl (DEAE) cellulose anion-exchange chromatography using a linear salt gradient. Peak allergenic fractions were further purified by a second DEAE cellulose chromatography step, followed by a preparative polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) step. The final product, Peanut-I, contained 11% nitrogen and 8.7% carbohydrate and was homogeneous by both analytical PAGE and immunoelectrophoresis against rabbit anti-CPE. Peanut-I was heterogeneous by thin-layer electrofocusing and by PAGE in 1% sodium dodecyl sulfate. Biologic activity of Peanut-I was demonstrated by positive skin tests and leukocyte histamine release assays in patients with peanut allergy. By RAST inhibition assay Peanut-I did not account for all of the allergenic activity of CPE.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Allergy to cow's milk is common in early childhood, and no therapy other than avoidance exists. In murine models of peanut allergy, immunotherapy with mutated, engineered, proteins appears promising. OBJECTIVE: We sought to identify the critical amino acids (AAs) for immunoglobulin E (IgE) binding within the major B-cell epitopes of alpha(s1)-casein, a major cow's milk allergen. This will provide the necessary information to alter the cDNA to encode a protein capable of activating milk-specific T cells, but with reduced IgE-binding capacity. METHODS: For mutational analysis of the IgE-binding epitopes, peptides of 10-14 AAs in length were synthesized on a derivatized cellulose membrane with single or multiple AA substitutions. Membranes were immunolabeled with pooled sera from 15 cow's-milk-allergic patients and with 8 individual sera. RESULTS: With the pooled sera, substitution of a single AA led to complete abrogation of IgE binding to 2 of 8 peptides and diminished binding in the remainder. Substitution of multiple AAs led to an abrogation of binding in the remaining peptides. In 4 of the 8 peptides, the critical AA identified with pooled sera did not result in significant reduction of IgE binding with 1 or more individual patients. For these patients, other critical AAs were identified, indicating a more heterogeneous pattern in IgE recognition. CONCLUSION: This study indicates that single or multiple AA substitutions within IgE-binding epitopes result in reduced binding of milk-specific IgE antibodies by patients' sera. However, for future immunotherapeutic interventions with mutated peptides, critical AAs should be evaluated with individual patient sera to determine B-cell-epitope heterogeneity.  相似文献   

By using a series of overlapping synthetic peptides that cover more than 75% of the amino acid sequence of the major surface glycoprotein (gp63) from Leishmania major, 11 T-cell epitopes in CBA and BALB/c mice have been identified. Six of the peptides were recognized by T cells of CBA mice recovered from L. major infection, while one was recognized by the T cells from BALB/c mice recovered from the infection following sublethal doses of gamma-irradiation. Lymph node cells from mice immunized with the peptides also responded to a number of the same peptides (seven in CBA and one in BALB/c). Peptide p10-28 induced proliferative T-cell responses in both CBA and BALB/c mice. Five of the peptides (p10-28, p22-40, p289-309, p459-471 and p467-482) induced vigorous T-cell response in CBA mice but were not recognized by T cells from recovered mice. Four other peptides (p321-336, p364-476, p372-385 and p378-396) were recognized by T cells from recovered CBA mice but could not induce a T-cell response in normal CBA mice. Three peptides (p146-171, p289-309 and p395-414) were both able to induce a T-cell response and were recognized by T cells from recovered mice. However, only two peptides (p146-171 and p467-482) were able to activate T cells, which also recognized epitopes expressed by antigen-presenting cells infected with promastigotes. T cells induced by p146-171 and p467-171 or a mixture of these two peptides were mainly CD4+ and produced interleukin (IL-2) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) but not IL-4 upon antigen stimulation in vitro. These two peptides also induced a classical delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) response in CBA mice. Furthermore, CBA mice immunized with a mixture of the two peptides in Coryne parvum or entrapped in liposomes induced significant resistance against L. major infection. The implications of these results in terms of a synthetic vaccine against leishmaniasis and the mechanism of the induction of Th1 and Th2 cells are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chi t 1.01, a hemoglobin of the midge Chironomus thummi thummi, is a widespread environmental and occupational allergen. The aim of the present investigation was to identify and compare peptides involved in B-cell epitopes of Chi t 1.01 recognized by 15 human IgE sera, six murine monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), and a polyclonal rabbit antiserum. METHODS: Synthetic peptides 19-21 amino acids long covering the whole Chi t 1.01-sequence were covalently coupled to activated paper disks as well as adsorbed to wells of immunoplates and used for enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. For fine epitope mapping, we used overlapping synthetic octapeptides with one amino-acid offset. RESULTS: Peptides containing the amino acids 13-17, 23-29, and 40-50 were recognized by three of the mAbs, while three other mAbs reacting with none of the peptides obviously recognized conformational epitopes. Binding sites for rabbit antibodies and for human IgE antibodies were scattered over the whole molecule. The peptide 80-100 seemed to comprise at least one important IgE epitope. Depending on the method of antigen binding to the solid phase, differing results were obtained. CONCLUSIONS: Several linear epitopes in Chi t 1.01 are recognized by human IgE antibodies, by mAbs, and by polyclonal rabbit antibodies. In addition, the results indicate the presence of conformational epitopes.  相似文献   

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