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目的研究断层塑化标本的制作技术。方法选用聚酯共聚体为塑化材料制备人体水平断层标本。结果制备的断层解剖标本半透明,可以清晰的显示组织结构,且标本厚度均匀,表面平滑,轮廓较好。结论聚酯共聚体材料制备的断层标本可以更好的满足医学影像专业的教学需求。  相似文献   

制作塑化标本的大体解剖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塑化标本不需用福尔马林液保存,无毒无味,且使用时间长。现在尸体材料来源越加困难,标本经塑化后使用和保存对教学和科研都非常有益,这也是人体解剖学标本发展的一个趋势。现有的技术资料对标本的塑化过程已有详尽介绍[1,2]。故本文重点介绍为制作塑化标本进行的...  相似文献   

蝶鞍区塑化薄片断层解剖学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张绍祥  刘正津  何光篪 《解剖学报》1998,29(4):337-341,I001
为了给临床蝶鞍区手术提供详细的解剖学资料,用中年男性标本30例,采用Plastination技术,分别作成蝶区连续横、矢、冠状薄片断层标本,进行解剖学观测,结果显示:董体的左右径大于前后径或上下径,对于垂体病变,宜进行三方位对照观察,以了解垂体的形态变化。展神经与海绵窦外侧壁之间有间隙存在,说明展神经并不走行于外侧壁中,而是位海绵窦内。紧贴视交叉的外侧,颈内动脉由海绵窦段的前升冲突芊  相似文献   

Ⅲ—Ⅴ对脑神经生物塑化薄片断层解剖与MRI对照研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:对动眼神经、滑车神经、三叉神经进行塑化切片与MRI对照研究,获得正常影像和断层解剖资料。方法:采用生物塑化技术制作脑神经横断位8例、矢状位和冠状位各1例薄层切片,同时采用FLASH-3D序列完成头颅标本及30例正常人脑干MR扫描,以MPR技术完整显示动眼神经的三叉神经的脑池段全程。结果:塑化薄片断层、标本和活体MR扫描,脑神经行程、解剖形态均有良好的对应关系,滑车神经仅在塑化切片上显示。结论:生物塑化薄层切片能够对脑神经进行准确显示,是脑神经影像学研究的重要对比方法。  相似文献   

人体断层解剖标本制作体会   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着新的影像技术,如超声成像(USG)、X线计算机断层成像(CT)和磁共振成像(MRI)等新的诊疗技术先后崛起并迅速普及应用,凸现断层解剖知识的重要性。临床医生要正确识别各种影像图,必须具备正常人体断层解剖学基础理论和基本知识。随着医学影像学的发展,断层解剖学已成为现代影像医学的重要基础学科。为此,在医学院校内开设断层解剖学课程,  相似文献   

目的 :对展神经、面神经、前庭蜗神经进行塑化切片与MRI对照研究 ,获得正常影像和断层解剖资料。方法 :采用生物塑化技术制作脑神经横断位 8例、矢状位和冠状位各 1例薄层切片 ,同时采用FLASH -3D序列完成头颅标本及 3 0例正常人脑干MR扫描 ,以MPR技术完整显示展神经、面神经、前庭蜗神经脑池段全程。结果 :塑化薄片断层、标本和活体MR扫描 ,脑神经行程、解剖形态均有良好的对应关系 ,Dorello管和展神经海绵窦段在塑化切片上显示良好 ,MRI仅能部分显示。结论 :生物塑化薄层切片能够对脑神经及相关结构进行准确显示 ,是脑神经影像学研究的重要对比方法  相似文献   

人体解剖塑化标本的制作及其在实验教学中的应用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
<正> 自从Hargens发明生物塑化技术以来,国内已有医学院校将此技术应用于人体解剖标本的制作。我们引进了Hargens的生物塑化技术,结合教学实际情况有计划地制作了一系列的塑化标本,以适应药学院教学模式转制及实验教学改革的需要。  相似文献   

利用生物塑化技术,将骆驼经过固定、大体制作、脱水脱脂、渗透、定型、修复固化、清理、上色等流程,完成整体塑化标本的制作。采用生物塑化技术制作的骆驼标本,无毒无味,经久耐用,肌肉纹理清晰,并具有一定的弹性,真实地保持了骆驼的形态结构,避免了传统制作方法的缺点。这为大型动物塑化标本的制作积累了经验,也为生物塑化技术在国内生物标本制作的推广提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

有机玻璃断层解剖标本盒的制作技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制作精美的断层解剖学标本 ,采用有机玻璃盒装 ,对增强标本的结构显示和外形美观有很大的作用 ,并能经久耐用 ,长久保存。有机玻璃平板是甲基丙烯酸甲酯单体聚合的典型产品 ,具有一系列优异的理化特性 ,光学性能透光率为 92 % [1] ,有较高的机械强度及热塑加工性能 ,耐酸、耐碱  相似文献   

正生物塑化技术是上世纪70年代末德国Hagens[1]发明的一项组织保存技术,已被广泛应用于解剖学、生物学、临床医学和艺术等相关领域。生物塑化过程是将生物组织中的水分和脂类用多聚物替代的过程。根据所用的多聚物不同,分为硅橡胶、多聚化乳胶、聚酯共聚体和环氧树脂4种技术[2]。P45断层塑化技术属于生物塑化中的聚酯树脂技术,由隋鸿锦教授[3]于2003年发明。运用该技术制作的塑化断层标本具有干燥、无毒、不变形、便于手持观察等特点,还实现了透明化,  相似文献   

Evaluation of the ankle syndesmosis: a plastination slices study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Plastination is an excellent tool for studying different anatomical and clinical questions. This technique is unique because it offers the possibility to produce transparent slices series that can be easily processed morphometrically. It is very difficult to recognize the subtle widening of the tibiofibular syndesmosis in less severe injuries of this articulation. Proper anatomic knowledge of the syndesmosis might be helpful. The ankle syndesmosis was investigated on 20 cadaver feet by using the E12 plastination technique. Each foot was cut into 1.6-mm transverse slices and then plastinated. The following parameters (reflecting the position of the fibula in the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis) were measured: the length (LFI) and the depth of the fibular incisure (DFI); the width of the clear space (TCS) and the tibiofibular overlap (TFO); the position of the fibula regarding the anterior aspect of the tibia (A); and the width of the fibula (W). Due to the unique approach of this method, values for the position of the fibular incisure with respect to the frontal (F) and sagittal (S) plane were described for the entire syndesmosis. The prevalence of syndesmotic injury in association with sprains of the ankle is up to 11%. The data presented in the study are useful for the appreciation of the correct position of the fibula in the fibular incisure and can be correlated with standard anterior-posterior radiographies and CT examinations of the ankle joint.  相似文献   

Computerized reconstruction of anatomical structures is becoming very useful for developing anatomical teaching modules and animations. Although databases exist consisting of serial sections derived from frozen cadaver material, plastination represents an alternate method for developing anatomical data useful for computerized reconstruction. Plastination is used as an excellent tool for studying different anatomical and clinical questions. The sheet plastination technique is unique because it offers the possibility to produce transparent slices series, which can easily be processed morphometrically. The purpose of this study was to describe a method for developing a computerized model of the human ankle using plastinated slices. This method could be applied to reconstruct any desired region of the human body.A human ankle was obtained, plastinated, sectioned, and subjected to 3D computerized reconstruction using WinSURF modeling system (SURFdriver Software). Qualitative observations revealed that the morphological features of the model were consistent with those displayed by typical cadaveric specimens. Morphometric analysis indicated that the model did not significantly differ from a sample of cadaveric specimens. These data support the use of plastinates for generating tissues sections useful for 3D computerized modeling.  相似文献   

Until now, patients with a shoulder instability being examined using magnetic resonance imaging have been placed in a position with the arm adducted or in the ABER position, as a result of the way conventional MR systems are built. Magnetic resonance systems with an open configuration have made it possible, for the first time, to examine patients in the apprehension-test position, which is a representative diagnostic position for anterior shoulder instability. This new examination position requires an exact understanding of layered imaging anatomy in order to clearly identify MR structures. The purpose of this study is to make possible a direct comparison of the respective abilities of MR cross-section imaging and thin-layer plastination to clearly identify all MR structures of the shoulder positioned in the apprehension-test position. The two shoulders of a body donor were separated and stored in special position supports in the apprehension-test position. The magnetic resonance examination was carried out using a vertically open 0.5-T MR system (Signa SP/i, General Electric Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI). The following sequences were used: 2D GRE, TR 42.5 ms, TE 20 ms, layer width 3 mm, matrix 512×512, FOV 24 cm. The coronary und transversal MR cross-section segments were subsequently planned in conjunction with thin-layer plastination for both shoulders. Using a direct comparison of MR images with the corresponding thin-layer plastination, it was possible to clearly identify all MR structures.  相似文献   

踝关节的横及冠状断层影像解剖学   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的:为踝关节病变的影像学诊断提供解剖学基础。方法:①观测15例干性胫、腓及距骨的关节面。②成年男尸右足标本7例,先依骨性标志画线,新鲜2例画线后,各行轴位CT、MRI扫描及冠状位MRI扫描后冻硬,再切制横断层4例,冠状断层3例。结果:①距骨上关节面前、后宽为30.2、23.5mm;距骨内、外踝关节面矢状径与垂直径分别为30.8、14.9mm与27.5、23.7mm;外踝关节面前缘至距骨颈后缘间距为9.3mm。胫骨内踝与腓骨外踝关节面矢状径与垂直径分别为21.8、14.7mm和16.9、21.6mm。②观察了每一断层内关节及周围结构的形态、毗邻及其在连续断层的变化规律,并匹配相应CT及MRI。距骨滑车上关节面前宽32.9mm,距骨上、胫骨下关节面软骨厚1.7mm与1.8mm,胫距关节、内踝处及腓距关节腔径值分别为2.4、2.8、1.4mm,骨间韧带长1.8mm。结论:踝关节的断层解剖,为影像学诊断及关节镜技术等提供了解剖学依据。  相似文献   

足的横断层解剖学研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 为给足部疾患的横断层影像学诊断提供解剖学依据。方法 用成年男尸新鲜右足标本6例,冰冻后切制横断层解剖标本。结果 观察了各断层的形态、结构、毗邻关系及血管神经等的特征及其变化规律。结论 其解剖形态、结构对影像诊断有很重要的临床意义。  相似文献   

足的地平(斜)断面解剖观测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 为足部的影像诊断提供形态学资料。方法 成年男尸新鲜右足4例,林冻后切制地平断面解剖标本。用一个断面显示足部各结构。结果 观察了地平断面足的各骨、关节及肌肉的形态特征及毗邻关系。结论 本断面的形态、结构为医学影像诊断学提供了可靠的形态学基础及临床价值。  相似文献   

耳颞部矢状塑化薄片与HRCT图像对照研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 探讨耳颞部重要结构在矢状断面上的形态规律及影像学表现,为该区影像诊断及外科手术提供形态学依据。方法 取6例成人耳颞部组织块,应用生物塑化技术制作成层厚1.2mm的矢状位连续薄层断面标本,并与对应的HRCT图像进行对照。结果 塑化薄层断面与HRCT图像有良好的对应关系。矢状断面可良好显示颞骨结构及其周围结构的毗邻关系,对面神经鼓室段及垂直段、前庭导水管等结构显示尤佳。结论 耳颞部矢状面扫描是补充横、冠状面扫描缺陷的一个重要扫描方法。结合塑化薄片、HRCT进行对照研究,可深入了解耳颞部矢状断面的解剖结构,为耳颞部疾病的影像学诊断和临床手术提供翔实准确的断层形态资料。  相似文献   

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