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以快速固化的环氧丙烯酸酯为基料、用增链剂和增柔剂进行改性的光导纤维涂料,酸值≤2,环氧值0.0124,25℃折射率>1.500,25℃粘度500~1000泊。采用高压汞灯,在一定强度光照下,该涂料可以100~120米/分的拉丝速度一次性固化。所涂覆的光纤,在+70℃~—40℃内,低温附加微弯损耗<0.5分贝/千米。  相似文献   

科学技术的发展推动着涂料技术的进步,近年来发展迅猛的智能涂料正是快速进步的产物。本文给出了智能涂料的定义,列举了智能涂料所具备的多种功能,认为智能涂料的刺激分为物理和化学2个方面,指出了智能涂料不同的触发机制和功能,并用实例说明了智能涂料的设计及应用。  相似文献   

涂料染色工艺简便、节水节能,为印染行业清洁生产的重要发展方向。本文就影响涂料染色各种因素的发展现状进行了综述,并对涂料染色应用方法及工艺进行了举例。  相似文献   

塑料光导纤维的开发与应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了塑料光导纤维的性能、制备、应用和现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

纳米(nm)是长度单位,1纳米是10-9米(十亿分之一米),对宏观物质来说,纳米是一个很小的单位,人的头发丝的直径一般为7000-8000nm,人体红细胞的直径一般为3000-5000nm,一般病毒的直径也在几十至几百纳米大小;对于微观物质如原子、分子等以前用埃来表示,1埃相当于1个氢原子的直径,1纳米是10埃。  相似文献   

水性丙烯酸酯涂料的应用与发展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本论述了水性丙烯酸酯涂料的应用特性、常见种类、应用现状;认为水性涂料是当今世界最有发展前途的绿色环保型涂料之一;并预测了它未来的发展方向及趋势。  相似文献   

徐峰 《上海涂料》2007,45(11):43-45
介绍了地坪涂料的分类方法及其种类,我国现有地坪涂料的功能、特性和适用场合,对地坪涂料的发展作了展望。  相似文献   

功能性建筑涂料的应用与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐峰 《涂料工业》2005,35(4):42-47
论述了我国功能性建筑涂料的应用与发展状况;分析了功能性建筑涂料发展的条件,认为功能性建筑涂料的应用和发展受市场条件、经济性能、技术成熟程度和技术背景等条件的影响;评述了各种功能性建筑涂料的发展与应用状况,展望了功能性建筑涂料的发展。  相似文献   

示温涂料的应用与发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简介了示温涂料的定义、分类及其发展过程。并分别从概况、应用范围、使用方法以及发展前景等几个方面讲述了国内外单变色不可逆示温涂料、多变色不可逆示温涂料和单变色不可逆示温贴片的发展情况。同时 ,还介绍了无机可逆示温涂料、有机可逆示温涂料及高分子液晶可逆示温涂料的应用及其发展 ,并通过可逆示温涂料现存的问题展望了其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

Three kinds of UV-curable prepolymers, urethane acrylate (UA), polysilicone acrylate (SA), and epoxy acrylate (EA) were prepared. These prepolymers were mixed in different proportions to modify the properties of an optical fiber coating. The relationships of component-property and structure-property of the mixture coatings were studied. When the proportion was SA:UA:EA=5:4:3, it was used for a single coating, however, the proportion SA:UA:EA=6:5:2 was used for a primary buffer coating. These mixture coatings were applied to optical fibers. No. 30 Guan Shan Road, Wuhan 430074, P.R. China.  相似文献   

Translated from Steklo i Keramika No. 10, pp. 7–10, October, 1989.  相似文献   

非通信光纤的研究和发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
二十世纪五十年代,光纤的光绝缘问题得到了初步解决,“纤维光学”自此逐步发展成为一个新的重要学科。由于光纤通信给信息技术的发展提供了诱人的前景和巨大市场,使得光纤技术的发展主要依从于光纤通信技术的发展,光纤产品对光纤通信的要求几乎是尽善尽美、精益求精地去满足,但对于非通信光纤的投入则力量小得多,且许多情况下仅仅使用通信光纤是极其勉强的。非通信光纤是用于通信以外的光纤,是以纤维光学为基础,为满足工农业生产、国防科技、科学研究、交通运输、医疗、环境保护等行业对传光、传像、传感的要求,结合材料科学和现代制造技术而逐渐发展起来的一门学科,它作用距离较短,使用长度长者不足千米,短者仅有数厘米,甚至数毫米。非通信光纤按制造的光纤芯层材料可分为:多组份玻璃光纤、石英光纤、聚合物光纤、液芯光纤、空芯光纤、晶体光纤等。经过40年的非通信光纤及其制品的研究开发,我国在拉丝工艺和制品方面拥有许多自主知识产权的成果,但在材料和产品种类方面与世界先进国家相比还存在差距,对可见光光纤、红外光纤、传感光纤等有必要做深入研究。  相似文献   

Thin, high molecular weight copolymers have been applied to the surfaces of commercial, 8 micron diameter, graphite fibers by electropolymerization. Random copolymers were obtained, and the process appears to be consistent with the rules of standard free radical copolymerization. Coating thickness, Tg, and modulus can be systematically controlled. Very preliminary mechanical property measurements indicate a substantially improved impact strength and reduction in the interlaminar shear strength. These effects may be related to poor adhesion between the interlayer and the epoxy resin, however, which may be corrected by use of a “top layer” of appropriate composition.  相似文献   

To maintain its mechanical strength, the glass fiber of optical fibers is coated by polymeric materials during the fabrication process, However, when the thermally induced shear stress at the interface of the glass fiber and primary coating is larger that its adhesive stress, the adhesive bond between the glass fiber and primary coating will be broken. When the polymeric coatings are delaminated from the glass fiber, the optical fiber will lose its mechanical strength. In this article, the thermally induced delamination of polymeric coatings in double-coated optical fibers is investigated. To minimize the coating's delamination, the thermally induced shear stress at the interface of the glass fiber and primary coating should be reduced. The method to minimize such a shear stress is to select suitable polymeric coatings as follows: The thickness and Poissòn's ratio of the primary coating should be increased, but the Young's modulus of the primary coating and the thickness, Young's modulus, and thermal expansion coefficient of the secondary coating should be decreased. Finally, the optimal design of commercialized double-coated optical fibers to minimize the thermally induced coating's delamination is also discussed.  相似文献   

Measurements have been made of the adhesion of liquid and UV-cured epoxyacrylates to a fused silica surface. The fused silica surface was dehydroxylated in the 200-900°C temperature range. Also, the contact angles of water, diiodomethane and formamide on the fused silica surface were measured. Using the contact angle results, the 'harmonic mean' method and the acid-base interactions approach, the dispersion (Lifshitz-van der Waals) and electron donor and electron acceptor components of the fused silica surface as well as epoxyacrylate polymer surface free energy were calculated. It was found that, probably because of the physically adsorbed water, the hydroxylated surface of the fused silica is basic and that the adhesion of the epoxyacrylate polymer to this surface depends on its basicity.  相似文献   

梯度型聚合物光纤的制备方法及研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
数字视频信号等的发展对传输介质带宽的要求越来越高,具有较大带宽的梯度型聚合物光纤(GI-POF)成为世界范围内的研究热点。详细介绍了近10年来研究较多的制备GI-POF的3种方法,分析了各种方法的优缺点。界面凝胶共聚法已经比较成熟,现有缺陷是其本身所固有的,难有大的突破;多层共挤法适合大规模生产,近年来取得了较大进展,工业化生产前景广阔;离心共聚法的应用有限,前景不明朗。对未来GI-POF制备方法的研究进行了展望,认为多层共挤法将成为GI-POF的主流制造方法。  相似文献   

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