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This article presents the performance of a very recently proposed Jaya algorithm on a class of constrained design optimization problems. The distinct feature of this algorithm is that it does not have any algorithm-specific control parameters and hence the burden of tuning the control parameters is minimized. The performance of the proposed Jaya algorithm is tested on 21 benchmark problems related to constrained design optimization. In addition to the 21 benchmark problems, the performance of the algorithm is investigated on four constrained mechanical design problems, i.e. robot gripper, multiple disc clutch brake, hydrostatic thrust bearing and rolling element bearing. The computational results reveal that the Jaya algorithm is superior to or competitive with other optimization algorithms for the problems considered.  相似文献   

A number of multi-objective evolutionary algorithms have been proposed in recent years and many of them have been used to solve engineering design optimization problems. However, designs need to be robust for real-life implementation, i.e. performance should not degrade substantially under expected variations in the variable values or operating conditions. Solutions of constrained robust design optimization problems should not be too close to the constraint boundaries so that they remain feasible under expected variations. A robust design optimization problem is far more computationally expensive than a design optimization problem as neighbourhood assessments of every solution are required to compute the performance variance and to ensure neighbourhood feasibility. A framework for robust design optimization using a surrogate model for neighbourhood assessments is introduced in this article. The robust design optimization problem is modelled as a multi-objective optimization problem with the aim of simultaneously maximizing performance and minimizing performance variance. A modified constraint-handling scheme is implemented to deal with neighbourhood feasibility. A radial basis function (RBF) network is used as a surrogate model and the accuracy of this model is maintained via periodic retraining. In addition to using surrogates to reduce computational time, the algorithm has been implemented on multiple processors using a master–slave topology. The preliminary results of two constrained robust design optimization problems indicate that substantial savings in the actual number of function evaluations are possible while maintaining an acceptable level of solution quality.  相似文献   

Constrained multi-objective optimization problems (cMOPs) are complex because the optimizer should balance not only between exploration and exploitation, but also between feasibility and optimality. This article suggests a parameter-free constraint handling approach called constrained non-dominated sorting (CNS). In CNS, each solution in a population is assigned a constrained non-dominated rank based on its constraint violation degree and Pareto rank. An improved hybrid multi-objective optimization algorithm called cMOEA/H for solving cMOPs is proposed. Additionally, a dynamic resource allocation mechanism is adopted by cMOEA/H to spare more computational efforts for those relatively hard sub-problems. cMOEA/H is first compared with the baseline algorithm using an existing constraint handling mechanism, verifying the advantages of the proposed constraint handling mechanism. Then cMOEA/H is compared with some classic constrained multi-objective optimizers, experimental results indicating that cMOEA/H could be a competitive alternative for solving cMOPs. Finally, the characteristics of cMOEA/H are studied.  相似文献   

This article presents an effective hybrid cuckoo search and genetic algorithm (HCSGA) for solving engineering design optimization problems involving problem-specific constraints and mixed variables such as integer, discrete and continuous variables. The proposed algorithm, HCSGA, is first applied to 13 standard benchmark constrained optimization functions and subsequently used to solve three well-known design problems reported in the literature. The numerical results obtained by HCSGA show competitive performance with respect to recent algorithms for constrained design optimization problems.  相似文献   

Sami Barmada  Marco Raugi 《工程优选》2016,48(10):1740-1758
In this article, a new population-based algorithm for real-parameter global optimization is presented, which is denoted as self-organizing centroids optimization (SOC-opt). The proposed method uses a stochastic approach which is based on the sequential learning paradigm for self-organizing maps (SOMs). A modified version of the SOM is proposed where each cell contains an individual, which performs a search for a locally optimal solution and it is affected by the search for a global optimum. The movement of the individuals in the search space is based on a discrete-time dynamic filter, and various choices of this filter are possible to obtain different dynamics of the centroids. In this way, a general framework is defined where well-known algorithms represent a particular case. The proposed algorithm is validated through a set of problems, which include non-separable problems, and compared with state-of-the-art algorithms for global optimization.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of optimizing mechanical components during the first stage of the design process. While a previous study focused on parameterized designs with fixed configurations—which led to the development of the PAMUC (Preferences Applied to Multiobjectivity and Constraints) method, to tackle constraints and preferences in evolutionary algorithms (EAs)—, the models to be considered in this work are enriched by the presence of topological variables. In this context, in order to create optimal but also realistic designs, i.e. fulfilling not only technical requirements but also technological constraints (more naturally expressed in terms of rules), a novel approach is proposed: PAMUC II. It consists in integrating an inference engine within the EA to repair the individuals violating the user‐defined rules. PAMUC II is tested on mechanical benchmarks, and provides very satisfactory results in comparison with a weighted sum method with penalization to deal with the constraints. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the use of multi-objective optimization to solve three types of reliability optimization problems: to find the optimal number of redundant components, find the reliability of components, and determine both their redundancy and reliability. In general, these problems have been formulated as single objective mixed-integer non-linear programming problems with one or several constraints and solved by using mathematical programming techniques or special heuristics. In this work, these problems are reformulated as multiple-objective problems (MOP) and then solved by using a second-generation Multiple-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) that allows handling constraints. The MOEA used in this paper (NSGA-II) demonstrates the ability to identify a set of optimal solutions (Pareto front), which provides the Decision Maker with a complete picture of the optimal solution space. Finally, the advantages of both MOP and MOEA approaches are illustrated by solving four redundancy problems taken from the literature.  相似文献   


To address multiobjective, multi constraint and time-consuming structural optimization problems in a vehicle axle system, a multiobjective cooperative optimization model of a vehicle axle structure is established. In light of the difficulty in the nondominated sorting of the NSGA-II algorithm caused by inconsistent effects of the uniformity objective function and physical objective function, this paper combines a multiobjective genetic algorithm with cooperative optimization and presents a strategy for handling the optimization of a vehicle axle structure. The uniformity objective function of the sub discipline is transformed to its self-constraint. Taking the multiobjective optimization of a vehicle axle system as an example, a multiobjective cooperative optimization design for the system is carried out in ISIGHT. The results show that the multiobjective cooperative optimization strategy can simplify the complexity of optimization problems and that the multiobjective cooperative optimization method based on an approximate model is favorable for accuracy and efficiency, thereby providing a theoretical basis for the optimization of similar complex structures in practical engineering.  相似文献   

为了实现体积成形的预成形优化设计,基于双向渐进结构(BESO)优化的思想,提出了一种针对体积成形预成形设计的新方法——拓扑优化法,并详细给出了该方法的优化策略、单元增删准则、插值处理等关键技术.利用自行开发的优化程序,结合DEFORM-2D有限元模拟软件,以理想充填模腔、最小飞边状态为目标,以静水压力的大小作为单元的增删准则,从毛坯的欠填充状态出发,对二维叶片锻件的预成形结构进行了优化设计.优化结果表明:该方法算法原理清晰明确,实现方便,整个过程集成化后,从模拟到优化均可实现自动进行,运行效率高,并具有较高的优化精度.  相似文献   

Reference point based optimization offers tools for the effective treatment of preference based multi-objective optimization problems, e.g. when the decision-maker has a rough idea about the target objective values. For the numerical solution of such problems, specialized evolutionary strategies have become popular, despite their possible slow convergence rates. Hybridizing such evolutionary algorithms with local search techniques have been shown to produce faster and more reliable algorithms. In this article, the directed search (DS) method is adapted to the context of reference point optimization problems, making this variant, called RDS, a well-suited option for integration into evolutionary algorithms. Numerical results on academic test problems with up to five objectives demonstrate the benefit of the novel hybrid (i.e. the same approximation quality can be obtained more efficiently by the new algorithm), using the state-of-the-art algorithm R-NSGA-II for this coupling. This represents an advantage when treating costly-to-evaluate real-world engineering design problems.  相似文献   

Genetic algorithms are currently one of the state-of-the-art meta-heuristic techniques for the optimization of large engineering systems such as the design and rehabilitation of water distribution networks. They are capable of finding near-optimal cost solutions to these problems given certain cost and hydraulic parameters. Recently, multi-objective genetic algorithms have become prevalent in the water industry due to the conflicting nature of these hydraulic and cost objectives. The Pareto-front of solutions can aid decision makers in the water industry as it provides a set of design solutions which can be examined by experienced engineers. However, multi-objective genetic algorithms tend to require a large number of objective function evaluations to arrive at an acceptable Pareto-front. This article investigates a novel hybrid cellular automaton and genetic approach to multi-objective optimization (known as CAMOGA). The proposed method is applied to two large, real-world networks taken from the UK water industry. The results show that the proposed cellular automaton approach can provide a good approximation of the Pareto-front with very few network simulations, and that CAMOGA outperforms the standard multi-objective genetic algorithm in terms of efficiency in discovering similar Pareto-fronts.  相似文献   

In this article, a robust method is presented for handling constraints with the Nelder and Mead simplex search method, which is a direct search algorithm for multidimensional unconstrained optimization. The proposed method is free from the limitations of previous attempts that demand the initial simplex to be feasible or a projection of infeasible points to the nonlinear constraint boundaries. The method is tested on several benchmark problems and the results are compared with various evolutionary algorithms available in the literature. The proposed method is found to be competitive with respect to the existing algorithms in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

对于以往较少涉及到的同时考虑结构拓扑、作动器位置与数目和控制器参数等多种优化设计变量参与的压电智能板结构的一体化优化设计问题,研究了结构/控制一体化广义拓扑优化设计的方法。提出采用基于耦合模态空间的二次型最优控制系统设计与基于遗传算法和数学形态学处理的策略进行一体化拓扑优化设计实现。数值算例的结果表明,所提方法合理、有效,能够得到清晰的结构拓扑和良好的可控性。  相似文献   

基于进化算法的产品造型创新设计方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了满足用户多样化的产品造型需求,模拟设计师的设计思维特性,提出了应用元胞遗传算法和标准遗传算法的产品造型创新设计新方法.首先收集产品样本,经聚类分析、设计师聚焦等确定代表性产品样本,再利用形态分析法得到产品造型元素并定量描述设计参数;其次,以代表性产品样本为初始种群,应用元胞遗传算法建立产品造型初始设计系统,实现了以少量原型生成大量创新性方案的智能设计进程;最后,应用标准遗传算法建立产品造型细化设计系统,进一步优化初始设计方案,快速实现方案的细化智能设计进程.卡通表情造型设计实例表明,该方法可为创新设计提供有效的辅助与支持.  相似文献   

在多目标群搜索算法(multi-objective group search optimization, MGSO)基本原理的基础上,结合Pareto最优解理论,提出了基于约束改进的多目标群搜索算法(IMGSO),并应用于多目标的结构优化设计.算法的改进主要有3个方面:第一,引入过渡可行域的概念来处理约束条件;第二,利用庄家法来构造非支配解集;最后,结合禁忌搜索算法和拥挤距离机制来选择发现者,以避免解集过早陷入局部最优,并提高收敛精度.采用IMGSO优化算法分别对平面和空间桁架结构进行了离散变量的截面优化设计,并与MGSO优化算法的计算结果进行了比较,结果表明改进的多目标群搜索优化算法IMGSO与MGSO算法相比具有更好的收敛精度.通过算例表明:IMGSO算法得到的解集中的解能大部分支配MGSO算法的解,在复杂高维结构中IMGSO算法的优越性更加明显,且收敛速度也有一定的提高,可有效应用于多目标的实际结构优化设计.  相似文献   

以某型轿车底盘为研究对象,采用虚拟样机软件ADAMS建立整车多体动力学仿真模型;结合汽车操纵稳定性的客观定量评价标准,建立了直接生成操纵稳定性评价值的ADAMS函数;用ADAMS软件结合正交试验方法对整车操纵稳定性进行了虚拟正交优化设计.虚拟样机技术在车辆操纵稳定性参数正交优化中的应用,不仅使仿真模型与集中质量模型相比提高了精度,还分析出整车操纵稳定性的主要零部件影响因素,得到了最优的一组设计方案.由于是直接对具体零部件的优化,整个设计过程适于在企业中应用.  相似文献   

To reduce the scatter of fatigue life for welded structures, a robust optimization method is presented in this study based on a dual surrogate modelling and multi-objective particle swam optimization algorithm. Considering the perturbations of material parameters and environment variables, the mean and standard deviation of fatigue life are fitted using dual surrogate modelling and selected as the objective function to be minimized. As an example, a welded box girder is presented to reduce the standard deviation of fatigue life. A set of non-dominated solutions is produced through a multi-objective particle swam optimization algorithm. A cognitive approach is used to select the optimum solution from the Pareto sets. As a comparative study, traditional single objective optimizations are also presented in this study. The results reduced the standard deviation of the fatigue life by about 16.5%, which indicated that the procedure improved the robustness of the fatigue life.  相似文献   

郑建洲  于清旭 《光电工程》2006,33(7):28-33,62
提出二维正交凸柱透镜列阵光学系统,可实现靶面光强二维均匀辐照,应用矩阵光学和衍射积分理论,详细分析了工作原理、焦斑强度分布特性,并从衍射、干涉等角度分析了系统参数与强度分布的关系,给出了详细的系统优化设计参数和数值计算结果。  相似文献   

In this article a new algorithm for optimization of multi-modal, nonlinear, black-box objective functions is introduced. It extends the recently-introduced adaptive multi-modal optimization by incorporating surrogate modelling features similar to response surface methods. The resulting algorithm has reduced computational intensity and is well-suited for optimization of expensive objective functions. It relies on an adaptive, multi-resolution mesh to obtain an initial estimation of the objective function surface. Local surrogate models are then constructed and used to generate additional trial points around the local minima discovered. The steps of mesh refinement and surrogate modelling continue until convergence is achieved. The algorithm produces progressively accurate surrogate models, which can be used for post-optimization studies such as sensitivity and tolerance analyses with minimal computational effort. This article demonstrates the effectiveness of the algorithm using comparative optimization of several multi-modal objective functions, and shows an engineering application of the design of a power electronic converter.  相似文献   

Ship unloader grabs are usually designed using the manufacturer’s in-house knowledge based on a traditional physical prototyping approach. The grab performance depends greatly on the properties of the bulk material being handled. By considering the bulk cargo variability in the design process, the grab performance can be improved significantly. A multi-objective simulation-based optimization framework is therefore established to include bulk cargo variability in the design process of grabs. The primary objective is to reach a maximized and consistent performance in handling a variety of iron ore cargoes. First, a range of bulk materials is created by varying levels of cohesive forces and plasticity in the elasto-plastic adhesive DEM contact model. The sensitivity analysis of the grabbing process to the bulk variability allowed three classes of iron ore materials to be selected that have significant influence on the product performance. Second, 25 different grab designs are generated using a random sampling method, Latin Hypercube Design, to be assessed as to their handling of the three classes of iron ore materials. Of this range of grab designs, optimal solutions are found using surrogate modelling-based optimization and the NSGA-II genetic algorithm. The optimization outcome is verified by comparing predictions of the optimization algorithm and results of DEM-MBD co-simulation. The established optimization framework offers a straightforward and reliable tool for designing grabs and other similar equipment.  相似文献   

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