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In this paper, we propose a fast and robust face recognition method named enhancing sparsity via full rank decomposition. The proposed method first represents the test sample as a linear combination of the training data as the same as sparse representation, then make a full rank decomposition of the training data matrix. We obtain the generalized inverse of the training data matrix and then solve the general solution of the linear equation directly. For obtaining the optimum solution to represent the test sample, we use the least square method to solve it. We classify the test sample into the class which has the minimal reconstruction error. Our method can solve the optimum solution of the linear equation, and it is more suitable for face recognition than sparse representation classifier. The extensive experimental results on publicly available face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method for face recognition.  相似文献   

吴小艺  吴小俊  陈哲 《计算机应用研究》2020,37(9):2851-2855,2865
传统的低秩恢复算法在识别有混合污染的人脸图像时,通常只对污染部分进行一种类型的约束,并不能很好地恢复出干净的样本。针对这种情况,提出结构化鲁棒低秩恢复算法(structured and robust low-rank recovery for mixed contamination,SRLRR)。SRLRR算法利用对二维误差图像的低秩约束移除样本中的连续污染部分,同时利用稀疏约束分离样本中服从拉普拉斯分布的噪声。另外,为了学习到更具有鉴别性的低秩表示,该算法对表示系数进行了块对角结构化约束。在三个常用数据库上的实验证明了SRLRR算法的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

针对人脸识别中,识别效果易受人脸修饰、部分遮挡、噪声干扰等不确定因素影响的问题,提出一种MCDPCA人脸识别算法以改进识别效果。基于主成分分析(PCA)进行特征脸提取,结合最小协方差行列式方法(MCD)进行异常点检测和抗噪。针对人脸图像使用MCD算法,求出稳健的协方差矩阵估计,基于此协方差估计矩阵使用PCA技术提取重要的人脸特征用于识别。实验结果表明,在有遮挡和噪声干扰的情况下,相比传统PCA方法,该方法明显提高了人脸图像识别率。  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - In real-world surveillance scenario, the face recognition (FR) systems pose a lot of challenges due to the captured low-resolution (LR) and noisy probe images. A...  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe a novel multiclass boosting algorithm, EDBoost, to achieve robust face recognition directly in JPEG compressed domain. In comparison with existing boosting algorithms, the proposed EDBoost exploits Euclidean distance (ED) to eliminate non-effective weak classifiers in each iteration of the boosted learning, and hence improves both feature selection and classifier learning by using fewer weak classifiers and producing lower error rates. When applied to face recognition, the EDBoost algorithm is capable of selecting the most discriminative DCT features directly in JPEG compressed domain to achieve high recognition performances. In addition, a new DC replacement scheme is also proposed to reduce the effect of illumination changes. In comparison with the existing techniques, the proposed scheme achieves robust face recognition without losing the important information carried by all DC coefficients. Extensive experiments support the conclusion that the proposed algorithm outperforms all representative existing techniques in terms of boosted learning, multiclass classification, lighting effect reduction and face recognition rates.  相似文献   

Shi  Yong  Lv  Zhao  Bi  Ning  Zhang  Chao 《Neural computing & applications》2020,32(13):9267-9281
Neural Computing and Applications - To address the variabilities of the number and position of extracted feature points for the traditional scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) method, an...  相似文献   

In sparse representation algorithms, a test sample can be sufficiently represented by exploiting only the training samples from the same class. However, due to variations of facial expressions, illuminations and poses, the other classes also have different degrees of influence on the linear representation of the test sample. Therefore, in order to represent a test sample more accurately, we propose a new sparse representation-based classification method which can strengthen the discriminative property of different classes and obtain a better representation coefficient vector. In our method, we introduce a weighted matrix, which can make small deviations correspond to higher weights and large deviations correspond to lower weights. Meanwhile, we improve the constraint term of representation coefficients, which can enhance the distinctiveness of different classes and make a better positive contribution to classification. In addition, motivated by the work of ProCRC algorithm, we take into account the deviation between the linear combination of all training samples and of each class. Thereby, the discriminative representation of the test sample is further guaranteed. Experimental results on the ORL, FERET, Extended-YaleB and AR databases show that the proposed method has better classification performance than other methods.  相似文献   

The models of low-dimensional manifold and sparse representation are two well-known concise models that suggest that each data can be described by a few characteristics. Manifold learning is usually investigated for dimension reduction by preserving some expected local geometric structures from the original space into a low-dimensional one. The structures are generally determined by using pairwise distance, e.g., Euclidean distance. Alternatively, sparse representation denotes a data point as a linear combination of the points from the same subspace. In practical applications, however, the nearby points in terms of pairwise distance may not belong to the same subspace, and vice versa. Consequently, it is interesting and important to explore how to get a better representation by integrating these two models together. To this end, this paper proposes a novel coding algorithm, called Locality-Constrained Collaborative Representation (LCCR), which introduce a kind of local consistency into coding scheme to improve the discrimination of the representation. The locality term derives from a biologic observation that the similar inputs have similar codes. The objective function of LCCR has an analytical solution, and it does not involve local minima. The empirical studies based on several popular facial databases show that LCCR is promising in recognizing human faces with varying pose, expression and illumination, as well as various corruptions and occlusions.  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of face recognition under variable illumination conditions is considered. Most of the works in the literature exhibit good performance under strictly controlled acquisition conditions, but the performance drastically drop when changes in pose and illumination occur, so that recently a number of approaches have been proposed to deal with such variability.The aim of this work is twofold: first a survey on the existing techniques proposed to obtain an illumination robust recognition is given, and then a new method, based on the fusion of different classifiers, is proposed. The experiments carried out on different face databases confirm the effectiveness of the approach.  相似文献   

冯姝 《计算机应用》2017,37(2):512-516
特征表示是人脸识别的关键问题,由于人脸图像在拍摄过程中受光照、遮挡、姿势等因素的影响,如何提取鲁棒的图像特征成了研究的重点。受卷积网络框架的启发,结合K-means算法在卷积滤波器学习中所具有的效果稳定、收敛速度快等优点,提出了一种简单有效的人脸识别方法,主要包含三个部分:卷积滤波器学习、非线性处理和空间平均值池化。具体而言,首先在训练图像中提取局部图像块,预处理后,使用K-means算法快速学习滤波器,每个滤波器与图像进行卷积运算;然后通过双曲正切函数对卷积图像进行非线性变换;最后利用空间平均值池化对图像特征进行去噪和降维。分类阶段仅采用简单的线性回归分类器。在AR和ExtendedYaleB数据集上的评估实验结果表明所提方法虽然简单却非常有效,而且对光照和遮挡表现出了强鲁棒性。  相似文献   

针对能量谱的不平衡性会影响人脸识别效果的问题,基于白化脸的概念提出了白化主成分分析类算法的框架.该算法框架使用1个白化滤波器和1个低通滤波器对原始图像进行预处理,然后结合传统的PCA类算法提取特征向量(或矩阵),最后通过k-NN分类方法进行人脸识别.利用ORL人脸图像库进行实验,实验结果表明该算法框架改善了人脸识别的效...  相似文献   

为了充分利用样本的类别信息,提出了一种改进的有监督保局投影人脸识别算法。利用先验类标签信息重新构造传统保局投影算法中的权重矩阵,基于改进后的保局投影算法得到变换矩阵;用线性鉴别的思想筛选出变换矩阵中的最优基向量,构成最终的变换矩阵。把训练样本和测试样本投影到由最优基向量构成的子空间得到训练样本和测试样本的特征。采用最近邻分类器分类。在ORL和FERET人脸库上的测试结果表明,算法具有较好的识别性能。  相似文献   

《Pattern recognition》2014,47(2):535-543
Robust face recognition (FR) is an active topic in computer vision and biometrics, while face occlusion is one of the most challenging problems for robust FR. Recently, the representation (or coding) based FR schemes with sparse coding coefficients and coding residual have demonstrated good robustness to face occlusion; however, the high complexity of l1-minimization makes them less useful in practical applications. In this paper we propose a novel coding residual map learning scheme for fast and robust FR based on the fact that occluded pixels usually have higher coding residuals when representing an occluded face image over the non-occluded training samples. A dictionary is learned to code the training samples, and the distribution of coding residuals is computed. Consequently, a residual map is learned to detect the occlusions by adaptive thresholding. Finally the face image is identified by masking the detected occlusion pixels from face representation. Experiments on benchmark databases show that the proposed scheme has much lower time complexity but comparable FR accuracy with other popular approaches.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an effective feature extraction algorithm, called Multi-Subregion based Correlation Filter Bank (MS-CFB), for robust face recognition. MS-CFB combines the benefits of global-based and local-based feature extraction algorithms, where multiple correlation filters corresponding to different face subregions are jointly designed to optimize the overall correlation outputs. Furthermore, we reduce the computational complexity of MS-CFB by designing the correlation filter bank in the spatial domain and improve its generalization capability by capitalizing on the unconstrained form during the filter bank design process. MS-CFB not only takes the differences among face subregions into account, but also effectively exploits the discriminative information in face subregions. Experimental results on various public face databases demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides a better feature representation for classification and achieves higher recognition rates compared with several state-of-the-art algorithms.  相似文献   

In order to solve robust PageRank problem a saddle-point Mirror Descent algorithm for solving convex-concave optimization problems is enhanced and studied. The algorithm is based on two proxy functions, which use specificities of value sets to be optimized on (min-max search). In robust PageRank case the ones are entropy-like function and square of Euclidean norm. The saddle-point Mirror Descent algorithm application to robust PageRank leads to concrete complexity results, which are being discussed alongside with illustrative numerical example.  相似文献   

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