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BackgroundDiseases related to oxidative stress and food quality decay are of major concern worldwide as they can lead to economic losses in both public health and food production. The antioxidant peptides, extracted from food proteins, can be explored as natural new drug and food ingredient.Scope and approachAntioxidant peptides are extracted from non-antioxidant precursor proteins from different origin by the activity of either proteolytic microorganisms or isolated enzymes. In the present review, the main sources of bioactive peptides will be discussed. Moreover, the current strategies to obtain these compounds as well as their health benefits and in vivo biological effects will be evaluated. Considerations for further research and development of strategies to increase the knowledge about this underexplored activity of peptides will be also considered.Key findings and conclusionsBioactive peptides' content and profile differ according to the matrix studied and the method used. The utilization of fermentation processes and enzymes has been established to obtain antioxidant bioactive peptides from proteins, being isolated enzymes the most commonly used method, due to their superior control over releasing and obtaining targeted peptides. Antioxidant peptides have the ability to reduce the formation of oxidative products along with the induction of antioxidant enzymes in vivo. However, at this stage of development more in vivo studies are needed in order to evaluate the specific effects on the health of selected antioxidant peptides. In food technology, successful application in meat products strengthens the role of selected peptides as antioxidant additives, although there is a need to observe the effects of the isolated bioactive peptides in other food matrices along with studies to scale-up its production.  相似文献   

This review reported an updated survey on the molecular functional properties of bioactive peptides derived from different Latin American ancient grains such as Maize, common Bean, Amaranth, Quinoa and Chia seeds. Seed storage proteins ecrypt in their sequences diverse peptides associated with a wide range of beneficial effects on the human health and the most studied are antihypertensive, anti-cholesterolemic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties. Additionally, in the last decades molecular properties have been also used for their characterization to understand their activities and it makes them highly attractive to be incorporated into food formulations and to complement or replace some conventional cereal grains. Due to the nutraceutical effects, today, these seeds are one of the main gastronomic trends of consumption worldwide due to their nutritional benefits and are part of the shopping lists of many people, among them vegetarians, vegans, celiacs or lovers of raw food. These seeds are a legacy of pre-Columbian civilizations reason why in our time they are considered as “Superfoods of the Gods”, “The pre-hispanic superfoods of the future” and “The new golden seeds of the XXI century”.  相似文献   

The nature is continually providing varied resources for creating textile materials for various applications. Although many textile fibers in the nature are provided with the fibrous kind itself it additionally offers raw materials that may be changed and formed into a filament in a way similar to the melt and solution spinning of other textile fibers. Basalt is an igneous rock, which is solidified volcanic lava. In recent years, basalt received attention as a replacement for asbestos fibers. Basalt has emerged as a contender in the fiber reinforcement of composites. Basalt fiber (BF) is capable to withstand very high temperature and can be used in high performance applications. This paper is review of state of art of knowledge of BF, the production methods, properties and its applications.  相似文献   

Green tea is one of the most popular and extensively used dietary supplement in the United States. Diverse health claims have made for green tea as a trendy ingredient in the growing market for nutraceuticals and functional foods. Green tea extract contains several polyphenolic components with antioxidant properties, but the predominant active components are the flavanol monomers known as catechins, where epigallocatechin-3-gallate and epicatechin-3-gallate are the most effective antioxidant compounds. Additional active components of green tea extract include the other catechins such as epicatechin and epigallocatechin. Among these, epigallocatechin-3-gallate is the most bioactive and the most scrutinized one. Green tea polyphenols are also responsible for distinctive aroma, color and taste. Green tea extract can also be used in lipid-bearing foods to delay lipid oxidation and to enhance the shelf-life of various food products. This review outlines the chemistry, flavour components, antioxidant mechanism, regulatory status, food applications, and stability of green tea extract in food.  相似文献   

Assessment of sustainability will become more relevant for the food industry in the years to come. Analysis based on exergy, including the use of exergetic indicators and Grassmann diagrams, is a useful tool for the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the efficiency of industrial food chains. In this paper, we review the methodology of exergy analysis and the exergetic indicators that are most appropriate for use in the food industry. The challenges of applying exergy analysis in industrial food chains and the specific features of food processes are also discussed.  相似文献   

Starch is one of the most abundant biopolymers in nature and is typically isolated from plants in the form of micro-scale granules. Raw starch has limited applications due to its innate disadvantages such as poor solubility in cold water, tendency to retrograde and high viscosity once it is gelatinized. Therefore, some degree of modification is required to enhance its functionality. Starch nanoparticle is one of the products of such modification. Chemical, enzymatic, and physical treatments are used for the preparation of starch nanoparticles and to study their granular and molecular structures. Characterization of starch nanoparticles on the size distribution, crystalline structure, and physical properties in relation to the starch sources and preparation methods can be done using various characterization tools e.g. Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Atomic Florescence Microscopy, etc. Starch nanoparticles can be used as a food additive as it has adverse range of uses in food such as emulsion stabilizer, fat replacer, Thickener, or rheology modifier etc.  相似文献   

Gums are complex carbohydrate molecules which have the ability to bind water and form gels at low concentration. These carbohydrates are often associated with proteins and minerals in their structure. Gums are of various types such as seed gums, exudate gums, microbial gums, mucilage gums, seaweeds gums, etc. Exudate gums are plant gums which ooze out from bark as a result of a protection mechanism upon injury. Exudate gums have been used by humans since ancient times for various applications due to their easy availability. The main characteristics which make them fit for use in various applications are viscosity, adhesive property, stabilization effect, emulsification action and surface-active property. Major applications of these gums are in food products, the paper, textile, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, oil-well drilling, etc. In the present paper, the chemistry, properties, processing and applications of commercially available exudate gums such as acacia gum or gum arabic, karaya gum, ghatti gum and tragacanth gum are discussed. Recent literature reveals that apart from the above mentioned applications, these gums also have nutritional properties which are being explored. Other gums cannot replace them because of their certain unique characteristics. © 2020 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Fumonisins are mycotoxins produced by the Fusarium group of fungi commonly found on crops, mainly on maize. Some data suggest that as much as 25% of world crops may be lost because of mycotoxin contamination. Therefore, researchers in many countries (particularly in those in which relatively large amounts of maize are directly consumed by humans) are concerned with fumonisin levels in plant-origin foodstuffs and feeds available in their local markets. There is no doubt the levels are strongly correlated with the climate conditions prevailing in the region in which the maize was cultivated: the hotter the climate, the more serious the problem. Negative consequences of consumption of fumonisin-contaminated food by humans include an increased risk of oesophagus cancer and decreased body mass growth. In recent years some trials have been undertaken to reduce fumonisin levels in food and feed by the application of isothiocyanates naturally occurring in plants or peptidoglycans isolated from lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The results of these studies suggested that some reduction in contamination levels might be achieved. Additionally, some recent studies indicate that Sphingopyxis sp. bacteria produce enzymes that are able to break down the fumonisin molecule. Some fumonisins present in food may be bound/coupled with other compounds, and therefore difficult to detect. Such complexes in which the toxins are masked or hidden may even be at higher levels than the not-bound (free) molecules. The problem of how to evaluate effectively and efficiently the concentration of fumonisins in various foodstuffs is therefore a real-life challenge for scientists.  相似文献   

Worldwide obesity has reached a pandemic proportion. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2020, two thirds of the global disease burden will be attributable to obesity and obesity associated complications. Existing anti-obesity drugs, affecting one of the fundamental processes of the weight regulation in human body, have displayed serious side effects which outweigh their beneficial effects. Clinical and non-clinical researchers in this area are now facing a challenge to search for non-pharmacological alternatives for the prevention of obesity. Dietary interventions and life style changes with enhanced physical activity are two such options. Considering the importance of dietary interventions, the present review highlights the role, significance and potential of functional food ingredients for the management of obesity and associated co-morbidities.  相似文献   

BackgroundCrosslinking is the process of forming tridimensional networks by linking polymer chains by covalent or noncovalent bonds. It is useful for polysaccharide- and protein-based films and coatings to be applied to food surfaces, enhancing their water resistance as well as mechanical and barrier properties. Crosslinkers intended to be used for food contact materials must present low toxicity.Scope and approachThis review is a summary of the main crosslinking agents which have been used for protein and polysaccharide films and coatings, and which may be applied as food contact materials. The study emphasizes the mechanisms of crosslinking agents, the chemical groups involved, conditions for application, advantages and drawbacks, as well as examples of applications for food contact materials.Key findings and conclusionsCrosslinking is a promising technique to improve the performance and applicability of protein- and polysaccharide-based food contact materials, especially concerning their water sensitivity, which hinders many of their potential applications as food contact materials. Some aldehydes are very effective as crosslinkers, but they have been avoided in food contact materials because of possible migration of aldehyde residues to food, and less toxic compounds have been studied for those applications, such as phenolic acids, oxidized polysaccharides, and enzymes. Crosslinking techniques may help make protein- and polysaccharide-based materials more suitable for large-scale processing and applications in the future.  相似文献   

Gellan is an anionic extracellular bacterial polysaccharide discovered in 1978. Acyl groups present in the native polymer are removed by alkaline hydrolysis in normal commercial production, giving the charged tetrasaccharide repeating sequence: → 3)-β-d-Glcp-(1 → 4)-β-d-GlcpA-(1 → 4)-β-d-Glcp-(1 → 4)-α-l-Rhap-(1 →. Deacylated gellan converts on cooling from disordered coils to 3-fold double helices. The coil–helix transition temperature (Tm) is raised by salt in the way expected from polyelectrolyte theory: equivalent molar concentrations of different monovalent cations (Group I and Me4N+) cause the same increase in Tm; there is also no selectivity between different divalent (Group II) cations, but divalent cations cause greater elevation of Tm than monovalent. Cations present as counterions to the charged groups of the polymer have the same effect as those introduced by addition of salt. Increasing polymer concentration raises Tm because of the consequent increase in concentration of the counterions, but the concentration of polymer chains themselves does not affect Tm. Gelation occurs by aggregation of double helices. Aggregation stabilises the helices to temperatures higher than those at which they form on cooling, giving thermal hysteresis between gelation and melting. Melting of aggregated and non-aggregated helices can be seen as separate thermal and rheological processes. Reduction in pH promotes aggregation and gelation by decreasing the negative charge on the polymer and thus decreasing electrostatic repulsion between the helices. Group I cations decrease repulsion by binding to the helices in specific coordination sites around the carboxylate groups of the polymer. Strength of binding increases with increasing ionic size (Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+); the extent of aggregation and effectiveness in promoting gel formation increase in the same order. Me4N+ cations, which cannot form coordination complexes, act solely by non-specific screening of electrostatic repulsion, and give gels only at very high concentration (above ∼0.6 M). At low concentrations of monovalent cations, ordered gellan behaves like a normal polymer solution; as salt concentration is increased there is then a region where fluid “weak gels” are formed, before the cation concentration becomes sufficient to give true, self-supporting gels. Aggregation and consequent gelation with Group II cations occurs by direct site-binding of the divalent ions between gellan double helices. High concentrations of salt or acid cause excessive aggregation, with consequent reduction in gel strength. Maximum strength with divalent cations comes at about stoichiometric equivalence to the gellan carboxylate groups. Much higher concentrations of monovalent cations are required to attain maximum gel strength. The content of divalent cations in commercial gellan is normally sufficient to give cohesive gels at polymer concentrations down to ∼0.15 wt %. Gellan gels are very brittle, and have excellent flavour release. The networks are dynamic: gellan gels release polymer chains when immersed in water and show substantial recovery from mechanical disruption or expulsion of water by slow compression. High concentrations of sugar (∼70 wt % and above) inhibit aggregation and give sparingly-crosslinked networks which vitrify on cooling. Gellan forms coupled networks with konjac glucomannan and tamarind xyloglucan, phase-separated networks with kappa carrageenan and calcium alginate, interpenetrating networks with agarose and gelling maltodextrin, and complex coacervates with gelatin under acidic conditions. Native gellan carries acetyl and l-glyceryl groups at, respectively, O(6) and O(2) of the 3-linked glucose residue in the tetrasaccharide repeat unit. The presence of these substituents does not change the overall double helix structure, but has profound effects on gelation. l-Glyceryl groups stabilise the double helix by forming additional hydrogen bonds within and between the two strands, giving higher gelation temperatures, but abolish the binding site for metal ions by changing the orientation of the adjacent glucuronate residue and its carboxyl group. The consequent loss of cation-mediated aggregation reduces gel strength and brittleness, and eliminates thermal hysteresis. Aggregation is further inhibited by acetyl groups located on the periphery of the double helix. Gellan with a high content of residual acyl groups is available commercially as “high acyl gellan”. Mixtures of high acyl and deacylated gellan form interpenetrating networks, with no double helices incorporating strands of both types. Gellan has numerous existing and potential practical applications in food, cosmetics, toiletries, pharmaceuticals and microbiology.  相似文献   

Dietary fibres and high fibre-containing foods have been a huge attraction among researchers and nutraceutical industries due to their health-promoting benefits. From Greek and Roman times, edible mushrooms are considered the ‘elixir of life’ and are often stated as a new source of dietary fibre. Containing rich sources of essential amino acids and polysaccharides, mushrooms are viewed as an advantage over protein sources of both animal and plant origin. Additionally, the ability of mushrooms to grow under controlled conditions and attain high yield in a short span has made this added-value food of extreme interest. Nowadays, mushrooms and their by-products have been used to fortify various food products as well as for use in animal feed owing to their bioactive, therapeutic and nutritional value. Hence, this review intends to highlight the current knowledge on edible mushrooms and their waste for food and feed enrichment and nutritional purposes, along with their role in human and animal diet.  相似文献   

The understanding of what the consumer considers as craftsmanship is a sensitive question in the food sector. Despite food label regulations on this issue having undergone partial harmonisation, revealing what the consumer perceives as a craft food is a feat that has yet to be achieved. Drawing upon a review of literature in the field of consumer research, this investigation addresses this knowledge gap. In the light of the Alphabet Theory framework, the review offers a systematic overview of the motives affecting individuals’ perception of food product craftsmanship, as well as of the key factors affecting consumer behaviour towards craft foods. The findings provide useful insight to add to the body of extant literature and to discuss the possible directions of research. Moreover, the results can also have relevant importance to support legislators in designing appropriate regulations on craft foods.  相似文献   

The study of cognitive dissonance in food and nutrition has been relatively under-developed. This review paper looks at food and/or food-related studies that have utilized cognitive dissonance as a primary construct in a priori theorization and hypothesis-formulation, examining the ways in which the dissonance construct has been used and its corresponding effects on various food-related outcomes in those studies. Current gaps and critical issues underlying cognitive dissonance investigation in food and nutrition research are also identified and discussed.  相似文献   

Chitosan glucose complex (CGC), a modified form of chitosan was prepared by heating chitosan with glucose. Fluorescence and the browning reaction of CGC indicated the presence of the Maillard reaction product (MRP). CGC showed excellent antioxidant activity while chitosan or glucose alone did not have any significant activity (p < 0.05). The IC50 value of CGC for DPPH radical scavenging was 51.1 μg/ml. The efficacy of CGC in scavenging hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals was also very high but it showed a low reducing power. The antimicrobial activity of CGC was similar to chitosan against E. coli, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus, the common food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. The minimum inhibitory concentration of CGC or chitosan was 0.05%. Addition of CGC to lamb meat increased its shelf life by more than 2 weeks during chilled storage. It also enhanced the shelf life of pork cocktail salami to 28 days. CGC is endowed with both antioxidant and antimicrobial activity and thus is a promising novel preservative for various food formulations.  相似文献   

High-protein yoghurt has gained increased consumer interest over the recent years, partly driven by improvements in taste and texture; there is also greater scientific evidence on dairy protein health benefits. The protein content of yoghurt can be increased prior to fermentation by addition of dairy powder, evaporation or membrane filtration, or after fermentation by straining, mechanical separation, or membrane filtration. Concentration of yoghurt after fermentation produces large volumes of acid whey, a major concern for the dairy industry; by concentrating prior to fermentation, production of acid whey is avoided. Different processing techniques influence yoghurt composition, structure, rheology, and sensory properties. This review discusses the challenges, opportunities, the influence of macro components in milk and different processing techniques on composition, structure, rheology, and sensory properties of high-protein yoghurt, along with their benefits and drawbacks for the dairy producer.  相似文献   

Grapes are rich sources of polyphenols and widely used in food fortification due to their health-promoting properties. Previous studies have provided systematic strategies on foods fortified with grape polyphenols; however, until now, very little is known about grape polyphenol market, fortification and their health food regulations. It is, therefore, necessary to make a comprehensive overview of grape extract polyphenols and their fortification in functional foods. Hence, we reviewed the grape polyphenol market, fortification, health food market scenario and functional food regulations. The global grape polyphenol market is expected to rise 946.90 million USD by 2023 with its own trademark as polyphenol-fortified functional foods. This is ultimately due to acceptability, extensive use, marketing of polyphenol-fortified functional foods and their favourable food regulations. The future perspective on grape polyphenols research should be focused on extraction of polyphenols from grape waste and their fortification in functional foods.  相似文献   

It is commonly assumed that sensory impairments occurring with age negatively affect older people’s intake of foods in terms of both quality and quantity. This review discusses evidence published on the effects of age on sensory perception and the consequences for independently living seniors’ perception, liking and intake of food products. Because of anatomical changes in all the senses involved in human food perception, on average seniors perceive a lower flavour intensity than younger adults, are less sensitive to changes in the flavour profile of foods, and show a decreased ability to discriminate between different intensity levels of flavour and/or taste attributes. However, despite these differences in their sensory perception of foods, young adults and seniors seem to differ less in their initial hedonic appraisal of food products. Nonetheless, more research is needed to determine whether multisensory enrichment of foods across different modalities may lead to increased food liking in seniors both with and without olfactory impairment. Although limited, the current evidence suggests that sensory performance may be positively associated with BMI or body weight in specific senior populations. In addition, seniors fail to show a decreased appreciation of an eaten food, thereby increasing the risk of a monotonous diet. Taken together, these findings highlight the need for appropriate interventions and/or foods to improve and maintain adequate quantity and quality of food intake among independently living seniors, and especially those with low sensory performance. Such interventions should be holistic rather than focused on one modality and may also incorporate hedonic modulators such as past experiences, affective factors and external cues, e.g. brand names, labels or food packaging. In interventions and product development, segmentation of the senior consumer market is strongly advised to identify more homogeneous subgroups in order to deal with the large heterogeneity between independently living seniors. It is concluded that one size of the silver food experience will most likely not fit all senior consumers!  相似文献   

Bacillus thermoamylovorans is a newly described spore forming bacterium emerging in the dairy industry. There is an increasing threat of B. thermoamylovorans contamination, not only in food ingredients and raw milk, but also in sterilised milk and dairy products. Animal feed, processing equipment, and farm environments are potential entry points for contamination of milk with B. thermoamylovorans. The ability of B. thermoamylovorans to produce lipolytic and β-galactosidase enzymes is linked to food spoilage. B. thermoamylovorans spores have a heat resistance comparable with that of the spores of Bacillus sporothermodurans, indicating the potential to survive ultra-high temperature treatments. However, despite the rise in reports of the isolation of B. thermoamylovorans from dairy samples, there have been few reports on the characterisation of these bacteria. The origin, characteristics and potential issues resulting from B. thermoamylovorans in the dairy industry and potential methods of control are discussed in this review.  相似文献   

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