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抽水蓄能电站地下洞室超前地质预报探测方法主要为地质雷达法,该方法探测距离短,探测时间长。为提高地下洞室地质预报工作效率,准确掌握掌子面前方信息,安徽桐城抽水蓄能电站选取两个试验段,采用探测距离长、探测范围广、探测时间短的瞬变电磁法进行地下洞室超前地质预报。通过瞬变电磁法探测结果与地质素描结果对比分析,试验结果表明瞬变电磁法探测结果与地质雷达法、地质素描结果基本一致,且探测范围更广,探测精度也较高,为地下洞室开挖争取了更多的时间。  相似文献   

包头至北海线陕西黄陵至延安段高速公路——汉寨隧道处黄土高原,海拔高程1025~1146m,地形破碎。为确保质量、工期,采取了短开挖,少扰动、实回填、严治水、勤量测的施工原则,既保证了施工质量,又加快了施工进度,对同类工程施工具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

针对通过降雨预报滑坡的准确性和可靠性较低的问题,基于降雨因子和地质因子对滑坡影响程度的分级标准,提出将降雨因子与地质因子相结合对滑坡进行预报,采用多因子相互作用关系矩阵进行了边坡易滑度等级标准的划分,并以秭归县境内的千将坪滑坡为例,对该滑坡的稳定性进行了判定,从而验证了该方法的合理性和有效性。  相似文献   

从公路工程施工的实际角度,剖析了岩溶隧道的特征及施工特点,以及在公路工程施工中主要采用的技术措施。  相似文献   

[目的] 以盾构电力隧道为例,根据其施工特点,系统分析盾构电力隧道施工监测的目的和方法。 [方法] 首先,结合我国隧道施工监测布置、方法和电力隧道特点,分析指出其监测的目的和范围,并得出盾构电力隧道施工队周边建(构)筑物变形控制标准和自身结构要求控制标准;然后,分析提出盾构电力隧道施工监测的方法、应对管理措施、数据处理方法、成果提交方法和信息反馈策略。 [结果] 结合某盾构电力隧道施工监测实践,分析和论证了其监测目的和方法。 [结论] 研究结果对保障盾构电力隧道安全和顺利施工有重要意义,也可为其他类似工程提供参考。  相似文献   

上海隧道工程股份有限公司创始于1965年,是中国软土隧道事业的开拓者。公司具有市政工程施工总承包特级、援外工程项目A级等资质。公司根据施工生产组织特点,建立健全三级节能降耗组织管理网络,以创建节约型企业、开展绿色施工(节约型工地)活动为抓手,推行目标管理,节能降耗取得了较大成绩。2010年,万元产值能耗降至0.07023吨标煤/万元,达到"十一五"万元产值能耗五年下降20%的目标要求;自来水消耗降至5.96吨/万元,达到公司"十  相似文献   

根据石头河水库防洪抢险道路温家山隧道围岩(f=6)较为破碎、裂隙发育等特性,通过分析计算确定了光爆参数、炮眼布置和炸药量的控制等,提出了较合理的全断面掘进光面爆破设计,可供同类工程参考。  相似文献   

正上海隧道工程股份有限公司是中国软土隧道事业的开拓者,创始于1965年。1993年改制成为中国施工行业第一家上市的股份制企业。"十一五"期间,公司在国家"建设节约型社会"战略目标指引下,在施工生产过程中注重节能降耗,大力开展绿色施工,取得了良好成绩,"十一五"期间,公司综合能耗、自来水消耗水平持续下降,万元产值综合能耗从2005年0.1498吨标煤下降至2010年0.07023吨标煤,超额完成  相似文献   

针对大王顶隧道围岩较软弱破碎、埋深较浅、施工步骤多、难度大、处理不当极易坍塌的问题,为确保该工程能在不良地质条件下顺利安全施工,选择隧道左线出口段的K43+ 842为典型断面,运用FLAC建立数值分析模型,分析和比较了全断面法、上下台阶法、三台阶法、双侧壁导坑法对隧道Ⅴ级软弱破碎围岩段的围岩位移、塑性区大小和分布的影响程度.结果表明,双侧壁导坑法对围岩位移的整体控制效果最好,且施工质量最好,最适合于大王顶隧道Ⅴ级浅埋围岩段的施工.  相似文献   

Variance stabilizing transformations are often used in statistical analysis to support simple graphical analysis and also a variety of statistical tests. We describe a variance‐stabilizing transformation popular in bioinformatics and demonstrate its application to wide‐area wind power data, where indeed it helps to reduce the dependence of the variance of the errors on the power level because it stabilizes the variance of the historic forecasts and observations. The stabilization occurs even in an environment where the forecast process itself is not stationary. We also demonstrate that the method seems to be robust with respect to the value of its control parameter, which can be estimated from wind power data. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sudden changes in wind speed, so‐called wind speed ramps, are a major concern for wind power system operators. The present study applies the mesoscale ensemble forecast method for the prediction of wind speed ramps at wind farms in Japan and evaluates the ability and utility of this method. The mesoscale ensemble forecast in this study (ENS21) consists of 21 members with a horizontal resolution of 10 km for a 5‐year period. The simulated results show that ENS21 produces better accuracy than the deterministic forecast with a horizontal resolution of 10 km (DET_L). On the other hand, the deterministic forecast with a horizontal resolution of 5 km (DET_H) also produces better accuracy than DET_L. From a practical perspective, however, the ENS21 is computationally expensive. Thus, the eight‐member mesoscale ensemble forecast (ENS8) with as same computational cost as a deterministic forecast with a horizontal resolution of 5 km (DET_H) is also evaluated. The simulated results show that ENS8 has almost same accuracy as ENS21 and DET_H in wind speed ramp forecasts. ENS8 has advantages over ENS21 and DET_H because ENS8 is computationally efficient and is able to benefit wind power operators with flexibility in the selection of probability thresholds for decision processes compared with a single. It can be concluded that the mesoscale ensemble forecast method is more useful for prediction of the wind speed ramp than the single deterministic forecast method with the same computational cost if the ensemble members are successfully selected.  相似文献   

The growing proportion of wind power in the Nordic power system increases day‐ahead forecasting errors, which have a link to the rising need for balancing power. However, having a large interconnected synchronous power system has its benefits, because it enables to aggregate imbalances from large geographical areas. In this paper, day‐ahead forecast errors from four Nordic countries and the impacts of wind power plant dispersion on forecast errors in areas of different sizes are studied. The forecast accuracy in different regions depends on the amount of the total wind power capacity in the region, how dispersed the capacity is and the forecast model applied. Further, there is a saturation effect involved, after which the reduction in the relative forecast error is not very large anymore. The correlations of day‐ahead forecast errors between areas decline rapidly when the distance increases. All error statistics show a strong decreasing trend up to the area sizes of 50,000 km2. The average mean absolute error (MAE) in different regions is 5.7% of installed capacity. However, MAE of a smaller area can be over 8% of the capacity, but when all the Nordic regions are aggregated together, the capacity‐normalized MAE decreases to 2.5%. The average of the largest errors for different regions is 39.8% and when looking at the largest forecast errors for smaller areas, the largest errors can exceed 80% of the installed capacity, whereas at the Nordic level, the maximum forecast error is only 13.5% of the installed capacity. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、社会分工的不断细化,煤矿开采强度不断增强、开采深度持续加大、开采工程向地质条件越来越复杂的地带延伸。如何保证开采煤矿的煤矿工人的安全?这就需要对复杂地质条件下的煤矿掘进支护技术进行分析。  相似文献   

数字流域中的地质环境与地质资源问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域及其资源的演化受地质作用的制约,流域的地质环境和地质资源研究对满足可持续发展要求的流域开发十分重要。着重从地质的角度讨论数字流域中的地质环境和资源问题,提出了在数字流域建设中必须加以考虑的地质信息内容,初步拟定了基于数字流域信息处理平台,对有关流域地质问题进行了有效研究的思路。  相似文献   

This paper presents a first‐order autoregressive algorithm used to generate real‐time (RT), hour‐ahead (HA) and day‐ahead (DA) wind and load forecast errors in time series. The modeled error time series preserve the characteristics of the historical forecast data sets. Four statistical characteristics are considered: the means, the standard deviations, the autocorrelations and the cross‐correlations. A stochastic optimization routine was used to find an optimal set of parameters that minimize the differences of the four characteristics between the generated error series and the targeted ones. The obtained parameters were then in due order of succession used to produce the RT, HA and DA forecasts. This method, although implemented as a first‐order regressive random forecast error generator, can be extended to higher orders. Simulation results have shown that the methodology produces random forecast error series that have statistics similar to those derived from real data sets. The wind and load forecast error generator can be used in wind integration studies to produce wind and load forecast in time series for stochastic planning processes. Our future studies will focus on reflecting the diurnal and seasonal differences of the wind and load statistics and on implementing them in the random forecast generator. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了保证煤矿井下开采的安全性,需要做好地质勘探工作。分析了煤矿地质勘探工作的主要内容,并重点探讨了其对煤矿安全生产的作用,可以为煤矿地质勘探工作提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

We have investigated the electrochemical deposition of modulated thin films based on the CuxIn2−xSe2 system. CuInSe2 is a leading alternative to silicon for use in thin film photovoltaic solar cells due to its optical absorption and electrical characteristics. Alternating layers of two different compositions based on the CuxIn2−xSe2 system were potentiostatically deposited. These nanometer-scale layers are used to form reduced-dimensionality structures such as superlattices that can be used in concentrator solar cells. We have used X-ray diffraction, energy-dispersive spectroscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy to characterize our asdeposited thin films. The ability of the scanning tunneling microscope to resolve the individual nanoscale layers of our multilayered thin films is shown and is used to determine modulation wavelengths.  相似文献   

叙述了中国煤炭生产方针、煤田地质特点及世界先进技术发展现状,讨论了中国煤田地质勘探前沿问题,从提高勘探精度,开展动态地质研究等方面加以论述。并且展望了煤田地质勘探技术发展的趋势。  相似文献   

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