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We introduce HexBox, an intuitive modeling method and interactive tool for creating and editing hexahedral meshes. Hexbox brings the major and widely validated surface modeling paradigm of surface box modeling into the world of hex meshing. The main idea is to allow the user to box-model a volumetric mesh by primarily modifying its surface through a set of topological and geometric operations. We support, in particular, local and global subdivision, various instantiations of extrusion, removal, and cloning of elements, the creation of non-conformal or conformal grids, as well as shape modifications through vertex positioning, including manual editing, automatic smoothing, or, eventually, projection on an externally-provided target surface. At the core of the efficient implementation of the method is the coherent maintenance, at all steps, of two parallel data structures: a hexahedral mesh representing the topology and geometry of the currently modeled shape, and a directed acyclic graph that connects operation nodes to the affected mesh hexahedra. Operations are realized by exploiting recent advancements in grid-based meshing, such as mixing of 3-refinement, 2-refinement, and face-refinement, and using templated topological bridges to enforce on-the-fly mesh conformity across pairs of adjacent elements. A direct manipulation user interface lets users control all operations. The effectiveness of our tool, released as open source to the community, is demonstrated by modeling several complex shapes hard to realize with competing tools and techniques.  相似文献   

The discrete Laplace-Beltrami operator for surface meshes is a fundamental building block for many (if not most) geometry processing algorithms. While Laplacians on triangle meshes have been researched intensively, yielding the cotangent discretization as the de-facto standard, the case of general polygon meshes has received much less attention. We present a discretization of the Laplace operator which is consistent with its expression as the composition of divergence and gradient operators, and is applicable to general polygon meshes, including meshes with non-convex, and even non-planar, faces. By virtually inserting a carefully placed point we implicitly refine each polygon into a triangle fan, but then hide the refinement within the matrix assembly. The resulting operator generalizes the cotangent Laplacian, inherits its advantages, and is empirically shown to be on par or even better than the recent polygon Laplacian of Alexa and Wardetzky [AW11] — while being simpler to compute.  相似文献   

Quad meshes as a surface representation have many conceptual advantages over triangle meshes. Their edges can naturally be aligned to principal curvatures of the underlying surface and they have the flexibility to create strongly anisotropic cells without causing excessively small inner angles. While in recent years a lot of progress has been made towards generating high quality uniform quad meshes for arbitrary shapes, their adaptive and anisotropic refinement remains difficult since a single edge split might propagate across the entire surface in order to maintain consistency. In this paper we present a novel refinement technique which finds the optimal trade-off between number of resulting elements and inserted singularities according to a user prescribed weighting. Our algorithm takes as input a quad mesh with those edges tagged that are prescribed to be refined. It then formulates a binary optimization problem that minimizes the number of additional edges which need to be split in order to maintain consistency. Valence 3 and 5 singularities have to be introduced in the transition region between refined and unrefined regions of the mesh. The optimization hence computes the optimal trade-off and places singularities strategically in order to minimize the number of consistency splits — or avoids singularities where this causes only a small number of additional splits. When applying the refinement scheme iteratively, we extend our binary optimization formulation such that previous splits can be undone if this prevents degenerate cells with small inner angles that otherwise might occur in anisotropic regions or in the vicinity of singularities. We demonstrate on a number of challenging examples that the algorithm performs well in practice.  相似文献   

Error quadrics are a fundamental and powerful building block in many geometry processing algorithms. However, finding the minimizer of a given quadric is in many cases not robust and requires a singular value decomposition or some ad-hoc regularization. While classical error quadrics measure the squared deviation from a set of ground truth planes or polygons, we treat the input data as genuinely uncertain information and embed error quadrics in a probabilistic setting (“probabilistic quadrics”) where the optimal point minimizes the expected squared error. We derive closed form solutions for the popular plane and triangle quadrics subject to (spatially varying, anisotropic) Gaussian noise. Probabilistic quadrics can be minimized robustly by solving a simple linear system — 50× faster than SVD. We show that probabilistic quadrics have superior properties in tasks like decimation and isosurface extraction since they favor more uniform triangulations and are more tolerant to noise while still maintaining feature sensitivity. A broad spectrum of applications can directly benefit from our new quadrics as a drop-in replacement which we demonstrate with mesh smoothing via filtered quadrics and non-linear subdivision surfaces.  相似文献   

Denoising is a common, yet critical operation in geometry processing aiming at recovering high-fidelity models of piecewise-smooth objects from noise-corrupted pointsets. Despite a sizable literature on the topic, there is a dearth of approaches capable of processing very noisy and outlier-ridden input pointsets for which no normal estimates and no assumptions on the underlying geometric features or noise type are provided. In this paper, we propose a new robust-statistics approach to denoising pointsets based on line processes to offer robustness to noise and outliers while preserving sharp features possibly present in the data. While the use of robust statistics in denoising is hardly new, most approaches rely on prescribed filtering using data-independent blending expressions based on the spatial and normal closeness of samples. Instead, our approach deduces a geometric denoising strategy through robust and regularized tangent plane fitting of the initial pointset, obtained numerically via alternating minimizations for efficiency and reliability. Key to our variational approach is the use of line processes to identify inliers vs. outliers, as well as the presence of sharp features. We demonstrate that our method can denoise sampled piecewise-smooth surfaces for levels of noise and outliers at which previous works fall short.  相似文献   

Data-driven models of human avatars have shown very accurate representations of static poses with soft-tissue deformations. However they are not yet capable of precisely representing very nonlinear deformations and highly dynamic effects. Nonlinear skin mechanics are essential for a realistic depiction of animated avatars interacting with the environment, but controlling physics-only solutions often results in a very complex parameterization task. In this work, we propose a hybrid model in which the soft-tissue deformation of animated avatars is built as a combination of a data-driven statistical model, which kinematically drives the animation, an FEM mechanical simulation. Our key contribution is the definition of deformation mechanics in a reference pose space by inverse skinning of the statistical model. This way, we retain as much as possible of the accurate static data-driven deformation and use a custom anisotropic nonlinear material to accurately represent skin dynamics. Model parameters including the heterogeneous distribution of skin thickness and material properties are automatically optimized from 4D captures of humans showing soft-tissue deformations.  相似文献   

Voxels are a popular choice to encode complex geometry. Their regularity makes updates easy and enables random retrieval of values. The main limitation lies in the poor scaling with respect to resolution. Sparse voxel DAGs (Directed Acyclic Graphs) overcome this hurdle and offer high-resolution representations for real-time rendering but only handle static data. We introduce a novel data structure to enable interactive modifications of such compressed voxel geometry without requiring de- and recompression. Besides binary data to encode geometry, it also supports compressed attributes (e.g., color). We illustrate the usefulness of our representation via an interactive large-scale voxel editor (supporting carving, filling, copying, and painting).  相似文献   

Personalized hand models can be utilized to synthesize high quality hand datasets, provide more possible training data for deep learning and improve the accuracy of hand pose estimation. In recent years, parameterized hand models, e.g., MANO, are widely used for obtaining personalized hand models. However, due to the low resolution of existing parameterized hand models, it is still hard to obtain high-fidelity personalized hand models. In this paper, we propose a new method to estimate personalized hand models from multiple hand postures with multi-view color images. The personalized hand model is represented by a personalized neutral hand, and multiple hand postures. We propose a novel optimization strategy to estimate the neutral hand from multiple hand postures. To demonstrate the performance of our method, we have built a multi-view system and captured more than 35 people, and each of them has 30 hand postures. We hope the estimated hand models can boost the research of high-fidelity parameterized hand modeling in the future. All the hand models are publicly available on www.yangangwang.com .  相似文献   

A consistent and yet practically accurate definition of curvature onto polyhedral meshes remains an open problem. We propose a new framework to define curvature measures, based on the Corrected Normal Current, which generalizes the normal cycle: it uncouples the positional information of the polyhedral mesh from its geometric normal vector field, and the user can freely choose the corrected normal vector field at vertices for curvature computations. A smooth surface is then built in the Grassmannian 3 × 𝕊2 by simply interpolating the given normal vector field. Curvature measures are then computed using the usual Lipschitz–Killing forms, and we provide closed-form formulas per triangle. We prove a stability result with respect to perturbations of positions and normals. Our approach provides a natural scale-space for all curvature estimations, where the scale is given by the radius of the measuring ball. We show on experiments how this method outperforms state-of-the-art methods on clean and noisy data, and even achieves pointwise convergence on difficult polyhedral meshes like digital surfaces. The framework is also well suited to curvature computations using normal map information.  相似文献   

Most models for bidirectional surface scattering by arbitrary explicitly defined microgeometry are either based on geometric optics and include multiple scattering but no diffraction effects or based on wave optics and include diffraction but no multiple scattering effects. The few exceptions to this tendency are based on rigorous solution of Maxwell's equations and are computationally intractable for surface microgeometries that are tens or hundreds of microns wide. We set up a measurement equation for combining results from single scattering scalar diffraction theory with multiple scattering geometric optics using Monte Carlo integration. Since we consider an arbitrary surface microgeometry, our method enables us to compute expected bidirectional scattering of the metasurfaces with increasingly smaller details seen more and more often in production. In addition, we can take a measured microstructure as input and, for example, compute the difference in bidirectional scattering between a desired surface and a produced surface. In effect, our model can account for both diffraction colors due to wavelength-sized features in the microgeometry and brightening due to multiple scattering. We include scalar diffraction for refraction, and we verify that our model is reasonable by comparing with the rigorous solution for a microsurface with half ellipsoids.  相似文献   

We propose an approach for interactive 3D face editing based on deep generative models. Most of the current face modeling methods rely on linear methods and cannot express complex and non-linear deformations. In contrast to 3D morphable face models based on Principal Component Analysis (PCA), we introduce a novel architecture based on variational autoencoders. Our architecture has multiple encoders (one for each part of the face, such as the nose and mouth) which feed a single decoder. As a result, each sub-vector of the latent vector represents one part. We train our model with a novel loss function that further disentangles the space based on different parts of the face. The output of the network is a whole 3D face. Hence, unlike part-based PCA methods, our model learns to merge the parts intrinsically and does not require an additional merging process. To achieve interactive face modeling, we optimize for the latent variables given vertex positional constraints provided by a user. To avoid unwanted global changes elsewhere on the face, we only optimize the subset of the latent vector that corresponds to the part of the face being modified. Our editing optimization converges in less than a second. Our results show that the proposed approach supports a broader range of editing constraints and generates more realistic 3D faces.  相似文献   

Discrete Laplacians for triangle meshes are a fundamental tool in geometry processing. The so-called cotan Laplacian is widely used since it preserves several important properties of its smooth counterpart. It can be derived from different principles: either considering the piecewise linear nature of the primal elements or associating values to the dual vertices. Both approaches lead to the same operator in the two-dimensional setting. In contrast, for tetrahedral meshes, only the primal construction is reminiscent of the cotan weights, involving dihedral angles. We provide explicit formulas for the lesser-known dual construction. In both cases, the weights can be computed by adding the contributions of individual tetrahedra to an edge. The resulting two different discrete Laplacians for tetrahedral meshes only retain some of the properties of their two-dimensional counterpart. In particular, while both constructions have linear precision, only the primal construction is positive semi-definite and only the dual construction generates positive weights and provides a maximum principle for Delaunay meshes. We perform a range of numerical experiments that highlight the benefits and limitations of the two constructions for different problems and meshes.  相似文献   

We present a remeshing-free brittle fracture simulation method under the assumption of quasi-static linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). To achieve this, we devise two algorithms. First, we develop an approximate volumetric simulation, based on the extended Finite Element Method (XFEM), to initialize and propagate Lagrangian crack-fronts. We model the geometry of fracture explicitly as a surface mesh, which allows us to generate high-resolution crack surfaces that are decoupled from the resolution of the deformation mesh. Our second contribution is a mesh cutting algorithm, which produces fragments of the input mesh using the fracture surface. We do this by directly operating on the half-edge data structures of two surface meshes, which enables us to cut general surface meshes including those of concave polyhedra and meshes with abutting concave polygons. Since we avoid triangulation for cutting, the connectivity of the resulting fragments is identical to the (uncut) input mesh except at edges introduced by the cut. We evaluate our simulation and cutting algorithms and show that they outperform state-of-the-art approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively.  相似文献   

We present a new method to compute continuous and bijective maps (surface homeomorphisms) between two or more genus-0 triangle meshes. In contrast to previous approaches, we decouple the resolution at which a map is represented from the resolution of the input meshes. We discretize maps via common triangulations that approximate the input meshes while remaining in bijective correspondence to them. Both the geometry and the connectivity of these triangulations are optimized with respect to a single objective function that simultaneously controls mapping distortion, triangulation quality, and approximation error. A discrete-continuous optimization algorithm performs both energy-based remeshing as well as global second-order optimization of vertex positions, parametrized via the sphere. With this, we combine the disciplines of compatible remeshing and surface map optimization in a unified formulation and make a contribution in both fields. While existing compatible remeshing algorithms often operate on a fixed pre-computed surface map, we can now globally update this correspondence during remeshing. On the other hand, bijective surface-to-surface map optimization previously required computing costly overlay meshes that are inherently tied to the input mesh resolution. We achieve significant complexity reduction by instead assessing distortion between the approximating triangulations. This new map representation is inherently more robust than previous overlay-based approaches, is less intricate to implement, and naturally supports mapping between more than two surfaces. Moreover, it enables adaptive multi-resolution schemes that, e.g., first align corresponding surface regions at coarse resolutions before refining the map where needed. We demonstrate significant speedups and increased flexibility over state-of-the art mapping algorithms at similar map quality, and also provide a reference implementation of the method.  相似文献   

Superior human pose and shape reconstruction from monocular images depends on removing the ambiguities caused by occlusions and shape variance. Recent works succeed in regression-based methods which estimate parametric models directly through a deep neural network supervised by 3D ground truth. However, 3D ground truth is neither in abundance nor can efficiently be obtained. In this paper, we introduce body part segmentation as critical supervision. Part segmentation not only indicates the shape of each body part but helps to infer the occlusions among parts as well. To improve the reconstruction with part segmentation, we propose a part-level differentiable renderer that enables part-based models to be supervised by part segmentation in neural networks or optimization loops. We also introduce a general parametric model engaged in the rendering pipeline as an intermediate representation between skeletons and detailed shapes, which consists of primitive geometries for better interpretability. The proposed approach combines parameter regression, body model optimization, and detailed model registration altogether. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves balanced evaluation on pose and shape, and outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches on Human3.6M, UP-3D and LSP datasets.  相似文献   

We present a new software ray tracing solution that efficiently computes visibilities in dynamic scenes. We first introduce a novel scene representation: ray-aligned occupancy map array (ROMA) that is generated by rasterizing the dynamic scene once per frame. Our key contribution is a fast and low-divergence tracing method computing visibilities in constant time, without constructing and traversing the traditional intersection acceleration data structures such as BVH. To further improve accuracy and alleviate aliasing, we use a spatiotemporal scheme to stochastically distribute the candidate ray samples. We demonstrate the practicality of our method by integrating it into a modern real-time renderer and showing better performance compared to existing techniques based on distance fields (DFs). Our method is free of the typical artifacts caused by incomplete scene information, and is about 2.5×–10× faster than generating and tracing DFs at the same resolution and equal storage.  相似文献   

Procedural material models have been gaining traction in many applications thanks to their flexibility, compactness, and easy editability. We explore the inverse rendering problem of procedural material parameter estimation from photographs, presenting a unified view of the problem in a Bayesian framework. In addition to computing point estimates of the parameters by optimization, our framework uses a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach to sample the space of plausible material parameters, providing a collection of plausible matches that a user can choose from, and efficiently handling both discrete and continuous model parameters. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we fit procedural models of a range of materials—wall plaster, leather, wood, anisotropic brushed metals and layered metallic paints—to both synthetic and real target images.  相似文献   

Recently, deep learning-based denoising approaches have led to dramatic improvements in low sample-count Monte Carlo rendering. These approaches are aimed at path tracing, which is not ideal for simulating challenging light transport effects like caustics, where photon mapping is the method of choice. However, photon mapping requires very large numbers of traced photons to achieve high-quality reconstructions. In this paper, we develop the first deep learning-based method for particle-based rendering, and specifically focus on photon density estimation, the core of all particle-based methods. We train a novel deep neural network to predict a kernel function to aggregate photon contributions at shading points. Our network encodes individual photons into per-photon features, aggregates them in the neighborhood of a shading point to construct a photon local context vector, and infers a kernel function from the per-photon and photon local context features. This network is easy to incorporate in many previous photon mapping methods (by simply swapping the kernel density estimator) and can produce high-quality reconstructions of complex global illumination effects like caustics with an order of magnitude fewer photons compared to previous photon mapping methods. Our approach largely reduces the required number of photons, significantly advancing the computational efficiency in photon mapping.  相似文献   

An application may have to load an unknown 3D model and, for enhanced realistic rendering, precompute values over the surface domain, such as light maps, ambient occlusion, or other global-illumination parameters. High-quality uv-unwrapping has several problems, such as seams, distortions, and wasted texture space. Additionally, procedurally generated scene content, perhaps on the fly, can make manual uv unwrapping impossible. Even when artist manipulation is feasible, good uv layouts can require expertise and be highly labor intensive. This paper investigates how to use Sparse Voxel DAGs (or DAGs for short) as one alternative to avoid uv mapping. The result is an algorithm enabling high compression ratios of both voxel structure and colors, which can be important for a baked scene to fit in GPU memory. Specifically, we enable practical usage for an automatic system by targeting efficient real-time mipmap filtering using compressed textures and adding support for individual mesh voxelizations and resolutions in the same DAG. Furthermore, the latter increases the texture-compression ratios by up to 32% compared to using one global voxelization, DAG compression by 10 – 15% compared to using a DAG per mesh, and reduces color-bleeding problems for large mipmap filter sizes. The voxel-filtering is more costly than standard hardware 2D-texture filtering. However, for full HD with deferred shading, it is optimized down to 2.5 ± 0.5 ms for a custom multisampling filtering (e.g., targeted for minification of low-frequency textures) and 5 ± 2 ms for quad-linear mipmap filtering (e.g., for high-frequency textures). Multiple textures sharing voxelization can amortize the majority of this cost. Hence, these numbers involve 1–3 textures per pixel (Fig. 1c).  相似文献   

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