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利用大肠杆菌表达系统可溶性表达人乳头瘤病毒18型(HPV18)L1蛋白,经过纯化和重组装过程获得HPV18病毒样颗粒(VLPs),研究其免疫原性和诱发中和抗体生成的水平。首先,提取HPV18的基因组DNA,通过PCR扩增获得HPV18 L1基因片段,将其插入pTrxFus表达载体,在大肠杆菌中可溶性表达HPV18 L1蛋白;其次,通过硫酸铵沉淀、离子交换层析和疏水相互作用层析获得高纯度的HPV18 L1蛋白,而后透析去除预先加入的还原剂DTT,使HPV18 L1蛋白自发组装成VLPs;最后,通过动态光散射技术和透射电子显微镜鉴定HPV18 VLPs的大小和形态,利用假病毒细胞中和实验评价HPV18 VLPs在实验动物体内的免疫原性和中和抗体生成水平。结果表明,HPV18L1蛋白可以在大肠杆菌表达系统中以可溶形式表达,经过纯化的HPV18 L1蛋白可以自发组装成为半径约为29.34nm、与HPV病毒外观相似的VLP。该VLPs在小鼠体内的中和抗体半数有效剂量为0.006μg,在兔及山羊体内诱导中和抗体滴度高达107。总之,本研究利用原核表达系统可简便高效地获得具有高度免疫原性的HPV18 VLPs,为HPV18...  相似文献   

人乳头瘤病毒16型病毒样颗粒的制备及其免疫原性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用PCR技术从HPV16阳性阴道分泌物标本中获得HPV16 L1基因片段,并将其插入表达载体pTO-T7中,构建重组表达质粒pTO-T7-HPV16-L1;以该重组质粒转化大肠杆菌ER2566并表达HPV16 L1蛋白;所表达的HPV16 L1蛋白经过硫酸铵沉淀、离子交换层析和疏水相互作用层析等纯化步骤后,HPV16 L1纯度达到98%以上,并可在体外装配为直径50nm的病毒样颗粒;动物免疫原性研究结果显示,该病毒样颗粒可诱导高滴度的针对HPV16的中和抗体。上述研究结果表明通过大肠杆菌表达系统制备的HPV16病毒样颗粒具有纯度高,与天然病毒颗粒形态高度相似的特点,并具有高度免疫原性,可以应用于HPV16病毒样颗粒的结构功能研究及HPV16疫苗研发等领域。  相似文献   

重组人乳头瘤病毒6型病毒样颗粒诱导中和抗体   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为研究重组病毒样颗粒(virus-like particle,VLP)免疫血清的抗感染作用,用重组杆状病毒在昆虫细胞中表达制备的人乳头瘤病毒6型(human papillomavirus type 6,HPV-6)L1 VLP的HPV-6L1+L2 VLP免疫BALB/c小鼠,获得抗血清,ELISA法测定抗体滴度,在细胞水平和裸鼠异源组织移植模型中评价了免疫血清的中和病毒抗感染作用。VLP诱导了高滴度(>1:10000)的血清抗体,抗血清可以特异地阻断人胚上皮细胞对VLP的摄入,并且能抑制从尖锐湿疣活检标本提取的HPV对人上皮细胞的感染。重组HPV-6VLP免疫小鼠诱导的血清抗体具有中和病毒、抑制感染的作用。提示重组VLP可以用于研制HVP预防性疫苗。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌表达的病毒样颗粒疫苗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重组病毒样颗粒是病毒衣壳蛋白外源表达的重要形式,形态结构与天然病毒高度相似,位于纳米尺度的大小易于被免疫系统识别,可激发机体产生保护性免疫反应,且不含有病毒基因,因此,是一种理想的疫苗形式,也是基于结构进行疫苗设计的重要结构载体。目前已上市的乙型肝炎疫苗、人乳头瘤病毒疫苗和戊型肝炎疫苗等基因工程疫苗均采用病毒样颗粒形式。大肠杆菌表达系统被广泛用于基因工程药物的生产,具有安全性好、生产周期短、易于放大生产等优点,在病毒样颗粒疫苗应用上具有良好前景。本文综述了利用大肠杆菌研制戊型肝炎疫苗和人乳头瘤病毒疫苗的进展,特别是这些病毒样颗粒疫苗的表达及组装、表位结构特征和临床试验结果。  相似文献   

目的利用大肠埃希菌系统可溶性表达人乳头瘤病毒18型(HPV18)L1蛋白,纯化和重组装获得HPV18病毒样颗粒(VLPs),为进一步研制HPV18基因工程疫苗奠定基础。方法首先按大肠埃希菌密码子偏好进行HPV18L1全基因合成,经PCR扩增出截短的HPV18L1基因,构建重组表达载体PET30a-L1,通过优化表达在大肠埃希菌BL21中可溶性表达L1蛋白,其次采用硫酸铵沉淀、离子交换层析、疏水层析后,获得高纯度的的L1蛋白,再通过解聚和重聚获得VLPs。结果全基因优化并截短的HPV18L1蛋白在大肠埃希菌系统中以可溶形式表达,纯化后的蛋白纯度达到90%以上,电镜下观察到直径为60 nm的VLPs颗粒。结论利用大肠埃希菌系统可溶性表达非融合HPV18L1蛋白,并获得均一的VLPs颗粒,为疫苗的开发奠定基础。  相似文献   

为了研制A型塞内卡病毒 (Senecavirus A,SVA) 的病毒样颗粒 (Virus-like particles,VLPs) 疫苗,以SVA田间流行毒株CH-FJ-2017结构蛋白基因序列为研究对象,构建了能够同时表达SVA的3种结构蛋白VP0、VP1和VP3的单个原核重组表达质粒pET28a-SVA-VP031。通过大肠杆菌Escherichia coli表达、亲和层析纯化和体外自组装,获得SVA VLPs。透射电子显微镜鉴定显示,SVA的3种结构蛋白在体外能够自组装成直径约25–30 nm的VLPs,并且动物免疫试验结果表明,该VLPs能够有效刺激豚鼠产生高水平的抗原特异性中和抗体。上述研究结果为SVA VLPs疫苗的研制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:构建人乳头瘤病毒16型与11型L1基因双价重组杆状病毒转移质粒并对其进行鉴定。方法:采用:PCR法从尖锐湿疣组织标本中扩增人乳头瘤病毒11型晚期基因L1,并对其进行克隆测序;利用基因重组技术将人乳头瘤病毒16型和11型L1晚期基因共同装入杆状病毒转移载体中,分别位于强启动子Ppolh和弱启动子P10之下;利用酶切和PCR技术对双价重组杆状病毒转移质粒进行鉴定。结果:PCR扩增法获得尖税湿疣组织中感染的人乳头瘤病毒11型的L1基因,得到人乳头瘤病毒16型L1和11型L1基因双价重组杆状病毒转移质粒,经酶切电泳鉴定验证重组成功。结论:本研究成功构建了双价重组杆状病毒转移质粒,为进一步构建双价L1蛋白表达系统进而建立双价基因工程亚单位疫苗打下基础。  相似文献   

赵梓名  李响  高洁 《病毒学报》2023,(6):1778-1793
全球现有疫苗种类中,病毒样颗粒(Virus-like particles, VLPs)疫苗以其安全性和高效性而被广泛关注。VLPs是一种不含核酸的病毒蛋白衣壳,目前可根据不同需求设计目标衣壳蛋白序列并在不同的表达系统中构建生产。在疫苗设计环节,对VLPs衣壳蛋白进行合理设计和修饰,可大大增强VLPs的稳定性,尤其是提高衣壳组装过程及组装体的稳定性,间接影响VLPs的免疫原性,对提升VLPs疫苗的有效性和安全性有重要作用。近年来国内外研究表明影响VLPs衣壳组装过程的稳定性的基本因素是组装环境中的离子强度和pH值,而影响VLPs组装体稳定性及其免疫原性的主要因素有疏水性质和静电相互作用及糖基化水平等。疏水性对VLPs蛋白质结构的动态平衡和生物功能的发挥起关键作用,静电相互作用通过改变VLPs分子表面或内部的静电势能,影响VLPs衣壳内分子共价键的形成及其与外界环境的相互作用,糖基化修饰则利用自身修饰基团的生物学结构或其他功能性质影响整体VLPs颗粒的结构稳定性和免疫学功能。本文根据现阶段对VLPs的生产应用和结构的研究,综述了影响VLPs衣壳组装过程和组装体稳定性的主要因素,以及VLPs...  相似文献   

为了获得预防牛病毒性腹泻病毒1型(bovine viral diarrhea virus 1,BVDV-1)感染的病毒样颗粒,扩增C-Ems-E1-E2编码区段并克隆至pFastBacDaul载体,转化大肠杆菌DH10Bac感受态细胞与Bacmid重组获得Bacmid-BVDV-1,转染至Sf9细胞,获得重组杆状病毒B...  相似文献   

【背景】鸭短喙侏儒综合征(beak atrophy and dwarfism syndrome, BADS)是由新型鸭细小病毒(novel duck Parvovirus, NDPV)感染导致雏鸭生长发育迟缓、上下喙萎缩的疾病。BADS的暴发给我国养鸭业造成了巨大的经济损失。【目的】利用大肠杆菌表达系统制备NDPV病毒样颗粒(virus-like particles, VLPs),为研制NDPV相关疫苗奠定基础。【方法】对NDPV VP2序列全长进行密码子优化、合成,连接至pColdTF表达载体,获得pColdTF-NDPV-VP2重组质粒,酶切、测序鉴定正确后将重组质粒转化至大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中进行诱导表达,利用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, SDS-PAGE)对蛋白表达进行可溶性分析;使用凝血酶(thrombin)切除trigger factor (TF)标签,利用镍柱(Ni-NTA)亲和层析方法纯化重组蛋白;利用Western blotting对纯化后的VP2蛋白进行反应原性分析;利用透射电镜、动态光散射观察重组蛋白形态以及能否形成VLPs。【结果】构建了pColdTF-NDPV-VP2重组质粒,在大肠杆菌中主要以可溶性形式表达,融合蛋白TF-VP2大小约为115 kDa,去除TF标签经镍柱纯化后得到67 kDa的VP2蛋白;Western blotting试验表明VP2蛋白能与NDPV鸭阳性血清发生特异性结合;通过透射电镜可以观察到形状规则、直径约为20−25 nm的病毒样颗粒。【结论】利用大肠杆菌表达系统制备了NDPV VLPs,为下一步研发BADS相关亚单位疫苗及生物相关制品提供了基础。  相似文献   

To enhance the immunogenicity of human papillomavirus 16 (HPV 16) virus-like particles (VLPs), the modified adjuvant, mLTK63, was fused to the C-terminus of HPV 16 L2 protein. Coexpression of HPV 16 L1 and L2-mLTK63 proteins in insect cells led to the efficient assembly of HPV 16 L1/L2-mLTK63 chimeric VLPs (cVLPs), which combined the antigen and adjuvant as a unit. Compared with HPV 16 L1/L2 VLPs, the HPV 16 L1/L2-mLTK63 cVLPs had similar structural biology characteristics and binding activities with the cell surface receptors and HPV 16-specific neutralizing monoclonal antibodies. Intramuscular immunization of BALB/c mice with the HPV 16 L1/L2-mLTK63 cVLPs could induce higher titers of HPV 16-specific long-lasting neutralizing serum antibodies and stronger splenocyte proliferation, Th1- and Th2-type cytokines and CD4(+) Th responses than HPV 16 L1/L2 VLPs. The results suggested that it is possible to enhance the immunogenicity of HPV VLP vaccines via a strategy of fusing effective adjuvant protein into cVLPs.  相似文献   

为了研制戊型肝炎新型基因工程疫苗,利用汉逊酵母表达系统表达重组戊型肝炎病毒样颗粒,成功构建了重组戊型肝炎疫苗工程菌株HP/HEV2.3,对该菌株的发酵条件和纯化工艺进行了研究。先将工作种子批进行发酵培养,收集发酵后的细胞培养物;对其先后进行细胞破碎、澄清和超滤、硅胶吸附和解吸附、超滤浓缩换液、色谱纯化及除菌过滤,制得重组汉逊酵母戊型肝炎病毒样颗粒,纯化收率为33%,纯度达99%;电镜观察显示该重组汉逊酵母戊型肝炎病毒样颗粒与天然戊型肝炎病毒颗粒理论大小一致,为32 nm;基因序列与理论一致;SDS-PAGE分析结果表明其表达的外源蛋白质分子量与预期的目的蛋白质分子量大小一致,均为56 k Da,表达量占细胞总蛋白的26%,表达水平为1.0 g/L发酵液;Western blotting、ELISA活性检测及小鼠免疫接种效力试验ED_(50)结果表明,此重组汉逊酵母戊型肝炎病毒样颗粒具有良好的抗原性和免疫原性,可用于制造戊型肝炎新型基因工程疫苗。  相似文献   

The full-length human papillomavirus 16 major capsid protein L1 is expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae as virus-like particles (VLPs). However, yeast-expressed human papillomavirus 16 particles are irregular in shape and are prone to aggregate. When disassembled and reassembled, the resulting particles have improved stability and solubility. We have examined VLP dissociation and reassembly to define the important features of the assembly mechanism. We found that the VLPs rapidly disassemble at pH 8.2 and low ionic strength in the presence of low concentrations of reducing agents. The pH dependence of assembly kinetics and extent of assembly under reducing conditions were differentially sensitive to ionic strength. Assembly at pH 5.2 was very fast and led to heavily aggregated particles. This sort of kinetic trap is expected for overinitiated assembly. We observed that reassembly at pH 6.2, 7.2, and 8.2 yielded regular particles over a broad range of ionic strength. At these three pH values, assembly was quantitative at 1 M NaCl. At pH 7.2, much more than at pH 6.2 or pH 8.2, assembly decreased monotonically with ionic strength. The free energy of association ranged from − 8 to − 10 kcal/mol per pentamer. The effect of pH on assembly was further investigated by examining dissociation of reassembled particles. Though indistinguishable by negative stain electron microscopy, particles assembled at pH 7.2 disassembled slower than pH 5.2, 6.2, or 8.2 VLPs. We hypothesize that pH 7.2 assembly reactions lead to formation of particles with conformationally different interactions.  相似文献   

To develop a plant expression system for the production of the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) vaccine, we investigated whether the HPV16 L1 protein can be expressed in tobacco plants and whether it can be used as the cheapest form of edible vaccine. The HPV16 L1 coding sequence was amplified by PCR using specific primers from the plasmid pGEM-T-HPV16 containing the template sequence, and subcloned into the intermediate vector pUCmT and binary vector pBI121 consecutively to obtain the plant expression plasmid pBI-L1. The T-DNA regions of the pBI-L1 binary vector contained the constitutive Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35S promoter and the neomycin phosphotransferase npt Ⅱ gene, which allowed the selection of transformed plants using kanamycin. The tobacco plants were transformed by cocultivating them, using the leaf disc method, with Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA4404, which harbored the plant expression plasmid. The regenerated transgenic tobacco plants were selected using kanamycin, and confirmed by PCR. The results of the Southern blot assay also showed that the HPV16 L1 gene was integrated stably into the genome of the transformed tobacco plants. The Western blot analysis showed that the transformed tobacco leaves could express the HPV 16 L1 protein. Furthermore, it was demonstrated by ELISA assay that the expressed protein accounted for 0.034%-0.076% of the total soluble leaf protein, was able to form 55nm virus-like particles compatible with HPV virus-like particle (VLP), and induced mouse erythrocyte hemagglutination in vitro. The present results indicate that the HPV 16 L1 protein can be expressed in transgenic tobacco plants and the expressed protein possesses the natural features of the HPV16 L1 protein, implying that the HPV16 L1 transgenic plants can be potentially used as an edible vaccine.  相似文献   

The human papillomavirus (HPV) 18 L1 gene, which encodes the L1 major capsid protein, was isolated from a female patient in Pusan, Korea Republic and was cloned into pGEX-4T-1 vector. The HPV-18L1 gene was expressed in Escherichia coli as a fusion protein with a glutathione-S-transferase (GST) tag. The soluble recombinant fusion protein, GST-18 L1 fusion, was isolated to high purity. HPV-18 L1 was purified from the GST-18 L1 fusant after biotinylated thrombin cleavage, and then the treated thrombin was removed serially using streptavidin conjugated resin. The purified HPV-18 L1 was confirmed by western blotting using a rabbit anti-denatured papillomavirus polyclonal antibody. The virus-like particles (VLP) from the purified full-length 18 L1 protein without any extra amino acid sequences was observed through the analysis of the electron microscope. This is the first study to report the expression and purification of HPV-18 L1 in E. coli. This expression and purification system offers a simple method of expressing and purifying HPV L1 protein, and could potentially be an effective route for the development and manufacturing of highly purified HPV-18 L1-based cervical cancer vaccines.  相似文献   

大肠杆菌O11是一种可在人畜间交叉传染的强致病菌,具有潜在流行性爆发的危险。现完成了O11 O-抗原基因簇的破译,筛选和鉴定了多种特异分子标识,并实现了对大肠杆菌O11的快速、灵敏和准确的分子分型检测。利用鸟枪法测定大肠杆菌O11 O-抗原基因簇的序列全长为14180bp,生物信息学方法分析序列结构,共发现12个基因:GDP-L型岩藻糖合成途径基因(gmd,fcl,gmm,manC,manB)、UDP-N乙酰葡萄糖C4异构酶基因(gne)、O-抗原转运酶基因(wzx)、O-抗原聚合酶基因(wzy)和4个糖基转移酶基因;用PCR方法筛选出2个针对大肠杆菌O11的特异基因和4对特异引物,并进行环境样品检测实验鉴定了该PCR检测方法的灵敏度;设计并筛选出8条针对大肠杆菌O11的特异探针。  相似文献   

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