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Epithermal deposits mined for fluorite in Patagonia, Argentina, are closely related to late Triassic through Jurassic magmatic activity which brought about felsic to intermediate magmatic rocks. The fluorite mineralization in the Patagonian epithermal system resulted from gaseous F-and CO2-enriched magmas which lead to an explosive phreatomagmatic volcanism, when getting in contact with groundwater near the surface. As a result of these hydrothermal processes, rapid cooling took place in the epithermal mineralization. Changes in the viscosity along with the cooling down of mineralizing fluids caused mottled mineral colors blurring the boundaries between the stages and ore textures.The fluids accountable for the main constituents fluorite, quartz, barite and silica were operative over a vertical extension of roughly 600 m. Their temperature of formation dropped from 379 °C through 64 °C, while the pH decreased from the heat center towards the paleosurface under oxidizing conditions. This steep temperature gradient conducive to the telescoping of mineral associations into each other was accompanied by a rapid loss in CO2, and a mixing of meteoric and magmatic fluids. Even the boundary between the hypogene and supergene alteration cannot be drawn precisely within the assemblage of Mn oxides, which bridge the gap between hypogene and supergen mineralization. The physical-chemical parameters of the fluids, particularly, the redox conditions did not allow sulfides to be preserved. A classification of the epithermal system as to its degree of sulfidation is based on K-feldspar and kaolinite which are present in significant amounts, whereas APS (aluminum-phosphate-sulfate) minerals are absent. Therefore a categorization as an epithermal fluorite deposit of low- to intermediate sulfidation is justified, because the only mineral of economic interest in the system is fluorite.The data obtained during this joint study render the Patagonian fluorite district a reference type of fluorite in an epithermal system of low- to intermediate sulfidation which are widespread in Argentina, e.g., Sierras Pampeanas, and evolved on part of the stable craton, called Gondwana and which grade into epithermal Au, Ag, In, Pb and Zn deposits.  相似文献   

New theropod remains with abelisaurid affinities from the Upper Cretaceous (Anacleto Formation, lower Campanian), NW Patagonia, Argentina, are here described. The specimen (MPCN-PV 69) consists of a partial premaxilla, fragmentary vertebrae, proximal portion of both humeri, distal portion of the pubis, and an incomplete pedal ungual. Characters linking with Abelisauridae are a premaxilla with a subquadrangular body, externally ornamented, and paradental plates with a striated surface; and humerus with bulbous proximal head, conical internal tuberosity, and reduced greater tubercle. The humerus is similar to those of Carnotaurus and Aucasaurus, due to the presence of a bulbous head and a discontinuity between the head and the internal tuberosity, but also differs from both taxa in the more distal location of the greater tubercle with respect to the internal tuberosity. Aucasaurus also comes from Anacleto Formation, but differences in the humeri suggest that MPCN-PV 69 is a different taxon. The phylogenetic analysis performed supports the affiliation to Abelisauridae, but fails to determinate a more precise relationship with others abelisaurids. However, a majority rule consensus of the analysis shows a position within Brachyrostra. Despite being fragmentary, MPCN-PV 69 probably represents a new abelisaurid from the Anacleto Formation, thus increasing the knowledge and diversity of Late Cretaceous South American abelisaurids.  相似文献   

Paleoenvironmental analysis of the Cenozoic marine section cropping out near Gaiman (Chubut Province, Argentina) shows that most of the local succession was deposited in a shallow, storm-dominated marine environment, bearing well preserved Ophiomorpha fossil traces. Sequence-stratigraphic interpretation records the effect of three sea-level oscillations. Phosphatic strata are related to mostly in situ concretions developed within transgressive-early highstand system tracts (Type 1) and to reworked and winnowed lags associated with transgressive surfaces (Type 2) which display a concentration of phosphatic concretions, ooids, vertebrate bones, teeth and shells. Close association of Callianasid bioturbation (Ophiomorpha) and phosphatic levels suggest a genetic link for both, via improved early-diagenetic water circulation and Fe and P early-diagenetic cycling. Phosphogenesis would have taken place after cold and corrosive water, probably similar to the present Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), flooded the continental shelf and mixed with warmer surficial waters. This mixing could explain the contrasting indications from the marine vertebrate fauna together with the general corrosion and replacement processes that are common in the Gaiman strata. The development of the phosphorites would have occurred at times of global climatic transition and increased oceanic circulation, probably during the Late Oligocene–Early Miocene.  相似文献   

Changes in the ostracod assemblages from two sediment cores collected from Lago Cardiel in southeastern Patagonia (49°S) reflect the main regional abrupt climatic changes over the last 15.6 cal. ka BP. Shifts in species abundance and switches in dominances suggest that these were mainly driven by variable salinity. During the Late Pleistocene, Limnocythere rionegroensis was abundant and dominant, indicating waters with high salinity and prevalence of evaporative processes. Between 12.6 and 10.8 cal. ka BP, Lago Cardiel expanded markedly and reached an Early Holocene highstand of +55 m above present lake level. A major change in ostracod assemblage in which Limnocythere patagonica appears as the dominant species in parallel with the disappearance of L. rionegroensis and Eucypris aff. cecryphalium mirrored this transitional period between the cold and dry Late Pleistocene and the humid and warm Early Holocene. Over the last 4 cal. ka BP, L. rionegroensis returned to the species assemblage and Riocypris whatleyi increased its abundance pointing towards increasing salinities. The variations in size, shape and ornamentation of L. rionegroensis and R. whatleyi fossil valves were examined using geometric morphometric techniques and further compared to those of modern Patagonian sites. Limnocythere rionegroensis specimens displayed high morphological variability during the evolution of Lago Cardiel. More specifically, the switch in reproductive mode – from sexual to parthenogenetic– and the increase in valve ornamentation around 12.7 cal. ka BP suggest that these changes were promoted by the hydrological alteration that occurred in the Late Pleistocene. This exercise provides a robust range of morphological variation for these proxies, which will be useful in further taxonomic and palaeoenvironmental studies adding more information about different factors influencing the observed morphological trends.  相似文献   

Sedimentary kaolin deposits in the Lote 18 area (Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina) have been mined since 1951. They constitute 30% of the country's production and are mainly used in the ceramic whiteware industry. The deposits belong to the Baqueró Formation (Lower Cretaceous) and unconfomably overlie either the ash-flow tuffs of the Chon-Aike Formation (Middle Jurassic), which are altered to kaolinite and minor illite, or the ash-fall tuffs of Bajo Grande Formation (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous), which are altered mainly to smectites. The presence of illite or smectite, as well as the kaolinite crystallinity, depends on the stratigraphic position of the kaolin horizons within the Lower Member of the Baqueró Formation and on the lithology of the underlying rocks. Kaolin beds composed of well-crystallized kaolinite at the base of the sequence overlaying Chon-Aike rocks are the purest. Kaolinite becomes less well cystallized with transport. Edge-to-face and swirl SEM textural patterns indicate the compaction of flocculated clays and clay movement during drainage and compaction. Mineralogical, petrological, and physico-structural evidence (i.e., form, extent, thickness) indicates that the kaolin deposits are sedimentary, formed by the transportation and deposition of previously formed kaolinite. Kaolin beds are ovoidal in plan and lenticular in profile, with thickness ranging from centimeters to 11 meters, and the culmination of fining-upward clastic sequences. Sedimentary facies analysis indicates that the kaolin deposits were formed in a fluvial environment from currents with a high suspended-load/bed-load ratio, as would result from deposition in ox-bow lakes.  相似文献   

The margin of NE China, a part of the West Pacific metallogenic belt, contains innumerable low-sulphidation mineral deposits. Gold deposits in this region can be classified into three distinct types based on geology and ore mineral paragenesis: (1) low-sulphidation epithermal silver–gold deposits, (2) low-sulphidation tellurium–gold deposits, and (3) low-sulphidation epithermal tellurium–gold deposits. Ores formed during the late Early Cretaceous and the early Late Cretaceous reflect three distinct metallogenic periods: the Fuxin Stage at 115.98 ± 0.89 Ma, the Quantou Stage at 107.2 ± 0.6 Ma or <103 Ma, and the Qingshankou or Yaojiajie Stage at < 97 Ma and 88.2 ± 1.4 Ma. The Fuxin Stage is dominated by trachyandesitic magmatism, with magmas emplaced at hypabyssal depths. In comparison, the Quantou Stage is characterized by high-K calc-alkaline, calc-alkaline, and sodic andesitic, dacitic, and rhyolitic magmatism of three different suites. The first of these is a high-K calc-alkaline andesitic magmatic suite that was accompanied by the emplacement of a calc-alkaline sodic dacite during the formation of the Ciweigou and Wufeng ore deposits. The second suite is dominated by calc-alkaline sodic rhyolite and high-K calc-alkaline sodic dacite magmatism associated with the formation of the Sipingshan ore deposit. The third suite is typified by high-K calc-alkaline andesitic magmatism associated with the emplacement of calc-alkaline hypabyssal granitoid complexes accompanying the formation of the Dong'an and Tuanjiegou ore deposits. The Qingshankou or Yaojia Stage is characterized by calc-alkaline sodic dacite magmatism associated with the formation of the Wuxing ore deposit. Metallogenesis during the Fuxin Stage characterized by trachytic magmatism is closely related to the formation of a deep-seated fault within a magmatic arc or the back-arc region of an immature continental margin and is associated with the Early Cretaceous subduction of the Pacific plate beneath Eurasia. Ore deposits that formed during the Fuxin Stage were generally related to magmato-hydrothermal fluids associated with mantle-derived magmas. In contrast, metallogenesis during the Quantou and Qingshankou or Yaojiajie stages was closely related to the formation of a mature high-K calc-alkaline magmatic arc within a continental margin setting again associated with the westward subduction of the Pacific plate. This metallogenic event was a product of magmato-hydrothermal systems derived from crust–mantle interaction and mixing of magmas derived from partial melting of different sections of the continental crust.  相似文献   

The Calafate Formation crops out in south-western Santa Cruz Province, Argentina, and displays a stacking of asymmetrical coarsening–fining-upward cycles. These cycles are interpreted as the product of short-lived transgressive-regressive events in which the coarsening upward part represents sedimentary aggradation with a stable or decreasing sea level. Sedimentological and palynological analyses indicate nearshore marine conditions. Even though the existence of an estuary or incised valley cannot be determined, this is the most probable palaeogeographic model. Based on dinoflagellate cysts, the base of the section is considered to be not older than Maastrichtian. The presence of the oyster Ambigostrea clarae (Ihering) occurring together with the dinoflagellate cyst species Manumiella druggii (Stover) Bujak and Davies and Eisenackia circumtabulata Drugg in the middle part of the section indicates an age no older than late Maastrichtian. According to sedimentological data, deposits representing the Cretaceous–Palaeogene transition would have been eroded, which is confirmed by the presence of Grapnelispora loncochensis Papú. This megaspore is a consistent component of the Maastrichtian assemblages from Patagonia.  相似文献   

We describe new and redescribe previously discovered sauropod dinosaur material from the Upper Cretaceous (middle Cenomanian–Turonian) Bajo Barreal Formation of south-central Chubut Province, central Patagonia, Argentina. The remains consist of associated and isolated axial skeletal elements recovered from three separate localities, and are herein assigned to the morphologically aberrant Rebbachisauridae clade. Several of the fossils exhibit osteological characters that were previously undocumented in rebbachisaurids, enhancing our understanding of the morphological diversity of this enigmatic sauropod group. In particular, the Bajo Barreal material demonstrates the occurrence within Rebbachisauridae of bifurcate neural spines in cervical vertebrae and well-developed, presumably pneumatic fossae in caudal vertebrae; among Diplodocoidea, these distinctive morphologies had previously been recognized only in flagellicaudatans. Furthermore, the Bajo Barreal fossils constitute the southernmost known occurrences of Diplodocoidea, adding to the globally sparse Late Cretaceous record of these sauropods and augmenting our knowledge of central Patagonian terrestrial vertebrate assemblages during this interval.  相似文献   

Summary In an attempt to investigate metasomatic processes in the subcontinental upper mantle beneath Northern Patagonia, melt and fluid inclusions trapped in spinel lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths have been studied. The xenoliths contain three types of genetically related inclusions hosted by olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and spinel: silicate glass inclusions, multiphase silicate melt inclusions and C02 fluid inclusions. CO2 densities of early fluid inclusions (0.93–1.02 g/cm3) and homogenization temperatures of melt inclusions (1220 °C) indicate that they were trapped at uppermantle depths.Silicate melt inclusions occur as isolated inclusions as trails along fractures and decorating lamellae deformation. They are composed of glass, or of glass with daughter crystals of clinopyroxene, amphibole, apatite and ilmenite. Glass inclusions are characterized by high contents of silica, alumina and alkali elements. The nature and chemistry of the daughter minerals indicate that melt inclusions can be considered as trapped metasomatic melts. Moreover, glass inclusions show chemical variations from high silica (68 wt%) melts trapped as isolated inclusions in olivine Fog, towards less siliceous (60 wt%) melts trapped as secondary inclusions in olivine FO89-90, orthopyroxene and spinel. This chemical evolution cannot be reconciled with magmatic processes, like fractional crystallization or different degrees of partial melting. The existence of two stages in their evolution, could reflect the heterogenous nature of the mantle source of the melts and the presence of a deep-seated fluid phase during melting.
Les inclusions vitreuses riches en silice: témoignages du métasomatisme du manteau subcontinental de la province de Rio Negro (Patagonie septentrionale, Argentine)
Résumé Les inclusions fluides et vitreuses piégées dans les minéraux des xénolithes de lherzolite á spinelle et de harzburgite ont fait l'objet d'études thermométriques et barochimiques afin de mieux cerner les processus métasomatiques qui ont affecté le manteau supérieur subcontinental du nord de la Patagonie. Les xénolithes contiennent trois types d'inclusions génétiquement reliées entre elles et piégées dans l'olivine, l'orthopyroxène, le clinopyroxène et les spinelles: 1) inclusions vitreuses, 2) inclusions vitreuses multiphasées, 3) inclusions fluides á CO2. La densité des inclusions fluides précoces (0.93 á 1.02g/c3) et la température d'homogénéisation des inclusions vitreuses (Th = 1220°C) indiquent que les inclusions ont été piégées dans le manteau supérieur.Les inclusions vitreuses sont soit en individus isolés, soit en alignements disposés selon des fractures et des lamelles de déformation (inclusions secondaires). Elles sont formées par du verre et par une bulle pouvant contenir du CO2 auxquels peuvent s'associer des minéraux fils (clinopyroxènes, amphiboles, apatites et ilménites). La phase vitreuse, caractérisée par une composition riche en silice, alumine, alcalins et volatils élevés et la nature des minéraux fils indiquent que les inclusions vitreuses résultent du piégeage de liquides métasomatiques.La composition des inclusions vitreuses varie. La teneur en SiO2 atteint 68% en poids dans les inclusions isolées des Fo 91, elle est par contre proche de 60% dans les inclusions secondaires des Fo 89-90, de l'orthopyroxène et du spinelle. La composition chimique des différents types d'inclusions ne peut être expliquée par les processus classiques de différenciation magmatique tels que la cristallisation fractionnée ou la fusion partielle. L'existence d'une bimodalité dans les compositions chimiques et dans les niveaux de piégeage plaident en faveur d'une source mantellique hétérogène et de l'intervention de fluides profonds lors du processus de fusion ayant généré les liquides métasomatiques.

The Península Valdés, in northeastern Patagonia, Argentina, is characterised by its arid climate and the lack of perennial watercourses; thus, all economic activities depend on the groundwater resources. Water demand is mainly associated with tourism, which is centralised in Puerto Pirámides and supplied by a water desalination plant, and to sheep farming, supplied by the local aquifer. Due to the exponential growth of tourism, the government is planning to exploit groundwater and convey it by aqueduct to the abovementioned locality. The objectives of this study were to corroborate the conceptual geohydrological model, to develop a mathematical model to simulate the response of the aquifer to different scenarios, and to assess the incidence of water input into the system as a variable—a function that poses difficulties in the models for arid regions. The Visual Modflow 4.1 code was used, calibrating it in trial-and-error mode, changing the recharge and hydraulic conductivity parameters with different variants in the recharge zone and in the inclusion or exclusion of the evapotranspiration module. Results indicate the importance of the recharge analysis by treating rainfall at daily time steps. The adjusted model was exposed to four scenarios with variations in water input and in output by pumping. It can be concluded that under different input conditions, but with a controlled extraction, the system responds in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

In the last decades, the Argentinian ornithopod record has been increased with new and diverse bone remains found along all the Upper Cretaceous. Most of them are very incomplete and represent taxa of different size. As result, the studies about the palaeobiodiversity of the Ornithopoda clade in South America are complex. In this paper, new postcranial remains of an indeterminate medium-sized ornithopod from the Santonian Bajo de la Carpa Formation (Rincón de los Sauces, Neuquén province) are presented. They present diagnostic features of the Ornithopoda clade, and several characters that relate them with other Argentinian ornithopods, especially with the medium-sized members of the Elasmaria clade sensu Calvo et al. (2007) (Macrogryphosaurus and Talenkauen). The postcranial material allows to identificate at least three different ontogenetic stages: adult, subadult more immature and subadult. These bones are the first record of Ornithopoda for the Bajo de la Carpa Formation and one of the very scarce Santonian records of this clade in South America. The diversity of the Late Cretaceous South American ornithopods presents two clear distributions: the Cenomanian-Santonian was characterized by small and medium euiguanodonts and elasmarian; and the Campanian–Maastrichtian by the medium sized elasmarian and large sized hadrosaurids.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of clupeomorph fish, Leufuichthys minimus, is described from the fluvial deposits of the Portezuelo Formation, Upper Cretaceous (Turonian-Coniacian) of the Neuquén Group, Patagonia, Argentina. It is a small-sized fish with an estimated body length up to 46 mm. Among other characters, the new species shows the following: abdominal scutes; abdomen moderately convex; anal fin elongate-based; three uroneurals; two epurals; caudal fin bearing very elongate rays; and cycloid scales. Leufuichthys minimus gen. et sp. nov. shows a greater similarity with Kwangoclupea dartevellei, a clupeomorph described from a marine Cenomanian deposit of the Democratic Republic of Congo (Africa), mainly due to the presence of an elongate-based anal fin, bearing more than 20 fin-rays, differing from it by the presence of a not hypertrophied abdomen. As far as known, L. minimus gen. et sp. nov. is the first clupeomorph described in the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia and represents one fortuitous preservation of an articulated fish in fluvial deposits.  相似文献   

Based on our detailed structural characterization, we examine possible relationships between thrust faults and strike-slip faults and thrust-cored folds and depositional units in the Silla Syncline, a 4 km wide fold composed of fine-grained mudstone, coarse sandstone and conglomerate deposits of the Cerro Toro Formation in the Magallanes foreland basin, Chilean Patagonia. The syncline is bounded on its western flank by an asymmetric anticline and on its eastern flank by a broad zone of thrust faults and associated folds, which are oriented sub-parallel to the syncline axis. Deposition of the coarse-grained units of the Silla Syncline appears to have taken place in this structurally defined trough controlled primarily by thrust fault related growth structures flanking the syncline.The syncline and surrounding area have also been deformed by two sets of strike-slip faults, one right-lateral and one left-lateral. The strike-slip and thrust faulting operated contemporaneously for much of their active periods, although it appears that thrust faulting, confined within the fine-grained units, initiated slightly earlier than strike-slip faulting. In addition, younger igneous intrusions at high angle to bedding generally localize along the strike-slip faults. The cross-cutting relationships among the intrusions, strike-slip faults, and flexural slip faults show that all these structures were active during the same period, which extends beyond mid-Miocene.These conclusions support the premise that structures in deep-water sediments are important for understanding not only the deformation of a foreland basin, but also its depositional architecture.  相似文献   

The multi-proxy analysis of sediment cores recovered in karstic Lake Estanya (42°02′ N, 0°32′ E; 670 m a. s. l., NE Spain), located in the transitional area between the humid Pyrenees and the semi-arid Central Ebro Basin, provides the first high-resolution, continuous sedimentary record in the region, extending back the last 21 000 years. The integration of sedimentary facies, elemental and isotopical geochemistry and biogenic silica, together with a robust age model based on 17 AMS radiocarbon dates, enables precise reconstruction of the main hydrological and environmental changes in the region during the last deglaciation.Arid conditions, represented by shallow lake levels, predominantly saline waters and reduced organic productivity occurred throughout the last glacial maximum (21–18 cal kyrs BP) and the lateglacial, reaching their maximum intensity during the period 18–14.5 cal kyrs BP (including Heinrich event 1) and the Younger Dryas (12.9–11.6 cal kyrs BP). Less saline conditions characterized the 14.5–12.6 cal kyrs BP period, suggesting higher effective moisture during the Bölling/Allerød. The onset of more humid conditions started at 9.4 cal kyrs, indicating a delayed hydrological response to the onset of the Holocene which is also documented in several sites of the Mediterranean Basin. Higher, although fluctuating, Holocene lake levels were punctuated by a mid Holocene arid period between 4.8 and 4.0 cal kyrs BP. A major lake-level rise occurred at 1.2 cal kyrs BP, conducive to the establishment of conditions similar to the present and interrupted by a last major water level drop, occurring around 800 cal yrs BP, which coincides with the Medieval Climate Anomaly.The main hydrological stages in Lake Estanya are in phase with most Western Mediterranean and North Atlantic continental and marine records, but our results also show similarities with other Iberian and northern African reconstructions, emphasizing peculiarities of palaeohydrological evolution of the Iberian Peninsula during the last deglaciation.  相似文献   

Reconsideration of the possible existence during the Upper Proterozoic of the Anga uplift northeast of the Kurtun river is indicated by the revised figures for the thicknesses of the threepart Baykalian series in the Kurtun river basin. No significant changes either in the thickness or the composition of the Baykalian series are shown by comparison of the sections along the Goloustnaya and Kurtun rivers and the tributaries of the Bugul'deyka and Anga. --Author.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2013,23(3-4):1125-1140
The study of the uppermost section of the Early Cretaceous Agrio Formation in northern Patagonia (Neuquén Basin) where dinosaur tracks assigned to cf. Therangospodus pandemicus are exposed (tracksites I and II) evidence mixed marginal marine siliciclastic-carbonate deposits. The succession was divided in two intervals. A lower one containing theropod tracks, recorded on top of subtidal oolithic limestones with tiny wave ripples suggesting shoreline fluctuations and subaerial exposure. Tidal influence is recognised by fining upward and prograding cycles starting with subtidal carbonates and ending with fine-grained siliciclastic deposits at the top, or rarely laminites. Dolomitization affects subtidal deposits generated in an alkaline media stressful for tracemakers. Intertidal facies include abundant heterolithic deposits, coquinas composed of gastropods encrusted by multilayered bryozoans and muddy levels with incipient mud cracking. Invertebrate ichnofossils recognized from tidally dominated deposits include Arenicolites, Kouphichnium, and Rhizocorallium. The upper interval is a transgressive–regressive cycle that starts with dark shales, deficiently oxygenated, and covered by prograding sandstones and finally sand flat deposits. This interval contains Gyrochorte, Hillichnus, and Ophiomorpha documented in wave-influenced sandstones. Dinosaur tracks as well as Hillichnus, attributed to tellinoid bivalves, and Kouphichnium assigned to xiphosurans, imply the activity of producers rarely recorded previously as body fossils in marginal marine deposits of southern South America. Previous paleogeographic schemes are questioned by our analysis, which shows evidence of extremely shallow and tide-controlled sedimentation, sometimes with subaerial exposure, with high cyclicity related to a marginal marine depositional setting and lack of significant erosion by the overlying unit, as traditionally was suggested.  相似文献   

The Muratdagi region is rich in antimony deposits having the following common characteristics: post Miocene age, location on the down-thrown blocks next to normal faults, in the vicinity of active or fossil thermal springs, and in contact with carbonate rocks. The isotopic composition of — 7. SMOW of the mineralizing fluid calculated from the measured ° 18O of quartz and the fluid inclusion microthermometry, is indicative of meteoric water origin. The ° 13C of the inclusion CO2 of — 19.1 to — 25.4 PDB is indicative of interaction with organic material-graphite. The ° 34S of stibnite — 3.6 to — 0.7 is, in view of the mineral assemblage, indicative of magmatic origin of the sulphur. A tightly confined set of structural, lithological, hydrological and geochemical features define a sequence of geochemical processes; formation of acid and reducing fluid, leaching and transport of antimony complexes and precipitation of stibnite within defined lithological units. The set of processes seems to have taken place within a space of 5000 m lateral and 1000 m vertical extension.  相似文献   

The recent sedimentation processes in four contrasting lacustrine and marine basins of Northern Patagonia are documented by high-resolution seismic reflection profiling and short cores at selected sites in deep lacustrine basins. The regional correlation of the cores is provided by the combination of 137Cs dating in lakes Puyehue (Chile) and Frías (Argentina), and by the identification of Cordon Caulle 1921–22 and 1960 tephras in lakes Puyehue and Nahuel Huapi (Argentina) and in their catchment areas. This event stratigraphy allows correlation of the formation of striking sedimentary events in these basins with the consequences of the May–June 1960 earthquakes and the induced Cordon Caulle eruption along the Liquiñe-Ofqui Fault Zone (LOFZ) in the Andes. While this catastrophe induced a major hyperpycnal flood deposit of ca. 3×106 m3 in the proximal basin of Lago Puyehue, it only triggered an unusual organic rich layer in the proximal basin of Lago Frías, as well as destructive waves and a large sub-aqueous slide in the distal basin of Lago Nahuel Huapi. A very recent mega-turbidite in the two distal basins of Reloncavi fjord located close to the LOFZ suggests that 1960 co-seismic movements in this area may have triggered the remobilization of ca. 187×106 m3 of marine sediments.  相似文献   

The Kokorkom desert extended over an area of 826 km2 in the central-west sector of Neuquén and Río Negro provinces along the area of the backbulge basin within the Andean Foreland basin in the Neuquén Basin. Its deposits constitute the middle-upper section of the Candeleros Formation (Cenomanian) and reach approximately 130 m thick. Tracks are found on wet and dry interdune and within draa slipface deposits. They constitute biogenic deformation structures characterized by folded-up and/or brecciated sandstone levels formed under dry and/or wet substrate conditions with passive filling. The degree of preservation varies, but the identification of digit impression suggests that they were produced by theropods or iguanodontians.  相似文献   

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