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通过海原8.5级地震震中区环行电测深研究,发现在断层破碎带有明显的电阻率各向异性,垂直断层走向呈现明显的高电性,断层走向呈现明显的低电性.根据电性差异讨论了断层地表的变形特征.研究结果表明:环形电测深工作,对研究地面附近地层物性变化有重要意义.  相似文献   

从灾害链角度讨论1920年海原8.5级地震   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
郭增建  郭安宁 《地震工程学报》2019,41(6):1394-1395,1481
1920年12月16日海原发生8.5级大震。在该年前期,冀、鲁、豫、晋、陕五省大旱。与大旱有关的副高,其边缘引张环作用于旱区西边,对海原大震有中短期促发作用。临震前有西伯利亚寒潮传出的脉动触发了该大震,待寒潮大风来到震区时已在震后一天。这对灾民也是一种附加灾害。  相似文献   

介绍了汶川地震沿龙门山后山汶川-茂县断裂带11个点位出现的地表破裂现象.这些地表破裂点位南起汶川卧龙乡鱼丝洞,向北经耿达乡牛坪、草坡乡金波、漳排、足湾、绵虒乡高东山、玉龙乡岭岗、威州镇七盘沟到茂县壳壳寨、凤仪镇马良沟,长度达100 km.尽管这些地表破裂点位多数断续展布在高山山顶或山体一侧,与山体走向一致,但仍有少数地...  相似文献   

Statistical study of earthquakes in the past, due to the small-medium size magnitude earthquake associated with surface rupture are rare, considers that only the earthquakes beyond magnitude 6 1/2 could produce surface ruptures in the most cases. Identification of paleoseismic events is also often based on this assumption. In this paper, we summarized 56 historical moderate size earthquakes worldwide, which have clearly documented about surface ruptures from 1950 to 2014.Results show that the magnitude lowest limit of the earthquake associated with surface rupture may be lower than the 6 1/2 , probably is about 5, even can be as low as 3.6 under extreme conditions. Additionally, from the view of theory and practice, this paper explored the effect of control factors on surface rupture, so as to indicate that the shallow focal depth is one of the most important factors for small-medium size earthquake associated with surface rupture, also included are the high heat flow values, tensile tectonic environment and active fault with weak friction strength. Although the probability that small magnitude earthquake produces surface rupture is low, it is not impossible. In the interpretation of paleoearthquake events, it also cannot overgeneralize that the corresponding earthquake magnitude must be 6.5 or greater as long as the fracture appeared, while ignoring the possibility of some moderate size earthquakes.  相似文献   

以2007年6月3日云南省宁洱6.4级地震地表裂缝、喷砂冒水、地震滑坡、地震崩塌等资料为基础,结合震区的地质构造、震源机制解、余震分布等资料,研究了本次地震的发震断层及其强震频繁发生的动力学机制. 地震地表裂缝资料表明,北西向的宁洱断裂班海段具有右旋走滑的特征,北北东向的断层具有左旋走滑的性质. 地震地质灾害集中分布在330deg;方向上的长13.5 km、宽4 km的范围内. 等震线的长轴方向亦为330deg;,Ⅷ度区长轴长度为17 km. 震源机制解资料显示,宁洱6.4级地震的北西向节面为右旋错动,北东向节面为左旋错动. 大于等于2.0级的余震分布优势方向为330deg;,深度为3——12 km,优势深度为3——10 km,余震分布与地震地质灾害集中分布带一致. 以上资料说明,宁洱断裂班海段为这次地震的发震断层. 最后以活动地块理论为基础,讨论了宁洱地震的动力来源为印度板块的向北推挤使青藏高原向东滑移,在滇西南地区转化为向南南东方向的挤出,使宁洱附近网络状的北西向断裂发生右旋活动,北东向断裂发生左旋活动. 这种构造格局可能是该区频繁发生6.0——6.9级地震的原因.   相似文献   

The temporal variation in precursory ground tilt prior to the 1944 Tonankai (Japan) earthquake, which is a great thrust-type earthquake along the Nankai Trough, is discussed using the analysis of data from repeated surveys along short-distance leveling routes.Sato (1970) pointed out that an anomalous tilt occurred one day before the earthquake at Kakegawa near the northern end of the focal region of the earthquake. From the analysis of additional leveling data, Sato's result is re-examined and the temporal change in the ground tilt is deduced for the period of about ten days beginning six days before the earthquake. A remarkable precursory tilt started two or three days before the earthquake. The direction of the precursory tilt was up towards the south (uplift on the southern Nankai Trough side), but the coseismic tilt was up towards the southeast, perpendicular to the strike of the main thrust fault of the Tonankai earthquake. The postseismic tilt was probably opposite of the coseismic tilt. The preseismic tilt is attributed to precursory slip on part of the main fault. If similar precursory deformation occurs before a future earthquake expected to occur in the adjacent Tokai region, the deformation may help predict the time of the Tokai earthquake.  相似文献   

1999年四川绵竹清平5.0级地震序列构造活动特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1999年9月14日四川绵竹清平5.0级地震序列是近年发生在青藏高原碰撞带东南边界的龙门山断裂带的规模最大的一次地震活动。本文通过对序列地震震源位置的精确确定,对主要的8次地震震源机制的求解和时间进程中震级频次变化的分析,来揭示该震源区地下构造的活动特征。结果表明:(1)前震-主震-余震的时间进程完整,只是衰减较快。(2)主震位于龙门山中央主断裂弯折的端头,与同震中十分接近。大部分余震分布在中央主断裂一侧的次级隐伏构造地带,与主断裂的北东走向一致。震源深度3-15km,(3)震源断层面北东取向,在指向南东的近水平方向的主压应力作用下,断层面的锚动以逆冲兼走滑的方式为主,间有少量小型的正断层活动,统一呈现出地下物质向南东的滑移。  相似文献   




1933年叠溪地震的发震位置、震源机制与区域构造   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
王康  沈正康 《地震学报》2011,33(5):557-567
1933年发生于中国四川省境内的叠溪M7.5大地震造成了人民生命财产的重大损失.然而限于资料匮乏,人们对此次地震的发震构造和震源机制解的认识尚不统一.本文收集整理了当时全球各地震台站对此次大地震的记录,对叠溪地震进行了重新定位,确定的震中位置为31.9°N,103.6°E.挑选具有P波初动符号的台站记录,利用格点尝试法...  相似文献   

The Zaisang earthquake (M s=7.3) on June 14, 1990 occurred in the boundary between China and Kazakstan. During the great shock, 3 persons lost their lives, 30 people had been hurt and 340 houses collapsed. The intensity of the epicentre is VIII Degree. The economic losses equals to about 320 000 000 Yuan. This large earthquake was occurred on a new born fault, it belongs to main shock-aftershock type earthquake. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 360–365, 1993.  相似文献   

1654年7月21日甘肃省礼县8级地震发生在南北地震带的中北段, 该地区的构造变形和构造活动与青藏高原向北东方向的扩展密切相关, 复杂的构造几何特征主要受控于东昆仑断裂、西秦岭北缘断裂和一系列北东向断裂. 礼县—罗家堡断裂为一条北东东向的左旋走滑活动断裂, 错断了含有仰韶文化红色陶瓷片的一级阶地堆积物, 阶地面上断层陡坎高约1.5 m. 沿断裂带发现冲沟的左旋位错量为3~10 m, 晚更新世黄土中残留的断层陡坎高4.5~8 m. 其中两条冲沟中发现裂点, 高3.5~3.9 m, 距断层陡坎的距离为16 m. 礼县—盐关—罗家堡—天水镇一带发育大量的滑坡, 长轴走向与礼县—罗家堡断裂一致, 滑坡体后缘、侧壁陡峭, 出露晚第四纪黄土, 鲜有植被覆盖. 礼县—罗家堡断裂为1654年8级地震的发震断裂.综合分析认为, 受青藏高原向北东方向的扩展, 被西秦岭北缘断裂、礼县—罗家堡断裂和岷县—宕昌断裂围限的礼县次级地块向南东滑动可能导致了1654年礼县8级地震的发生. 断裂北、南两侧地壳电性结构的差异为强震的孕育提供了深部构造条件.  相似文献   

分析了1990年以来在祁连山断裂带上发生的7次地震前,嘉峪关气氡观测点和酒泉水氡的变化情况,发现在1990年10月20日天祝6.2级地震、1992年1月12日嘉峪关5.4级地震、1995年7月22日永登5.8级地震和2002年12月14日玉门5.9级地震前,嘉峪关气氡观测点均记录到短期的破年变异常,而酒泉水氡在玉门地震前为明显的突变型中期异常。  相似文献   

磁县大名断层分段特征及活动性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据邯郸市活断层探测的最新资料,结合野外调查和石油地质的研究成果,对磁县—大名断层的分段性进行了研究;根据探槽开挖及测年结果的分析,对其活动性进行了讨论。研究结果显示,磁县—大名断层从东向西可分为3段:大名—临漳段、磁县—峰峰段和南山村—岔口段,3段呈左阶展布。研究表明:磁县—峰峰段晚更新世以来没有活动的证据;西段活动性较强;大名—临漳段沿线有多次中强震发生,其活动性有待进一步研究。由于上覆沉积层的影响,磁县—峰峰段未见明显的地表破裂带,因沉积物厚度逐渐减薄而表现为上断点由东向西逐渐变浅,在南山村—岔口段表现为明显的地表破裂带。  相似文献   

廖小琼 《华南地震》2001,21(3):53-55
经过实地调查和查阅有关地震历史资料 ,认为广州《越华报》关于 1936年 4月 2 3日中山小榄地震造成塌屋伤人的报道是失实的 ,该震只是一次 3级左右的有感地震 ,应从 5级地震目录中删除  相似文献   

In recent ten years, Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (D-InSAR) has become a major technique of space-based geodesy together with GPS, VLBI and SLR. Interferometric Synthetic Aper-ture Radar (InSAR) has many advantages, such as all-weather, all-time, strong stability and dynamic survey property, and no requirements for ground sta-tions. In particular, the surveying results by InSAR can cover a large range of the ground deformation field in succession and has gr…  相似文献   

ThestructurefeaturesofstickslipmechanismofthestrikeslipearthquakegeneratingstructureintheinterioroftheChinesemainlandWENL...  相似文献   

为了解决采用Trimble GX 3D地面激光三维扫描仪分析互层胶结土中正断层地震地表破裂位错特征时,未有效模拟地表垂直和水平位移的基本特征,获取的地表破裂位错特征结果不准确的问题。提出新的互层胶结土中正断层地震地表破裂位错特征研究方法,先构建地震地表弹性位错模型,分析互层胶结土正断层的地表三维断裂特征,得到地表在受到走滑、逆冲和张开错动导致的地表错位变化情况;再通过正断层地震地表破裂离心机试验,获得互层胶结土中正断层地震地表破裂位错特征。试验结果说明,所提方法可有效分析互层胶结土中正断层地震地表破裂位错特征,且破裂点在土体模型中部和中下部的裂缝深度分别为22.4 m和33.4 m,裂缝上的破裂点处于土体模型的中下部时,裂缝的深度越深。  相似文献   

The Neftegorsk, Sakhalin Island, earthquake of 27 May 1995   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Past seismic catastrophes were unknown in Sakhalin Island before 1995 except those suggested from findings of paleoseismodislocations. The first time that dwellers have experienced such a catastrophe in the Sakhalin Island history was on 27 May 1995. The devastating Neftegorsk earthquake occurred in Northern Sakhalin (?= 52.8° north; δ= 143.2° east; H = 18 km; Ms= 7.2), killed almost 2000 people in the small city of Neftegorsk, caused damage and destruction of buildings, bridges, railways and roads, breakage of oil and gas pipelines, electric and communication lines, and was accompanied by large-scale surface phenomena within a source area. It was felt all over the Sakhalin Island, as well as over the closest part of the Eurasian continent. Surface fracturing was the most impressive effect of the Neftegorsk earthquake. The 37-km long, right-lateral strike-slip fault, with a strike of north 15° east and a horizontal displacement up to a maximum of 8 m, has been observed from Taxon Mountain at the south to the junction of the Cadylanye and Keniga Rivers at the north. According to the results of a detailed geological survey and study of the aftershocks, the total extent of the source area was - 80 km. Various secondary phenomena have been observed at the Earth's surface, such as landslides, falls, soil liquefaction, mud volcanoes etc. The earthquake was followed by hundreds of aftershocks within the following 1-2 months. Spatially, the earthquake fault coincides with the pre-existing Upper Piltun fault, known earlier from geological studies. Recent high activity of the latter fault has been recognized only after the Neftegorsk event because of findings of traces of significant past dislocations within the fault zone. From a tectonic viewpoint it can be suggested that the Upper Piltun fault is a Riedel-type shear fracture located between two main regional faults: the Gyrgylanye-Dagy fault at the west and the Piltun-Ekhaby fault at the east. Therefore, its present activity, expressed by the destructive Neftegorsk earthquake, seems to be explained by a long strain accumulation within a broad zone of regional right-lateral shear faulting.  相似文献   

利用1999-2007和2009-2011年中国大陆GPS水平速度场数据, 采用DEFNODE(反演计算弹性岩石圈块体旋转、 应变和块体边界断层闭锁或同震滑动的Fortran程序)负位错反演程序估算了芦山地震前龙门山断裂带的三维闭锁程度, 并结合剖面结果分析了断层深浅部变形特征. GPS反演结果表明, 1999-2007年, 龙门山断裂中北段(闭锁比例为0.99)处于强闭锁(本文将闭锁比例大于0.97的称为强闭锁)状态; 龙门山断裂南段地表以下深度16 km内为强闭锁, 深度16-21 km处闭锁比例降低为0.62, 深度21-24 km处整条断裂逐渐转变为蠕滑状态. 2009-2011年, 即汶川地震后, 龙门山断裂中北段处于震后蠕滑状态; 龙门山断裂南段深度16-21 km处闭锁比例降低为0.45, 其它位置闭锁程度保持不变. GPS剖面结果显示, 2009-2011年, 即汶川地震后, 龙门山断裂中北段为逆冲兼右旋走滑运动; 而南段断层不能自由滑动、 变形宽度较大. 综合分析认为, 汶川地震时, 龙门山断裂南段并没有发生破裂, 一直处于较强的闭锁状态, 汶川地震的发生又加速了芦山地震的孕育进程; 由于龙门山断裂带南段的闭锁深度较中北段浅, 因此芦山地震较汶川地震强度低、 震级小、 破裂范围窄.  相似文献   

We have determined the rupture history of the March 28, 1964, Prince Williams Sound earthquake (M w=9.2) from long-period WWSSNP-wave seismograms. Source time functions determined from the long-periodP waves indicate two major pulses of moment release. The first and largest moment pulse has a duration of approximately 100 seconds with a relatively smooth onset which reaches a peak moment release rate at about 75 seconds into the rupture. The second smaller pulse of moment release starts at approximately 160 seconds after the origin time and has a duration of roughly 40 seconds. Because of the large size of this event and thus a deficiency of on-scale, digitizableP-wave seismograms, it is impossible to uniquely invert for the location of moment release. However, if we assume a rupture direction based on the aftershock distribution and the results of surface wave directivity studies we are able to locate the spatial distribution of moment along the length of the fault. The first moment pulse most likely initiated near the epicenter at the northeastern down-dip edge of the aftershock area and then spread over the fault surface in a semi-circular fashion until the full width of the fault was activated. The rupture then extended toward the southwest approximately 300 km (Ruff andKanamori, 1983). The second moment pulse was located in the vicinity of Kodiak Island, starting at 500 km southwest of the epicenter and extending to about 600 km. Although the aftershock area extends southwest past the second moment pulse by at least 100 km, the moment release remained low. We interpret the 1964 Prince William Sound earthquake as a multiple asperity rupture with a very large dominant asperity in the epicentral region and a second major, but smaller, asperity in the Kodiak Island region.The zone that ruptured in the 1964 earthquake is segmented into two regions corresponding to the two regions of concentrated moment release. Historical earthquake data suggest that these segments behaved independently during previous events. The Kodiak Island region appears to rupture more frequently with previous events occurring in 1900, 1854, 1844, and 1792. In contrast, the Prince William Sound region has much longer recurrence intervals on the order of 400–1000 years.  相似文献   

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