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报道心房颤动(简称房颤)时射频融左侧显性房室旁道(AP)成功2例,以探讨房颤时显性AP准确定位和成功射频消融的可能性2例患者分别随访4和6个月,未发作室上性心动过速及房颤。提示房颤时射频消融左侧显性AP是可行的。消融成功的靶点电图特点为:(1)不规则小AI皮和大V波。(2)振幅较大的AP电位。提出AP前传阻滞后,应于窦性心律时检测其逆传功能。  相似文献   

报道心房颤动(简称房颤)时射频消融左侧显性房室旁道(AP)成功2例,以探讨房颤时显性AP准确定位和成功射频消融的可能性。2例患者分别随访4和6个月,未发作室上性心动过速及房颤。提示房颤时射频消融左侧显性AP是可行的。消融成功的靶点电图特点为:①不规则小A波和大V波。②振幅较大的AP电位。提出AP前传阻滞后,应于窦性心律时检测其逆传功能  相似文献   

利用单极标测在心房颤动时消融显性房室旁道   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对12例预激综合征患者在心房颤动时以单极标测指导消融房室旁道,其中左侧显性旁道9例、右侧显性旁道3例。在消融成功的靶点图上,单极标测的心室激动较体表心电图QRS波群显示预激成分最明显的Delta波平均提前46±7ms。全部病例消融成功。平均随访7.9±5.1个月,除1例右侧旁道4个月后恢复旁道前向传导需再次消融外,其余11例常规和动态心电图既未见Delta波,也无房室折返性心动过速和心房颤动发生。结果提示对于心房颤动合并显性房室旁道的患者,采用单极标测,其图形易于迅速辨认、测量方法亦简单,用以指导消融成功率高。  相似文献   

目的 探讨心房颤动 (Af)时对显性旁道 (AP)的标测与消融方法。方法  7例 AP患者 ,年龄 2 4~ 6 0岁。均有阵发性 Af史。Af发作伴旁道前传时的心室率为 12 0~ 2 0 0 bpm。采用经主动脉逆行法消融左侧旁道 ,经股静脉途径消融右侧旁道 ,以心室前向激动点最早、且有小 A波为靶点。结果  7例患者标测到了较体表心电图预激波起点提前 2 5~ 5 0 ms的 V波 ,首次消融以 15 W能量放电 ,均在 1s~ 8s内旁道前传阻断。3例在旁道前传阻断的同时转为窦性心律 ;1例 30 min内自行转为窦性心律 ;3例经药物转为窦性心律。行心室起搏 ,6例旁道逆传已阻断 ,1例经消融后逆传阻断。随访 5~ 45个月 ,无旁道前传恢复的证据 ,亦无室上性心动过速发作。结论 在掌握适应证的前提下 ,Af时行射频消融阻断显性旁道是可行的。  相似文献   

对 12例左中间隔房室旁道的心内电生理特点及其导管射频消融的方法学进行了分析。男 5例、女 7例 ,心动过速史 5~ 2 0年 ,年龄 46± 2 1岁 ,显性旁道 5例、隐匿性旁道 7例。显性旁道的体表心电图有Ⅰ、Ⅱ两种类型。结果 :显性旁道中心电图呈Ⅰ型者 3例、呈Ⅱ型者 2例。患者均成功地进行了射频消融 ,靶点位于左中间隔 ,其中 1例为慢旁道。操作时间 90± 30min、X线曝光时间 30± 11min、放电 13± 5次。 1例患者在消融时将His束和旁道同时阻断 ,导致Ⅲ度房室阻滞 ,另 1例为完全性左束支阻滞。结果提示左中间隔旁道较罕见 ,对左、右后间隔附近的旁道反复标测未找到理想靶点时 ,应考虑左中间隔旁道的可能 ;左中间隔旁道消融时应避免损伤His束  相似文献   

显性多旁道的电生理特点和射频消融治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的报道显性多旁道的心电生理特点和射频消融治疗。方法回顾性分析70例显性多旁道患者的一般临床资料、旁道分布特点、心动过速类型及消融治疗的效果。结果①70例均有心动过速发作史,29例有2种、6例有3种心动过速;②70例共有158例显性旁道,18例为3条旁道,52例为2条旁道;③61例可诱发AVRT,其中13例为逆向型AVRT;④消融患者的成功率为97.1%(68/70例),消融的旁道成功率为98.7%(156/158条)。结论显性多旁道易发生多种心动过速,射频消融治疗成功率高。  相似文献   

隐匿性房室旁路合并房室折返性心动过速 (atrioventricularreentrytachycardia ,AVRT)是导管消融的适应证 ,其中部分病人同时合并阵发性心房颤动 (房颤 ) ,导管消融阻断房室旁路(atrioventricularaccessorypathway,AP)的室房逆传能否对阵发性房颤的发作有治疗作用 ,至今少见有关方面报道 ,连续对我院 1994年 6月至 2 0 0 0年 6月的 6 7例隐匿性AP伴AVRT及阵发性房颤病人进行了射频消融及随访 ,结果如下。资料和方法  6 7例病人中男性 4 5例 ,女性 2 2例 ,…  相似文献   

经导管射频消融治疗乙灶性心房颤动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
报道19例局灶性心房颤动(简称房颤)射频消融治疗的结果,其中药物治疗无效且发作频繁(〉1次/日)的阵发性房颤17例、慢性房颤2例。17例患者尚同时合并有频发房性早搏(简称房早)(动态心电图显示〉700个/日)。同步记录高位右房、冠状静脉窦及左、右上肺静脉电图。根据房早或房颤开始发作时的心房激动顺序确定异位兴奋灶部位,以局部双极科较体表心电图P波起点最提前处为消融靶点。成功标准为消融后60min内房  相似文献   

导管射频消融右侧房室旁道的回顾性分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对连续接受导管射频消融的54例右侧旁道病人进行回顾分析,试图总结实用有效的常规消融方法。54例中右游离壁旁道28例、右前间隔9例、右中间隔5例、右后间隔12例。100%消融成功,无并发症。随访7.5±3.8个月,术后24h复发3例,3个月复发1例,均再次消融成功。右游离壁和右前间隔旁道较右中间隔和右后间隔旁道心室波提前程度大(26.6±14.2和21.4±10.7msvs16.3±18.5和14.5±11.8ms,P<0.05),消融能量高(43.3±5.4和37.8±9.2Wvs21.4±7.1和26.7±5.7W,P<0.05),A、V波比值较小。中间隔和后间隔旁道较游离壁和前间隔旁道心房波振幅高(1.0±0.3和0.9±0.6mVvs0.5±0.4和0.6±0.3mV,P<0.05),导管较稳定。旁道在1s内阻断者心室波提前程度、心房波振幅、导管稳定性和消融能量与旁道在5s以上阻断者比较,差异有显著性(P<0.05),而且旁道阻断时间越短者,其心室波提前程度越大、心房波振幅越高,A、V波比值越大,导管越稳定。提示影响右侧显性房室旁道消融成功率的主要因素是导管操作者的经验和对靶点图的识别,这些涉及到对消?  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Atrial fibrillation, a commonly occurring rhythm in patients with manifest accessory pathways, may prevent the usual mapping criteria for successful catheter ablation from being obtained. Unipolar electrogram recordings may be of value in this situation. METHODS: Unipolar recordings were obtained during atrial fibrillation in one patient with a manifest left-sided accessory pathway, and another patient with a septal accessory pathway with Mahaim-like properties. The timing of the intrinsic deflection, and the presence of a QS complex, were utilized as criteria to define the successful ablation site. RESULTS: Successful ablation of the accessory pathways was achieved during atrial fibrillation. CONCLUSIONS: The use of unipolar recordings can aid successful catheter ablation of the accessory pathways during atrial fibrillation, giving added information to the bipolar electrograms.  相似文献   

RF Catheter Ablation of APs. Catheter ablation techniques are now advocated as the first line of therapy for arrhythmias caused by accessory pathways (APs). The most common energy source is radiofrequency current, but technical characteristics vary. Several parameters can be used to determine the optimal target site: AP potential, AV time, atrial or ventricular insertion site, or unipolar morphology. Specific considerations are needed depending on AP location. Despite the different approaches described, there is no significant difference in the reported success rate, which is over 90%. However, the number of radiofrequency applications needed to achieve ablation appears to differ significantly, with median values from 3 to 8 reported. A combination of criteria related to both timing and direction of the activation wave-front or use of subthreshold stimulation could improve the accuracy of mapping. In patients with "resistant" APs, different changes in ablation technique must be considered during the procedure to achieve elimination of AP conduction. The incidence of complications in multi-center reports is close to 4%, with a recurrence rate of 8%. The long-term safety of catheter ablation requires further study.  相似文献   

经导管射频消融治疗局灶性心房颤动   总被引:19,自引:6,他引:13  
报道19例局灶性心房颤动(简称房颤)射频消融治疗的结果,其中药物治疗无效且发作频繁(>1次/日)的阵发性房颤17例、慢性房颤2例。17例患者尚同时合并有频发房性早搏(简称房早)(动态心电图显示>700个/日)。同步记录高位有房、冠状静脉窦及左、右上肺静脉电图。根据房早或房颤开始发作时的心房激动顺序确定异位兴奋灶部位,以局部双极电图较体表心电图P'波起点最提前处为消融靶点。成功标准为消融后6Omin内房早/房颤消失及随访期内可以无须药物而维持窦性心律。结果:92.6%(25/27)的异位兴奋灶位于肺静脉,其中尤以双上肺静脉居多(21/25)。随访2.4±3.7个月后有13例患者(68.4%)达上述成功标准,其房早数目由术前的3720±2741个/日降至216±139个/日,除1例发生心房穿孔外无其他严重并发症。结论:射频消融治疗局灶性房颤效果较好,可以作为药物治疗无效的阵发性房颤患者的治疗选择。  相似文献   

174例预激综合征患者中13例(7.5%)具有多旁路(29条)。29条旁路中21条由基础电生理检查证实,8条在阻断其它旁路后显现。4例在双侧,9例在单侧消融。平均放电32±14次后将27条(93.1%)旁路阻断。多旁路与单旁路消融成功率相似(93.1%VS94.0%,P>0.05);但放电次数多(32±14VS14±11,P<0.05),消融时程长(3.6±0.8hVS2.1±0.9h,P<0.01);多旁路组复发率高(7.6%VS1.9%,P<0.01).本研究证实射频消融是根治多旁路患者的有效方法。  相似文献   

Atriofascicular Ablation During Fibrillation. Introduction: A male patient with an atriofascicular pathway underwent catheter ablation of the atriofascicular pathway during atrial fibrillation.
Methods and Results: The patient had preexcited atrial fibrillation both clinically and repeatedly during electrophysioiogic study. A preexcited tachycardia with a 1:1 AV relationship and regular RR intervals was also induced. Catheter ablation of the atriofascicular pathway could only be performed during persistent atrial fibrillation, based on mapping of the pathway's insertion into the right bundle branch. Following successful ablation and cardioversion to sinus rhythm, a regular QRS tachycardia (atrioventricular [AV] nodal reentry) having (he same rate, atrial activation sequence, and His-atrial time as the regular preexcited tachycardia noted preablation was initiated. An AV nodal slow pathway modification eliminated this tachycardia. Neither atrial fibrillation nor AV nodal reentry has recurred on follow-up.
Conclusion: This is the first report of atriofascicular mapping and ablation performed exclusively during atrial fibrillation and illustrates the utility of mapping the pathway's ventricular insertion. Other unusual features ("bystander" pathway activation during AV nodal reentry, possible role of the pathway in genesis of atrial fibrillation) are discussed.  相似文献   

Inducibility of Atrial Fibrillation. Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the inducihility of atrial fibrillation in patients with an accessory atriovcentricular connection (AAVC) and to determine if the inducibility of atrial fibrillation is altered after successfulradiofrequency catheter ablation of the AAVC.
Methods and Results: Thirty-seven patients with an AAVC and 36 control patients wereprospectively evaluated using a standardized atrial pacing protocol. The high right atrium waspaced using a 25-beat drive train, 1.5-second intertrain pause, 10-mA pulse amplitude, and 2-msec pulse duration at cycle lengths of 250 to 100 msec, in 10-msec decrements. Pacing wasperformed twice at each cycle length. Thirty patients with an AAVC underwent repeat atrialoverdrive pacing after successful radiofrequency ablation of the AAVC. Atrial fibrillation wasinduced in 26 (70%) patients with an AAVC and 22 (61 %) controls (P = NS). Atrial flutter wasinduced in 26 (70%) patients with an AAVC and 22 (61%) controls (P = NS). The cumulativepercentage of patients with atrial fibrillation/flutter induced at each pacing cycle length was thesame in each group. There was no difference in the duration of atrial fibrillation/flutterbetween control patients and patients with an AAVC. Among the 30 patients who underwentrepeat atrial overdrive pacing after radiofrequency ablation of an AAVC, there was no difference in the inducibility or duration of atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter after ablation compared tobaseline.
Conclusion: These findings indicate that the vulnerability of the atrium to fibrillate inresponse to atrial pacing is independent of the presence of an AAVC.  相似文献   

报道 9例心房颤动 (简称房颤 )患者在射频消融术中用经导管心房同步电除颤的结果。其中有房颤发作史者 5例 ,余 4例为心内电生理检查时诱发。房颤发作时采用普通电生理导管及消融导管在冠状窦与右心耳间放电。9例成功转复为窦性心律 ,平均放电 2 .2次 ,复律成功所需功率为 8.5 6± 4.95J。除 1例需 2 0J转复为窦性心律患者感轻度胸痛外 ,其余仅有心脏轻度震动感。所有患者均未用镇静剂 ,无并发症发生。  相似文献   

心房颤动是最常见的心律失常,导管射频消融治疗心房颤动中心脏的去迷走效应,去迷走效应对心房颤动治疗的影响,去迷走机制,病理生理,现状及展望。  相似文献   

射频导管消融术已成为临床心房颤动的一线治疗方案,充分的术前和术后评估对提高手术的成功率及减少并发症有重要价值.近年来,随着各类新的影像学方法的出现及原有影像学技术的不断发展,心房颤动消融的围手术期评估体系呈现多元化态势.熟悉及准确地运用影像学检查,在指导患者选择、术前准备及预后判断中起着不可替代的作用.  相似文献   

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