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The international conference on The African Experience with River Basin Development challenged participants to pursue a critical discussion of the record to date on approaches to river basin development and to propose appropriate strategies for the future. During the conference, special focus was given to the institutional requirements for planning, implementing and evaluating those strategies which benefit large numbers of people through increased production, enterprise development and employment generations in an environmentally sound fashion. It was noted that serious negative environmental and socio-economic effects have followed in the wake of African dam construction and the creation of large man-made lakes. The conference produced a short-list of general priorities for improving river basin development in Africa.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is, first, to examine the record to date for river basin development in tropical Africa; and second, to examine in more detail the role and performance of institutions in this record of African river basin development. The experience of institutions with river basin development are assessed against outcomes - namely, the extent to which the resources of Africa's river basins have actually been developed in recent years and the role that institutions have played in that development.  相似文献   

From the outset of its efforts to promote the socio-economic development of river and lake basins in developing countries, UNDP took the position that in most cases the river basin was the appropriate geographical entity for development. However, the amount of technical Assistance required to evaluate the potentialities of a large river or lake basin is beyond the capabilities of any single donor of assistance. Similarly, the capital investment required to implement a basin development programme, ranging from US $ several hundred million to possibly US $ several thousand million, is usually beyond the capabilities of any single financial institution. On the basis of the experience gained in the development of the Mekong River and the Senegal River, UNDP advocates concerted and coordinated cooperation among donors interested in different aspects of one given large river or lake basin development, for which it coined the phrase 'multidonor approach'.  相似文献   

How integrated is river basin management?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Land and water management is increasingly focused upon the drainage basin. Thirty-six terms recently used for schemes of “integrated basin management” include reference to the subject or area and to the aims of integrated river basin management, often without allusion to the multiobjective nature. Diversity in usage of terms has occurred because of the involvement of different disciplines, of the increasing coherence of the drainage basin approach, and the problems posed in particular parts of the world. The components included in 21 different approaches are analyzed, and, in addition to showing that components related broadly to water supply, river channel, land, and leisure aspects, it is concluded that there are essentially five interrelated facets of integrated basin management that involved water, channel, land, ecology, and human activity. Two aspects not fully included in many previous schemes concern river channel changes and the dynamic integrity of the fluvial system. To clarify the terminology used, it is suggested that the termcomprehensive river basin management should be used where a wide range of components is involved, whereasintegrated basin management can signify the interactions of components and the dominance of certain components in the particular area.Holistic river basin management is advocated as a term representing an approach that is both fully comprehensive and integrated but also embraces the energetics of the river system and consideration of changes of river channels and of human impacts throughout the river system. The paradigm of working with the river can be extended to one of working with the river in the holistic basin context.  相似文献   

Collaboration has rapidly become the dominant paradigm in natural resource management, but there are many dilemmas about how it is applied effectively. In southwest Oregon, agencies, watershed councils and other stakeholders are developing a river basin approach to assess ecological health and set priorities for restoration. An analysis of this process reveals considerable progress in this innovative effort and it reveals several implications for collaboration at a regional scale, including: tensions between technical complexity and open participation, difficulties with information exchange for joint management, the relationships between technical issues and policy issues, the role of regional policy in supporting collaborative efforts, and the importance of institutional arrangements.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes use of the economic-cumenvironmental regional development planning process (as differentiated from regional economic planning and regional environmental planning) for its first application in the Asia-Pacific region, for The Songkhla Lake Basin Planning Study, in southern Thailand. The study project was carried out, with Asian Development Bank (ADB) loan financing, as a joint venture of the national economic and national environmental planning agencies. Because of its pioneering nature, in both technical and institutional aspects, numerous lessons were learned from the project. These are described, and yield guidelines valuable for future studies of this type.Dr Harvey F. Ludwig, Chairman of Seatec International Consulting Engineers in Bangkok, has a unique record of distinguished experience in environmental engineering. This includes, in addition to his present role, experience as a professor at the University of California at Berkeley, in research (four USA national awards), in government (as Assistant Chief Engineer of the US Public Health Service Engineering Group, the predecessor to USEPA), and with numerous international assistance agencies including the World Bank, ADB, and many UN affiliates. Dr Ludwig moved to live in Bangkok in 1973 and has since been a continuing adviser to the National Environment Board of Thailand and to the Institutes of Water Resources Research of Indonesia. He is the author/coauthor of some 160 professional publications and the senior author of a textbook onEnvironmental Technology in Developing Countries, now being printed by CRC Press of Boca Raton, Florida. His work record includes projects in more than 30 Developing countries.  相似文献   

A susceptibility indexing method was developed based on vulnerability and quality indices. The contamination susceptibility index (SI) at a given location was calculated by taking the product of the vulnerability index (VI) and the quality index (QI): SI = VI × QI. This method incorporates both hydrogeological and hydrochemical data for a comprehensive index mapping. The DRASTIC index methodology was used for the hydrogeological data evaluations. The quality index calculation procedure based on a water quality classification scheme was introduced to evaluate hydrochemical data. The suggested susceptibility indexing method was applied to the Küçük Menderes river basin located in western Turkey. The susceptibility index map shows both hydrogeological and hydrochemical data related to the contamination problem including areas that should be taken into consideration during water management planning. The index map indicates that the most susceptible groundwater is located along the river channel between Kiraz and Tire towns, in the Selçuk area and along the Fertek stream channel to the north of Torbal? town. The results indicate that the incorporation of both hydrogeological and hydrochemical datasets enables more realistic evaluations than those of an individual dataset to estimate the groundwater contamination susceptibility of an aquifer. The numerical procedure applied could be extended further by including other parameters such as retardation, potential contaminant sources, etc. that affect the water quality in a given basin.  相似文献   

This paper utilizes experiences gained since the first United Nations studies were prepared on river basin planning and development in 1958. The author's experiences, mainly in the tropical and subtropical areas of Africa and Asia, set the stage for a brief consideration of the role of institutions in achieving a process of integrated river basin development. In emphasizing these experiences, this paper has three purposes. First, the author assesses the influence and adequacy of the vision expressed in the earlier United Nations reports. Second, he examines the experience with attempts to implement river basin development, including resettlement problems. Third, he suggests ways in which lessons learned can be applied to future development. The case studies utilized in this paper draw more on the author's experience than on the literature. While the focus is on transnational river basin development, experiences within states are also included when they provide relevant insights.  相似文献   

Water resource management in Kabul river basin, eastern Afghanistan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Severe drinking water shortage affects all resident of the Kabul river basin. Two and a half decades of civil war in Afghanistan (it began in late 1978) have resulted in widespread environmental degradation and water resource development throughout the country. The war has already finished and, therefore, water resource management for supplying water is one of the most important tasks for Afghanistan’s government. The Kabul river basin which is the most populated area in the country is located in the eastern part of Afghanistan. This article deals with the water resource properties of the Kabul river basin and also water demand in the important cities of the basin, such as Kabul, the capital and the largest city in the country. Also a few suggestions for providing water for domestic and agriculture purposes in short term, medium time and long term have been discussed.  相似文献   

The concept of minimum populations of wildlife and plants has only recently been discussed in the literature. Population genetics has emerged as a basic underlying criterion for determining minimum population size. This paper presents a genetic framework and procedure for determining minimum viable population size and dispersion strategies in the context of multiple-use land management planning. A procedure is presented for determining minimum population size based on maintenance of genetic heterozygosity and reduction of inbreeding. A minimum effective population size (N e ) of 50 breeding animals is taken from the literature as the minimum shortterm size to keep inbreeding below 1% per generation. Steps in the procedure adjustN e to account for variance in progeny number, unequal sex ratios, overlapping generations, population fluctuations, and period of habitat/population constraint. The result is an approximate census number that falls within a range of effective population size of 50–500 individuals. This population range defines the time range of short- to long-term population fitness and evolutionary potential. The length of the term is a relative function of the species generation time. Two population dispersion strategies are proposed: core population and dispersed population.  相似文献   

Three innovations in water and soil conservancy technology in the Pearl River Delta of South China, i.e., dike building, land reclamation, and dike-pond systems, were examined from a historical perspective. They were found to best reflect local farmers' efforts to cope with the challenges of various water disasters and to build a harmonious relationship with the changed environment. These technologies were critical to the agricultural success and sustainability over the past 2000 years, and reflected local farmers' wisdom in balancing land use and environmental conservation. Imprudent use of a new agricultural technology could damage the environment, and could disturb the human-environment relationship, as evidenced by the more frequent flooding that followed inappropriate dike building and premature reclamation. It is suggested that as the urbanization and industrialization process in the delta region continues, the kind of thinking that made the water and soil conservancy sustainable needs to be incorporated into the design of similar technologies for water use and river basin management today.  相似文献   

The value of cooperation in resolving international river basin disputes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper reviews the phenomenon of international river basins, and concludes that the sharing of river basins between and among countries is the rule rather than the exception for the major river systems of the world. The growth of the nation state with rivers as agreed-upon boundaries, as cease-fire lines and as natural defensive lines has led to the carving up of most river basins around the world. More than 200 river basins, accounting for more than 50% of the land area of the Earth, are shared by two or more countries. When population densities were low, there was plenty of water for all and major conflicts were avoided. With the rapid population and economic growth experienced in the past few decades, conflicts over use of water are becoming more important. It is expected that in the near future such conflicts will become much more severe. The paper reviews the literature on attempts to analyse river basin conflicts and negotiate solutions. Some rudimentary game models are examined, and some tentative conclusions, based upon various game theory concepts of stability, are applied to the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin. The paper ends with suggestions on how to plan Pareto-Admissible outcomes for international basins.  相似文献   

We record here the recent occurrence, abundance and distribution of six exotic fish species, viz. Oreochromis mossambicus, Cyprinus carpio, Hypopthalmicthys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Clarias gariepinus, and Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus (a new exotic in India) distributed through the four important tributaries of river Ganga basin in India. From the total catch, the abundance index of all exotic species in different rivers ranged from 1.1 to 14.5?% with highest value in River Gomti. The relative abundance of the exotic species in all the four tributaries demonstrated that a single species C. carpio contributed a considerable abundance (43.3?C83?%) than that of the remaining exotic fishes. The Common Carp, C. carpio, was ubiquitous in all the four tributaries of Ganges basin studied and had the highest local distribution (52.63?%). Smaller size groups of endangered (Chagunius chagunio, Chitala chitala, and Tor tor) and migratory species (Bagarius bagarius, Ompok pabda, Wallago attu, and Sperata aor) in the four tributaries were recorded, and the increasing appearance of Common Carp and other exotic fishes is signaling biological invasion. Possible threats to the indigenous fish fauna, as a result of the invasion and proliferation of these exotics, are discussed.  相似文献   

The City of Austin, Texas, is one of the fastest growing metropolitan areas in the United States. It is also in one of the most biologically diverse terrestrial ecosystems in the world: the Balcones Canyonlands. Five cave invertebrates and two species of birds that inhabit the area are listed as threatened or endangered, two species of plants are candidates for listing, several others are considered rare and of concern, and a species of the salamander has also been proposed for listing. A habitat conservation plan, of national significance according to Secretary of Interior Bruce Babbit (Haurwitz 1996), has been under development for the last several years to conserve those endangered species through a 2400-ha system of preserves and to allow development to continue in more than 162,000 ha of surrounding area. The preserve system, comprising several units ranging in size from less than a hundred to several thousand hectares, would be bordered in many instances by developed areas. Development and maintenance of the infrastructure necessary for new and existing development, both commercial and residential, could have negated the biological value of the preserves (e.g., power-line corridors, water-treatment pipelines and facilities). The challenge of bringing this plan to fruition illustrates the complex biological, technical, and sociological context within which habitat conservation planning may occur. Resolving resource use conflicts of this nature have several commonalities that overarch these contexts. If recognized and addressed, one may move easily and foster positive results. These commonalities can be expressed as principles such as: relying on scientists to recognize, but not solve problems; acting before a scientific consensus is achieved; including human motivation and responses as part of the system to be studied and managed; and confronting uncertainty.  相似文献   

Urban sprawl in Virginia has led to the loss of wildlife habitat and agricultural land, reduced water quality, and to severe traffic congestion. We conducted a survey to identify the tools being used by the state's localities to manage growth and protect land from development, and the factors that influence interest in particular planning goals and strategies. More specifically, we sought to explore the level of interest in using the transfer of development rights (TDR). Almost every locality in Virginia has stated goals of protecting green space and agricultural land but very few have pursued a TDR programme since it became legal to do so in 2006. However, the main tools being used by planning departments are of limited effectiveness, particularly with regard to ensuring permanent or even long-term land preservation. More broadly, they are reflective of a reactive response to individual development proposals rather than a proactive, comprehensive approach to planning.  相似文献   

The river Rhine has been in humanity's use for many centuries for a variety of activities. However, in our time, considerable changes in the course and the natural conditions of the river and the increasing use of the river for the discharge of wastewater has caused serious floods and major ecological problems. Since 1950, the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine (ICPR) acts as the coordination point between the states bordering the Rhine for the development of programmes for river protection. The Sandoz disaster in 1986 was a turning point in the approach of the ICPR and the starting point for the present strategy of integrated riverbasin management. Recent developments have indicated the success of the current approach.  相似文献   

This paper examines the various pressures for state action in respect of land use and environmental management. It then considers the processes through which these pressures are currently being articulated into policies and actions. A brief assessment of the effectiveness of local planning practice follows and then the paper considers the questions which should be addressed in land use and environmental issues in the UK.  相似文献   

The major barriers to successful lake management are institutional. However, in contrast to the technical and limnological dimensions of lake management, the institutional aspects of managing lakes have received little attention. The institutional factors that are important for successful lake management outcomes are: overlapping areal jurisdiction among governmental units, fragmented functional program responsibilities, ineffective coordination, limited authority, financial constraints, private sector roles, and inadequate public awareness and consensus. The range of typical institutional problems confronting lake management are well illustrated through experiences from the state of Wisconsin, USA. Because lake management programs with institutional shortcomings rarely realize their goals, it is critical to assimilate, evaluate, and apply our experience to date with the institutional arrangements necessary to effectively manage lake resources.  相似文献   

Water is strongly linked with the overall development framework of the Brahmaputra basin. However, the absence of integrated management of Brahmaputra water resources and lack of coordination among the riparian states constitutes an ongoing threat to future development plans within the basin. Brahmaputra's abundant hydropower potential can help give riparian countries a safer energy future that is the key driving force behind the prospect of potential cooperation. This paper analyses the current status of Brahmaputra water resources and identifies the perspectives of riparian countries regarding the development of the Brahmaputra basin. It also identifies the opportunities for cooperation and regional development through integrated water development and management of the Brahmaputra basin. It is essential to develop an integrated water resources management approach involving all riparians to foster regional development and overcome the prospect of severe water conflict along the Brahmaputra basin.  相似文献   

Whilst river catchments are axiomatic units to hydrological science, their use as administrative boundaries, even within the water function, is highly dependent upon socio‐political considerations. In moves to accomplish sustainable development, with its emphasis on proactive community procedures, the catchment/basin unit is, however, receiving detailed attention—notably in England/Wales and in Canada. This paper catalogues the patterns and processes of catchment planning on both sides of the Atlantic via case studies in Ontario and southern England (Thames). Conclusions are that scale, tradition (of consultation) and information about land‐use effects on river behaviour are important controls on the rates and styles of implementation.  相似文献   

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