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基于蒙特卡罗方法的三维燃耗计算研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用通过编写连接MCNP程序和ORIGEN2程序的接口处理程序的方法进行快中子系统的燃耗计算。由MCNP、ORIGEN2、接口处理程序和截面文件组成的软件系统可用于燃料或堆芯非均匀布置快中子系统的燃料同位素成分和燃耗反应性损失计算,在燃耗反应性损失计算中采用了伪裂变产物的方法。介绍程序系统的研制情况,并给出用该软件系统计算中国实验快堆首炉堆芯和OECD/NEAMOX燃料快堆基准题的燃耗计算结果。  相似文献   

于超  朱庆福 《原子能科学技术》2013,47(10):1824-1828
本文介绍了开发的蒙特卡罗燃耗计算程序MCNTRANS。MCNTRANS的中子学计算参数直接采用MCNP5程序的反应率计算值,燃耗计算方法采用图论算法跟踪燃耗链,同时,对实际燃耗过程进行详细分析以提高计算精度与程序适用性,并使用预估 校正方法以获取较大的燃耗计算步长。程序计算结果通过OECD/NEA与JAERI燃耗基准题实验结果进行验证,并与其他程序的计算结果进行比较。结果表明,MCNTRANS程序在不同燃耗深度下的计算结果和实验值与其他程序的计算值符合较好,部分锕系核素与裂变产物的计算精度更高。  相似文献   

TOPAZ-Ⅱ属于结构紧凑、不均匀性较强的小型反应堆,它的燃耗计算不宜采用确定论程序。本工作利用日本原子力研究所开发的蒙特卡罗燃耗计算程序MVP-BURN,根据TOPAZ-Ⅱ的特点制定了合理的计算模型与方案,完成了较细致的燃耗计算,并给出了较全面的结果。本工作所建立的燃耗计算方法可为其他类似反应堆的燃耗计算提供方法上的参考。  相似文献   

燃耗计算在反应堆设计、分析研究中起着重要作用.一维、二维耦合燃耗程序因其几何限制难以满足先进反应堆精细设计分析的要求.本文研发了基于蒙特卡罗方法与指数欧拉法耦合的三维燃耗程序.程序采用编写耦合MCNP与FISPACT的接口程序的方法,结合了MCNP处理复杂几何能力强,FISPACT计算核素全面、能谱多样的特点,实现了考...  相似文献   

反应堆临界-燃耗耦合蒙特卡罗计算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于连续点截面MCNP程序 ,研制了三维多群P3 中子输运蒙特卡罗程序MCMG ,并与栅元均匀化程序WIMS耦合 ,实现了临界 燃耗耦合计算。采用WIMS产生的 69群共振、自屏宏观中子截面和BUGLE 80u47群微观中子截面 ,分别计算了简单反应堆和临界实验堆问题 ,计算结果与其它输运方法的计算结果和试验结果一致。在相同计算精度下 ,MCMG的计算时间较MCNP的计算时间少  相似文献   

利用碲锌镉(CZT)探测器组成的γ谱探测系统是一种测量乏燃料组件燃耗的较有效的方法。本文利用蒙特卡罗方法,借助于Geant4软件包计算在两种测量方式、多个准直高度条件下组件中137Cs和134Cs的全能峰探测效率,对测量结果的正确评价分析具有一定意义。另外,采用偏倚抽样方法确定源粒子发射方向,极大提高了CZT探测器全能峰探测效率。  相似文献   

燃耗计算在反应堆设计、分析研究中起着重要作用。相比于传统点燃耗算法,切比雪夫有理逼近方法(Chebyshev rational approximation method,CRAM)具有计算速度快、精度高的优点。基于超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统Super MC(Super Monte Carlo Simulation Program for Nuclear and Radiation Process),采用切比雪夫有理逼近方法和桶排序能量查找方法,进行了蒙特卡罗燃耗计算的初步研究与验证。通过燃料棒燃耗例题以及IAEA-ADS(International Atomic Energy Agency-Accelerator Driven Systems)国际基准题,初步验证了该燃耗计算方法的正确性,且IAEA-ADS基准题测试表明,与统一能量网格方法相比,桶排序能量查找方法在保证了计算效率的同时减少了内存开销。  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗中子输运程序和ORIGEN2点燃耗程序的蒙特卡罗输运燃耗耦合计算方法应用广泛。但现有评价库中子连续截面的核素个数远小于燃耗计算涉及到的核素数量,即通过输运计算得到的燃耗截面不足以完全替代燃耗计算的基本库。采用经过栅元验证的蒙特卡罗燃耗程序MCBMPI,对最新的VERA燃耗计算基准题进行验证计算,对比分析不同的燃耗截面基本库对输运燃耗计算的影响。分析结果表明:1)在实际应用中尽量不要采用典型热中子截面库,会带来较大偏差;2)在燃耗计算核素替换较多的情况下,对该基准题而言,选取典型压水堆基本库还是典型快堆基本库,对结果影响不大,二者keff偏差在8‰以内,燃耗末期235U偏差在4‰以内,135Xe偏差在5‰左右;3)建议选取与研究对象能谱相近的基本库。  相似文献   

本文采用RMC模拟计算了西安脉冲堆(XAPR)稳态堆芯第1循环燃料元件的精细燃耗分布情况,根据XAPR运行温度制备了多温度点氢化锆的热化截面,计算了零燃耗下XAPR冷态和热态实验的keff。分别考虑燃料棒径向和轴向空间离散化下温度反馈的结果,确定了首循环脉冲堆三维燃耗最深的位置。结果表明,采用燃料棒径向燃耗分区的15 EFPD下D5和G14燃料棒燃耗计算结果较径向不分区的结果更接近实验值,RMC应用于XAPR精细燃耗计算具有较高可靠性,可用于脉冲堆物理计算与安全分析工作。  相似文献   

基于计数器数据分解的RMC全堆燃耗计算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
内存不足是蒙特卡罗方法大规模输运模拟的关键问题。对于反应堆燃耗分析,需在输运过程中统计大量反应截面数据,计算机内存限制了燃耗计算规模。本文基于反应堆蒙特卡罗程序(RMC),利用数据分解方法对计数器数据并行存储,并与点燃耗并行耦合,实现计数器数据分解和燃耗数据分解的综合并行方法。对全堆基准题进行数值测试,结果表明综合并行方法可明显降低计算内存,验证了数据分解对蒙特卡罗大规模燃耗分析的有效性。  相似文献   

堆用蒙卡程序燃耗计算功能开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
佘顶  王侃  余纲林 《核动力工程》2012,33(3):1-5,11
堆用蒙卡程序(RMC)是由清华大学工程物理系REAL实验室自主开发的用于反应堆物理分析的中子输运蒙卡程序,本文主要介绍其燃耗计算功能的开发与验证。RMC的燃耗计算功能具有的特点:内部耦合ORIGEN,相比于外耦合方式,更加灵活和高效;使用基于能谱的单群截面统计方法,可在保证精度的前提下,显著提高计算效率;采取预估修正和中点近似等多种燃耗步策略,减小大燃耗步长时的计算误差。通过计算压水堆栅元、沸水堆组件、快堆等一系列基准题和算例,验证了RMC燃耗计算的正确性和速度优势。  相似文献   

The fusion-fission (FF) hybrid reactor is a promising energy source that is thought to act as a bridge between the existing fission reactor and the genuine fusion reactor in the future. The burnup calculation system that aims at precise burnup calculations of a subcritical system was developed for the detailed design of the FF hybrid reactor, and the system consists of MCNP, ORIGEN, and postprocess codes. In the present study, the calculation system was substantially modified to improve the calculation accuracy and at the same time the calculation speed as well. The reaction rate estimation can be carried out accurately with the present system that uses track-length (TL) data in the continuous-energy treatment. As for the speed-up of the reaction rate calculation, a new TL data bunching scheme was developed so that only necessary TL data are used as long as the accuracy of the point-wise nuclear data is conserved. With the present system, an example analysis result for our proposed FF hybrid reactor is described, showing that the computation time could really be saved with the same accuracy as before.  相似文献   

For next generation reactor designs, which are attempting wide variations of assembly configurations, the flexibility Monte Carlo method holds is attractive, but still costly for repetitive design study works. This paper presents an advanced correlated sampling (ACS) method which was developed to speed up Monte Carlo lattice burnup calculations. The ACS method is the combination of the correlated sampling method and a pseudo-scattering technique. All burnup steps are considered as consecutive perturbed problems using the same neutron collision history, which is pre-calculated based on a selected unperturbed problem. Since neutron weights can be adjusted on every collision point, rather than along paths between them, the perturbed calculation is very fast and the neutron collision history is light enough to be stored in memory or physical storage, which is an indispensable feature for consecutive perturbed calculations. The presented theory shows that the ACS method has good potential to work for a wide range of neutron absorption variations, the dominant perturbation in the lattice burnup. In an example calculation on a BWR lattice, the ACS calculation results of 600,000 neutrons/step agree well with the independent Monte Carlo runs of 20,000,000 neutrons/step within 0.1%dk/k in terms of k? throughout 95 steps (~50GWd/t). Average calculation time of neutron tracking with the former method is 3.4 s/step with 600,000 neutron histories on a single processor of an Alpha21164-600 MHz, and the speed-up factor against the Monte Carlo calculation turns out to be about 100.  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗算法并行计算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用蒙特卡罗(MC)计算方法,进行核反应粒子输运计算,是业内近十几年发展起来的一种有相对优势的计算方法.本文针对并行计算过程中数据初始化、计算任务分配、计算结果归约、计算结果一致性、程序功能一致性等关键问题进行了多种算法优劣的比较以及程序实现过程中的难点进行了分析,最终给出了测试结果和研究结论.结果表明,MC算法在粒子输运计算过程中有着相当好的计算效率.  相似文献   

A formulation has been established to estimate the error propagation in Monte-Carlo burnup calculations. The uncertainties in cross sections and the statistical errors in Monte-Carlo calculations are considered as error sources, and the error propagation of number densities of individual nuclides over a burnup period is formulated. The present formulation is applied to the burnup calculation of a simplified fast reactor core. The components of the errors in number densities due to the statistical error are up to 0.92% even when the history number is small as 104. On the other hand, the components due to the cross section error are about 2–5% for the number densities of 235U, 239Pu, 240Pu, 241Pu and 242Pu, and about 7.3% for the fission-product. Thus the contribution is mainly due to the cross section errors. The error propagation of the number densities due to the statistical errors at individual burnup steps is investigated by dividing the burnup period into two steps. The error propagation is not serious for the problem treated here because the component due to the statistical error is much smaller than that due to the cross section error.  相似文献   

郝琛  李富  郭炯 《原子能科学技术》2013,47(Z1):188-191
基于蒙特卡罗方法开发了球床高温气冷堆燃料球运行历史模拟程序,分析不同卸料燃耗阈值对平均卸料燃耗、卸料燃耗分布的影响,并分析了不同球流速度模型下的差别。结果表明,卸料燃耗阈值对于平均卸料燃耗、卸料燃耗分布很大程度上受到各流道燃料增量的特性的影响。  相似文献   

基于乏燃料贮存领域常用的锕系加裂变产物(APU-2)级燃耗信任制,应用二维组件燃耗计算程序CASMO5,计算了燃耗过程中功率密度和运行历史对乏燃料k∞的影响。结果表明:燃耗计算中,选择堆芯额定功率对应的平均功率密度,同时k∞附加0.002 3的包络裕度,运行历史选择循环内及循环间无停堆额定功率运行,同时k∞附加0.004 5的包络裕度,可满足燃耗信任制中包络性原则。  相似文献   

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