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The crystallochemical and magnetic nature of ternary Sc1+δFe4−δAl8 intermetallic with a small Sc excess δ=0.1 was investigated by scanning electron microscope, X-ray powder diffraction, neutron diffraction, Mössbauer effect and superconducting quantum interference device techniques. The sample crystallizes in a tetragonal ThMn12 type structure. The excess of Sc atoms substitute Fe at the (8f) positions and have a pronounced effect on the magnetic properties. The experiments carried out in temperature range 4-320 K show that below 120 K the magnetic structure of the alloy forms a double cycloid with magnetic moments rotating according to the incommensurate in-plane wave vector, which is temperature independent up to 160 K. The value of Fe magnetic moment is close to 0.9 μB atom−1 at 4 K. Temperature dependence of unit cell dimensions can be explained within the Debye-Grüneisen approximation.  相似文献   

The effect of wheel speed on the phase compositions and microstructures of melt-spun Nd1.2Fe10.5Mo1.5 ribbon was investigated. It is found that the Nd(Fe,Mo)12 phase can be obtained at the wheel speed of 10 m/s, and TbCu7-type Nd(Fe,Mo)7 phase is formed with the wheel speed higher than 10 m/s. The amorphous phase is achieved at 65 m/s. The average grain size of phases decreases linearly with increasing wheel speed. The Nd(Fe,Mo)12N1.0 nitride obtained from annealed ribbons quenched at 65 m/s shows a coercivity much higher than that from the ribbons quenched at 10 m/s, which is due to the smaller grain size in the former ribbons.  相似文献   

Millimetre-size UFe5Sn single crystals were grown by the top seed solution growth method and characterized by magnetization, 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy and specific heat measurements in order to study the magnetic transitions detected in powder samples at 248 and 178 K. The magnetization measurements show different behaviour along the three crystallographic directions but with similar values of spontaneous magnetization along a and c. The transition at 248 K is associated with ferromagnetic ordering of iron moments along the c-axis, while the transition at lower temperature is associated with a reorientation towards b. Mössbauer data show that this reorientation is concomitant to the ordering of the Fe2 sites, which in a large proportion remain paramagnetic between the two transition temperatures. Specific heat measurements are consistent with the establishment of magnetic ordering at 248 K, followed by a spin reorientation at 178 K, yielding γ(0 K)140 mJ/(mol K2) and θ290 K for UFe5Sn.  相似文献   

In NaZn13-type LaFe11.4Al1.6C0.02 compound, a signature of weak ferromagnetism is observed at ∼100 K under a low field by ac magnetic-susceptibility and electrical-resistivity measurements, implying the coexistence of ferromagnetic (FM) and antiferromagnetic (AFM) phases. The hysteresis in isofield magnetization curves and large magnetic relaxation demonstrate the metastability of the magnetic state in the AFM-FM transition region. The variations of magnetization with temperature, time and field show distinct step-like behaviors, which is probably attributed to the discontinuous growth of ferromagnetic cluster in antiferromagnetic matrix.  相似文献   

BiFe1−xNixO3 ceramic powders with x up to 0.10 have been prepared by the sol-gel technique. The band gap of BiFeO3 is 2.23 eV, and decreases to 2.09 eV for BiFe0.95Ni0.05O3 and BiFe0.90Ni0.10O3. The Mössbauer spectra show sextet at room temperature, indicating the magnetic ordering and the presence of only Fe3+ ions. Superparamagnetism with blocking temperature of 31 K for BiFe0.95Ni0.05O3 and 100 K for BiFe0.90Ni0.10O3 was observed. Enhanced magnetization at room temperature have been observed (1.0 emu/g for BiFe0.95Ni0.05O3 and 2.9 emu/g for BiFe0.90Ni0.10O3 under magnetic field of 10,000 Oe), which is one order larger than that of BiFeO3 (0.1 emu/g under magnetic field of 10,000 Oe). The enhanced magnetization was attributed to the suppression of the cycloidal spin structure by Ni3+ substitution and the ferrimagnetic interaction between Fe3+ and Ni3+ ions.  相似文献   

We investigated the magnetic and electronic properties of an antiferromagnet and pressure-induced superconductor CePd5Al2 by measuring the magnetization and de Haas-van Alphen effect, together with the electrical resistivity under pressure and magnetic field. Magnetic measurements including the high field magnetization at 1.3 K reveal several magnetic transitions and quite complex magnetic phase diagram of this compound. Electrical resistivity measurements have been performed using diamond anvil cell up to 12 GPa for the magnetic fields and [1 0 0]. The upper critical field in superconductivity is anisotropic between and [1 0 0] in the tetragonal structure, reflecting the quasi-two dimensional electronic state.  相似文献   

The structure of the UFe3B2 compound has been refined down to R=0.022 and wR2=0.052 from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. This uranium boride crystallizes in the CeCo3B2 type-structure (P6/mmm space group no. 191, Z=1, ρ=10.79 g/cm3), with lattice parameters at room temperature a=0.5052(1) nm, c=0.3002(1) nm and V=0.664(1) nm3. Magnetization measurements made between 2 K and 800 K suggested that UFe3B2 is an antiferromagnet with a rather high Néel temperature of TN=268±5 K. No other magnetic transitions were observed down to the lowest studied temperature.  相似文献   

Neutron diffraction study has been performed on the Tb5Sb3 and Tb5Si1.5Sb1.5 compounds (hexagonal Mn5Si3-type, hP16, P63/mcm) to understand their magnetic structures. The temperature dependence of neutron diffraction results proves that these intermetallics show a complex magnetic ordering. The Tb5Sb3 presents five subsequent changes in magnetic structure at ∼150, 119, 85, 70 and 54 K on cooling: paramagnet→antiferromagnetic flat spiral→ferromagnetic cone→antiferromagnetically canted ferromagnetic cone→canted AF→sine modulated AF. The Tb5Si1.5Sb1.5 shows two subsequent changes in magnetic structure at 123 and 66 K: paramagnet→sine modulated antiferromagnet I→sine modulated antiferromagnet II. The Tb5Si3, Tb5Sb3 and Tb5Si1.5Sb1.5 have the different magnetic structure in the full temperature range.  相似文献   

A coating method with precipitating process was developed to reduce the particle size and to improve the particle dispersion of Y3Al5O12:Tb3+ phosphor prepared by sol-gel method. The particle morphology was observed by using SEM and TEM; and the particle size and its dispersion was measured by using laser scattering technique. Several coating materials were tested. Among them, Al2(SiO3)3 coating not only reduced the particle size from several micrometers to ∼1 μm and improved the particle dispersion, but also well kept luminescent intensities and improved the duration of the phosphor under the bombardment of cathode ray. The mechanism of the particle size reduction was proposed.  相似文献   

We report the synthesis of three new Yb-based compounds, Yb8Ag18.5Al47.5 (Yb8Cu17Al49-type, tetragonal tI74–I4/mmm), Yb2Pd2Cd (Mo2B2Fe-type, tetragonal tP10-P4/mbm) and Yb1.35Pd2Cd0.65 (MnCu2Al-type, cubic cF16–Fm3¯m). The crystal symmetry of these compounds has been determined and the complete structural characterisation carried out by single crystal and powder diffraction techniques. Two symmetry in-equivalent sites are available for the Yb ions in Yb8Ag18.5Al47.5 and Yb1.35Pd2Cd0.65. The 4f levels of the Yb ions are appreciably hybridised in Yb8Ag18.5Al47.5 and to a lesser extent in Yb2Pd2Cd as inferred from the magnetisation and heat capacity data. Signatures of heavy fermion behaviour are observed in the heat capacity data of Yb2Pd2Cd in which the heat capacity, C/T, increases at low temperatures attaining a value of ≈600 mJ/mol K2 at 1.8 K. The electrical resistivity of Yb2Pd2Cd follows a linear variation with temperature, T, between 1.4 and 5 K, thus indicating a possible non-Fermi liquid behaviour. In contrast, Yb ions are trivalent in Yb1.35Pd2Cd0.65 and order magnetically near 1.4 K.  相似文献   

In this work the Mn5Si3 and Mn5SiB2 phases were produced via arc melting and heat treatment at 1000 °C for 50 h under argon. A detailed microstructure characterization indicated the formation of single-phase Mn5Si3 and near single-phase Mn5SiB2 microstructures. The magnetic behavior of the Mn5Si3 phase was investigated and the results are in agreement with previous data from the literature, which indicates the existence of two anti-ferromagnetic structures for temperatures below 98 K. The Mn5SiB2 phase shows a ferromagnetic behavior presenting a saturation magnetization Ms of about 5.35×105 A/m (0.67 T) at room temperature and an estimated Curie temperature between 470 and 490 K. In addition, AC susceptibility data indicates no evidence of any other magnetic ordering in 4-300 K temperature range. The magnetization values are smaller than that calculated using the magnetic moment from previous literature NMR results. This result suggests a probable ferrimagnetic arrangement of the Mn moments.  相似文献   

CoFe2O4 (CFO) epitaxial thin films of various thicknesses were grown on MgO substrates using the pulsed electron-beam deposition technique. The films have excellent in-plane coherence with the substrate, exhibit layer-by-layer growth and have well-defined thickness fringes in x-ray diffraction measurements. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) measurements indicate that misfit dislocations form in thicker films and the critical thickness for the dislocation formation is estimated. Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in CFO due to epitaxial in-plane tensile strain from the substrate was found. A stripe-like domain structure in the demagnetized state is demonstrated using magnetic force microscopy (MFM), in agreement with previous predictions. Coercivity increased in thicker films, which is explained by domain wall pinning due to misfit dislocations at the CFO/MgO interface.  相似文献   

In the present paper, phosphors with the composition Y3−x−yAl5O12:Bi3+x, Dy3+y were synthesized with solid state reactions. The luminescence properties of Bi3+ and Dy3+ in Y3Al5O12(YAG) and the energy transfer from Bi3+ to Dy3+ were investigated in detail. Bi3+ in YAG emits one broad band peaking at 304 nm which can be ascribed to the transition from excited states 3P0, 1 to ground state 1S0. Dy3+ in YAG emits two groups of peaks around 484 and 583 nm, respectively, which can be ascribed to the transitions from excited state 4F9/2 to ground states 6H15/2 and 6H13/2. The co-doping of Bi3+ enhances the luminescent intensity of Dy3+ by ∼7 times because Bi3+ can transfer the absorbed energy to Dy3+ efficiently. The mechanism of energy transfer was also discussed.  相似文献   

Eu2+-doped Sr3Al2O6 (Sr3−xEuxAl2O6) was synthesized by a solid-state reaction under either H2 and N2 atmosphere or CO atmosphere. When H2 was used as the reducing agent, the phosphor exhibited green emission under near UV excitation, while CO was used as the reducing agent, the phosphor mainly showed red emission under blue light excitation. Both emissions belong to the d-f transition of Eu2+ ion. The relationship between the emission wavelengths and the occupation of Eu2+ at different crystallographic sites was studied. The preferential substitution of Eu2+ into different Sr2+ cites at different reaction periods and the substitution rates under different atmospheres were discussed. Finally, green-emitting and red-emitting LEDs were fabricated by coating the phosphor onto near UV- or blue-emitting InGaN chips.  相似文献   

We present 27Al NMR studies for a single crystal of the Np-based superconductor NpPd5Al2. We have observed a five-line 27Al NMR spectrum with a center line and four satellite lines separated by first-order nuclear quadrupole splittings. The Knight shift clearly drops below Tc. The temperature dependence of the 27Al nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate shows no coherence peak below Tc, indicating that NpPd5Al2 is an unconventional superconductor with an anisotropic gap. The analysis of the present NMR data provides evidence for strong-coupling d-wave superconductivity in NpPd5Al2.  相似文献   

The orthorhombic Sm5Ge4-type Tb2Ti3Ge4 shows square modulated non-collinear magnetic ordering with wave vector K=[±1/3, 1/2, 1/2] at 2 K. The terbium magnetic moments lie in the bc plane and magnetic moment value of 7.5(2) μB/Tb is obtained at 2 K.  相似文献   

The phosphors in the system Y3−xAl5-yO12:xCe3+,yCr3+ were synthesized by solid-state reactions and their photoluminescence properties were investigated. These phosphors have absorption in the visible light region and give luminescence in the far-red region (∼688 nm), which are suitable for the application in the device of luminescent solar concentrator (LSC). In these phosphors, Ce3+ located at Y3+ site can effectively transfer its absorbed energy to Cr3+ at Al3+ site.  相似文献   

Magnetic properties of the single-crystalline Lu2Fe17−xMnx compounds, in which x=0, 0.5, and 2, with the Th2Ni17-type crystal structure are reported. The Lu2Fe17−xMnx compounds with x=0 and 0.5 are ferromagnets at low temperatures and antiferromagnets at high temperatures. The compound with x=2 is always a ferromagnet. The easy-plane magnetic anisotropy in the Lu2Fe17−xMnx ferromagnets drastically weakens with increase in Mn content up to x=2. The temperature dependence of the first magnetic anisotropy constant was obtained and compared with the single-ion model prediction.  相似文献   

A Sr0.8La0.2Fe11.8Co0.2O19 ferrite film has been prepared on a (0 0 1) sapphire substrate by chemical solution deposition. Structural characteristics indicate that the film is c-axis oriented and single-phase with space group P63/mmc. The grains are regular columnar with diameter between 50 and 100 nm as determined by atomic force microscopy. The sample possesses high saturation magnetization (130 emu/cm3), high coercivity (6.9 kOe), and large squareness ratio (0.9) at room temperature, which makes it a promising recording material.  相似文献   

The pseudo-potential plane-wave method using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) within the framework of the density functional theory is applied to study the structural and thermodynamic properties of Y 3Al5O12. The lattice constants and bulk modulus are calculated. They keep in good agreement with other theoretical data and experimental results. The quasi-harmonic Debye model, in which the phononic effects are considered, is applied to the study of the thermodynamic properties. The temperature effect on the structural parameters, bulk modulus, thermal expansion coefficient, specific heats and Debye temperatures in the whole range from 0 to 20 GPa and temperature range from 0 to 1500 K.  相似文献   

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