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Over the last 25 years more than 70 million ha of the native vegetation in Brazil have been replaced by pastures for beef production planted to grasses of the genus Brachiaria, and to a lesser extent Andropogon gayanus, both of African origin. Some years after implantation, these pastures decline in productivity, probably due to low availability of P, and immobilisation of N in the soil due to the large quantities of senescent leaves (litter) of high C:N ratio deposited on the soil surface. In this paper we report the effects of the introduction of a forage legume (Desmodium ovalifolium) and different animal stocking rates on the deposition and decomposition of plant litter in pastures of Brachiaria humidicola at a site in the coastal Atlantic forest region of the south of Bahia State (Brazil). Litter existing on the ground, and that deposited in 14-day periods, was monitored at monthly intervals during 3 years of the study. Doubling the stocking rate from 2 to 4 animals ha-1 caused a highly significant decrease in litter deposition, but the presence of the legume in the sward had little effect. Calculations made directly from the quantities of litter deposited in the 14-day periods showed that between 15 and 18 tons of litter dry matter (dm) were deposited annually, but the relatively small quantities of existing litter (annual means of 0.8 to 1.5 t dm ha-1), showed that decomposition was rapid, showing values for half life of between 22 and 33 days. This technique was assumed to underestimate true litter disappearance rates, as with such rapid decomposition a significant proportion of the litter disappeared within the 14-day collection periods. An equation was developed to correct for this loss of litter during the collection periods and corrected litter decomposition constants of 0.037 to 0.097 g g-1 day-1 were recorded resulting in half lives of between 9 and 20 days. Using these data and adding them to estimates of animal consumption the net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) of the pastures ranged from 28 to 34 t dry matter ha-1 yr-1. Experiments with litter bags, and a "covered litter" system which allowed access of soil fauna to the litter, indicated that soil faunal activity had little impact on litter disappearance and such techniques underestimated true litter decomposition by at least an order of magnitude. We suggest that this underestimation is due to the fact, that in contrast to litter bags, in the open field situation fresh litter is being added continuously. As this material consists of both easily degradable ("active") and recalcitrant fractions, the easily degradable fraction fuels an active microbial biomass which continuously degrades the less decomposable material. It is concluded that the approach used in this study gives more realistic, and much higher estimates, of net primary aerial production of tropical grasslands and pastures than techniques heretofore utilised.  相似文献   

Excessive intensification of dairy and beef cattle production systems in the industrialised countries has led to serious problems of pollution of water resources and the atmosphere. In order to develop an appropriate alternative, a few studies have been made by various research teams in Brazil, using low fertiliser inputs and modest animal stocking rates. The objective of this present study was to evaluate the effect of different stocking rates of beef cattle, and the introduction of a forage legume (Desmodium ovalifolium (Prain) Wall.), on the long-term sustainability of pastures of Brachiaria humidicola (Rendle) Schweick established in the Atlantic forest region of Brazil in the extreme south of the State of Bahia. Annual maintenance fertilisation was restricted to additions of 11 and 6 kg ha−1 of P and K, respectively (and no N). Live weight gain (LWG) of Zebu steers was evaluated for stocking rates of 2, 3 and 4 head ha−1 during six grazing periods from 1988 to 1997. Forage intake and the proportion of legume in the acquired ration was determined using steers fitted with oesophageal fistulae. The bolus samples were analysed manually in 1988–1989, and using the 13C natural abundance technique in 1995. There was no significant response of LWG to the presence of the legume in the acquired ration. LWG in the final grazing period (1995–1996) was similar to that recorded in 1988–1989 at all stocking rates, suggesting that this management regime resulted in long-term sustainable production even in the absence of the legume or of a N fertiliser input. This was confirmed by the soil fertility analyses for 1988 and 1997, where only levels of P showed a significant decrease. The net aerial primary productivity (NAPP) of the pasture was determined for 1995, the largest component being deposited litter (21–33 Mg DM ha−1 year−1), followed by forage intake (6.4–12.2 Mg DM ha−1 year−1).  相似文献   

Nutrients, including nitrogen (N), exported from agricultural systems contribute to eutrophication and the development of algal blooms. Understanding the relative effect of farm management on nutrient export will indicate the extent to which farmers can potentially mitigate this process. Six years of monitoring surface runoff from rain-fed and irrigated dairy pastures was carried out in south-eastern Australia. Over the monitoring period, the flow-weighted mean annual total N (TN) concentrations in runoff varied between 8.2 and 29 mg/l for rain-fed pasture and 8.7 and 58 mg/l for irrigated pasture. An additive component model describing N concentrations separated the management (grazing and fertiliser) and year effects from other processes. The model accounted for 40 and 47% of the variation in N concentrations for the rain-fed and irrigated pastures, respectively. While fertiliser application, grazing and year had a significant effect on concentrations, other variables that are not necessarily under management control significantly affected N export. With current knowledge, improved management of pasture-based systems such as improved timing of fertiliser application and grazing relative to runoff may only result in a small decrease in N export. The remainder of the variability was attributed to environmentally mediated changes of N concentrations in runoff water. The collection of more detailed information on environmental parameters including soil moisture and soil temperature is proposed, to enable a better prediction of N concentrations and therefore improved understanding of potential management strategies.  相似文献   

Legume–maize rotation and maize nitrogen (N)-response trials were carried out simultaneously from 1998 to 2004 in two distinct agro-ecological environments of West Africa: the humid derived savannah (Ibadan) and the drier northern Guinea savannah (Zaria). In the N-response trial, maize was grown annually receiving urea N at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 kg N ha−1. In Ibadan, maize production increased with N fertilization, but mean annual grain yield declined over the course of the trial. In Zaria, no response to N treatments was observed initially, and an increase in the phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) fertilizer application rate was required to increase yield across treatments and obtain a response to N applications, stressing the importance of non-N fertilizers in the savannah. In the rotation trial, a 2-year natural fallow–maize rotation was compared with maize rotated with different legume types: green manure, forage, dual-purpose, and grain legumes. The cultivation of some legume types resulted in a greater annual maize production relative to the fallow–maize combination and corresponding treatments in the N-response trial, while there was no gain in maize yield with other legume types. Large differences in the residual effects from legumes and fallow were also observed between sites, indicting a need for site-specific land management recommendations. In Ibadan, cultivation of maize after the forage legume (Stylosanthes guianensis) achieved the highest yield. The natural fallow–maize rotation had improved soil characteristics (Bray-I P, exchangeable potassium, calcium and magnesium) at the end of the trial relative to legume–maize rotations, and natural fallow resulted in higher maize yields than the green manure legume (Pueraria phaseoloides). In Zaria, maize following dual-purpose soybean achieved the highest mean yield. At both sites, variation in aboveground N and P dynamics of the legume and fallow vegetation could only partly explain the different residual effects on maize.  相似文献   

Mucuna pruriens has emerged as a successful forage or green manure legume for use in the smallholder animal-livestock systems of Zimbabwe. The efficiency of N recovery from mucuna residues in subsequent maize crops can be low and the loss of nitrate nitrogen from the soil profile prior to maize N demand is proposed as a reason for this. An experiment was established in the 1999–2000 wet season at seven on-farm sites in a communal farming district of Zimbabwe (average rainfall 650–900 mm) on acidic (pH < 5), and inherently infertile soils with texture ranging from sandy/sandy loam (n = 5) to clay (n = 2). Improved fallows of mucuna grown for 19 weeks produced between 4.7 and 8.5 t/ha dry matter (DM) at the sandy/sandy loam sites and between 9.5 and 11.2 t/ha DM at the clay sites. This biomass was then either cut and removed as hay, or ploughed in as a green manure. Weedy fallow treatments, which represent typical farmer practice, produced 3.3–6.3 t/ha DM. A maize crop was then grown on these same sites in the following 2000–2001 wet season and the dynamics of soil N and C and maize production were investigated. Where mucuna was green manured, a positive linear response (r2 = 0.72) in maize yield to increasing mucuna biomass (containing 101–348 kg N/ha) was found. On the sandy sites, and where no P fertiliser was applied to the previous mucuna phase, a maize grain yield of 2.3 t/ha was achieved following the mucuna green-manure system; this was 64% higher than the maize yield following the weedy fallow and 100% higher than the maize yield following the mucuna removed hay system. Apparent nitrogen recoveries in the range of 25 to 53% indicate that there are large quantities of nitrogen not utilised by the subsequent maize phase. The loss of 73 kg/ha of nitrate N from the soil profile (0–120 cm) early in the wet season and prior to maize N demand is proposed as a reason for low N recovery. No change in labile C (measured with 333 mM KMnO4) was detected through the soil profile at this time and it is suggested that labile C movement occurred between the sampling times.  相似文献   

Wheat plants were grown in field experiments with five levels of zinc (Zn) fertilizer applied to plots in 1983. The plots were continuously cropped with wheat to allow the build up ofGaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici (Ggt). For experiments 1 and 2, there were high levels of Ggt in the second and third years while for experiment 3 there were high levels of Ggt incidence in the third and fourth year of continuous cropping. The Zn status of the wheat plants, grain yield, and the incidence and severity of take-all were measured for every experiment each year.The Zn-deficient wheat plants were more severely infected by Ggt. However, increasing the Zn supply beyond that required for maximum grain yield had no further effects on decreasing the severity of take-all. The Zn concentration in the youngest emerged blade (YEB) suggested that the Zn status of the wheat plant ranged from severely Zn-deficient through marginal deficiency to sufficiency.The Zn-deficient wheat plant was more susceptible to Ggt infection than Zn-adequate plants. The severity of take-all in the final year was still high in Zn-adequate plants, suggesting high levels of applied Zn (11.2 kg Zn/ha in 1983) had no fungistatic effect on Ggt.  相似文献   

In the heterogeneous regime, there is a strong literature evidence (discussed herein) that solids can supplant small bubbles in the dense phase and reduce the gas hold-up. This work examines the effects of the addition of 205 μm glass ballotini on the gas hold-up and kLa in a 0.286 m diameter stirred tank operated under intense conditions (P/V ≥ 5 kW m−3) close to the heterogeneous regime and above the agitator speed corresponding to the just suspended point, NJS. The tests were carried out on two systems: air–water (coalescing) and air–0.2 M sodium sulphate (salt) solution (which resists coalescence in the bubble regime). For the air–water system it was observed that the overall gas plus solids hold-up remains approximately constant until all the small gas bubbles are supplanted and then increased in direct relation to the solids volume. The kLa mirrored the gas hold-up trend and decreased with a fall in gas hold-up. In the salt solution kLa decreased in direct relationship to the solids concentration, to 40% of the no solids value at around 19% solids by volume of dispersion. Dynamic engagement and disengagement experiments established that the salt solution behaves differently than water with the small bubbles initially growing in size rather than being coalesced directly into the large bubble population.  相似文献   

In this paper a global reaction kinetic model is used to understand and describe the NOx storage/reduction process in the presence of CO2 and H2O. Experiments have been performed in a packed bed reactor with a Pt–Ba/γ-Al2O3 powder catalyst (1 wt% Pt and 30 wt% Ba) with different lean/rich cycle timings at different temperatures (200, 250, and ) and using different reductants (H2, CO, and C2H4). Model simulations and experimental results are compared. H2O inhibits the NO oxidation capability of the catalyst and no NO2 formation is observed. The rate of NO storage increases with temperature. The reduction of stored NO with H2 is complete for all investigated temperatures. At temperatures above , the water gas shift (WGS) reaction takes place and H2 acts as reductant instead of CO. At , CO and C2H4 are not able to completely regenerate the catalyst. At the higher temperatures, C2H4 is capable of reducing all the stored NO, although C2H4 poisons the Pt sites by carbon decomposition at . The model adequately describes the NO breakthrough profile during 100 min lean exposure as well as the subsequent release and reduction of the stored NO. Further, the model is capable of simulating transient reactor experiments with 240 s lean and 60 s rich cycle timings.  相似文献   

Cover crops (CC) are an important source of nitrogen (N) in organic farming systems. Only few data are available about the effect of management activities (liquid slurry amendments, crop residue management) on growth, nutrient uptake and biological N2 fixation (BNF) of a CC mixture. Furthermore, little information is available about the effect of CC harvesting on nutrient flows, nitrate leaching risk and soil mineral N supply of the succeeding main crop. The objectives of the presented field trials were (1) to measure the impact of organic manuring (straw residues and liquid slurry applications) on growth, composition, and BNF of a CC mixture with legumes and oil radish as components; (2) to determine the effect of CC species composition on nutrient content and uptake (N, P, K, Mg); and (3) to evaluate the effect of CC removal on field N balances and nitrate leaching risk. A CC mixture with legumes and non-legumes was able to compensate for many environmental and cultivation effects by influencing the competitive ability of the partners. For example, an increase of soil N supply due to additions of slurry or removal of cereal straw promoted growth of non-legumes at the expense of the legumes, resulting in N shortage at the end of the growing period, as shown by lower N contents and a wider C/N ratio of the non-legume partner. Low N availability at the beginning of the CC growth enhanced legume growth and/or reduced non-legume growth, resulting in a higher N supply in later periods of CC growth. A high legume percent composition within a CC mixture increases overall N content in the aboveground biomass and the N content of non-legumes within the mixture, and decreases the C/N ratio. Large amounts of nutrients were removed from the field by the harvesting of the CC aboveground biomass, significantly reducing the nitrate leaching risk. However, a reduction of the nitrate leaching risk was found only on fields where the green manure was incorporated in autumn.  相似文献   

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