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The aim of the paper is to present explicit formulae for parameter estimators and confidence regions in multivariate regression model with different kind of constraints and to give some comments to it. The covariance matrix of observation is either totally known, or some unknown parameters of it must be estimated, or the covariance matrix is totally unknown. Supported by the Council of Czech Government J14/98: 153100011.  相似文献   

通过对多元秩.序模型的研究得到了模型的逆回归性质,基于该性质提出了回归系数的估计方法.当自变量满足线性条件时,不用预先设定扰动项的具体分布便可以得到回归系数方向的估计,并且这个估计与回归系数只相差一个正常数因子.证明了估计是√n相目合的.模拟结果表明估计有良好的大样本性质.  相似文献   

In an earlier paper, the present author ([6], Calcutta Statist. Assoc. Bull.28, 47–56) proposed a similar test for a mean testing problem with additional observations on a set of correlated auxiliary variables. This idea has been extended here to cover some multivariate linear regression testing problems with the same type of additional observations on a set of correlated auxiliary variables.  相似文献   

The multivariate model, where not only parameters of the mean value of the observation matrix, but also some other parameters occur in constraints, is considered in the paper. Some basic inference is presented under the condition that the covariance matrix is either unknown, or partially unknown, or known. Supported by the grant of the Council of Czech Republic MSM 6 198 959 214.  相似文献   

We assume as model a standard multivariate regression of y on x, fitted to a controlled calibration sample and used to estimate unknown x′s from observed y-values. The standard weighted least squares estimator (‘classical’, regress y on x and ‘solve’ for x) and the biased inverse regression estimator (regress x on y) are compared with respect to mean squared error. The regions are derived where the inverse regression estimator yields the smaller MSE. For any particular component of x this region is likely to contain ‘most’ future values in usual practice. For simultaneous estimation this needs not be true, however.  相似文献   

A tolerance region is a map from the sample space of one statistical model to the event space of a second statistical model having the same parameter. This paper derives an optimum β-expectation tolerance region for the multivariate regression model. A measure of power is proposed and evaluated.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating the regression coefficient matrix having known (reduced) rank for the multivariate linear model when both sets of variates are jointly stochastic is discussed. We show that this problem is related to the problem of deciding how many principal components or pairs of canonical variates to use in any practical situation. Under the assumption of joint normality of the two sets of variates, we give the asymptotic (large-sample) distributions of the various estimated reduced-rank regression coefficient matrices that are of interest. Approximate confidence bounds on the elements of these matrices are then suggested using either the appropriate asymptotic expressions or the jackknife technique.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionConsideralinearregressionmodelwhereK,xi,doandeiaretheobservationofthetargetvariable,aknownHvector,theunknownparametervector,andtherandomerror,respectively.LetpbeaconvexfunctiondefinedonRI.TheM-estimateofpo,tobedenotedbyac,isdefinedasaminimizingpointofthefunctionH(P)=ZP(K--x:g).Denotetheleftandrightderivativesofpbyop--andi=1op .Regardingtheweakconsistencyofac,Zhao,RaoandChenll]establishedthefollowingresult:TheoremA.Lete15eZt'belid.Supposethatthereexistsfunctionop,satisfy…  相似文献   

An extended growth curve model is considered which, among other things, is useful when linear restrictions exist on the mean in the ordinary growth curve model. The maximum likelihood estimators consist of complicated stochastic expressions. It is shown how, by the aid of fairly elementary calculations, the dispersion matrix for the estimator of the mean and the expectation of the estimated dispersion matrix are obtained. Results for Wishart, inverted Wishart, and inverse beta variables are utilized. Additionally, some asymptotic results are presented.  相似文献   

This paper proposes some diagnostic tools for checking the adequacy of multivariate regression models including classical regression and time series autoregression. In statistical inference, the empirical likelihood ratio method has been well known to be a powerful tool for constructing test and confidence region. For model checking, however, the naive empirical likelihood (EL) based tests are not of Wilks’ phenomenon. Hence, we make use of bias correction to construct the EL-based score tests and derive a nonparametric version of Wilks’ theorem. Moreover, by the advantages of both the EL and score test method, the EL-based score tests share many desirable features as follows: They are self-scale invariant and can detect the alternatives that converge to the null at rate n −1/2, the possibly fastest rate for lack-of-fit testing; they involve weight functions, which provides us with the flexibility to choose scores for improving power performance, especially under directional alternatives. Furthermore, when the alternatives are not directional, we construct asymptotically distribution-free maximin tests for a large class of possible alternatives. A simulation study is carried out and an application for a real dataset is analyzed.   相似文献   

This paper is concerned with cross-validation (CV) criteria for choice of models, which can be regarded as approximately unbiased estimators for two types of risk functions. One is AIC type of risk or equivalently the expected Kullback-Leibler distance between the distributions of observations under a candidate model and the true model. The other is based on the expected mean squared error of prediction. In this paper we study asymptotic properties of CV criteria for selecting multivariate regression models and growth curve models under the assumption that a candidate model includes the true model. Based on the results, we propose their corrected versions which are more nearly unbiased for their risks. Through numerical experiments, some tendency of the CV criteria will be also pointed.  相似文献   

Simple formulas are proved for the dimensions of vector spaces of homogeneous zero regression polynomials. A simplified characterization of these polynomials is proved.  相似文献   

We consider the kernel estimation of a multivariate regression function at a point. Theoretical choices of the bandwidth are possible for attaining minimum mean squared error or for local scaling, in the sense of asymptotic distribution. However, these choices are not available in practice. We follow the approach of Krieger and Pickands (Ann. Statist.9 (1981) 1066–1078) and Abramson (J. Multivariate Anal.12 (1982), 562–567) in constructing adaptive estimates after demonstrating the weak convergence of some error process. As consequences, efficient data-driven consistent estimation is feasible, and data-driven local scaling is also feasible. In the latter instance, nearest-neighbor-type estimates and variance-stabilizing estimates are obtained as special cases.  相似文献   

We present the score and Wald test analogues to Srivastava's (1985, Comm. Statist. A—Theory Methods, 14, 775–792) likelihood ratio tests for the multivariate growth curve model with missing data, and illustrate their use with data from an immunotherapy experiment (Fukushima et al. (1982, Int. J. Cancer, 29, 107–112, 113–117)).  相似文献   

This paper deals with multivariate stable distributions. Press has given an explicit algebraic representation of characteristic functions of such distributions [J. Multivariate Analysis2 (1972), 444–462]. We present counter-examples and correct proofs of some of the statements of Press. The properties of multivariate stable distributions, connected with the spectral measure Γ, present in the expression of the characteristic function, are studied.  相似文献   

回归信度模型在保险研究中具有重要的作用.本文分险种内部,险种之间,险种内部及之间三种情形讨论了具有线性趋势回归信度模型异方差的score检验问题.首先推导了异方差存在性检验的score检验统计量,然后利用Monte-Carlo方法模拟了这几种检验统计量的功效,功效模拟结果显示:这几种检验统计量都有很好的检验效果.最后利用文中所得到的检验方法对旅客意外身体伤害保险数据进行了实例分析.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors considered various procedures for testing for the independence of two multivariate regression equations with different design matrices. Asymptotic null distributions as well as nonnull distributions under local alternatives of the test statistics associated with the above procedures are also derived.  相似文献   

In genetic studies of complex diseases, particularly mental illnesses, and behavior disorders, two distinct characteristics have emerged in some data sets. First, genetic data sets are collected with a large number of phenotypes that are potentially related to the complex disease under study. Second, each phenotype is collected from the same subject repeatedly over time. In this study, we present a nonparametric regression approach to study multivariate and time-repeated phenotypes together by using the technique of the multivariate adaptive regression splines for analysis of longitudinal data (MASAL), which makes it possible to identify genes, gene-gene and gene-environment, including time, interactions associated with the phenotypes of interest. Furthermore, we propose a permutation test to assess the associations between the phenotypes and selected markers. Through simulation, we demonstrate that our proposed approach has advantages over the existing methods that examine each longitudinal phenotype separately or analyze the summarized values of phenotypes by compressing them into one-time-point phenotypes. Application of the proposed method to the Framingham Heart Study illustrates that the use of multivariate longitudinal phenotypes enhanced the significance of the association test.  相似文献   

The authors consider various procedures for testing the hypotheses of independence of two sets of variables and certain regression coefficients are zero under multivariate regression model. Various properties of these procedures and the asymptotic distributions associated with these procedures are also considered.  相似文献   

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