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高健 《海洋渔业》1999,(3):140-142

在日本的金枪鱼渔业中,多半采用延绳钓作业。在世界大洋中,这种作业主要在北纬40&;#176;和南纬40&;#176;之间进行。  相似文献   

随着世界人口的不断增加、陆地资源的日趋减少,人类已将生存的空间不断向占地球表面71%的海洋水域拓展。海洋资源的合理开发利用,已成为人类生存与发展空间的必然趋势。建设海洋,必须保护海洋;开发利用海洋资源,必须保护海洋资源,这已逐步成为沿海国家和地区发展海洋经济的共识。  相似文献   

日本渔业的双重管理模式及发展方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先介绍了日本渔业法律体系及日本渔业实施的双重管理模式,并在分析日本渔业及渔村现状的基础上,进一步介绍了日本渔业基本政策的调整和渔业管理改革的具体发展方向,从而可以看出,注重水产资源保护和促进渔业可持续发展是日本渔业管理的一贯宗旨。  相似文献   

本文根据日本近年来所获得的有关报告以及在对外联系中所获得的资料,提供了有关日本渔业劳力的现状、结构及几种作业的势力现状。日本为了维持及发展渔业生产,吸引更多年轻劳力进入渔业部门工作,提出了一些改革措施及对策,如吸收外国研修生,准许以海外为基地的远洋渔业雇用外籍船员(包括雇佣中国船员的设想)、改善生活设施等。本文的发表,对正在开拓外向型渔业的单位具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

日本渔业以海洋渔业为主,在其渔业总产量中,海洋渔业产量约占98%,内陆渔业产量约占2%。在上世纪60年代之前,日本的渔业总产量为500多万t,但从60年初起在从沿岸向外海,从外海向远洋发展的口号下,渔船逐渐大型化,作业渔场逐渐遍布于世界三大洋而发展起来的,其中尤为远洋渔业的发展迅速,1972年的远洋渔业产量猛增至390万t(占同年渔业总产量中39%),[第一段]  相似文献   

日本栽培渔业的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述了日本栽培渔业的由来,目前开展的科研、技术开发课题和为保护资源设定的栽培渔业的对象鱼种。作者以此文作为抛砖引玉,供国内感兴趣者参考。  相似文献   

日本是世界上重要的渔业国家。本文介绍了日本的渔业概况,3.11地震对日本渔业的破坏和冲击,对亚太地区的渔业生产和水产品进出口贸易的不利影响以及日本周边国家和地区采取的应对措施。由于核泄漏事故尚在处理之中,对地区渔业的影响可能长期化。  相似文献   

日本水产厅已于1980年10月成立了“水产遥感技术促进委员会”将人遣卫星的遥感技术应用到渔业中,目前正在研究实施方案,预定从1984年起发射三颗海洋探测卫星。  相似文献   

Abstract An assessment of the recreational fishery in north-west Trinidad was made by questioning participants about the principal fishing methods used, location of activities, catches, effort and cost of fishing. Surface handline methods (live baiting [à la vive] and trolling) and rod and line (banking) were the most common methods used and were pursued mainly in the summer months (April to August). Total fish landings from the fishery were estimated at 1000 t year-1, equivalent to about 10% of commercial catches for Trinidad. The principal species caught were kingfish, Scomberomorus cavalla (Cuv.), carite, Scomberomorus brasiliensis (Cuv.), cavalli, Caranx hippos (L.), snappers, Lutjanus spp., and groupers, Epinephelus spp. Many of the fishermen sold their catch to offset the costs of the fishing trip and thus competed with commercial fishermen. Recommendations for monitoring and possibly regulating the fishery through a licensing scheme are made.  相似文献   

政府规制理论在我国近海渔业管理中应用的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自由准入状态导致了渔业资源产权的不确定性, 过度投资和过度利用使得渔业资源过度消耗。要实现渔业资源的可持续发展就必须对渔业进行适当的规制。政府规制是指政府直接干预微观经济主体活动的一种行为方式, 可分为经济性规制和社会性规制。渔业规制关注的不仅仅是管理的合法性问题, 更多的是管理的最佳性问题, 即用最佳管理方式实现渔业的可持续性发展。随着现代社会政府与公民的二元对立观念不断减弱, 管理者与被管理者由对立转向合作, 传统的以(捕捞)许可为中心的渔业管理方式已经不适应现代渔业管理的发展, 有必要引进政府规制理论提升和改造命令控制式的渔业规制方式。本研究基于政府规制理论提出了“合作性治理”模式, 改变了“政府—渔民”两方博弈为多主体共同管理, 通过创设合理的产权制度、有效的激励性规制和成本效益分析方法建立起合作、共享机制以实现渔业管理的目的。  相似文献   

本文概要介绍了挪威海洋捕捞业和渔船管理状况:2011年,捕捞量230万t,产值159亿挪威克朗(约26.8亿美元);渔民数量12 791人,渔船数量6 252艘;近10年的捕捞量基本稳定,年均捕捞量为250万t,与此同时,渔船和渔民数量则呈持续下降态势,说明挪威渔船的捕捞能力显著增强,捕捞效率明显提升。挪威的渔业管理制度和法规建设比较完善,这为控制捕捞强度、保护海洋渔业资源奠定了法律基础。挪威的经验具有借鉴意义。我国现阶段以实行渔船控制等投入控制制度为主、其他管理方式为辅的渔业资源管理制度,比较符合我国实际。实践证明,减船转产政策是控制捕捞渔船规模和降低海洋捕捞强度行之有效的措施之一。  相似文献   

桁杆拖虾是20世纪80年代以后迅速发展起来的新兴捕捞作业方式,主要用于开发沿海渔场虾类资源.桁杆拖虾作业方式引进舟山后,迅速成为舟山海洋捕捞业的主要作业方式之一.2013年5-11月通过实地调查,对舟山地区桁杆拖网的捕捞对象、渔具结构、操作方法等进行了分析研究,指出当前舟山桁杆拖虾作业中存在的问题:底杂鱼及蟹类等副渔获物所占比例大,数量和重量占总渔获12.12%和66.58%;使用电脉冲惊虾仪等违法作业仍然存在;网目规格普遍小于国家标准.根据上述问题提出:加装分隔网片,改善网目结构,加大执法力度等相应建议.  相似文献   

Abstract The factors important in determining fishing power in the Lake Kariba sardine, Limnothrissa miodon (Boulenger, 1906), fishery were identified using data from the major fishing area of the lake, the Kariba basin, for the periods 1980–1982 and 1988–1990. Comparisons were carried out using fishing power calculated from the mean catch of some standard vessels. Three methods were used for identification of the important attributes. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out for each component to compare the mean fishing power at all levels within each variable. Multiple regression analysis was used to build predictive models and to determine the factors which best predict fishing power. Factor analysis was used to ordinate vessel types and examine any vessel groupings related to fishing power. Factor analysis showed that vessel and net size were the most important variables. Vessels without engines for propulsion, of low value and without radios had less fishing power than the other vessels in the fleet. Vessels from the same company had similar fishing power, suggesting that some unmeasured variable such as quality of management linked to the fishing companies had a significant effect on catch. The factors which were important in determining catch were length of vessel, depth of the net, presence and absence of echo sounder, mobility, the type of light, number and wattage of the underwater lights in the 1988–1990 fishing period. Vessel length and net category were most important in the period 1980–1982. The models accounted for between 37.6 (1981) and 61.2% (1988) of the variation in fishing power. During the development of the fishery, there has been a change from purse seine to lift nets, and increases in the use of echo sounders, engines for the propulsion of vessels and radios, all of which could have increased effective fishing effort.  相似文献   

日本是全球重要的渔业国家。本文介绍了日本的渔业生产、渔业资源、渔业在国民经济中的地位、渔业管理以及渔业劳动力和经营状况。日本渔业以海洋捕捞为主,由于全球渔业资源衰退,国际竞争加剧以及日本国内经济的持续低迷,日本渔业在经历了上世纪80年代的鼎盛期之后呈现大幅下降趋势,面临着产业结构调整的巨大压力。  相似文献   

The allocation of effort among fishing gears is as important as controlling effort with respect to both sustainable yield and ecosystem management. Differences in age‐specific vulnerability to the fishing method can modify the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) that is obtainable from a fish stock. Different gears or methods are more or less selective for the species targeted, and MSY is rarely, if ever, attainable simultaneously for all species. The different fishing methods capture different types of nontarget species. Some methods will often be more profitable than others, and different user groups will prefer different methods. In many fisheries, it is unlikely that fishing can be limited to a single gear or method, so compromises among them will be required. Global MSY is discussed as a possible reference point for fisheries management. The yellowfin tuna fishery in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) shows all the above characteristics and is used to illustrate effort allocation among fishing methods.  相似文献   

Understanding and managing fishery selectivity to target species and desirable size are instrumental to fisheries management. China, as the world's largest producer of marine capture fisheries, has been widely perceived to possess unselective domestic fisheries. To date, this perception remains largely anecdotal and conjectural, hindering the development of evidence-based and effective management solutions. Here, we conducted a literature review to examine the magnitude and scale of unselective fisheries in China. By collating and analysing 140 fishery-level and 807 species-level records from 66 peer-reviewed publications from 2010 to 2021, we found that primary target species were absent in 59% of fisheries, while unidentifiable low-value and juvenile mixed catch were universal. Key commercial taxa were subject to nationwide multi-gear and multispecies fisheries, each involving an average of 3.33 types of gear and accounting for less than 25% of catch individually. The ‘permissible gears’ defined by the national gear regulatory catalogue were selective over target species and caught negligible by-products, though they were used less frequently, representing only 24% of catch records. While unselective fishing can provide seafood supplies for China's large population and potentially facilitate balanced harvest, management actions are needed to control the fishing pressure on primary target species and by-product species. Amid the ongoing fisheries management reform in China, we proposed management recommendations tailored to China's needs and social contexts, including accounting for the trade-off between socio-economic and ecological goals, contemplating impacts of unselective fishing when implementing TAC programmes, and strengthening fisheries monitoring to inform management at multiple scales.  相似文献   

Abstract  The declaration of marine protected areas (MPAs) in Australia generates much confusion and controversy between government conservation and fisheries agencies, the fishing industry and NGOs. There are fundamental differences between the principles and practices underpinning the implementation of MPAs and fisheries management. This paper analyses the interactions between these two approaches to natural resource management and highlights the difficulties in integrating them effectively. The major challenges for governments are: poor cooperation between fisheries and conservation agencies; in principle inconsistencies between allocation of fishing rights by fisheries agencies and loss of these rights through MPA declaration; re-allocation of resources between user groups through spatial zoning; lack of fisheries expertise in conservation planning, and inappropriate single-species/single-issue approach to fisheries management. As fisheries agencies are now considering developing their own MPAs as tools for fisheries management, the need to address inconsistencies between conservation and fisheries approaches to the spatial management of natural resources increases further. Better collaboration between government agencies and better coordination of their activities would help more effective and less conflicting management of marine resources.  相似文献   

略论长江渔具渔法与渔业资源保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
汪亮  崔鸿  曹文宣 《水利渔业》2007,27(5):108-109
长江流域是我国重要的渔业产区,渔业资源极为丰富。而长江上现存的各种类型的渔具渔法的大量使用则是长江渔业资源过度开发利用的重要原因之一。在指出了我国现行有效的关于长江渔具渔法使用的法律法规的相关规定的基础上,提出了如何正确、合理使用渔具渔法的观点;既要充分利用长江渔业资源,又必须有效地保护长江鱼类,达到持续利用和发展的目的。  相似文献   

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