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We have studied the inactivation of high-voltage-activated (HVA), omega-conotoxin-sensitive, N-type Ca2+ current in embryonic chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. Voltage steps from -80 to 0 mV produced inward Ca2+ currents that inactivated in a biphasic manner and were fit well with the sum of two exponentials (with time constants of approximately 100 ms and > 1 s). As reported previously, upon depolarization of the holding potential to -40 mV, N current amplitude was significantly reduced and the rapid phase of inactivation all but eliminated (Nowycky, M. C., A. P. Fox, and R. W. Tsien. 1985. Nature. 316:440-443; Fox, A. P., M. C. Nowycky, and R. W. Tsien. 1987a. Journal of Physiology. 394:149-172; Swandulla, D., and C. M. Armstrong. 1988. Journal of General Physiology. 92:197-218; Plummer, M. R., D. E. Logothetis, and P. Hess. 1989. Neuron. 2:1453-1463; Regan, L. J., D. W. Sah, and B. P. Bean. 1991. Neuron. 6:269-280; Cox, D. H., and K. Dunlap. 1992. Journal of Neuroscience. 12:906-914). Such kinetic properties might be explained by a model in which N channels inactivate by both fast and slow voltage-dependent processes. Alternatively, kinetic models of Ca-dependent inactivation suggest that the biphasic kinetics and holding-potential-dependence of N current inactivation could be due to a combination of Ca-dependent and slow voltage-dependent inactivation mechanisms. To distinguish between these possibilities we have performed several experiments to test for the presence of Ca-dependent inactivation. Three lines of evidence suggest that N channels inactivate in a Ca-dependent manner. (a) The total extent of inactivation increased 50%, and the ratio of rapid to slow inactivation increased approximately twofold when the concentration of the Ca2+ buffer, EGTA, in the patch pipette was reduced from 10 to 0.1 mM. (b) With low intracellular EGTA concentrations (0.1 mM), the ratio of rapid to slow inactivation was additionally increased when the extracellular Ca2+ concentration was raised from 0.5 to 5 mM. (c) Substituting Na+ for Ca2+ as the permeant ion eliminated the rapid phase of inactivation. Other results do not support the notion of current-dependent inactivation, however. Although high intracellular EGTA (10 mM) or BAPTA (5 mM) concentrations suppressed the rapid phase inactivation, they did not eliminate it. Increasing the extracellular Ca2+ from 0.5 to 5 mM had little effect on this residual fast inactivation, indicating that it is not appreciably sensitive to Ca2+ influx under these conditions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Muscarinic modulation of persistent Na+ current (INaP) was studied using whole cell recordings from acutely isolated pyramidal cells of rat neocortex. After suppression of Ca2+ and K+ currents, INaP was evoked by slow depolarizing voltage ramps or by long depolarizing voltage steps. The cholinergic agonist, carbachol, produced an atropine-sensitive decrease of INaP at all potentials. When applied at a saturating concentration (20 microM), carbachol reduced peak INaP by 38% on average. Carbachol did not alter the voltage dependence of INaP activation nor did it interfere with the slow inactivation of INaP. Our data indicate that INaP can be targeted by the rich cholinergic innervation of the neocortex. Because INaP is activated in the subthreshold voltage range, cholinergic inhibition of this current would be particularly suited to modulate the electrical behavior of neocortical pyramidal cells below and near firing threshold.  相似文献   

The effect of valproate (VPA) on Na+ currents (INa), was studied by means of voltage clamp recordings using whole-cell patch clamp configuration in 21 acutely dissociated neocortical neurons. Concentrations of VPA up to 200 microM failed to induce any detectable decrease in fast INa (I(Naf)), but the persistent fraction (I(NaP)) was significantly reduced by low VPA concentrations (10-30 microM), corresponding to the lower values of the 'therapeutic' range in epileptic patients. Since it is known that I(NaP) critically regulates the firing properties of pyramidal neurons, it is suggested that the anticonvulsant effectiveness of VPA is mainly due to its effect on I(NaP).  相似文献   

We examined the effects of mechanical stress, induced by a stream of bath solution, on evoked action potentials, electrical excitability, and Ca2+ currents in rat dorsal root ganglion neurons in culture with the use of the whole cell patch-clamp technique. Action-potential duration was altered reversibly by flow in 39% of the 51 neurons tested, but membrane potential and excitability were unaffected. The flow-induced increases and decreases in action-potential duration were consistent with the different effects of flow on two types of Ca2+ channel, determined by voltage-clamp recordings of Ba2+ currents. Current through omega-conotoxin-sensitive (N-type) Ca2+ channels increased by an estimated 74% with flow, corresponding to 23% increase in the total high voltage-activated current, whereas current through low-threshold voltage-activated (T-type) channels decreased by 14%. We conclude that modulation of voltage-activated Ca2+ currents constitutes a route by which mechanical events can regulate Ca2+ influx in sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger-associated membrane currents were studied in cultured murine neocortical neurons, using whole-cell recording combined with intracellular perfusion. A net inward current specifically associated with forward (Na+(o)-Ca2+(i)) exchange was evoked at -40 mV by switching external 140 mM Li+ to 140 mM Na+. The voltage dependence of this current was consistent with that predicted for 3Na+:1Ca2+ exchange. As expected, the current depended on internal Ca2+, and could be blocked by intracellular application of the exchanger inhibitory peptide, XIP. Raising internal Na+ from 3 to 20 mM or switching the external solution from 140 mM Li+ to 30 mM Na+ activated outward currents, consistent with reverse (Na+(i)-Ca2+(o)) exchange. An external Ca2(+)-sensitive current was also identified as associated with reverse Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange based on its internal Na+ dependence and sensitivity to XIP. Combined application of external Na+ and Ca2+ in the absence of internal Na+ triggered a 3.3-fold larger inward current than the current activated in the presence of 3 mM internal Na+, raising the intriguing possibility that Na(+)-Ca2+ exchangers might concurrently operate in both the forward and the reverse direction, perhaps in different subcellular locations. With this idea in mind, we examined the effect of excitotoxic glutamate receptor activation on exchanger operation. After 3-5 min of exposure to 100-200 microM glutamate, the forward exchanger current was significantly increased even when external Na+ was reduced to 100 mM, and the external Ca2(+)-activated reverse exchanger current was eliminated.  相似文献   

In the present study we evaluated the modulation of neuronal delayed rectifier K+ current (IK) by activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors. In whole-cell voltage-clamp experiments, an external application of 10-100 microM kainate suppressed the amplitude of IK following an inward shift of holding current. The effect of kainate on IK was eliminated by CN QX, an AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist, indicating that the receptor-mediated cation entry caused IK suppression. When external Na+ was completely replaced by equimolar choline+ or N-methyl-D-glucamine, kainate-induced IK suppression was abolished. Our results suggest that in cultured rat cortical neurons, AMPA/kainate receptor activation leads to an intracellular Na+ increase which blocks delayed rectifier K+ channels. This contributes to feed-forward excitation of neuronal cells in glutaminergic responses.  相似文献   

In small cell-attached patches containing one and only one Na+ channel, inactivation was studied in three different gating modes, namely, the fast-inactivating F mode and the more slowly inactivating S mode and P mode with similar inactivation kinetics. In each of these modes, ensemble-averaged currents could be fitted with a Hodgkin-Huxley-type model with a single exponential for inactivation (tauh). tauh declined from 1.0 ms at -60 mV to 0.1 ms at 0 mV in the F mode, from 4.6 ms at -40 mV to 1.1 ms at 0 mV in the S mode, and from 4.5 ms at -40 mV to 0.8 ms at +20 mV in the P mode, respectively. The probability of non-empty traces (net), the mean number of openings per non-empty trace (op/tr), and the mean open probability per trace (popen) were evaluated at 4-ms test pulses. net inclined from 30% at -60 mV to 63% at 0 mV in the F mode, from 4% at -90 mV to 90% at 0 mV in the S mode, and from 2% at -60 mV to 79% at +20 mV in the P mode. op/tr declined from 1.4 at -60 mV to 1.1 at 0 mV in the F mode, from 4.0 at -60 mV to 1.2 at 0 mV in the S mode, and from 2.9 at -40 mV to 1.6 at +20 mV in the P mode. popen was bell-shaped with a maximum of 5% at -30 mV in the F mode, 48% at -50 mV in the S mode, and 16% at 0 mV in the P mode. It is concluded that 1) a switch between F and S modes may reflect a functional change of inactivation, 2) a switch between S and P modes may reflect a functional change of activation, 3) tauh is mainly determined by the latency until the first channel opening in the F mode and by the number of reopenings in the S and P modes, 4) at least in the S and P modes, inactivation is independent of pore opening, and 5) in the S mode, mainly open channels inactivate, and in the P mode, mainly closed channels inactivate.  相似文献   

One of the challenges in understanding ciliary and flagellar motility is determining the mechanisms that locally regulate dynein-driven microtubule sliding. Our recent studies demonstrated that microtubule sliding, in Chlamydomonas flagella, is regulated by phosphorylation. However, the regulatory proteins remain unknown. Here we identify the 138-kD intermediate chain of inner arm dynein I1 as the critical phosphoprotein required for regulation of motility. This conclusion is founded on the results of three different experimental approaches. First, genetic analysis and functional assays revealed that regulation of microtubule sliding, by phosphorylation, requires inner arm dynein I1. Second, in vitro phosphorylation indicated the 138-kD intermediate chain of I1 is the only phosphorylated subunit. Third, in vitro reconstitution demonstrated that phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of the 138-kD intermediate chain inhibits and restores wild-type microtubule sliding, respectively. We conclude that change in phosphorylation of the 138-kD intermediate chain of I1 regulates dynein-driven microtubule sliding. Moreover, based on these and other data, we predict that regulation of I1 activity is involved in modulation of flagellar waveform.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that exposure of nondiabetic rat dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons to sera from diabetic BB/W rats would produce an increase in calcium currents associated with impaired regulation of the inhibitory G protein-calcium channel complex. Acutely dissociated rat DRGs were incubated for 18-24 h in medium supplemented with sera (10% vol/vol) from either diabetic rats with neuropathy or age-matched, nondiabetic controls. Exposure of DRG neurons to sera from diabetic BB/W rats resulted in a surface membrane immunofluorescence pattern when treated with an anti-rat light-chain antibody that was not observed in neurons exposed to control sera. Calcium current density (IDCa) was assessed with the use of the whole cell variation of the patch-clamp technique. IDCa in neurons exposed to diabetic sera was significantly increased compared with neurons exposed to control sera. Guanine nucleotide-binding (G) protein regulation of calcium channel function was examined with the use of a two-pulse "facilitation" or IDCa enhancement protocol in the presence of activators [guanosine 5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S)] or antagonists [guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) (GDP beta S) and pertussis toxin (PTX)] of G protein function. Facilitation was significantly decreased in neurons exposed to diabetic sera. Intracellular diffusion of neurons with GDP beta s blocked facilitation, whereas dialysis with GTP gamma s increased facilitation to a similar magnitude in neurons exposed to either diabetic or control sera. Treatment with PTX resulted in a significant increase in IDCa and approximately 50% decrease in facilitation in neurons treated with control sera but no significant changes in neurons exposed to diabetic sera. We conclude that serum from diabetic BB/W rats with neuropathy contains an autoimmune immunoglobulin that impairs regulation of the inhibitory G protein-calcium channel complex, resulting in enhanced calcium influx. Regulation of the inhibitory G protein-calcium channel complex involves PTX-sensitive and -insensitive G proteins.  相似文献   

It is suggested that working memory comprises a system for the temporary storage and manipulation of information, forming an important link between perception and controlled action. Evidence is presented for a three-component model, comprising an attentional control system, the central executive, and two subsidiary slave systems. One of these the, the visuo-spatial sketch pad holds and manipulates spatial information, while the other, the phonological loop performs a similar function for auditory and speech-based information. Evidence is presented for the view that the phonological loop has evolved as a mechanism to facilitate the acquisition of language.  相似文献   

Inhibition of calcium currents in rat colon sensory neurons by kappa- but not mu- or delta-opioids. J. Neurophysiol. 80: 3112-3119, 1998. We previously reported that kappa-, but not mu- or delta-opioid receptor agonists (ORAs) have selective, potentially useful peripheral analgesic effects in visceral pain. To evaluate one potential site and mechanism by which these effects are produced, we studied opioid effects on high-voltage activated (HVA) Ca2+ currents in identified (Di-I) pelvic nerve sensory neurons from the S1 dorsal root ganglion (DRG). Results were compared with opioid effects on cutaneous neurons from L5 or L6 DRG. Di-I-labeled DRG cells were voltage clamped (perforated whole cell patch clamp), and HVA Ca2+ currents were evoked by depolarizing 240-ms test pulses to +10 mV from a holding potential of -60 mV. Neither mu-ORAs (morphine, 10(-6 )M, n = 16; [D-Ala2, N-Me-Phe4, Gly-ol5] enkephalin, 10(-6 )M, n = 12) nor delta-ORAs ([D-Pen2, D-Pen5] enkephalin, 10(-7 )M, n = 16; SNC-80, 10(-7 )M, n = 7) affected HVA Ca2+ currents in colon sensory neurons. In contrast, the kappa-ORAs U50, 488 (10(-6 )M), bremazocine (10(-6)M), and nalBzoH (10(-6 )M) significantly attenuated HVA Ca2+ currents in colon sensory neurons; effects on cutaneous sensory neurons were variable. A nonreceptor selective concentration of naloxone (10(-5 )M) and nor-BNI (10(-6 )M), a selective kappa-opioid receptor antagonist, reversed the inhibitory effect of kappa-ORAs. In the presence of N-, P-, or Q-, but not L-type Ca2+ channel antagonists, the effect of U50,488 on HVA Ca2+ currents was significantly reduced. Pretreatment with pertussis toxin (PTX) prevented the inhibition by U50,488. These results suggest that kappa-opioid receptors are coupled to multiple HVA Ca2+ channels in colon sensory neurons by a PTX-sensitive G protein pathway. We conclude that inhibition of Ca2+ channel function likely contributes in part to the peripheral analgesic action of kappa-ORAs in visceral nociception.  相似文献   

A number of steroids seem to have anesthetic effects resulting primarily from their ability to potentiate currents gated by gamma-aminobutyric acidA (GABAA) receptor activation. One such compound is (3alpha,5alpha, 17beta)-3-hydroxyandrostane-17-carbonitrile [(+)-ACN]. We were interested in whether carbonitrile substitution at other ring positions might result in other pharmacological consequences. Here we examine effects of (3beta,5alpha, 17beta)-17-hydroxyestrane-3-carbonitrile [(+)-ECN] on GABAA receptors and Ca2+ channels. In contrast to (+)-ACN, (+)-ECN does not potentiate GABAA-receptor activated currents, nor does it directly gate GABAA-receptor mediated currents. However, both steroids produce an enantioselective reduction of T-type current. (+)-ECN blocked T current with an IC50 value of 0.3 microM with a maximal block of 41%. (+)-ACN produced a partial block of T current (44% maximal block) with an IC50 value of 0.4 microM. Block of T current showed mild use- and voltage-dependence. The (-)-ECN enantiomer was about 33 times less potent than (+)-ECN, with an IC50 value of 10 microM and an amount of maximal block comparable to (+)-ECN. (+)-ECN was less effective at blocking high-voltage-activated Ca2+ current in DRG neurons (IC50 value of 9. 3 microM with maximal block of about 27%) and hippocampal neurons. (+)-ECN (10 microM) had minimal effects on voltage-gated sodium and potassium currents in rat chromaffin cells. The results identify a steroid with no effects on GABAA receptors that produces a partial inhibition of T-type Ca2+ current with reasonably high affinity and selectivity. Further study of steroid actions on T currents may lead to even more selective and potent agents.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that fish oils, containing n-3 fatty acids, have protective effects against ischemia-induced, fatal cardiac arrhythmias in animals and perhaps in humans. In this study we used the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique to assess the effects of dietary, free long-chain fatty acids on the Na+ current (INa,alpha) in human embryonic kidney (HEK293t) cells transfected with the alpha-subunit of the human cardiac Na+ channel (hH1alpha). Extracellular application of 0.01 to 30 microM eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, C20:5n-3) significantly reduced INa,alpha with an IC50 of 0.51 +/- 0.06 microM. The EPA-induced suppression of INa,alpha was concentration- and voltage-dependent. EPA at 5 microM significantly shifted the steady-state inactivation relationship by -27.8 +/- 1.2 mV (n = 6, P < 0.0001) at the V1/2 point. In addition, EPA blocked INa,alpha with a higher "binding affinity" to hH1alpha channels in the inactivated state than in the resting state. The transition from the resting state to the inactivated state was markedly accelerated in the presence of 5 microM EPA. The time for 50% recovery from the inactivation state was significantly slower in the presence of 5 microM EPA, from 2.1 +/- 0.8 ms for control to 34.8 +/- 2.1 ms (n = 5, P < 0.001). The effects of EPA on INa,alpha were reversible. Furthermore, docosahexaenoic acid (C22:6n-3), alpha-linolenic acid (C18:3n-3), conjugated linoleic acid (C18:2n-7), and oleic acid (C18:1n-9) at 5 microM and all-trans-retinoic acid at 10 microM had similar effects on INa,alpha as EPA. Even 5 microM of stearic acid (C18:0) or palmitic acid (C16:0) also significantly inhibited INa, alpha. In contrast, 5 microM EPA ethyl ester did not alter INa,alpha (8 +/- 4%, n = 8, P > 0.05). The present data demonstrate that free fatty acids suppress INa,alpha with high "binding affinity" to hH1alpha channels in the inactivated state and prolong the duration of recovery from inactivation.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The incidence and consequences of pregnancy during therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are largely unknown. To explore the issues involved in this complication of ALL treatment, two recent cases are presented. PATIENTS: Two 15-year-old girls with "high risk" ALL became pregnant while receiving maintenance therapy. RESULTS: In one case, the patient experienced a spontaneous abortion at approximately 5 to 6 weeks gestation. The patient completed maintenance therapy and is in remission 8 months after the end of treatment. The second patient, known to be non-compliant during therapy, was found to be 5 months pregnant at the end of maintenance therapy. She developed HELLP syndrome (hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count), was induced at approximately 34 weeks, and delivered an apparently normal baby girl. Both the patient and her baby continue to do well 10 months after delivery. CONCLUSIONS: A variety of factors may influence the incidence of pregnancy during ALL therapy. Gonadal function, which is likely to return to normal during maintenance therapy, may also be affected by alterations in the dose intensity of treatment. Social factors may also alter the incidence of pregnancy. Adverse effects on the fetus are more likely to occur in the first trimester, depending on the drug or drugs used. Although all chemotherapies may have mutagenic and teratogenic effects, they do not invariably cause abnormalities. Survival of adolescents who become pregnant during treatment does not appear to be adversely affected when therapy is not modified or discontinued.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Na+ channel is voltage gated and characterized by three distinct states: closed, open, and inactivated. To identify the effects of halothane on the cardiac Na+ current (I(Na)) at various membrane potentials, the effects of 1.2 mM halothane at different holding potentials (V(H)) on I(Na) were examined in single, enzymatically isolated guinea pig ventricular myocytes. METHODS: The I(Na) was recorded using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. Currents were generated from resting V(H)s of -110, -80, or -65 mV. State-dependent block was characterized by monitoring frequency dependence, tonic block, and removal of inactivation by veratridine. RESULTS: Halothane produced significant (P < 0.05) V(H)-dependent depressions of peak I(Na) (mean +/- SEM): 24.4 +/- 4.1% (V(H) = -110 mV), 42.1 +/- 3.4% (V(H) = -80 mV), and 75.2 +/- 1.5% (V(H) = -65 mV). Recovery from inactivation was significantly increased when cells were held at -80 mV (control, tau = 6.0 +/- 0.3 ms; halothane, tau = 7.1 +/- 0.4 ms), but not at -110 mV. When using a V(H) of -80 mV, halothane exhibited a use-dependent block, with block of I(Na) increasing from 8.6 +/- 1.4% to 30.7 +/- 3.5% at test pulse rates of 2 and 11 Hz, respectively. Use-dependent inhibition was not apparent at V(H) of -110 mV. When inactivation of I(Na) was removed by exposure to 100 microM veratridine, no significant difference was observed in the depressant effect of halothane at both V(H)s: 26.6 +/- 4.5% (V(H) = -80 mV) and 26.4 +/- 5.6% (V(H) = -110 mV). CONCLUSIONS: The present findings indicate that the depressant action of halothane on cardiac I(Na) depends on the conformational state of the channel. As more channels are in the inactivated state, the more potent is the effect of halothane. Removal of channel inactivation by veratridine abolished the dependence of the halothane effect on V(H), but depression of the current was still evident. These results indicate a complex interaction between halothane and the various conformational states of the Na+ channel.  相似文献   

Recent biophysical investigations of vertebrate olfactory signal transduction have revealed that Ca2+-gated Cl- channels are activated during odorant detection in the chemosensory membrane of olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs). To understand the role of these channels in chemoelectrical signal transduction, it is necessary to know the Cl--equilibrium potential that determines direction and size of Cl- fluxes across the chemosensory membrane. We have measured Cl-, Na+, and K+ concentrations in ultrathin cryosections of rat olfactory epithelium, as well as relative element contents in isolated microsamples of olfactory mucus, using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis. Determination of the Cl- concentrations in dendritic knobs and olfactory mucus yielded an estimate of the Cl--equilibrium potential ECl in situ. With Cl- concentrations of 69 mM in dendritic knobs and 55 mM in olfactory mucus, we obtained an ECl value of +6 +/- 12 mV. This indicates that Ca2+-gated Cl- channels in olfactory cilia conduct inward currents in vivo carried by Cl- efflux into the mucus. Our results show that rat OSNs are among the few known types of neurons that maintain an elevated level of cytosolic Cl-. In these cells, activation of Cl- channels leads to depolarization of the membrane voltage and can induce electrical excitation. The depolarizing Cl- current in mammalian OSNs appears to contribute a major fraction to the receptor current and may sustain olfactory function in sweet-water animals.  相似文献   

A secretion from cultured bovine chromaffin cells was stimulated to examine the pattern of exocytotic fusion on the plasma membrane. Confocal microscopy revealed that dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunofluorescence in intact cells stimulated for 20s with the nicotinic agonist 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium was almost entirely punctate and evenly distributed on the cell surface. The basis for the fine, punctate appearance of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase was investigated. Dopamine-beta-hydroxylase presentation on the surface of permeabilized cells stimulated with 1-30 microM Ca2+ was punctate and similar to that on the plasma membrane of intact cells. The fluorescence intensities of both surface dopamine-beta-hydroxylase sites and internal chromaffin granules were estimated by computerized digital image analysis. The surface area of punctate surface dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (0.218 +/- 0.013 microm2, mean +/- S.E.M.) is similar to the surface area of a 0.28 microm diameter chromaffin granule (0.25 microm2). The average fluorescence intensity integrated over the area of the surface spots was 25-30% of the average chromaffin granule intensity, a fraction that is similar to the published values of 40-50% of the dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in the chromaffin granule being membrane bound. The surface density of the spots is consistent with the number of granules undergoing exocytosis. The spots do not tend to be clumped. The key conclusions from this work are that each individual punctate site of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase represents the fusion of a single chromaffin granule and that the distribution of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase spots over the cell surface is extensive and random, suggesting that each individual granule associates with its own release site.  相似文献   

The effect of triphenyltin on the activity of membrane-bound pyrophosphatase of Rhodospirillum rubrum was investigated. Triphenyltin inhibits the hydrolysis of chromatophore membrane-bound pyrophosphatase in a pH-dependent pattern, being maximal at pH 9-10. At basic pH values, the inhibition produced by this organotin on membrane-bound pyrophosphatase is very similar to that produced on the chromatophore H+ATPase (I50 = 14.4 and 10 microM, respectively). Detergent-solubilized membrane-bound pyrophosphatase is also inhibited by triphenyltin, but the cytoplasmic enzyme of R. rubrum is inhibited only slightly. The inhibitory effect of triphenyltin on membrane-bound pyrophosphatase is the same with Mg-PPi or Zn-PPi, and is dependent on the chromatophore membrane concentration. Triphenyltin modified mainly the Vmax of the enzyme, and only slightly its Km. Free Mg2+ does not reverse the inhibition. Reducing agents prevent triphenyltin inhibition of the membrane-bound pyrophosphatase, but their effect is due to an alteration of the inhibitor, and not to a modification of thiol groups of the enzyme. The most likely site for triphenyltin inhibition in chromatophore membrane-bound pyrophosphatase is a component either within or closely associated with the membrane.  相似文献   

Three kinetically distinct Ca2+-independent depolarization-activated K+ currents in callosal-projecting rat visual cortical neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 78: 2309-2320, 1997. Whole cell, Ca2+-independent, depolarization-activated K+ currents were characterized in identified callosal-projecting (CP) neurons isolated from postnatal day 7-16 rat primary visual cortex. CP neurons were identified in vitro after in vivo retrograde labeling with fluorescently tagged latex microbeads. During brief (160-ms) depolarizing voltage steps to potentials between -50 and +60 mV, outward K+ currents in these cells activate rapidly and inactivate to varying degrees. Three distinct K+ currents were separated based on differential sensitivity to 4-aminopyridine (4-AP); these are referred to here as IA, ID, and IK, because their properties are similar (but not identical) K+ currents termed IA, ID, and IK in other cells. The current sensitive to high (>/=100 mu M) concentrations of 4-AP (IA) activates and inactivates rapidly; the current blocked completely by low (相似文献   

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