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Sirtuin 2 (SIRT2) has been associated to aging and age-related pathologies. Specifically, an age-dependent accumulation of isoform 3 of SIRT2 in the CNS has been demonstrated; however, no study has addressed the behavioral or molecular consequences that this could have on aging. In the present study, we have designed an adeno-associated virus vector (AAV-CAG-Sirt2.3-eGFP) for the overexpression of SIRT2.3 in the hippocampus of 2 month-old SAMR1 and SAMP8 mice. Our results show that the specific overexpression of this isoform does not induce significant behavioral or molecular effects at short or long term in the control strain. Only a tendency towards a worsening in the performance in acquisition phase of the Morris Water Maze was found in SAMP8 mice, together with a significant increase in the pro-inflammatory cytokine Il-1β. These results suggest that the age-related increase of SIRT2.3 found in the brain is not responsible for induction or prevention of senescence. Nevertheless, in combination with other risk factors, it could contribute to the progression of age-related processes. Understanding the specific role of SIRT2 on aging and the underlying molecular mechanisms is essential to design new and more successful therapies for the treatment of age-related diseases.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial i-AAA proteinase Yme1 is a multifunctional protein that plays important roles in maintaining mitochondrial protein homeostasis and regulating biogenesis and function of mitochondrial proteins. However, due to the complex interplay of mitochondria and the multifunctional nature of Yme1, how Yme1 affects mitochondrial function and protein homeostasis is still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated how YME1 deletion affects yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth, chronological life span, mitochondrial protein homeostasis and function, with a focus on the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) complexes. Our results show that whilst the YME1 deleted cells grow poorly under respiratory conditions, they grow similar to wild-type yeast under fermentative conditions. However, the chronological life span is impaired, indicating that Yme1 plays a key role in longevity. Using highly enriched mitochondrial extract and proteomic analysis, we show that the abundances of many mitochondrial proteins are altered by YME1 deletion. Several components of the respiratory chain complexes II, III, IV and V were significantly decreased, suggesting that Yme1 plays an important role in maintaining the level and function of complexes II-V. This result was confirmed using blue native-PAGE and in-solution-based enzyme activity assays. Taken together, this study shows that Yme1 plays an important role in the chronological life span and mitochondrial protein homeostasis and has deciphered its function in maintaining the activity of mitochondrial OXPHOS complexes.  相似文献   

The prevalence of metabolic disorders, such as type 2 diabetes (T2D), obesity, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which are common risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD), has dramatically increased worldwide over the last decades. Although dietary habit is the main etiologic factor, there is an imperfect correlation between dietary habits and the development of metabolic disease. Recently, research has focused on the role of the microbiome in the development of these disorders. Indeed, gut microbiota is implicated in many metabolic functions and an altered gut microbiota is reported in metabolic disorders. Here we provide evidence linking gut microbiota and metabolic diseases, focusing on the pathogenetic mechanisms underlying this association.  相似文献   

建立了基于ICP-MS技术测定三氟化硼-苯甲醚配合物样品中11B同位素丰度的分析检测方法。采用酸碱交替洗涤方法减少记忆效应对11B同位素丰度测定的影响,采用标准品-样品溶液交叉测量方法降低质量歧视效应的影响。实验结果表明,当样品溶液的硼浓度在2.62~17.49 mg/L时,采用3.50 mg/L的标准品进行交叉测量,测量后采用8次酸碱交替洗涤,可大大减小同位素记忆效应和质量歧视效应。分析多次测量标准品溶液的结果表明,该方法的精密度低于0.1%,绝对偏差低于0.8%,平均回收率为101.0%。按照所建立的方法测定3份不同硼浓度的三氟化硼-苯甲醚配合物样品溶液,11B同位素丰度的相对标准偏差(RSD)均低于0.05%。与目前现有的其他ICP-MS检测方法相比,该方法具有前处理简单快捷、测量精密度高的优势,可为富集11B同位素的实验研究提供基础。  相似文献   

The global burden of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is growing. Valiant efforts to develop clinical candidates for treatment have continuously met with failure. Currently available palliative treatments are temporary and there is a constant need to search for reliable disease pathways, biomarkers and drug targets for developing diagnostic and therapeutic tools to address the unmet medical needs of AD. Challenges in drug-discovery efforts raise further questions about the strategies of current conventional diagnosis; drug design; and understanding of disease pathways, biomarkers and targets. In this context, post-translational modifications (PTMs) regulate protein trafficking, function and degradation, and their in-depth study plays a significant role in the identification of novel biomarkers and drug targets. Aberrant PTMs of disease-relevant proteins could trigger pathological pathways, leading to disease progression. Advancements in proteomics enable the generation of patterns or signatures of such modifications, and thus, provide a versatile platform to develop biomarkers based on PTMs. In addition, understanding and targeting the aberrant PTMs of various proteins provide viable avenues for addressing AD drug-discovery challenges. This review highlights numerous PTMs of proteins relevant to AD and provides an overview of their adverse effects on the protein structure, function and aggregation propensity that contribute to the disease pathology. A critical discussion offers suggestions of methods to develop PTM signatures and interfere with aberrant PTMs to develop viable diagnostic and therapeutic interventions in AD.  相似文献   

The LINC (LInker of Nucleoskeleton and Cytoskeleton) complex is localized within the nuclear envelope and consists of SUN (Sad1/UNc84 homology domain-containing) proteins located in the inner nuclear membrane and KASH (Klarsicht/Anc1/Syne1 homology domain-containing) proteins located in the outer nuclear membrane, hence linking nuclear with cytoplasmic structures. While the nucleoplasm-facing side acts as a key player for correct pairing of homolog chromosomes and rapid chromosome movements during meiosis, the cytoplasm-facing side plays a pivotal role for sperm head development and proper acrosome formation during spermiogenesis. A further complex present in spermatozoa is involved in head-to-tail coupling. An intact LINC complex is crucial for the production of fertile sperm, as mutations in genes encoding for complex proteins are known to be associated with male subfertility in both mice and men. The present review provides a comprehensive overview on our current knowledge of LINC complex subtypes present in germ cells and its central role for male reproduction. Future studies on distinct LINC complex components are an absolute requirement to improve the diagnosis of idiopathic male factor infertility and the outcome of assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD), an acquired valvular disease, remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. This chronic illness starts from untreated streptococcal throat infection, resulting in acute rheumatic fever (ARF) in susceptible individuals. Repeated infections lead to a chronic phase characterized by the damage of heart valves. Inflammation has been found to play important role in the development of this disease. All the studies presented in this review clearly show the involvement of the inflammatory state in the progression of this disease. However, the exact role of cytokines in inflammation sites remains to be examined, since most studies have so far focused on peripheral blood. Such analysis would provide information on inflammatory mechanisms in situ.  相似文献   

Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy triggered in genetically susceptible individuals by gluten-containing cereals. A central role in the pathogenesis of CD is played by the HLA-restricted gliadin-specific intestinal T cell response generated in a pro-inflammatory environment. The mechanisms that generate this pro-inflammatory environment in CD is now starting to be addressed. In vitro study on CD cells and organoids, shows that constant low-grade inflammation is present also in the absence of gluten. In vivo studies on a population at risk, show before the onset of the disease and before the introduction of gluten in the diet, cellular and metabolic alterations in the absence of a T cell-mediated response. Gluten exacerbates these constitutive alterations in vitro and in vivo. Inflammation, may have a main role in CD, adding this disease tout court to the big family of chronic inflammatory diseases. Nutrients can have pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory effects, also mediated by intestinal microbiota. The intestine function as a crossroad for the control of inflammation both locally and at distance. The aim of this review is to discuss the recent literature on the main role of inflammation in the natural history of CD, supported by cellular fragility with increased sensitivity to gluten and other pro-inflammatory agents.  相似文献   

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is normally related to proteinuria, a common finding in a compromised glomerular filtration barrier (GFB). GFB is a structure composed of glomerular endothelial cells, the basement membrane, and the podocytes. CKD with podocyte damage may be associated with actin cytoskeleton reorganization, resulting in podocyte effacement. Gelsolin plays a critical role in several diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Our current study aimed to determine the connection between gelsolin and podocyte, and thus the mechanism underlying podocyte injury in CKD. Experiments were carried out on Drosophila to demonstrate whether gelsolin had a physiological role in maintaining podocyte. Furthermore, the survival rate of gelsolin-knocked down Drosophila larvae was extensively reduced after AgNO3 exposure. Secondly, the in vitro podocytes treated with puromycin aminonucleoside (PAN) enhanced the gelsolin protein expression, as well as small GTPase RhoA and Rac1, which also regulated actin dynamic expression incrementally with the PAN concentrations. Thirdly, we further demonstrated in vivo that GSN was highly expressed inside the glomeruli with mitochondrial dysfunction in a CKD mouse model. Our findings suggest that an excess of gelsolin may contribute to podocytes damage in glomeruli.  相似文献   

Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a prion disease found in both free-ranging and farmed cervids. Susceptibility of these animals to CWD is governed by various exogenous and endogenous factors. Past studies have demonstrated that polymorphisms within the prion protein (PrP) sequence itself affect an animal’s susceptibility to CWD. PrP polymorphisms can modulate CWD pathogenesis in two ways: the ability of the endogenous prion protein (PrPC) to convert into infectious prions (PrPSc) or it can give rise to novel prion strains. In vivo studies in susceptible cervids, complemented by studies in transgenic mice expressing the corresponding cervid PrP sequence, show that each polymorphism has distinct effects on both PrPC and PrPSc. It is not entirely clear how these polymorphisms are responsible for these effects, but in vitro studies suggest they play a role in modifying PrP epitopes crucial for PrPC to PrPSc conversion and determining PrPC stability. PrP polymorphisms are unique to one or two cervid species and most confer a certain degree of reduced susceptibility to CWD. However, to date, there are no reports of polymorphic cervid PrP alleles providing absolute resistance to CWD. Studies on polymorphisms have focused on those found in CWD-endemic areas, with the hope that understanding the role of an animal’s genetics in CWD can help to predict, contain, or prevent transmission of CWD.  相似文献   

Microbe–host communication is essential to maintain vital functions of a healthy host, and its disruption has been associated with several diseases, including Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, the two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although individual members of the intestinal microbiota have been associated with experimental IBD, identifying microorganisms that affect disease susceptibility and phenotypes in humans remains a considerable challenge. Currently, the lack of a definition between what is healthy and what is a dysbiotic gut microbiome limits research. Nevertheless, although clear proof-of-concept of causality is still lacking, there is an increasingly evident need to understand the microbial basis of IBD at the microbial strain, genomic, epigenomic, and functional levels and in specific clinical contexts. Recent information on the role of diet and novel environmental risk factors affecting the gut microbiome has direct implications for the immune response that impacts the development of IBD. The complexity of IBD pathogenesis, involving multiple distinct elements, suggests the need for an integrative approach, likely utilizing computational modeling of molecular datasets to identify more specific therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Stargardt disease is the commonest juvenile macular dystrophy. It is caused by genetic mutations in the ABCA4 gene. Diagnosis is not always straightforward, and various phenocopies exist. Late-onset disease can be misdiagnosed with age-related macular disease. A correct diagnosis is particularly critical because of emergent gene therapies. Stargardt disease is known to affect retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors. Many studies have also highlighted the importance of the choroid in the diagnosis, pathophysiology, and progression of the disease. The choroid is in an integral relationship with the retinal pigment epithelium and photoreceptors, and its possible involvement during the disease should be considered. The purpose of this review is to analyze the current diagnostic tools for choroidal evaluation and the extrapolation of useful data for ophthalmologists and researchers studying the disease.  相似文献   

Despite advances in medicine, cardiac disease remains an increasing health problem associated with a high mortality rate. Maladaptive cardiac remodeling, such as cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis, is a risk factor for heart failure; therefore, it is critical to identify new therapeutic targets. Failing heart is reported to be associated with hyper-ubiquitylation and impairment of the ubiquitin–proteasome system, indicating an importance of ubiquitylation in the development of cardiac disease. Ubiquitylation is a post-translational modification that plays a pivotal role in protein function and degradation. In 1995, homologous to E6AP C-terminus (HECT) type E3 ligases were discovered. E3 ligases are key enzymes in ubiquitylation and are classified into three families: really interesting new genes (RING), HECT, and RING-between-RINGs (RBRs). Moreover, 28 HECT-type E3 ligases have been identified in human beings. It is well conserved in evolution and is characterized by the direct attachment of ubiquitin to substrates. HECT-type E3 ligase is reported to be involved in a wide range of human diseases and health. The role of HECT-type E3 ligases in the development of cardiac diseases has been uncovered in the last decade. There are only a few review articles summarizing recent advancements regarding HECT-type E3 ligase in the field of cardiac disease. This study focused on cardiac remodeling and described the role of HECT-type E3 ligases in the development of cardiac disease. Moreover, this study revealed that the current knowledge could be exploited for the development of new clinical therapies.  相似文献   

Visual deficit is one of the complications of Huntington disease (HD), a fatal neurological disorder caused by CAG trinucleotide expansions in the Huntingtin gene, leading to the production of mutant Huntingtin (mHTT) protein. Transgenic HD R6/1 mice expressing human HTT exon1 with 115 CAG repeats recapitulate major features of the human pathology and exhibit a degeneration of the retina. Our aim was to gain insight into the ultrastructure of the pathological HD R6/1 retina by electron microscopy (EM). We show that the HD R6/1 retina is enriched with unusual organelles myelinosomes, produced by retinal neurons and glia. Myelinosomes are present in all nuclear and plexiform layers, in the synaptic terminals of photoreceptors, in the processes of retinal neurons and glial cells, and in the subretinal space. In vitro study shows that myelinosomes secreted by human retinal glial Müller MIO-M1 cells transfected with EGFP-mHTT-exon1 carry EGFP-mHTT-exon1 protein, as revealed by immuno-EM and Western-blotting. Myelinosomes loaded with mHTT-exon1 are incorporated by naive neuronal/neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. This results in the emergence of mHTT-exon1 in recipient cells. This process is blocked by membrane fusion inhibitor MDL 28170. Conclusion: Incorporation of myelinosomes carrying mHTT-exon1 in recipient cells may contribute to HD spreading in the retina. Exploring ocular fluids for myelinosome presence could bring an additional biomarker for HD diagnostics.  相似文献   

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is considered the most common liver disorder, affecting around 25% of the population worldwide. It is a complex disease spectrum, closely linked with other conditions such as obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome, which may increase liver-related mortality. In light of this, numerous efforts have been carried out in recent years in order to clarify its pathogenesis and create new prevention strategies. Currently, the essential role of environmental pollutants in NAFLD development is recognized. Particularly, endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) have a notable influence. EDCs can be classified as natural (phytoestrogens, genistein, and coumestrol) or synthetic, and the latter ones can be further subdivided into industrial (dioxins, polychlorinated biphenyls, and alkylphenols), agricultural (pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides), residential (phthalates, polybrominated biphenyls, and bisphenol A), and pharmaceutical (parabens). Several experimental models have proposed a mechanism involving this group of substances with the disruption of hepatic metabolism, which promotes NAFLD. These include an imbalance between lipid influx/efflux in the liver, mitochondrial dysfunction, liver inflammation, and epigenetic reprogramming. It can be concluded that exposure to EDCs might play a crucial role in NAFLD initiation and evolution. However, further investigations supporting these effects in humans are required.  相似文献   

TRPA1, a nonselective cation channel, is expressed in sensory afferent that innervates peripheral targets. Neuronal TRPA1 can promote tissue repair, remove harmful stimuli and induce protective responses via the release of neuropeptides after the activation of the channel by chemical, exogenous, or endogenous irritants in the injured tissue. However, chronic inflammation after repeated noxious stimuli may result in the development of several diseases. In addition to sensory neurons, TRPA1, activated by inflammatory agents from some non-neuronal cells in the injured area or disease, might promote or protect disease progression. Therefore, TRPA1 works as a molecular sentinel of tissue damage or as an inflammation gatekeeper. Most kidney damage cases are associated with inflammation. In this review, we summarised the role of TRPA1 in neurogenic or non-neurogenic inflammation and in kidney disease, especially the non-neuronal TRPA1. In in vivo animal studies, TRPA1 prevented sepsis-induced or Ang-II-induced and ischemia-reperfusion renal injury by maintaining mitochondrial haemostasis or via the downregulation of macrophage-mediated inflammation, respectively. Renal tubular epithelial TRPA1 acts as an oxidative stress sensor to mediate hypoxia–reoxygenation injury in vitro and ischaemia–reperfusion-induced kidney injury in vivo through MAPKs/NF-kB signalling. Acute kidney injury (AKI) patients with high renal tubular TRPA1 expression had low complete renal function recovery. In renal disease, TPRA1 plays different roles in different cell types accordingly. These findings depict the important role of TRPA1 and warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Dry eye disease (DED) is the most common ocular surface disease, characterized by insufficient production and/or instability of the tear film. Tear substitutes are usually the first line of treatment for patients with DED. Despite the large variety of tear substitutes available on the market, few studies have been performed to compare their performance. There is a need to better understand the specific mechanical and pharmacological roles of each ingredient composing the different formulations. In this review, we describe the main categories of ingredients composing tear substitutes (e.g., viscosity-enhancing agents, electrolytes, osmo-protectants, antioxidants, lipids, surfactants and preservatives) as well as their effects on the ocular surface, and we provide insight into how certain components of tear substitutes may promote corneal wound healing, and/or counteract inflammation. Based on these considerations, we propose an approach to select the most appropriate tear substitute formulations according to the predominant etiological causes of DED.  相似文献   

Protein bioinformatics has been applied to a myriad of opportunities in biocatalysis from enzyme engineering to enzyme discovery, but its application in enzyme immobilization is still very limited. Enzyme immobilization brings clear advantages in terms of sustainability and cost-efficiency but is still limited in its implementation. This, because it is a technique that remains tied to a quasi-blind protocol of trial and error, and therefore, is regarded as a time-intensive and costly approach. Here, we present the use of a set of bioinformatic tools to rationalize the results of protein immobilization that have been previously described. The study of proteins with these new tools allows the discovery of key driving forces in the process of immobilization that explain the obtained results, moving us a step closer to the final goal: predictive enzyme immobilization protocols.  相似文献   

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