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Abstract Fluids, some of which are CO2-rich (up to 40 mol.% CO2) and some of which are highly saline (up to 18 wt% NaCl equivalent), are trapped as fluid inclusions in quartz-calcite (∼ metallic minerals) veins which cross-cut the pumpellyite-actinolite to amphibolite facies rocks of the Alpine Schist. Fluids were commonly trapped as immiscible liquid-vapour mixes in quartz and calcite showing open-space growth textures. Fluid entrapment occurred at fluid pressures near 500 bars (possibly as low as 150 bars) at temperatures ranging from 260 to 330° C. Saline fluids may have formed by partitioning of dissolved salts into an aqueous phase on segregation of immiscible fluids from a low-density CO2-rich fluid. Calcite deposited by these fluids has δ13C ranging from – 8.4 to – 11.5 and δ18O from + 4 to + 13. Isotopic data, fluid compositions and mode of occurrence suggest that the fluids are derived from high-grade metamorphic rocks. Fluid interaction with wall-rock has caused biotite crystallization and/or recrystallization in some rocks and retrogression of biotite to chlorite in other rocks.
Fluid penetration through the rock is almost pervasive in many areas where permeability, probably related to Alpine Fault activity, has focussed fluids on a regional scale into fractured rocks. The fluid flow process is made possible by high uplift-rates (in excess of 10 mm/year) bringing hot rocks near to the surface.  相似文献   

Models of fluid/rock interaction in and adjacent to the Alpine Fault in the Hokitika area, South Island, New Zealand, were investigated using hydrogen and other stable isotope studies, together with field and petrographic observations. All analysed samples from the study area have similar whole‐rock δD values (δDWR = ?56 to ?30‰, average = ?45‰, n = 20), irrespective of rock type, degree of chloritization, location along the fault, or across‐strike distance from the fault in the garnet zone. The green, chlorite‐rich fault rocks, which probably formed from Australian Plate precursors, record nearly isothermal fluid/rock interaction with a schist‐derived metamorphic fluid at high temperatures near 450–500°C (δD of water in equilibrium with the green fault rocks (δDH2O, green) ≈ ?18‰; δD of water in equilibrium with the greyschists and greyschist‐derived mylonites (δDH2O, grey) ≈ ?19‰ at 500°C; δDH2O, green ≈ ?17‰; δDH2O, grey ≈ ?14‰ at 450°C). There is no indication of an influx of a meteoric or mantle‐derived fluid in the Alpine Fault Zone in the study area. The Alpine Fault Zone at the surface shows little evidence of late‐stage retrogression or veining, which might be attributed to down‐temperature fluid flow. It is probable that prograde metamorphism in the root zone of the Southern Alps releases metamorphic fluids that at some region rise vertically rather than following the trace of the Alpine Fault up to the surface, owing to the combined effects of the fault, the disturbed isotherms under the Southern Alps, and the brittle–ductile transition. Such fluids could mix with meteoric fluids to deposit quartz‐rich, possibly gold‐bearing veins in the region c. 5–10 km back from the fault trace. These results and interpretations are consistent with interpretations of magnetotelluric data obtained in the South Island GeopHysical Transects (SIGHT) programme.  相似文献   

Pressure–temperature pseudosections for ‘greyschist’ (metamorphosed greywacke and argillite) from the Alpine Schist (Haast Schist group) near Hokitika (Southern Alps, New Zealand) are used to gain new insights into its metamorphic history. The rocks were metamorphosed at relatively low‐grade conditions associated with the first appearance and initial growth of garnet in the stability field of albite. The measured and predicted garnet compositional zoning data are used to construct an overall P–T path by combining P–T path results from nearby rocks that have a range of MnO contents. The P–T path obtained is steep from ~380 °C/2.5 kbar up to ~490 °C/8.5 kbar, then recurves sharply with garnet growth continuing during early decompression to ~500 °C/6.5 kbar. Most garnet growth in the study area took place in the stability field of albite, with oligoclase appearing only during decompression, when the peristerite gap was entered. On appearance of oligoclase, there is a marked decrease in the CaO content of garnet. The preservation of mineral assemblages from near‐peak temperature conditions can be understood in terms of the P–T path subsequently becoming tangential to water content contours, during cooling with further decompression.  相似文献   

Mineral stable isotopic and trace element studies in 2 GPa banded eclogites of the Tauern Window, eastern Alps, record mm- to cm-scale heterogeneities that reflect compositional variations in the accompanying metamorphic fluids. A close correlation between dolomite mode and dolomite δ18O is consistent with equilibrium partitioning among coexisting minerals and fluids. Small variations in dolomite δ13C values correspond with δ18O variations, but an overall decrease in dolomite δ13C by c. 1%o across a 12-cm sample is a relict feature that pre-dates eclogite equilibration. Garnet, omphacite, and clinozoisite rims show little systematic mineral-mineral partitioning behaviour for Ti, V, Cr, Y, Sr, or Zr; major elements, however, are well equilibrated among these same minerals. Despite the apparent lack of mineral-mineral trace element equilibration, most of the trace elements vary systematically with water activity calculated in each layer. Trace element behaviour during the eclogite metamorphism thus appears to have been controlled largely by mineral-fluid interactions along grain boundaries. Shallow structural levels in other subduction complexes (c. 10-45 km) typically exhibit fracture-controlled permeability and extensive metasomatism, but there is no field or geochemical evidence for extensive fluid advection during high-pressure metamorphism in the Tauern eclogites. Because most dewatering and devolatilization during tectonic burial occurs prior to eclogite conditions, the volumetric fluid/rock ratio in eclogites should generally be low. Low fluid/rock ratios, coupled with the possible non-wetting nature of the fluids, permits the production and preservation of fine-scale chemical heterogeneities in deeply subducted eclogites and associated fluids. However, the eventual breakdown at greater depth of volatile-bearing dolomite, phengite, clinozoisite, zoisite, or amphibole could lead to renewed fracture-controlled fluid release from the subducted rocks to regions appropriate for arc magma generation.  相似文献   

Fluid inclusion salinities from quartz veins in the Otago Schist, New Zealand, range from 1.0 to 7.3 wt% NaCl eq. in the Torlesse terrane, and from 0.4 to 3.1 wt% NaCl eq. in the Caples terrane. Homogenization temperatures from these inclusions range from 124 to 350  °C, with modal values for individual samples ranging from 163 to 229  °C, but coexisting, low-salinity inclusions exhibiting metastable ice melting show a narrower range of T  h from 86 to 170  °C with modes from 116 to 141  °C. These data have been used in conjunction with chlorite chemistry to suggest trapping conditions of ≈350–400  °C and 4.1–6.0  kbar for inclusions showing metastable melting from lower greenschist facies rocks, with the densities of many other inclusions reset at lower pressures during exhumation of the schist. The fluid inclusion salinities and Br/Cl ratios from veins from the Torlesse terrane are comparable to those of modern sea-water, and this suggests direct derivation of the vein fluid from the original sedimentary pore fluid. Some modification of the fluid may have taken place as a result of interaction with halogen-bearing minerals and dehydration and hydration reactions. The salinity of fluids in the Caples terrane is uniformly lower than that of modern sea-water, and this is interpreted as a result of the dilution of the pore fluid by dehydration of clays and zeolites. The contrast between the two terranes may be a result of the original sedimentary provenance, as the Torlesse terrane consists mainly of quartzofeldspathic sediments, whilst the Caples terrane consists of andesitic volcanogenic sediments and metabasites which are more prone to hydration during diagenesis, and hence may provide more fluid via dehydration at higher grades.  相似文献   

Abstract Deformed quartz veins in garnet-zone schist adjacent to the active Alpine Fault, New Zealand, have fluid inclusions trapped along quartz grain boundaries. Textures suggest that the inclusions formed in their present shapes during annealing of the deformed veins. Many of the inclusions are empty, but some contain carbon dioxide with densities that range from 0.16 to 0.80 g cm−3. No water, nitrogen or methane was detected. The inclusions are considerably more CO2-rich than either the primary metamorphic fluid (<5% CO2) or fluids trapped in fracture-related situations in the same, or related, rocks (<50% CO2). Enrichment of CO2 is inferred to have resulted from selective migration (wicking) of saline water from the inclusions along water-wet grain boundaries after cooling-induced immiscibility of a water-CO2 mixture. Inclusion volumes changed after loss of water. Non-wetting CO2 remained trapped in the inclusions until further percolation progressively removed CO2 in solution. This mechanism of fluid migration dominated in ductile quartz-rich rocks near, but below, the brittle-ductile transition. At deeper levels, hydraulic fracturing is also an important mechanism for fluid migration, whereas at shallower levels advection through open fractures dominates the fluid flow regime.  相似文献   

The Zealandia portion of the Pacific–Gondwana margin underwent widespread extension, fragmentation, separation and subsidence during the final stages in the breakup of Gondwana. Although these processes shaped the geology of New Zealand, their timing and the timing of subduction cessation in the region remain unclear. To investigate the timing of these processes, we used Lu–Hf garnet geochronology to date six samples of the Alpine Schist, which represents the metamorphic section of the former Zealandia margin. The garnet dates range from 97.3 ± 0.3 to 75.4 ± 1.3 Ma. Compositional zoning in garnet indicates that the spread in ages results from diachronous metamorphism in the upper plate at the Pacific–Gondwana margin, occurring concurrently with rifting of Zealandia from East Gondwana via opening of the Tasman Sea. Clear spatial trends in the timing of garnet growth throughout the Alpine Schist are absent, indicating that either regional age trends were offset by post‐metamorphic deformation, or that metamorphism did not result from a single regional heat source, and was instead driven by short‐duration, spatially dispersed processes such as episodic fluid‐fluxing or mechanical heating. Diachronous metamorphism of the Alpine Schist can be attributed to heat conduction from the rising upper mantle during widespread extension, progressive burial and heating of accretionary wedge sediments during ongoing horizontal shortening, or fluid‐fluxing sourced from a subducting and dehydrating Hikurangi Plateau. These results indicate that during separation of Zealandia from East Gondwana in the late Cretaceous, the crust at the Pacific–Gondwana margin remained hot, potentially facilitating the extensive thinning of the Zealandia lithosphere during this time.  相似文献   

青河县哈腊苏铜矿床Ⅰ号矿化带位于准噶尔北缘卡拉先格尔斑岩铜矿带,铜矿化主要呈不均匀团块、细脉或细脉浸染状产于花岗闪长斑岩、石英闪长斑岩及玄武岩、辉斑玄武岩围岩中。矿石中石英和方解石流体包裹体划分为H_2O-NaCl型和H_2O-CO_2(±CH_4/N_2)-NaCl型。成矿温度主要集中在120~431℃,峰值在390、290和190℃。成矿流体盐度(w(NaCl_(eqv)))变化于0.53%~66.76%,峰值在19.5%、12.5%、9.5%和1.5%。密度为0.55~1.11 g/cm~3。矿脉中石英和方解石的δ~(18)O_(SMOW)值为2.9‰~12.3‰,δ~(18)O_(H_2O)值为—5.81‰~4.83‰,δD_(SMOW)为-129‰~-80‰,表明成矿流体主要为岩浆水和混合大气降水。方解石的δ~(13)C_(PDB)变化于-2.4‰~-1.4‰,δ~(18)O_(SMOW)为8.3‰~9.2‰,表明流体中的碳来自岩浆。对辉钼矿石英脉中辉钼矿进行了Re-Os同位素测年,获得等时线年龄为(378.3±5.6)Ma,与花岗闪长斑岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄(381~375 Ma)在误差范围内一致。早期成矿作用发生在中泥盆世,与斑岩有关,晚期叠加成矿作用发生在中、晚三叠世,与构造-岩浆-热液活动有关。  相似文献   


Stable isotopes combined with pre-existing 40Ar/39Ar thermochronology at the Gavilan Hills and Orocopia Mountains in southeastern California record two stages of fluid–rock interaction: (1) Stage 1 is related to prograde metamorphism as Orocopia Schist was accreted to the base of the crust during late Cretaceous–early Cenozoic Laramide flat subduction. (2) Stage 2 affected the Orocopia Schist and is related to middle Cenozoic exhumation along detachment faults. There is no local evidence that schist-derived fluids infiltrated structurally overlying continental rocks. Mineral δ18O values from Orocopia Schist in the lower plate of the Chocolate Mountains fault and Gatuna normal fault in the Gavilan Hills are in equilibrium at 490–580°C with metamorphic water (δ18O = 7–11‰). Phengite and biotite δD values from the Orocopia Schist and upper plate suggest metamorphic fluids (δD ~ –40‰). In contrast, final exhumation of the schist along the Orocopia Mountains detachment fault (OMDF) in the Orocopia Mountains was associated with alteration of prograde biotite and amphibole to chlorite (T ~ 350–400°C) and the influx of meteoric-hydrothermal fluids at 24–20 Ma. Phengites from a thin mylonite zone at the top of the Orocopia Schist and alteration chlorites have the lowest fluid δD values, suggesting that these faults were an enhanced zone of meteoric fluid (δD < –70‰) circulation. Variable δD values in Orocopia Schist from structurally lower chlorite and biotite zones indicate a lesser degree of interaction with meteoric-hydrothermal fluids. High fluid δ18O values (6–12‰) indicate low water–rock ratios for the OMDF. A steep thermal gradient developed across the OMDF at the onset of middle Cenozoic slip likely drove a more vigorous hydrothermal system within the Orocopia Mountains relative to the equivalent age Gatuna fault in the Gavilan Hills.  相似文献   

A combination of fluid inclusion, stable isotope and geochemical techniques has been used to study the nature of fluids present and their behaviour during Caledonian low-grade metamorphism of the Harlech Dome, north Wales. Fluid inclusion studies show that in most of the metasedimentary sequence the peak metamorphic fluid was an aqueous Na–K–Cl brine but in the graphitic Clogau Formation and in parts of the overlying Maentwrog Formation immiscible H2O-rich and CH4-rich fluids coexisted. Late-stage inclusions are of calcium-rich brine and a dilute aqueous fluid. The chemical composition of chlorite in metamorphic veins and rocks varies between different formations and quartz-oxygen isotopic compositions show considerable variation between different units. Both of these features are taken to indicate that there was little or no pervasive movement of fluid between different units at the peak of metamorphism. After the metamorphic peak there was focused flow of fluid upward through the sequence along fractures, in response to end-Caledonian uplift and unloading. Where the migrating fluid crossed the graphitic shales, interaction between the fluid and the shales gave rise to the formation of the auriferous veins of the Dolgellau Gold Belt. Subsequent to this mineralizing event there was widespread development of 18O-enriched calcites and micas. In the case of vein minerals it is possible that these crystallized directly from late-stage fluids at lower temperature than the quartz in the same veins. Alternatively, the original vein minerals may have re-equilibrated with later 18O-enriched or cooler fluid. In the case of muscovites in the rock matrix it is proposed that the isotopically heavy compositions are the result of re-equilibration of initially light grains with an introduced fluid, requiring considerable influx of fluid. This event may relate to either of two late-stage fluids observed as inclusions.  相似文献   

The Otago and Alpine Schist belts of southern New Zealand have traditionally been treated as structurally continuous metamorphic belts with minor modification by brittle faulting. Mapping of biotite and garnet isograds has been hindered by rock types unfavourable for index mineral growth. Closer examination of well-exposed boundaries between metamorphic zones shows that they juxtapose rocks of different type and structural history. Apparent structural continuity across these zones is due to development of a locally pervasive boundary-parallel foliation on both sides of the boundary, in a broad boundary zone (up to 2  km wide). This feature has implications for mapping and metamorphic petrology in other metamorphic belts, where structural continuity has traditionally been assumed. True metamorphic isograds may be rare, and metamorphic zones may more commonly represent structural slices of complex, tectonically disrupted metamorphic piles.  相似文献   

Acadian (Late Silurian to Early Devonian) metamorphism in the Central Maine Terrane (CMT) in central Massachusetts is characterized by an early low-P, high-T (Buchan-type) metamorphism followed by thickening at high temperature (>650d? C) and then by cooling to 100-200d? C below peak recorded temperatures before eventual unroofing. Mineralogical and textural evidence for this path includes sillimanite pseudomorphs after early andalusite, abundant cordierite in pelitic lithologies, replacement of low-P cordierite-bearing assemblages by high-P garnet-bearing assemblages, and recrystallization of mylonites associated with late shear zones to form lower-T and higher-P assemblages. Peak conditions in the highest grade rocks were 685-780d? C and 5-6 kbar; the cooling path passed through 550d? C at about 6.5 kbar. The well-constrained P-T path documented from geological and mineralogical evidence for the CMT offers an unusual opportunity to examine characteristics of fluid inclusions that have experienced a long-lived metamorphic event spanning a broad range of P-T conditions. Fluid inclusion data from the CMT document a range of fluid compositions (CO2-rich, mixed CO2-N2-rich, N2-rich and H2O-rich) and densities during metamorphism. Densities of CO2 fluid inclusions range from 0.20 to 1.03 g cm-3. Medium-density CO2 fluid inclusions are contained in quartz inclusions within garnets in partial melt leucosomes, and in quartz grains within migmatites. Fluid inclusions within the quartz inclusions indicate trapping conditions of 650-700d? C at pressures below 5 kbar. Other CO2 fluid inclusions from matrix quartz yield isochores which pass through 700d? C and 5.2 kbar. The highest density inclusions associated with rocks containing the late high-P assemblages have isochores which pass below the estimated P-T conditions for recrystallization of the mylonite. Fluid inclusion evidence suggests an early low-P heating event, followed by thickening at high temperature, and then by nearly isobaric cooling to about 500d? C with later decompression. This interpretation is also consistent with previously published petrological models and supports an anticlockwise P-T path for the CMT of south-central Massachusetts.  相似文献   

The Whitestone Anorthosite (WSA), located in the Central Gneiss Belt of the south-western Grenville Province, Ontario, exhibits a nearly concentric metamorphic envelope characterized by an increase in modal scapolite, hornblende, epidote and garnet, developed around a core of granulite facies clinopyroxene ± orthopyroxene ± garnet meta-anorthosite. Scapolite- and hornblende-bearing assemblages develop mainly at the expense of plagioclase and pyroxene within the envelope. Stable isotopic and petrological data for scapolite-bearing mineral assemblages within meta-anorthosite constrain the source of carbon responsible for CO3-scapolite formation and the extent of fluid/rock interaction between the anorthosite and adjacent lithologies. Stable isotopic data indicate increasing δ18O and δ13C from core to margin of the meta-anorthosite and for samples from the southern extension of the WSA, where it is ductilely deformed within the Parry Sound Shear Zone (PSSZ). The average δ18OSMOW value (whole rock) for the WSA core is 6.9‰, increasing to 11.5‰ where the WSA is in tectonic contact with marble breccia. The average δ13CPBD value of scapolite in meta-anorthosite from the centre of the WSA is -3.4‰, increasing to -0.5‰ at the eastern (marble) contact. Average values of δ13C for scapolite and whole-rock δ18O for samples from the shear zone are -1.0 and 8.0‰, respectively. Marbles have average δ18O and δ13C values of 19.2 and -0.4‰, respectively. The sulphate content of texturally primary scapolite decreases from the core of the WSA (XSO4= 0.48) to the eastern contact (≤0.05). Texturally late scapolite after plagioclase and garnet tends to be CO3-rich relative to texturally primary scapolite, and some scapolite grains show zoning in the anion site with CO3-enriched rims. Scapolite composition may vary at any scale from a single grain to outcrop. The pattern of isotopic enrichment in 13C and 18O preserved in the eastern margin of the WSA is consistent with marble as the major source of fluid contributing to the formation of the metamorphic envelope. The decrease in XSO4 and increase in XCO3 in scapolite toward the margin of the WSA indicate that the volatile content was reset by, or developed from, a CO2-bearing fluid. Assuming derivation of fluid from marble, minimum fluid/rock values at the margin of the WSA range from 0.03 for the least enriched, to 0.30 for the most isotopically enriched samples. Although marble is not found in immediate contact with samples of sheared meta-anorthosite from the PSSZ, a marble source is also consistent with the C and O isotope composition and anion chemistry of scapolite within these samples.  相似文献   

河南刘山岩铜锌矿床石英中流体包裹体类型及FIP新资料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在刘山岩矿床矿石和围岩石英所含的流体包裹体中,发现2种新类型流体包裹体,即后期变形阶段的淡化水流体包裹体和成岩早期的NaCl子矿物多相包裹体,并重点研究了流体包裹体面(FIP)中包裹体发育情况.块状铜锌矿石、条带状矿石和糜棱岩化石英角斑岩中FIP特别发育,通常FIP以高角度与石英的拉长方向相交(或垂直于岩石的叶理面).FIP中大多数流体包裹体具有中温(均一温度120~220 ℃)、中盐度(3.4%~14.5%).更重要的是:FIP中普遍含有低盐度(3.4%~6.4%),部分甚至含有更低盐度(0.2%~1.7%)的淡化水流体包裹体,这表明淡化水流体(或大气降水)在造山变形后期曾经参与过FIP古流体的活动.  相似文献   

The Fairholme carbonate complex is part of the extensively dolomitized Upper Devonian carbonate reefs in west-central Alberta. The studied formations contain moulds (up to 10 cm in diameter), which are filled partially with (saddle) dolomite, quartz and calcite cements. These cements precipitated from a mixture of brines that acquired high salinity by dissolution of halite and brines derived from evaporated sea water. The fluids were warm (homogenization temperature of primary fluid inclusions of 76 to 200 °C) and saline (20 to 25 wt% NaCl equivalent) and testify to thermochemical sulphate reduction processes. The latter is deduced from S in solid inclusions, CO2 and H2S in volatile-rich aqueous inclusions and depleted δ13C values down to −26‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite. High 87Sr/86Sr values (0·7094 to 0·7110) of the cements also indicate interaction of the fluids with siliciclastic sequences. The thermochemical sulphate reduction-related cements probably formed during early Laramide burial. Another (younger) calcite phase, characterized by depleted δ18O values (−23·9‰ to −13·9‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite), low Na (27 to 37 p.p.m.) and Sr (39 to 150 p.p.m.) concentrations and non-saline (∼0 wt% NaCl equivalent) fluid inclusions, is attributed to post-Laramide meteoric water.  相似文献   

The Brandberg West region of NW Namibia is dominated by poly-deformed turbidites and carbonate rocks of the Neoproterozoic Damara Supergoup, which have been regionally metamorphosed to greenschist facies and thermally metamorphosed up to mid-amphibolite facies by Neoproterozoic granite plutons. The meta-sedimentary rocks host Damaran-age hydrothermal quartz vein-hosted Sn–W mineralization at Brandberg West and numerous nearby smaller deposits. Fluid inclusion microthermometric studies of the vein quartz suggests that the ore-forming fluids at the Brandberg West mine were CO2-bearing aqueous fluids represented by the NaCl–CaCl2–H2O–CO2 system with moderate salinity (mean=8.6 wt% NaClequivalent).Temperatures determined using oxygen isotope thermometry are 415–521°C (quartz–muscovite), 392–447°C (quartz–cassiterite), and 444–490°C (quartz–hematite). At Brandberg West, the oxygen isotope ratios of quartz veins and siliciclastic host rocks in the mineralized area are lower than those in the rocks and veins of the surrounding areas suggesting that pervasive fluid–rock interaction occurred during mineralization. The O- and H-isotope data of quartz–muscovite veins and fluid inclusions indicate that the ore fluids were dominantly of magmatic origin, implying that mineralization occurred above a shallow granite pluton. Simple mass balance calculations suggest water/rock ratios of 1.88 (closed system) and 1.01 (open system). The CO2 component of the fluid inclusions had similar δ 13C to the carbonate rocks intercalated with the turbidites. It is most likely that mineralization at Brandberg West was caused by a combination of an impermeable marble barrier and interaction of the fluids with the marble. The minor deposits in the area have quartz veins with higher δ 18O values, which is consistent with these deposits being similar geological environments exposed at higher erosion levels.  相似文献   

在矿床地质特征研究和成矿阶段划分的基础上,选取三江成矿带北段查涌铜多金属矿床主成矿热液期的矿石样品,进行了流体包裹体显微测温和氢氧同位素测试。流体包裹体研究结果表明,矿物中包裹体以富液相为主,均一温度为320~360℃,盐度w(NaCl,eq)=3%~5%,显示岩浆热液矿床的流体特征;氢氧同位素测试结果显示,δD=-110.0×10~(-3)~-95.5×10~(-3),平均-104.4×10~(-3),δ(~(18)O_(V-SMOW))=-2.2×10~(-3)~2.5×10~(-3),平均-0.6×10~(-3),表明其主成矿期的成矿流体以岩浆水为主,并伴有少量大气降水的加入。  相似文献   

The Lander Rock Beds form the local basement of the Reynolds Range in the Arunta Inlier of central Australia. These dominantly quartzose and pelitic lithologies underwent low-grade ( c.   400  °C) regional metamorphism prior to contact metamorphism ( c.   2.5  kbar) around S-type megacrystic granitoids at 1820–1800  Ma. The Lander Rock Beds are overlain by metasediments of the Reynolds Range Group, which were subsequently intruded by granitoids at c. 1780  Ma. Regional metamorphism at 1590–1580  Ma produced grades varying from greenschist (400  °C at 4–5  kbar) to granulite (750–800  °C at 4–5  kbar) from north-west to south-east along the length of the Reynolds Range. Oxygen isotope ratios of the Lander Rock Beds were reset from 13.4±0.8 to as low as 6.7 adjacent to the contacts of the larger plutons, and to 10.3±1.1 around the smaller plutons. Biotite in all the major rock types found in the aureoles has δD values between −52 and −69, probably reflecting resetting by a cooling igneous+metamorphic fluid near the plutons. Sapphirine-bearing and other Mg- and Al-rich rock types have low δ18O values (4.0±0.7). The precursors to these rocks were probably low-temperature ( c. 200  °C) diagenetic–hydrothermal deposits of Mg-rich chlorite, analogous to those in Proterozoic stratiform precious metal and uranium deposits that form by the infiltration of basin brines or seawater. As in the overlying Reynolds Range Group, regional metamorphism involved little fluid–rock interaction and isotopic resetting.  相似文献   

卡拉麦里金矿带位于准噶尔北缘和阿尔曼太至北塔山以南地区,成矿带划分属卡拉麦里—达尔布特成矿带(Ⅲ级成矿带)的卡拉麦里—莫钦乌拉成矿带(Ⅳ级成矿带),是新疆重要的金多金属成矿带。对双泉、南明水、苏吉泉等金矿床流体包裹体,氢、氧同位素和硫同位素研究表明,主成矿期成矿温度一般在200~230℃,属中低温;盐度(质量分数)一般为3.55%~4.5%,属低盐度;成矿流体为C-O-H-N-S体系。除库布苏金矿床成矿流体主要为岩浆水外,其他金矿床的成矿流体以变质水为主,但也兼具有岩浆水、建造水和/或大气降水的特征。双泉、南明水金矿中的硫主要来自变质的围岩,可能有部分深源岩浆硫的混入;金山沟、柳树泉金矿床的硫同位素组成具有深源硫的特征,成矿可能与火山、次火山活动有关。  相似文献   

马头山铜金矿床位于康定一锦屏山矿集区,处于锦屏山断裂与康定一水城断裂的交汇部位,是川西南地区新发现的中型铜金矿床。矿体呈现为硫化物石英脉状,赋存于泥盆系泥质粉砂质板岩、碳酸盐化泥晶灰岩和二叠系变质玄武岩中,受断裂构造控制,矿石中硫化物矿物多见黄铁矿、斑铜矿、黄铜矿、方铅矿等。矿石中石英原生流体包裹体观测和激光拉曼光谱分析显示,马头山铜金成矿流体为H_2O-CO_2-NaCl体系,均一温度108.1~439.1℃,盐度3.55%~22.78%NaCleq,密度0.51~1.12 g/cm~3,主成矿阶段流体包裹体具有中低温、中低盐度、低密度、富含CO_2的特征。矿石中硫化物矿物δ~(34)SV-CDT=-4.6‰~8.4‰,具有岩浆来源硫的特征,石英脉中原生流体包裹体的δD=-78.8‰~-48.7‰,δ~(18)O_(H_2O)=-2.1‰~9.3‰,白云石的δ~(13)C_(V-PDB)=-5.3‰~1.7‰,δ~(18)O_(V-SMOW)=19.4‰~25.9‰,表明成矿流体主要为岩浆水,并有地层流体和大气水加入。综合矿床地质特征、流体包裹体特征和S、C、O、H同位素证据,认为马头山铜金矿床为中低温-岩浆热液型铜金矿床。  相似文献   

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