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Hypertension-induced cardiac hypertrophy is associated with alterations in ventricular action potentials. To understand molecular mechanisms underlying this electrical abnormality, expression of cardiac voltage-gated K+ channel subunit genes was examined in ventricles of renovascular hypertensive rats. While generating a rat Kv4.3 probe, we discovered a previously unreported 19-amino acid insertion in the C-terminal intracellular region of the channel subunit. RNase protection assays indicated that this novel isoform is predominant in rat lung and heart. Effects of renovascular hypertension were then determined by using renal artery clipping models: two-kidney, one clip (2K-1C) rats, a model of high-renin hypertension with a normal plasma volume, and one-kidney, one clip (1K-1C) rats, a model of normal renin with a raised plasma volume. Expression of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNAs was diminished by > 50% in ventricles of 2K-1C rats; however, no changes in the expression of Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv2.1, or KvLQT1 mRNAs were detected. Similar downregulation of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNAs was detected in 1K-1C rats. Chronic administration of captopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, blocked the development of hypertension and the suppression of Kv4 subfamily channel mRNA expression in 2K-1C rats. Furthermore, captopril administration to sham-operated rats significantly increased Kv4.2 mRNA. These results indicate that renovascular hypertension causes specific reductions in Kv4 subfamily channel mRNA expression and that this effect is likely to be mediated primarily by an increase in cardiac afterload.  相似文献   

Previous investigations suggest that the expression of K+ channels in cultured rat microglia is related to the activation status of these cells. Both, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and agents that raise intracellular cyclic AMP have been shown to inhibit microglial proliferation. LPS also regulates the mRNA expression levels of K+ channels in cultured microglia, which led us to investigate possible regulatory interactions between K+ channels and adenosine A2a-receptors, which are coupled to the cAMP-signal transduction pathway. The selective adenosine A2a-receptor agonist CGS 21680 induced enhanced mRNA expression of both Kv1.3 and ROMK1, as well as an elevation of Kv1.3 protein. The selective adenosine A2a-receptor antagonist aminophenol (ZM 241385) and the nonselective antagonist 8-phenyltheophylline (8-PT) inhibited these effects. Elevations of cyclic AMP by use of dibutyryl cyclic AMP (dbcAMP), phosphodiesterase-inhibitor (RO 20-1724), forskolin, or cholera toxin (CTX), strongly enhanced Kv1.3-mRNA expression, but decreased ROMK1-mRNA levels. Results from experiments with actinomycin D suggest that K+ channel mRNA levels in cultured microglia were regulated by altered mRNA synthesis. Evidently, the CGS 21680-induced effects upon Kv1.3 were mediated via an increase in intracellular cyclic AMP, whereas ROMK1-mRNA expression appeared to be regulated by coupling of adenosine A2a-receptors to an alternative pathway, which involves activation of protein kinase C (PKC). It is concluded that the cyclic AMP second messenger system in microglia is not only involved in regulation of K+ channel activity, but also in regulation of de novo K+ channel synthesis.  相似文献   

The "ball and chain" model has been shown to be suitable for explaining the rapid inactivation of voltage-dependent K+ channels. For the Drosophila Shaker K+ channel (ShB), the first 20 residues of the amino terminus have been identified as the inactivation ball that binds to the open channel pore and blocks ion flow (Hoshi, T., Zagotta, W. N., and Aldrich, R. W. (1990) Science 250, 533-538; Zagotta, W. N., Hoshi, T., and Aldrich, R. W. (1990) Science 250, 568-571). We studied the structural elements responsible for rapid inactivation of a mammalian transient type K+ channel (rat Kv1.4) by constructing various mutants in the amino terminus and expressing them in Xenopus oocytes. Although it has been reported that the initial 37 residues might form the inactivation ball for rat Kv1.4 (Tseng-Crank, J., Yao, J.-A., Berman M. F., and Tseng, G.-N. (1993) J. Gen. Physiol. 102, 1057-1083), we found that not only the initial 37 residues, but also the following region, residues 40-68, could function independently as an inactivation gate. Like the Shaker inactivation ball, both potential inactivation domains have a hydrophobic amino-terminal region and a hydrophilic carboxyl-terminal region having net positive charge, which is essential for the domains to function as an inactivation gate.  相似文献   

ATP activated the K+ channel responsible for outwardly rectifying currents via a P2Y purinoceptor linked to a pertussis toxin-insensitive G-protein in cultured rat spinal neurons. The evoked currents were inhibited by a selective protein kinase C inhibitor, GF109203X, whereas a phospholipase C inhibitor, neomycin had no effect. These indicate that the currents are regulated by phospholipase C-independent protein kinase C activation. In addition, ATP enhanced intracellular free Ca2+ concentration. The increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration was inhibited by a broad G-protein inhibitor, GDP beta S, but not affected by neomycin or an inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor antagonist, heparin, suggesting that the cytosolic Ca2+ mobilization is regulated by a mechanism independent of a phospholipase C-mediated phosphatidylinositol signaling. These results, thus, demonstrate that ATP has dual actions on the coupled K+ channel and cytosolic Ca2+ release.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated potassium channels constitute the largest group of heteromeric ion channels discovered to date. Over 20 genes have been isolated, encoding different channel subunit proteins which form functional tetrameric K+ channels. We have analyzed the subcellular localization of subunit Kv3.1b, a member of the Kv3 (Shaw-like) subfamily, in rat brain at the light and electron microscopic level, using immunocytochemical detection. Detailed localization was carried out in specific neurons of the neocortex, hippocampus and cerebellum. The identity of Kv3.1b-positive neurons was established using double labeling with markers for specific neuronal populations. In the neocortex, the Kv3.1b subunit was expressed in most parvalbumin-containing bipolar, basket or chandelier cells, and in some bipolar or double bouquet neurons containing calbindin. In the hippocampus, Kv3.1b was expressed in many parvalbumin-containing basket cells, as well as in calbindin-positive neurons in the stratum oriens, and in a small number of interneurons that did not stain for either parvalbumin or calbindin. Kv3.1b protein was not present in pyramidal cells in the neocortex and the hippocampus, but these cells were outlined by labeled presynaptic terminals from interneuron axons that surround the postsynaptic cell. In the cerebellar cortex, granule cells were the only population expressing the channel protein. Careful examination of individual granule cells revealed a non-uniform distribution of Kv3.1 staining on the somata: circular bands of labeling were present in the vicinity of the axon hillock. In cortical and hippocampal interneurons, as well as in cerebellar granule cells, the Kv3.1b subunit was present in somatic and unmyelinated axonal membranes and adjacent cytoplasm, as well as in the most proximal portion of dendritic processes, but not throughout most of the dendrite. Labeling was also seen in the terminals of labeled axons, but not at a higher concentration than in other parts of the axon. The distribution in the cells analyzed supports a role in action potential transmission by regulating action potential duration.  相似文献   

The Internet, as a global computer network, provides opportunities to make available multimedia educational materials, such as teaching files and image databases, that can be accessed using "World-Wide Web" client browser to provide continuing medical education. Since August, 1995, at the Institute of Radiology-University of Palermo, we developed a World-Wide Web server on the Internet to provide a collection of interactive radiology educational resources such as teaching files and image database for continuing medical education in radiology. Our server is based on a UNIX workstation connected to the Internet via our campus Ethernet network and reachable at the uniform resource locator (URL) address: http:/(/)mbox.unipa.it/approximately radpa/ radpa.html. Digital CT and MR images for teaching files and image database are downloaded through an Ethernet local area network from a GE Advantage Windows workstation. US images will be acquired on-line through a video digitizing board. Radiographs will be digitized by means of a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) scanner. To set up teaching files, image database and all other documents, we use the standard "HyperText Markup Language" (HTML) to edit the documents, and the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) or Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) format to store the images. Nine teaching files are presently available on the server, together with 49 images in the database, a list of international radiological servers, a section devoted to the museum of radiology hosted by our Institute, the electronic version of the Journal Eido Electa. In the first 12 months of public access through the Internet, 12,280 users accessed the server worldwide: 45% of them to retrieve teaching files; 35% to retrieve images from the database; the remaining 20% to retrieve other documents. Placing teaching files and image database on a World-Wide Web server makes these cases more available to residents and radiologists to provide continuing medical education in radiology.  相似文献   

The expression of T-type Ca2+ current (ICa,T) has been reported to change during postnatal heart development and myocardial hypertrophy, which are characterized respectively by the arrest of the cell cycle soon after birth and a switching on of DNA synthesis in the terminally differentiated cardiac myocytes. The hypothesis that there are cell cycle-related changes in cardiac Ca2+ channel expression was tested by performing whole-cell voltage-clamp recording and BromodeoxyUridine (BrdU) immunolabeling to determine the S phase of the cell cycle in the same single cultured newborn rat ventricular cells. Myocytes were isolated from 1-day-old Wistar rats and cultured for 15 days. ICa,T was detected in 27% of the 5-day cultured myocytes. The progressive loss of ICa,T during the period of 15-day incubation, which resembles the developmental changes in vivo, paralleled the decrease in the percentage of cells showing BrdU labeling. At day 5 of cell culture, the fraction of myocytes expressing ICa,T was significantly higher in the BrdU-labeled population (95%) as compared with the non-labeled cells (19%). In addition, a 72-h treatment with 20 microM nickel, an ICa,T blocker, revealed no effect on the percentage of BrdU-positive cells. L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) was constantly expressed throughout the 15-day cell culture. The frequency of ICa,L expression was identical between the BrdU-labeled and the non-labeled myocytes, although the latter cell population demonstrated a relatively greater current density. No differences in the inactivating kinetics of ICa,L and their reaction to beta-adrenoceptor stimulation were observed between the two groups. These findings provide convincing evidence for the cell cycle-related expression of cardiac Ca2+ channel. Cardiomyocytes at the S phase of the cell cycle predominantly express ICa,T, while the major properties of ICa,L' are unchanged during the cell cycle. Such a cell cycle-related channel expression may play a critical role in regulating the cardiac electrophysiological properties during heart development and myocardial remodeling.  相似文献   

This work describes the molecular mechanism of fatty acid and hormonal modulation of retinoid X receptor (RXR alpha) in rat liver. We examined the effects of different fatty acids (myristic-, stearic-, linolenic-, oleic-, arachidonic- and tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA)) and the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone on RXR alpha mRNA and protein steady-state levels in hepatoma cells and cultured hepatocytes. Fatty acids induced the RXR alpha gene expression where TTA showed the most inductive effect (three-fold induction). Dexamethasone alone resulted in a stronger induction (up to seven-fold in hepatocytes), and in combination with fatty acids, an additive or synergistic effect was observed. The RXR alpha protein level in cultured hepatocytes showed a similar pattern of regulation, with a slight inductive effect of fatty acids and an additive or synergistic effect was observed in combination with dexamethasone. Our results indicate that the RXR alpha gene expression is under distinct regulation by fatty acids and dexamethasone acid which strongly suggests a coupling with the lipid metabolizing system and the retinoid signaling pathway.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of dopamine on Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells. Na+,K(+)- ATPase activity was measured by a coupled enzyme assay. Our results demonstrate that dopamine and dopamine receptor agonists, SKF-38393 (a D1 receptor agonist) and quinpirole (a D2 receptor agonist) produced 62%, 50% and 49% inhibition of Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity in aortic smooth muscle cells, respectively. The combination of the two agonists produced inhibition similar to that of dopamine. Dopamine- and the agonist-induced Na+,K(+)-ATPase inhibition was blocked by selective receptor antagonists. The Na+,K(+)-ATPase inhibition by SKF-38393 but not by quinpirole was abolished by pertussis toxin. Na+,K(+)-ATPase inhibition was also achieved by guanosine triphosphate analog GTP-gamma-S. SKF-38393 but not quinpirole stimulated phosphoinositide hydrolysis rate in rat aortic slices. SKF-38393-induced phosphoinositide hydrolysis stimulation was reversed by SCH-23390, a dopamine D1 receptor antagonist, and attenuated by pertussis toxin. In conclusion, our observations indicate that dopamine and dopamine receptor agonists inhibit Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity through specific vascular receptors. Dopamine D1 receptors are linked to pertussis toxin sensitive-mechanism(s) and a GTP-binding protein appears to be coupled to the enzyme inhibition. Finally, the inhibition of Na+,K(+)-ATPase activity in response to dopamine D1 receptor activation may be mediated by the phospholipase C signaling pathway.  相似文献   

Potassium (K+) channels are involved in the modulation and fine tuning of the excitable properties of neurons and glia in the nervous system. In the present report, in situ hybridization histochemistry was used to determine the regional and cellular distribution patterns in the adult rat brain of four mRNAs encoding subunits of voltage-gated K+ channels. These are Kv1.1, Kv1.6, K13 and IK8. All K+ channels examined showed distinct yet overlapping expression patterns. Expression of Kv1.1 mRNA was high in cells of certain motor-related structures of the brainstem. Kv1.6 mRNA expression was observed in cerebellar Purkinje cells and in various olfactory and amygdaloid structures. K13 was the only mRNA expressed in both neuronal and non-neuronal cell populations, including the cells of choroid plexus and pia. IK8 expression was observed only in the forebrain structures. In many brain regions, mRNAs for Kv1.1 and Kv1.6, both encoding K+ channel subunits belonging to the Shaker subfamily, were co-expressed, a necessary condition for heteromultimer formation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The measurement of asthma, rhinitis and eczema have been subject of controversy due to lack of a standardized methodology. To test the applicability of a standardized methodology for comparisons of time and space we determined the prevalence of asthma and other allergic diseases in a random sample of schoolchildren (n = 6,238) from 6 to 8 and 11 to 14 years of age living in Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The methodology proposed by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) to determine prevalence and severity of asthma, rhinitis and eczema was applied. Current and accumulated information on prevalence was obtained by means of a standardized questionnaire answered by the children's parents. RESULTS: The accumulated prevalence of asthma by medical diagnosis and wheezing was 5.8% (5.2-6.4) and 21.8% (20.7-22.9) respectively; prevalence of wheezing in the last 12 months was 8.9% in the group of 6 to 8 years against 6.6% in the 11 to 14 year old group p < 0.001. Prevalence of the medical diagnosis of rhinitis was 4.9% (4.3-5.5). Regarding the typical symptoms of rhinitis, in the last 12 months prevalence was 9.6% (6-8 years) and 10.1% (11-14 years). Prevalence of eczema by medical diagnosis was 4.1% (3.6-4.6). Prevalence of eczema symptoms in the last 12 months was 10.1% (6-8 years) and 10.6% (11-14 years). Prevalence of severe asthma symptoms was significantly higher in the 6 to 8 year olds and in the autumn. CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of asthma by medical diagnosis and by symptoms is relatively low with respect to other studies performed with the same methodology. The benefits of using a standardized methodology were analyzed.  相似文献   

The K+ channel blocking action of the class Ic antiarrhythmic agent flecainide was compared with that of propafenone and quinidine in isolated adult rat ventricular myocytes by using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. In rat ventricular myocytes, depolarization activates both an inactivating (ITO) and a maintained (IK) outward K+ current. Flecainide, propafenone and quinidine all were potent inhibitors of ITO with IC50s of 3.7, 3.3 and 3.9 microM, respectively. Flecainide and quinidine were less potent inhibitors of IK than was propafenone with IC50s of 15 and 14 microM compared with an IC50 of 5 microM for propafenone. By contrast with their effects on outward currents, these agents produced little or no inhibition of the inward rectifier K+ current, even when present at 300 microM. All three agents produced a concentration-dependent increase in the rate of inactivation of ITO but they only produced minor hyperpolarizing shifts (approximately 3 mV) in the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation. Although propafenone had little effect on the rate of ITO recovery from inactivation (tau CONTROL = 64 +/- 5 ms; tau PROPAFENONE = 84 +/- 9 ms), ITO recovery in the presence of flecainide and quinidine was biexponential; it exhibited an additional slow component (tau FAST = 67 +/- 5 ms and tau SLOW = 2580 +/- 1500 ms for flecainide; tau FAST = 55 +/- 5 ms and tau SLOW = 871 +/- 99 ms for quinidine). Consistent with these observations, flecainide and quinidine, but not propafenone, produced use-dependent block of ITO at a stimulation frequency of 1 Hz.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO), initially identified as an endothelium-derived relaxing factor, is a molecular mediator that has been implicated in many physiological and pathological processes. In primary cultured rat glial cells, a combination of inflammatory cytokines (tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta)) and bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulates production of nitrite via expression of the inducible form of nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). In these cells, simultaneous addition of endothelin (ET) markedly inhibited TNF-alpha/IL-1beta-induced and LPS-induced nitrite production and iNOS expression, although ET by itself had no effect. The inhibitory effect of ETs appears to be mediated by ET(B) receptors. Forskolin also inhibited the iNOS expression. By contrast, pretreatment with ET for 24 hours enhanced LPS-induced nitrite production and iNOS expression. This stimulatory effect of ETs was suppressed by calphostin C, a protein kinase C inhibitor, and pretreatment with phorbol ester enhanced LPS-induced iNOS expression. Our findings present the possibility that ET has dual effects on iNOS expression in glial cells.  相似文献   

Effects of alpha 1-adrenoceptor stimulation on the action potential shortening produced by K+ channel openers (KCOs) or hypoxia and on the ATP-sensitive K+ current (IK.ATP) activated by KCOs were examined in guinea-pig ventricular cells by using conventional microelectrode and patch-clamp techniques. In papillary muscles, nicorandil (1 mM) or cromakalim (30 microM) markedly shortened the action potential duration (APD) (to 51 +/- 2% and 40 +/- 5% of each control value). Addition of 100 microM methoxamine, an alpha 1-adrenoceptor agonist, partially but significantly reversed the KCOs-induced APD shortening (to 69 +/- 3% and 50 +/- 4% of each control value). The APD-prolonging effect of methoxamine was antagonized by 1 microM prazosin (alpha 1-antagonist) and 100 nM WB4101 (alpha 1A-antagonist) but not by 10 microM chloroethylclonidine (alpha 1B-antagonist). In papillary muscles exposed to a hypoxic, glucose-free solution, APD declined gradually. In the presence of 100 microM methoxamine or 10 microM glibenclamide, the hypoxia-induced action potential shortening was significantly inhibited. In single ventricular myocytes, the KCOs increased a steady-state outward current that was abolished by glibenclamide (1 microM), thereby suggesting that these KCOs activate IK.ATP. Methoxamine (100 microM) significantly inhibited the nicorandil-induced IK.ATP by 18 +/- 5% and the cromakalim-induced IK.ATP by 16 +/- 2%. 4 beta-Phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (100 nM), a protein kinase C activator, failed to mimic the alpha 1-adrenoceptor-mediated inhibition of the nicorandil-induced outward current. Staurosporine (30 nM), a protein kinase C inhibitor, also failed to affect the partial inhibition of IK.ATP by methoxamine. Neither intracellular loading of heparin (100 micrograms/ml), an inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3)-dependent Ca2+ release inhibitor, nor IP3 (20 microM) plus inositol 1,3,4,5-tetrakisphosphate (IP4 5 microM) could affect the inhibitory action of methoxamine. In conclusion, alpha 1A-adrenergic stimulation partially inhibits IK.ATP in cardiac cells. Neither protein kinase C activation nor IP3 formation appears to be involved in the partial inhibition of IK.ATP. The alpha 1A-adrenoceptor-mediated inhibition of IK.ATP may be deleterious for ischemic myocardium and partly offset the cardioprotective effect of KCOs because attenuation of action potential shortening may potentially increase Ca2+ influx in ischemic cells.  相似文献   

Chronic atrial fibrillation is associated with a shortening of the atrial action potential duration and atrial refractory period. To test the hypothesis that these changes are mediated by changes in the density of specific atrial K+ currents, we compared the density of K+ currents in left and right atrial myocytes and the density of delayed rectifier K+ channel alpha-subunit proteins (Kv1.5 and Kv2.1) in left and right atrial appendages from patients (n = 28) in normal sinus rhythm with those from patients (n = 15) in chronic atrial fibrillation (AF). Contrary to our expectations, nystatin-perforated patch recordings of whole-cell K+ currents revealed significant reductions in both the inactivating (ITO) and sustained (IKsus) outward K+ current densities in left and right atrial myocytes isolated from patients in chronic AF, relative to the ITO and IKsus densities in myocytes isolated from patients in normal sinus rhythm. Quantitative Western blot analysis revealed that although there was no change in the expression of the Kv2.1 protein, the expression of Kv1.5 protein was reduced by > 50% in both the left and the right atrial appendages of AF patients. The finding that Kv1.5 expression is reduced in parallel with the reduction in delayed rectifier K+ current density is consistent with recent suggestions that Kv1.5 underlies the major component of the delayed rectifier K+ current in human atrial myocytes, the ultrarapid delayed rectifier K+ current, IKur. The unexpected finding of reduced voltage-gated outward K+ current densities in atrial myocytes from AF patients demonstrates the need to further examine the details of the electrophysiological remodeling that occurs during AF to enable more effective and safer therapeutic strategies to be developed.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K+ channels are localized to juxtaparanodal regions of myelinated axons. To begin to understand the role of normal compact myelin in this localization, we examined mKv1.1 and mKv1.2 expression in the dysmyelinating mouse mutants shiverer and Trembler. In neonatal wild-type and shiverer mice, the focal localization of both proteins in axon fiber tracts is similar, suggesting that cues other than mature myelin can direct initial K+ channel localization in shiverer mutants. In contrast, K+ channel localization is altered in hypomyelinated axonal fiber tracts of adult mutants, suggesting that abnormal myelination leads to channel redistribution. In shiverer adult, K+ channel expression is up-regulated in both axons and glia, as revealed by immunocytochemistry, RNase protection, and in situ hybridization studies. This up-regulation of K+ channels in hypomyelinated axon tracts may reflect a compensatory reorganization of ionic currents, allowing impulse conduction to occur in these dysmyelinating mouse mutants.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Mesangial cells during embryonic development and glomerular disease express smooth muscle alpha-actin (alpha-SMA). We were therefore surprised when cultured mesangial cells deprived of serum markedly increased expression of alpha-SMA. Serum-deprived mesangial cells appeared larger than serum-fed mesangial cells. We hypothesized that alpha-SMA expression may be more reflective of mesangial cell hypertrophy than hyperplasia. METHODS: Human mesangial cells were cultured in medium alone or with fetal bovine serum, thrombin, platelet-derived growth factor-BB (PDGF-BB) and/or transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1). Alpha-SMA expression was examined by immunofluorescence, Western blot, and Northern blot analysis. Cell size was analyzed by forward light scatter flow cytometry. RESULTS: Alpha-SMA mRNA was at least tenfold more abundant after three to five days in human mesangial cells plated without serum, but beta-actin mRNA was unchanged. Serum-deprived cells contained 5.3-fold more alpha-SMA after three days and 56-fold more after five days by Western blot. Serum deprivation also increased alpha-SMA in rat and mouse mesangial cells. The effects of serum deprivation on alpha-SMA expression were reversible. Mesangial cell mitogens, thrombin or PDGF-BB, decreased alpha-SMA, but TGF-beta1 increased alpha-SMA expression and slowed mesangial cell proliferation in serum-plus medium. Flow cytometry showed that serum deprivation or TGF-beta1 treatment caused mesangial cell hypertrophy. PDGF-BB, thrombin, or thrombin receptor-activating peptide blocked hypertrophy in response to serum deprivation. CONCLUSIONS: We conclude that increased alpha-SMA expression in mesangial cells reflects cellular hypertrophy rather than hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Intake of nicotine has been related in many cases to acute or chronic hypertension. Using the patch-clamp technique the effect of nicotine on voltage-dependent K+ channel currents in rat tail artery smooth muscle cells was studied. Nicotine at concentrations of 1-100 microM or 0.3-3 mM increased or decreased, respectively, the amplitude of the tetraethylammonium-sensitive K+ currents. Pretreatment of cells with 10 microM dihydro-beta-erythroidine hydrobromide, a nicotinic receptor antagonist, abolished the excitatory effect (n=6), but not the inhibitory effect (n=10), of nicotine on K+ channel currents. The activation of nicotinic receptors with 100 microM 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide increased K+ channel currents by 27.4+/-3.8% (n=13, P < 0.01). Our results indicate that the excitatory and inhibitory effects of nicotine on K+ channels are respectively mediated by a nicotinic receptor-dependent mechanism and by a direct interaction of nicotine with K+ channels.  相似文献   

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