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Volcanic detrital sediments are a unique indicator for reconstructing the petrogenetie evolution of submarine volcanic terrains. Volcanic ash in surficial sediments around the Zhongsha Islands includes three kinds of volcanogenic detritus, i.e., brown volcanic glass, colorless volcanic glass and volcanic scoria. The major element characteristics show that bimodal volcanic activity may have taken place in the northern margin of the South China Sea, with brown volcanic glass and colorless volcanic glass repre-senting the maric end-member and felsie end-member, respectively. Fractional crystallization is the main process for magma evolu-tion. The nature of the volcanic activity implies that the origin of volcanic activity was related to extensional tectonic settings, which is corresponding to an extensional geodynamie setting in the Xisha Trench, and supports the notion, which is based on geophysical data and petrology, that there may exist a mantle plume around the Hainan Island.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION~hon0ffornjcelmtSwnthebasisofthestudyonthecrustaldefonnationanddeVel0prnent,thedistributionofndnereIs,andthendnerogeneticlawr.ThegeornagneticfieklisthecomP0siterefledionoftheformati0nanddefortnationofthecrust.Sornagnct-icsLLrVeydatacomPriseirnPortantbasisfordelincatingthearchiteCtonicelements,dCtendningtheirboundarylines,andanalopngthesanndarystrudriineachelernent,whicharetthernaintasks0fgoophySicalworkers.Thegoornagneticdelineati0nofanareahadforlongbodonequalitativeybyobs…  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheYellowSeahasaveragewaterdepthsbetween30and 90m (Liuetal.,1 987) .Liuindicatesthattworegressiveevents ,namedChengshantou (4 0 -75ka)andYellowSea (1 5 - 2 3ka) ,haveoccurredsincetheLatePleistocenebasedonthepeatbedsfoundincores (Liuetal.,…  相似文献   

THENOMENCLATUREOFTHESOUTHCHINASEAISLANDSINANCIENTCHINA¥LiuNanwei(刘南威)(DepartmentofGeography,SouthChinaNormalUniversity,Guangz...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONXuetal.(1993)studiedthebasiccharacteristicsofthethermoclineinthecontinentalshelfandinthedeepsearegionoftheSouthChinaSea(SCS)andthedifferencesbetweenthembyanalyzing1907-1990historicaldataontheSCS.Hepointedoutthatthethermoclineinthedeepsearegionexis…  相似文献   

Long term sea level change and water mass balance in the South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sea level anomalies observed by altimeter during the 1993–2006 period, thermosteric sea level anomalies estimated by using subsurface temperature data produced by Ishii and SODA reanalysis data, tide gauge records and HOAPS freshwater flux data were analyzed to investigate the long term sea level change and the water mass balance in the South China Sea. The altimeter-observed sea level showed a rising rate of (3.5±0.9) mm yr-1 during the period 1993–2006, but this figure was considered to have been highly d...  相似文献   

As one of the biggest marginal seas in the western Pacific margin, the South China Sea (SCS) experienced continental rifting and seafloor spreading during the Cenozoic. The northern continental margin of the SCS is classified as a passive continental margin. However, its depositional and structural evolution remains controversial, especially in the deep slope area. The lack of data hindered the correlation between continental shelf and oceanic basin, and prevented the establishment of sequence stratigraphic frame of the whole margin. The slope basins in the mid-northern margin of SCS developed in the Cenozoic; the sediments and basin infill recorded the geological history of the continental margin and the SCS spreading. Using multi-channel seismic dataset acquired in three survey cruises during 1987 to 2004, combined with the data of ODP Leg 184 core and industrial wells, we carried out the sequence stratigraphic division and correlation of the Cenozoic in the middle-northern margin of SCS with seismic profiles and sedimentary facies. We interpreted the seismic reflection properties including continuity, amplitude, frequency, reflection terminals, and 15 sequence boundaries of the Cenozoic in the study area, and correlated the well data in geological age. The depositional environment changed from river and lake, shallow bay to open-deep sea, in correspondence to tectonic events of syn-rifting, early drifting, and late drifting stages of basin evolution.  相似文献   

This paper features the structural evolution of the eastern margin of Eurasia in Late Mesozoic and Cenozoic.It is characterized by three stages of development: the riftogenic stage (Jurassic-Early Cretaceous), the platform stage (Late Cretaceous) and the neotectonic one (Paleogene-Quarternary). The boundaries between these stages are distinctly fixed by the geological time limits of planetary range. It is demonstrated that the riftogenic and neotectonic stages were characterized by a high degree of geodynamic activity, and the platform one by a decrease in contrast of tectonic movements. The main river net was formed in the Early Cretaceous and in the Neogene. It experienced a serious reconstruction accompanied by the formation of the Amur River valley being similar to the modem one.  相似文献   

1IntroductionThe south of the Far East comprises the largest mountain-folded and platform structures in the east-ern margin of Eurasia. The former ones are the Stanovoy, Yankan-Tukuringra-Dzhagdy, Turan, Bu-reya, Amur-Tugur and Sikhote-Alin arched and arched-block uplifts separated by the systems of in-termontane depressions (Tynda-Zeya, Khingan-Ni-man, etc.) with the inner small basins (Uda-Zeya, Upper Bureya, Mid-Amur, Konino-Khurmulinskiy, Lower Amur) (Fig.1). The Aldan shield a…  相似文献   

The petrogenesis and geodynamic setting of the Late Jurassic Baita porphyry quartz monzodiorite in Xingcheng--Liaoxi area provide information for understanding the Mesozoic tectonic evolution of the northeastern North China Craton. In this paper, geochronological, whole-rock geochemical, and in-situ zircon Hf isotopic analyses of Baita porphyry quartz monzodiorite were investigated to constrain the crystallization age and petrogenesis. Zircons exhibit typical oscillatory zoning in cathodoluminescence images and show relatively high Th/U ratios(0.78--1.62), and U-Pb analyses indicate that these rocks were crystallized during the Late Jurassic(159±1 Ma). Geochemically, they are characterized by high contents of SiO_2(65.21 wt%--65.31 wt%), Al_2O_3(16.29 wt%--16.31 wt%), Sr(521×10~(-6)-539×10~(-6)), and Sr/Y ratio(45.1--47.8) but low Y(10.9×10~(-6)-12.0×10~(-6)), with obvious adakitic geochemical affinities. These above-mentioned findings, combined with their negative ε_(Hf)(t) values(-21.7 to-20.2), corresponding two-stage model age(T_(DM2)) of 2 579--2 484 Ma, as well as low MgO(1.38 wt%--1.39 wt%), Cr(18.5×10~(-6)-19.5×10~(-6)) and Ni(9.45×10~(-6)-9.46×10~(-6)) values, indicate that Baita porphyry quartz monzodiorite may be generated by partial melting of the Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic thickened basaltic lower crust. Based on the results from this study and pre-vious regional studies, it is concluded that Baita porphyry quartz monzodiorite was spatially related to the westward subduction of the Paleo-Pacific plate.  相似文献   

OCCAM global ocean model results were applied to calculate the monthly water transport through 7 straits around the East China Sea(ECS)and the South china Sea(SCS).Analysis of the features of velocity profiles and their variations in the Togara Strait,Luzon Strait and Eastern Taiwan Strait showed that;1)the velocity profiles had striped pattern in the Eastern Taiwan Strait,where monthly flux varied from 22.4 to 28.1 Sv and annual mean was about 25.8 Sv;2)the profiles of velocity in the Togara Strait were characterized by core structure,and monthly flux varied from 23.3 to 31.4 Sv,with annual mean of about 27.9 Sv;3)water flowed from the SCS to the ECS in the Taiwan Strait,with maximum flux of 3.1 Sv in July and minimum of 0.9 Sv in November;4)the flux in the Tsushima Strait varied by only about 0.4 Sv by season and its annual mean was about 2.3 Sv;5)Kuroshio water flowed into the SCS in the Luzon Strait throughout the year and the velocity profiles were characterized by multi-core structure.The flux in the Luzon Strait was minimun in June(about 2.4 Sv)and maximum in February(about 9.0 Sv),and its annual mean was 4.8 Sv;6)the monthly flux in the Mindoro Strait was maximum in December(3.0 Sv)and minimum in June(Only 0.1 Sv),and its annual mean was 1.3 Sv;7)Karimata Strait water flowed into the SCS from May to August,with maximum in-flow flux of about 0.75 Sv in June and flowed out from September to April at maximum outflow flux of 3.9 Sv in January.The annual mean flux was about 1.35 Sv.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional baroclinic shelf sea model‘ s numerical simulation of the South China Sea (SCS) middle and deep layer circulation structure showed that: 1. In the SCS middle and deep layer, a seulhward boundary current exists along the east shore of the Indo-China Peninsula all year long.A cyclonic eddy (gyre) is formed by the current in the above sea areas except in the middle layer in spring, when an anticyclonic eddy exists on the eastern side of the current. In the deep layer, a larges-cale anticyclonic eddy often exists in the sea areas between the Zhongsha Islands and west shore of southern Luzon Island. 2. In the middle layer in snmmer and autumn, and in the deep layer in autumn and winter, there is an anticyclonic eddy (gyre) in the northeastern SCS, while in the middle layer in winter and spring, and in the deep layer in spring and snmmer, there is a cyclonic one. 3. In the middle layer,there is a weak northeastward current in the Nansha Trough in spring and snmmer, while in autumn and winter it evolves inl~ an anticyclonic eddy ( gyre), which then spreads westward l~ the whole western Nansha Islands sea areas.  相似文献   

A two and a half layer oceanic model of wind-driven, thermodynamical general circulation is appliedto study the interannual oscillation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the South China Sea (SCS). Themodel consists of two active layers: the upper mixed layer (UML) and the seasonal thermocline, with themotionless abyss beneath them. The governing equations which include momentum, continuity and sea.temperature for each active layer, can describe the physics of Boussinseq approximation, reduced gravityand equatorial β-plane. The formulas for the heat flux at the surface and at the interface between twoactive layers are designed on the Haney scheme. The entrainment and detrainment at the bottom of theUML induces vertical transport of mass,momentum and heat, and couples of dynamic andthermodynamic effect.Using leap-frog integrating scheme and the Arakawa-C grid the model is forced bya time-dependent wind anomaly stress pattern obtained from category analysis of COADS. The numerical results indicate that t  相似文献   

Water samples were collected in the coastal area of the Changjiang Estuary on four cruises from August 2002 to May 2003. The seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic arsenic (DIAs) distributions were analyzed. The results showed that the distributions of DIAs were mainly influenced by Water (KSSW). The concentration of the total dissolved the terrestrial input and the intrusion of the Kuroshio Subsurface inorganic arsenic (TDIAs) decreased consecutively from winter to summer, while it increased in autumn. The distributions of TDIAs showed some relationships with salinity and suspended particulate matter (SPM). The relationships between DIAs speciation (including arsenite [ As( Ⅲ ) ] and arsenate [ As( Ⅴ ) ]), biological activity and the availabilities of the phosphate were investigated in the study area for the cruise August 2002. The ratio of As (Ⅲ)/TDIAs increased with the decrease of phosphate concentrations. In the bottom water, the As( Ⅲ )/TDIAs ratio decreased with the increasing of N/P. The concentration of TDIAs decreased 28.7% approximately after the occurrence of harmful algal blooms (HAB) because of the uptake of arsenate by algae. Further study is needed about the arsenic source/sink relationships in their vertical or horizontal profiles and the uptake mechanism during the occurrence of harmful algal blooms.  相似文献   

Using frequency and time domain analysis, the authors analyzed the hydrodynamics and motion behavior of a Truss Spar platform at a water depth of 1500 m in the Liwan 3-1 area of the South China Sea. Firstly, the seakeeping ability is acquired in the frequency domain by calculating the hull’s hydrodynamics and comparing with a semi-submersible platform. The random wave analysis for 100-year, 10-year and 1-year return periods in Liwan 3-1 distinctly shows lower heave but larger surge and pitch re-sponses of the Truss Spar than those of a semi-submersible. Secondly, 3-hour motions of the Truss Spar are predicted and compared in the time domain under 100-year return period conditions in Liwan 3-1 and the Gulf of Mexico. Thirdly, the hull/mooring line cou-pled and uncoupled models are compared. Finally, the responses of the Truss Spar under 10-year and 1-year return period conditions are assessed. The results reveal that the mooring line damping reflected by the coupled model distinctly decreases the low frequency motion. The maximum heave response for 100-year return period waves is 1.23m and below 0.1m for the case of 1-year return period.  相似文献   

The relationship between the upper ocean thermal structure and the genesis locations of tropical cyclones (TCs) in the South China Sea (SCS) is investigated by using the Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) best-track archives and high resolution (1/4 degree) temperature analyses of the world's oceans in this paper In the monthly mean genesis positions of TCs from 1945 to 2005 in the SCS, the mean sea surface temperature (SST) was 28.8℃ and the mean depth of 26℃ water was 53.1 m. From the monthly distribution maps of genesis positions of TCs, SST and the depth of 26℃ water in the SCS, we discovered that there existed regions with SST exceeding 26℃ and 26℃ water depth exceeding 50m where no tropical cyclones formed from 1945 to 2005 in the SCS, which suggests that there were other factors unfavorable for TC formation in these regions.  相似文献   

Based on an analysis of drifter data from the World Ocean Circulation Experiment during 1979-1998, the sizes of the eddies in the North subtropical Pacific are determined from the radii of curvature of the drifter paths calculated by using a non-linear curve fitting method. To support the drifter data results, Sea Surface Height from the TOPEX/POSEIDON and ERS2 satellite data are analyzed in connection with the drifter paths. It is found that the eddies in the North Pacific (18^*- 23^*N and 125^*-150^*E) move westward at an average speed of approximately 0.098 ms^-1 and their average radius is 176 km, with radii ranging from 98 km to 298 km. During the nineteen-year period, only 4 out of approximately 200 drifters (2%) actually entered the South China Sea from the area adjacent to the Luzon Strait (18^*-22^*N and 121^*-125^*E) in the winter. It is also found that eddies from the interior of the North Pacific are unlikely to enter the South China Sea through the Luzon Strait.  相似文献   

Using the wave model WAVEWATCH III(WW3), we simulated the generation and propagation of typhoon waves in the South China Sea and adjacent areas during the passage of typhoon Nesat(2011). In the domain 100°–145°E and 0°–35°N, the model was forced by the cross-calibrated multi-platform(CCMP) wind fi elds of September 15 to October 5, 2011. We then validated the simulation results against wave radar data observed from an oil platform and altimeter data from the Jason-2 satellite. The simulated waves were characterized by fi ve points along track using the Spectrum Integration Method(SIM) and the Spectrum Partitioning Method(SPM), by which wind sea and swell components of the 1D and 2D wave spectra are separated. There was reasonable agreement between the model results and observations, although the WW3 wave model may underestimate swell wave height. Signifi cant wave heights are large along the typhoon track and are noticeably greater on the right of the track than on the left. Swells from the east are largely unable to enter the South China Sea because of the obstruction due to the Philippine Islands. During the initial stage and later period of the typhoon, swells at the fi ve points were generated by the propagation of waves that were created by typhoons Haitang and Nalgae. Of the two methods, the 2D SPM method is more accurate than the 1D SIM which overestimates the separation frequency under low winds, but the SIM method is more convenient because it does not require wind speed and wave direction. When the typhoon left the area, the wind sea fractions decreased rapidly. Under similar wind conditions, the points located in the South China Sea are affected less than those points situated in the open sea because of the infl uence of the complex internal topography of the South China Sea. The results reveal the characteristic wind sea and swell features of the South China Sea and adjacent areas in response to typhoon Nesat, and provide a reference for swell forecasting and offshore structural designs.  相似文献   

mODUCnONGravityflowsedimentationonthenorthwsterncontinentalsl0PeoftheSOuthChinaSea(SCS)are0fgreatinterestfromthescientificandengineeringP0intofview-Th0roughknOWedgofcontinentalsloPepmeessesanddepositionfeatUresispreregUisiteforhydID-carbenexploraion0fdeepwaerandforprotectionofoffhoredrineeopneeringstrUcbes(PlaifonnsandpiPelines)againstnaedhed.ManykindsofmassmovmentPIDCess-eswerefoUndtobeactiveonthen0rthernSCS(Damuth,l979;l98O).High-freqUency(3.5ffo)echo-chaIaCterInaPPingisawell…  相似文献   

ImODUcrIONThewesternPadricconsistSofaseriesofrnarginalbasins(twoofwhicharetheSrsandSuluSea)thatareseparatalfromeachotherbysdriofvaryingdepths.The25OOmdepthsiliseparatingtheSrsfromthewesternNorthPadricallowiPadricinteediatewatertoentertheSCS.Inconhast,theSuluSeaiscomPldelysurmundedbyasill,mostofwhichisshallowerthanlOomindepth.Thedeepestchanne1intotheSLduSeais42Omdeep(MindoroStrait)andcutSacrossthesillthatseparateStheSuluSeafromtheSrs.TheseenvironmntSresultalinspeda1hydrographicse…  相似文献   

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