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The distribution of visual attention can be evaluated using eye tracking, providing valuable insights into usability issues and interaction patterns. However, when used in real, augmented, and collaborative environments, new challenges arise that go beyond desktop scenarios and purely virtual environments. Toward addressing these challenges, we present a visualization technique that provides complementary views on the movement and eye tracking data recorded from multiple people in real-world environments. Our method is based on a space-time cube visualization and a linked 3D replay of recorded data. We showcase our approach with an experiment that examines how people investigate an artwork collection. The visualization provides insights into how people moved and inspected individual pictures in their spatial context over time. In contrast to existing methods, this analysis is possible for multiple participants without extensive annotation of areas of interest. Our technique was evaluated with a think-aloud experiment to investigate analysis strategies and an interview with domain experts to examine the applicability in other research fields.  相似文献   

Visualizations have played a crucial role in helping quantum computing users explore quantum states in various quantum computing applications. Among them, Bloch Sphere is the widely-used visualization for showing quantum states, which leverages angles to represent quantum amplitudes. However, it cannot support the visualization of quantum entanglement and superposition, the two essential properties of quantum computing. To address this issue, we propose VENUS, a novel visualization for quantum state representation. By explicitly correlating 2D geometric shapes based on the math foundation of quantum computing characteristics, VENUS effectively represents quantum amplitudes of both the single qubit and two qubits for quantum entanglement. Also, we use multiple coordinated semicircles to naturally encode probability distribution, making the quantum superposition intuitive to analyze. We conducted two well-designed case studies and an in-depth expert interview to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of VENUS. The result shows that VENUS can effectively facilitate the exploration of quantum states for the single qubit and two qubits.  相似文献   

Chart construction errors, such as truncated axes or inexpressive visual encodings, can hinder reading a visualization, or worse, imply misleading facts about the underlying data. These errors can be caught by critical readings of visualizations, but readers must have a high level of data and design literacy and must be paying close attention. To address this issue, we introduce VisuaLint: a technique for surfacing chart construction errors in situ. Inspired by the ubiquitous red wavy underline that indicates spelling mistakes, visualization elements that contain errors (e.g., axes and legends) are sketchily rendered and accompanied by a concise annotation. VisuaLint is unobtrusive — it does not interfere with reading a visualization — and its direct display establishes a close mapping between erroneous elements and the expression of error. We demonstrate five examples of VisualLint and present the results of a crowdsourced evaluation (N = 62) of its efficacy. These results contribute an empirical baseline proficiency for recognizing chart construction errors, and indicate near-universal difficulty in error identification. We find that people more reliably identify chart construction errors after being shown examples of VisuaLint, and prefer more verbose explanations for unfamiliar or less obvious flaws.  相似文献   

Augmented Reality (AR) provides new ways for situated visualization and human-computer interaction in physical environments. Current evaluation procedures for AR applications rely primarily on questionnaires and interviews, providing qualitative means to assess usability and task solution strategies. Eye tracking extends these existing evaluation methodologies by providing indicators for visual attention to virtual and real elements in the environment. However, the analysis of viewing behavior, especially the comparison of multiple participants, is difficult to achieve in AR. Specifically, the definition of areas of interest (AOIs), which is often a prerequisite for such analysis, is cumbersome and tedious with existing approaches. To address this issue, we present a new visualization approach to define AOIs, label fixations, and investigate the resulting annotated scanpaths. Our approach utilizes automatic annotation of gaze on virtual objects and an image-based approach that also considers spatial context for the manual annotation of objects in the real world. Our results show, that with our approach, eye tracking data from AR scenes can be annotated and analyzed flexibly with respect to data aspects and annotation strategies.  相似文献   

Modern visualization software and programming libraries have made data visualization construction easier for everyone. However, the extent of accessibility design they support for blind and low-vision people is relatively unknown. It is also unclear how they can improve chart content accessibility beyond conventional alternative text and data tables. To address these issues, we examined the current accessibility features in popular visualization tools, revealing limited support for the standard accessibility methods and scarce support for chart content exploration. Next, we investigate two promising accessibility approaches that provide off-the-shelf solutions for chart content accessibility: structured navigation and conversational interaction. We present a comparative evaluation study and discuss what to consider when incorporating them into visualization tools.  相似文献   

In the visualization community, it is often assumed that visual data storytelling increases memorability and engagement, making it more effective at communicating information. However, many assumptions about the efficacy of storytelling in visualization lack empirical evaluation. Contributing to an emerging body of work, we study whether selected techniques commonly used in visual data storytelling influence people's attitudes towards immigration. We compare (a) personal visual narratives designed to generate empathy; (b) structured visual narratives of aggregates of people; and (c) an exploratory visualization without narrative acting as a control condition. We conducted two crowdsourced between-subject studies comparing the three conditions, each with 300 participants. To assess the differences in attitudes between conditions, we adopted established scales from the social sciences used in the European Social Survey (ESS). Although we found some differences between conditions, the effects on people's attitudes are smaller than we expected. Our findings suggest that we need to be more careful when it comes to our expectations about the effects visual data storytelling can have on attitudes. Additional material: https://flowstory.github.io/attitudes/.  相似文献   

Retrieving charts from a large corpus is a fundamental task that can benefit numerous applications such as visualization recommendations. The retrieved results are expected to conform to both explicit visual attributes (e.g., chart type, colormap) and implicit user intents (e.g., design style, context information) that vary upon application scenarios. However, existing example-based chart retrieval methods are built upon non-decoupled and low-level visual features that are hard to interpret, while definition-based ones are constrained to pre-defined attributes that are hard to extend. In this work, we propose a new framework, namely WYTIWYR (What-You-Think-Is-What-You-Retrieve), that integrates user intents into the chart retrieval process. The framework consists of two stages: first, the Annotation stage disentangles the visual attributes within the query chart; and second, the Retrieval stage embeds the user's intent with customized text prompt as well as bitmap query chart, to recall targeted retrieval result. We develop aprototype WYTIWYR system leveraging a contrastive language-image pre-training (CLIP) model to achieve zero-shot classification as well as multi-modal input encoding, and test the prototype on a large corpus with charts crawled from the Internet. Quantitative experiments, case studies, and qualitative interviews are conducted. The results demonstrate the usability and effectiveness of our proposed framework.  相似文献   

This paper describes results from an observational, exploratory study of visual data exploration in a large, multi-view, flexible canvas environment. Participants were provided with a set of data exploration sub-tasks associated with a local crime dataset and were instructed to pose questions to a remote mediator who would respond by generating and organizing visualizations on the large display. We observed that participants frequently posed requests to cast a net around one or several subsets of the data or a set of data attributes. They accomplished this directly and by utilizing existing views in unique ways, including by requesting to copy and pivot a group of views collectively and posing a set of parallel requests on target views expressed in one command. These observed actions depart from multi-view flexible canvas environments that typically provide interfaces in support of generating one view at a time or actions that operate on one view at a time. We describe how participants used these ‘cast-a-net’ requests for tasks that spanned more than one view and describe design considerations for multi-view environments that would support the observed multi-view generation actions.  相似文献   

Despite the significance of tracking human mobility dynamics in a large-scale earthquake evacuation for an effective first response and disaster relief, the general understanding of evacuation behaviors remains limited. Numerous individual movement trajectories, disaster damages of civil engineering, associated heterogeneous data attributes, as well as complex urban environment all obscure disaster evacuation analysis. Although visualization methods have demonstrated promising performance in emergency evacuation analysis, they cannot effectively identify and deliver the major features like speed or density, as well as the resulting evacuation events like congestion or turn-back. In this study, we propose a shot design approach to generate customized and narrative animations to track different evacuation features with different exploration purposes of users. Particularly, an intuitive scene feature graph that identifies the most dominating evacuation events is first constructed based on user-specific regions or their tracking purposes on a certain feature. An optimal camera route, i.e., a storyboard is then calculated based on the previous user-specific regions or features. For different evacuation events along this route, we employ the corresponding shot design to reveal the underlying feature evolution and its correlation with the environment. Several case studies confirm the efficacy of our system. The feedback from experts and users with different backgrounds suggests that our approach indeed helps them better embrace a comprehensive understanding of the earthquake evacuation.  相似文献   

Streamlines are an extensively utilized flow visualization technique for understanding, verifying, and exploring computational fluid dynamics simulations. One of the major challenges associated with the technique is selecting which streamlines to display. Using a large number of streamlines results in dense, cluttered visualizations, often containing redundant information and occluding important regions, whereas using a small number of streamlines could result in missing key features of the flow. Many solutions to select a representative set of streamlines have been proposed by researchers over the past two decades. In this state-of-the-art report, we analyze and classify seed placement and streamline selection (SPSS) techniques used by the scientific flow visualization community. At a high-level, we classify techniques into automatic and manual techniques, and further divide automatic techniques into three strategies: density-based, feature-based, and similarity-based. Our analysis evaluates the identified strategy groups with respect to focus on regions of interest, minimization of redundancy, and overall computational performance. Finally, we consider the application contexts and tasks for which SPSS techniques are currently applied and have potential applications in the future.  相似文献   

The ability to perceive patterns in parallel coordinates plots (PCPs) is heavily influenced by the ordering of the dimensions. While the community has proposed over 30 automatic ordering strategies, we still lack empirical guidance for choosing an appropriate strategy for a given task. In this paper, we first propose a classification of tasks and patterns and analyze which PCP reordering strategies help in detecting them. Based on our classification, we then conduct an empirical user study with 31 participants to evaluate reordering strategies for cluster identification tasks. We particularly measure time, identification quality, and the users’ confidence for two different strategies using both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our results show that, somewhat unexpectedly, participants tend to focus on dissimilar rather than similar dimension pairs when detecting clusters, and are more confident in their answers. This is especially true when increasing the amount of clutter in the data. As a result of these findings, we propose a new reordering strategy based on the dissimilarity of neighboring dimension pairs.  相似文献   

This paper does two main contributions to 2D time-dependent vector field topology. First, we present a technique for robust, accurate, and efficient extraction of distinguished hyperbolic trajectories (DHT), the generative structures of 2D time-dependent vector field topology. It is based on refinement of initial candidate curves. In contrast to previous approaches, it is robust because the refinement converges for reasonably close initial candidates, it is accurate due to its adaptive scheme, and it is efficient due to its high convergence speed. Second, we provide a detailed evaluation and discussion of previous approaches for the extraction of DHTs and time-dependent vector field topology in general. We demonstrate the utility of our approach using analytical flows, as well as data from computational fluid dynamics.  相似文献   

Through a design study, we develop an approach to data exploration that utilizes elastic visualizations designed to support varying degrees of detail and abstraction. Examining the notions of scalability and elasticity in interactive visualizations, we introduce a visualization of personal reading traces such as marginalia or markings inside the reference library of German realist author Theodor Fontane. To explore such a rich and extensive collection, meaningful visual forms of abstraction and detail are as important as the transitions between those states. Following a growing research interest in the role of fluid interactivity and animations between views, we are particularly interested in the potential of carefully designed transitions and consistent representations across scales. The resulting prototype addresses humanistic research questions about the interplay of distant and close reading with visualization research on continuous navigation along several granularity levels, using scrolling as one of the main interaction mechanisms. In addition to presenting the design process and resulting prototype, we present findings from a qualitative evaluation of the tool, which suggest that bridging between distant and close views can enhance exploration, but that transitions between views need to be crafted very carefully to facilitate comprehension.  相似文献   

Data visualizations have been widely used on mobile devices like smartphones for various tasks (e.g., visualizing personal health and financial data), making it convenient for people to view such data anytime and anywhere. However, others nearby can also easily peek at the visualizations, resulting in personal data disclosure. In this paper, we propose a perception-driven approach to transform mobile data visualizations into privacy-preserving ones. Specifically, based on human visual perception, we develop a masking scheme to adjust the spatial frequency and luminance contrast of colored visualizations. The resulting visualization retains its original information in close proximity but reduces visibility when viewed from a certain distance or farther away. We conducted two user studies to inform the design of our approach (N=16) and systematically evaluate its performance (N=18), respectively. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in terms of privacy preservation for mobile data visualizations.  相似文献   

Visualization of large vector line data is a core task in geographic and cartographic systems. Vector maps are often displayed at different cartographic generalization levels, traditionally by using several discrete levels-of-detail (LODs). This limits the generalization levels to a fixed and predefined set of LODs, and generally does not support smooth LOD transitions. However, fast GPUs and novel line rendering techniques can be exploited to integrate dynamic vector map LOD management into GPU-based algorithms for locally-adaptive line simplification and real-time rendering. We propose a new technique that interactively visualizes large line vector datasets at variable LODs. It is based on the Douglas-Peucker line simplification principle, generating an exhaustive set of line segments whose specific subsets represent the lines at any variable LOD. At run time, an appropriate and view-dependent error metric supports screen-space adaptive LOD levels and the display of the correct subset of line segments accordingly. Our implementation shows that we can simplify and display large line datasets interactively. We can successfully apply line style patterns, dynamic LOD selection lenses, and anti-aliasing techniques to our line rendering.  相似文献   

Euler diagrams are a popular technique to visualize set-typed data. However, creating diagrams using simple shapes remains a challenging problem for many complex, real-life datasets. To solve this, we propose RectEuler: a flexible, fully-automatic method using rectangles to create Euler-like diagrams. We use an efficient mixed-integer optimization scheme to place set labels and element representatives (e.g., text or images) in conjunction with rectangles describing the sets. By defining appropriate constraints, we adhere to well-formedness properties and aesthetic considerations. If a dataset cannot be created within a reasonable time or at all, we iteratively split the diagram into multiple components until a drawable solution is found. Redundant encoding of the set membership using dots and set lines improves the readability of the diagram. Our web tool lets users see how the layout changes throughout the optimization process and provides interactive explanations. For evaluation, we perform quantitative and qualitative analysis across different datasets and compare our method to state-of-the-art Euler diagram generation methods.  相似文献   

Histopathology research quickly evolves thanks to advances in whole slide imaging (WSI) and artificial intelligence (AI). However, existing WSI viewers are tailored either for clinical or research environments, but none suits both. This hinders the adoption of new methods and communication between the researchers and clinicians. The paper presents xOpat, an open-source, browser-based WSI viewer that addresses these problems. xOpat supports various data sources, such as tissue images, pathologists' annotations, or additional data produced by AI models. Furthermore, it provides efficient rendering of multiple data layers, their visual representations, and tools for annotating and presenting findings. Thanks to its modular, protocol-agnostic, and extensible architecture, xOpat can be easily integrated into different environments and thus helps to bridge the gap between research and clinical practice. To demonstrate the utility of xOpat, we present three case studies, one conducted with a developer of AI algorithms for image segmentation and two with a research pathologist.  相似文献   

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