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When purified without the use of ionic detergents, both OmpA and OprF proteins contained nearly 20% alpha-helical structures, which disappeared completely upon the addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate. This result suggests that the proteins fold in a similar manner, with an N-terminal, membrane-spanning beta-barrel domain and a C-terminal, globular, periplasmic domain.  相似文献   

The eight-stranded antiparallel beta-barrel domain of the OmpA protein from Escherichia coli serves as a paradigm for the study of membrane assembly of integral beta-structured membrane proteins. Previous studies have shown that neither the periplasmic turns nor the surface-exposed loops contain topogenic information. Consequently, the question of whether any structural constraint is imposed onto individual transmembrane beta-strands is now addressed. To this end, amino acid sequences of beta-strands 4, 6 and 8 were randomized. In vivo membrane assembly of mutant proteins was assayed and 288 variants were sequenced. Three parameters were found to be important for efficient membrane assembly. (i) At least four of five randomized residues with side-chains pointing towards the lipid bilayer must be hydrophobic and none of the three central residues must be charged. (ii) Side-chains pointing into the beta-barrel interior must not be enlarged too much, possibly because of packing constraints. (iii) Proline residues are, in general, hardly tolerated in the transmembrane beta-strands.  相似文献   

FhuA (Mr 78,992, 714 amino acids), siderophore receptor for ferrichrome-iron in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, was affinity tagged, rapidly purified, and crystallized. To obtain FhuA in quantities sufficient for crystallization, a hexahistidine tag was genetically inserted into the fhuA gene after amino acid 405, which resides in a known surface-exposed loop. Recombinant FhuA405.H6 was overexpressed in an E. coli strain that is devoid of several major porins and using metal-chelate chromatography was purified in large amounts to homogeneity. FhuA crystals were grown using the hanging drop vapor diffusion technique and were suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. On a rotating anode X-ray source, diffraction was observed to 3.0 A resolution. The crystals belong to space group P6(1) or P6(5) with unit cell dimensions of a=b=174 A, c=88 A (alpha=beta=90 degrees, gamma=120 degrees).  相似文献   

Many proteins require enzymatic assistance in order to achieve a functional conformation. One rate-limiting step in protein folding is the cis-trans isomerization of prolyl residues, a reaction catalyzed by prolyl isomerases. SurA, a periplasmic protein of Escherichia coli, has sequence similarity with the prolyl isomerase parvulin. We tested whether SurA was involved in folding periplasmic and outer membrane proteins by using trypsin sensitivity as an assay for protein conformation. We determined that the efficient folding of three outer membrane proteins (OmpA, OmpF, and LamB) requires SurA in vivo, while the folding of four periplasmic proteins was independent of SurA. We conclude that SurA assists in the folding of certain secreted proteins.  相似文献   

The Skp protein of Escherichia coli has been proposed to be a periplasmic molecular chaperone involved in the biogenesis of outer membrane proteins. In this study, evidence is obtained that Skp exists in two different states characterized by their different sensitivity to proteases. The conversion between these states can be modulated in vitro by phospholipids, lipopolysaccharides and bivalent cations. Skp is able to associate with and insert into phospholipid membranes in vitro, indicating that it may associate with phospholipids in the inner and/or outer membrane in vivo. In addition, it interacts specifically with outer membrane proteins that are in their non-native state. We propose that Skp is required in vivo for the efficient targeting of unfolded outer membrane proteins to the membrane.  相似文献   

The multifunctional FhuA protein of Escherichia coli K-12 forms a channel that is closed by a loop, tentatively designated the 'gating loop', which is also the principal binding site for all FhuA ligands. In this report, it is shown by in vivo labeling that the two cysteines in the gating loop form a disulfide bridge, and they react weakly after reduction with biotin-maleimide, as determined by streptavidin-beta-galactosidase bound to biotin. The two cysteines close to the C-terminus of FhuA also form a disulfide bridge and react with the thiol reagents only after heat denaturation of FhuA in SDS. Replacement of the existing cysteines by serine did not alter the sensitivity of cells to the FhuA ligands tested (T5, phi 80, T1, colicin M, and albomycin) and supported growth on ferrichrome as sole iron source. The cysteines in the gating loop play no specific functional role; they are largely buried in the interior of the loop, and the disulfide bridges are not essential for maintaining the conformation of FhuA. The C-terminal cysteines are in the interior of FhuA and are also not important for the structure of FhuA. The method used allows the identification of free cysteines and disulfides in surface exposed protein regions.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli cells lacking the histone-like protein HU form filaments and have an abnormal number of anucleate cells. Furthermore, their phenotype resembles that of rfa mutants, the well-characterized deep-rough phenotype, as they show an enhanced permeability that renders them hypersensitive to chloramphenicol, novobiocin, and detergents. We show that, unlike rfa mutants, hupAB mutants do not have a truncated lipopolysaccharide but do have an abnormal abundance of OmpF porin in their outer membrane. While the complete absence of HU does not abolish the osmoregulation of OmpF protein synthesis, the steady-state level of micF RNA, the negative regulator of OmpF, decreases in bacteria lacking HU, increasing the basal level of this membrane protein. These findings demonstrate a novel link between a bacterial chromosomal protein and the outer membrane composition.  相似文献   

An oligodeoxynucleotide-dependent method to generate nascent polypeptide chains was adopted for use in a cell-free translation system prepared from Escherichia coli. In this way, NH2-terminal pOmpA fragments of distinct sizes were synthesized. Because most of these pOmpA fragments could be covalently linked to puromycin, precipitated with cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, and were enriched by sedimentation, they represent a population of elongation-arrested, ribosome-associated nascent chains. Translocation of these nascent pOmpA chains into inside-out membrane vesicles of E. coli required SecA and (depending on size) SecB. Whereas their translocation was strictly dependent on the H+-motive force of the vesicles, no indication for the involvement of the bacterial signal recognition particle was obtained. SecA and SecB, although required for translocation, did not mediate binding of the ribosome-associated pOmpA to membrane vesicles. However, SecA and SecB cotranslationally associated with nascent pOmpA, since they could be co-isolated with the ribosome-associated nascent chains and as such catalyzed translocation subsequent to the release of the ribosome. These results indicate that in E. coli, SecA also functionally interacts with preproteins before they are targeted to the translocase of the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Inactivation of phage T5 by lysed cells after phage multiplication is prevented by a phage-encoded lipoprotein (Llp) that inactivates the FhuA outer membrane receptor protein (K. Decker, V. Krauel, A. Meesmann, and K. Heller, Mol. Microbiol. 12:321-332, 1994). Using FhuA derivatives carrying insertions of 4 and 16 amino acid residues and point mutations, we determined whether FhuA inactivation is caused by binding of Llp to FhuA and which regions of FhuA are important for inactivation by Llp. Cells expressing Llp were resistant not only to phage T5 but to all FhuA ligands tested, such as phage phi 80, colicin M, and albomycin, and they were strongly reduced in the uptake of ferrichrome. Most of the FhuA derivatives which were not affected by Llp were, according to a previously published FhuA transmembrane topology model, located in periplasmic turns and in the TonB box close to the periplasm. Since the ligands bind to the cell surface, interaction of FhuA with Llp in the periplasm may induce a FhuA conformation which impairs binding of the ligands. This conclusion was supported by the increase rather than decrease of colicin M sensitivity of two mutants in the presence of Llp. The only Llp-resistant FhuA derivatives with mutations at the cell surface contained insertions of 16 residues in the loop that determines the permeability of the FhuA channel and serves as the principal binding site for all FhuA ligands. This region may be inactivated by steric hindrance in that a portion of Llp penetrates into the channel. Outer membranes prepared with 0.25% Triton X-100 from cells expressing Llp contained inactivated FhuA, suggesting Llp to be an outer membrane protein whose interaction with FhuA was not abolished by Triton X-100. Llp solubilized in 1.1% octylglucoside prevented T5 inactivation by FhuA dissolved in octylglucoside.  相似文献   

The promoter-operator region of the aroL gene of Escherichia coli K-12 contains three TYR R boxes and one TrpR binding site. Mutational analysis showed that TYR R boxes 1 and 3 are essential for TyrR-mediated regulation of aroL expression, while a fully functional TYR R box 2 does not appear to be essential for regulation. Regulation mediated by the TrpR protein required the TYR R boxes and TrpR site to be functional and was observed in vivo only with a tyrR+ strain. Under conditions favoring the formation of TyrR hexamers, DNase I protection experiments revealed the presence of phased hypersensitive sites, indicative of DNA backbone strain. This suggests that TyrR-mediated repression involves DNA looping. Purified TrpR protein protected the putative TrpR binding site in the presence of tryptophan, and this protection was slightly enhanced in the presence of TyrR protein. This result along with the in vivo findings implies that TyrR and TrpR are able to interact in some way. Inserting 4 bp between TYR R box 1 and the TrpR binding site results in increased tyrosine repression and the abolition of the tryptophan effect. Identification of a potential integration host factor binding site and repression studies of a himA mutant support the notion that integration host factor binding normally exerts a negative effect on tyrosine-mediated repression.  相似文献   

FhuD is the periplasmic binding protein of the ferric hydroxamate transport system of Escherichia coli. FhuD was isolated and purified as a His-tag-labeled derivative on a Ni-chelate resin. The dissociation constants for ferric hydroxamates were estimated from the concentration-dependent decrease in the intrinsic fluorescence intensity of His-tag-FhuD and were found to be 0.4 microM for ferric aerobactin, 1.0 microM for ferrichrome, 0.3 microM for ferric coprogen, and 5.4 microM for the antibiotic albomycin. Ferrichrome A, ferrioxamine B, and ferrioxamine E, which are poorly taken up via the Fhu system, displayed dissociation constants of 79, 36, and 42 microM, respectively. These are the first estimated dissociation constants reported for a binding protein of a microbial iron transport system. Mutants impaired in the interaction of ferric hydroxamates with FhuD were isolated. One mutated FhuD, with a W-to-L mutation at position 68 [FhuD(W68L)], differed from wild-type FhuD in transport activity in that ferric coprogen supported promotion of growth of the mutant on iron-limited medium, while ferrichrome was nearly inactive. The dissociation constants of ferric hydroxamates were higher for FhuD(W68L) than for wild-type FhuD and lower for ferric coprogen (2.2 microM) than for ferrichrome (156 microM). Another mutated FhuD, FhuD(A150S, P175L), showed a weak response to ferrichrome and albomycin and exhibited dissociation constants two- to threefold higher than that of wild-type FhuD. Interaction of FhuD with the cytoplasmic membrane transport protein FhuB was studied by determining protection of FhuB degradation by trypsin and proteinase K and by cross-linking experiments. His-tag-FhuD and His-tag-FhuD loaded with aerobactin specifically prevented degradation of FhuB and were cross-linked to FhuB. FhuD loaded with substrate and also FhuD free of substrate were able to interact with FhuB.  相似文献   

The binding of IgG in antiserum to Escherichia coli J5 to the surface of Enterobacteriaceae and to cell wall fragments released from serum-exposed bacteria was studied in a search for potentially protective epitopes other than lipopolysaccharide (LPS). IgG titers to multiple heterologous gram-negative smooth bacteria increased following incubation of the bacteria in serum and decreased following absorption with serum-exposed heterologous bacteria. IgG eluted from absorbing bacteria bound to at least three conserved bacterial outer membrane proteins (OMPs), but not LPS, as assessed by immunoblotting. The same OMPs were present in LPS-containing macromolecular cell wall fragments released by incubation of heterologous gram-negative bacteria in human serum. Part of the protection offered by J5 antiserum could be from binding of IgG to conserved OMPs at the bacterial surface or to OMPs in cell-wall fragments released from dying bacteria.  相似文献   

An efficient reliable and sensitive capillary zone electrophoresis assay for the six major bacterial peptidoglycan-associated proteins of Escherichia coli NCIB 8545 is described. The method provides the facility to determine quantitatively the effect of antibacterials on bacterial peptidoglycan-associated protein synthesis and thus to further elucidate the mechanism of antibacterial action of such drugs as the antifolates which recently have been shown to adversely affect peptidoglycan synthesis.  相似文献   

The major outer membrane protein (OMP) of Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans is an OmpA homolog that demonstrates electrophoretic heat modifiability. The gene encoding this protein was isolated from a genomic library of A. actinomycetemcomitans NCTC 9710 by immunoscreening with serum from a patient with localized juvenile periodontitis. Expression of the cloned gene in Escherichia coli and subsequent Western blot analysis revealed a protein with an approximate molecular mass of 34 kDa. The amino acid sequence predicted from the cloned gene demonstrated that the mature protein had a molecular mass of 34,911 Da and significant identity to members of the OmpA family of proteins. We have named the major OMP of A. actinomycetemcomitans Omp34, and its corresponding gene has been named omp34.  相似文献   

A physical map, EcoMap10, of the now completely sequenced Escherichia coli chromosome is presented. Calculated genomic positions for the eight restriction enzymes BamHI, HindIII, EcoRI, EcoRV, BglI, KpnI, PstI, and PvuII are depicted. Both sequenced and unsequenced Kohara/Isono miniset clones are aligned to this calculated restriction map. DNA sequence searches identify the precise locations of insertion sequence elements and repetitive extragenic palindrome clusters. EcoGene10, a revised set of genes and functionally uncharacterized open reading frames (ORFs), is also depicted on EcoMap10. The complete set of unnamed ORFs in EcoGene10 are assigned provisional names beginning with the letter "y" by using a systematic nomenclature.  相似文献   

This map is an update of the edition 9 map by Berlyn et al. (M. K. B. Berlyn, K. B. Low, and K. E. Rudd, p. 1715-1902, in F. C. Neidhardt et al., ed., Escherichia coli and Salmonella: cellular and molecular biology, 2nd ed., vol. 2, 1996). It uses coordinates established by the completed sequence, expressed as 100 minutes for the entire circular map, and adds new genes discovered and established since 1996 and eliminates those shown to correspond to other known genes. The latter are included as synonyms. An alphabetical list of genes showing map location, synonyms, the protein or RNA product of the gene, phenotypes of mutants, and reference citations is provided. In addition to genes known to correspond to gene sequences, other genes, often older, that are described by phenotype and older mapping techniques and that have not been correlated with sequences are included.  相似文献   

A novel porin, OmpG, is produced in response to a chromosomal mutation termed cog-192. Molecular characterization of cog-192 revealed that it is a large chromosomal deletion extending from the 3' end of pspA through to the 5' end of an open reading frame located immediately upstream of ompG. As a result of this 13.1-kb deletion, the expression of ompG was placed under the control of the pspA promoter. Characterization of OmpG revealed that it is quite different from other porins. Proteoliposome swelling assays showed that OmpG channels were much larger than those of the OmpF and OmpC porins, with an estimated limited diameter of about 2 nm. The channel lacked any obvious solute specificity. The folding model of OmpG suggests that it is the first 16-stranded beta-barrel porin that lacks the large external loop, L3, which constricts the channels of other nonspecific and specific porins. Consistent with the folding model, circular dichroism showed that OmpG contains largely a beta-sheet structure. In contrast to other Escherichia coli porins, there is no evidence that OmpG exists as stable oligomers. Although ompG DNA was present in all E. coli strains examined so far, its expression under laboratory conditions was seen only due to rare chromosomal mutations. Curiously, OmpG was constitutively expressed, albeit at low levels, in Salmonella, Shigella, and Pseudomonas species.  相似文献   

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