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问:月经前10天左右乳房特别痛已好多年了,没有做过检查。 答:若乳房痛仅在月经前出现,月经来潮后乳房痛消失,多考虑你遇上经前期综合征。女性可表现为月经来前出现乳房胀满、发硬、压痛的现象;重者乳房受轻微震动或碰撞就会胀痛难受。这是由于经前体内雌激素水平增高,乳腺增生,乳房间组织水肿引起的。  相似文献   

经前期综合征(PMS)是指女性每次来月经前的不适,精神行为及体质方面的症状,包括明显的生理、心理及行为方面的改变.本病的精神情绪障碍更为突出,始于经前1~2周,经前2~3天加重,月经来潮后,症状骤然减轻或自然消失.每次月经周期均如此,持续至少半年以上,称为经前期综合征,对育龄妇女身心健康有不同程度的影响,其发病率为30%~40%[1].  相似文献   

经前期综合征( Premenstrual Syndrome,PMS)为育龄女性高发病,经前烦躁障碍症( Premenstrual Dyspho-ric Disorder,PMDD)为其重症类型,表现为经前规律性出现情绪障碍及不适的躯体症状,影响多达80%的女性,月经来潮后消失或减轻,若不治疗,则伴随女性三十多年直到更年...  相似文献   

焦虑性障碍是指以病理焦虑情绪为主要临床相的神经症,临床常见的包括:广泛性焦虑症、惊恐障碍、恐怖症、强迫症,以及以慢性焦虑状态为主的创伤后应激障碍,在DSM-IV中统称为焦虑性障碍.一般认为,对于焦虑性障碍,认知行为治疗和药物治疗是两种主要的、经研究证实有效的治疗方法.不过这两种方法都存在不足.大量的随机对照随访研究证实了认知行为治疗的近期和远期疗效,但是认知行为治疗需要大量经严格培训过的心理治疗师,对心理治疗师个人的要求也高,并且需要较长的心理治疗时间.药物治疗的近期疗效尚令人满意,但停药后复发率非常高.临床治疗的策略通常是延长治疗时间,逐渐停药.也就是说,心理治疗和药物治疗都具有治疗焦虑性障碍的有效性和局限性.因此,现在的趋势是联合认知行为治疗和药物治疗,以期达到最佳的临床疗效.本文提供笔者在心理门诊治疗过的三个个案,就焦虑性障碍在门诊治疗中的疗效进行探讨.  相似文献   

目的观察经轻胶囊对动情后期高雌抑郁模型雌大鼠血清雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)的影响。方法通过在动情期外源性的给予雌大鼠高剂量的雌激素,以期模拟经前的高雌激素状态,观察经轻胶囊对实验动物血清E2、P影响。结果中药经轻胶囊可以降低实验鼠过高的阴道角化细胞指数,降低大鼠血清E2、E2/P。结论经轻胶囊能够改善经前抑郁可能与其能够调节雌、孕激素含量及E2/P有关。  相似文献   

妇女在月经前,有某种不舒服感觉和性情改变,称为经前不适。一般程度较轻,无需治疗。但长期以来,一些症状严重者也被视为经前不适,而未予重视。直到近半个世纪,才渐渐对此种情况在病因及治疗方面进行研究,并定义为“经前期紧张综合征”。该病在青壮年中发病率颇高。轻者虽能勉强上班工作,但患者情绪不稳,时喜时忧,精力分散,效率低下;重者烦躁易怒,抑郁焦虑,乳房胀痛,下腹沉坠,影响工作和学习。经前期紧张综合征的病因还不十分清楚,一般认为与周期性的性激素水平失调有关。临床上发现经前期紧张的部分病人,常有月经周期缩短,无排卵周期,或黄体…  相似文献   

目的:探讨焦虑性障碍患者的护理措施。方法:对我院2011年1月~2012年1月收治的40例焦虑性障碍患者的护理资料进行分析。结果:经本院对焦虑性障碍患者的精心护理,患者的病情均得到了好转,提高了患者的生活质量。结论:本院对焦虑性障碍患者采取的护理措施是科学有效的。  相似文献   

有许多女性在月经来潮前有乳房胀满、发硬、压痛的现象;重者乳房受轻微震动或碰撞就会胀痛难受。这是由于经前体内雌激素水平增高,乳腺增生,乳房间组织水肿引起的。笔者近两年来用逍遥散加减治疗经前乳房胀痛40例,疗效显著。现报告如下。  相似文献   

经前期紧张综合征(Premnhstrual Tension Syndrome) 本征是指妇女在月经来潮之前7~14日到月经来潮的3~4天内出现一系列神经精神症状及水盐代谢紊乱的症状,而月经过后逐渐消退的这组临床病征而言的。本征的发病原因目前不十分清楚,多半和排卵后的内分泌一神经系统功能变化有关系;经前精神过度紧张引起皮下中枢功能紊乱、植物神经功能失调均可导致本征。实验表明:黄体酮和雌激素含量增加,或黄体酮与雌激素的比例失调是本征的发病主导因素,无排卵功能的妇女、更年期妇女、黄体功能不全的妇女等等,均不患本征。由于内分泌的功  相似文献   

辛茜庭  赵红 《中国医刊》2001,36(4):54-55
经前期紧张综合征是指一些妇女每值月经前出现的一系列症状。现代医学认为该病与水钠潴留、精神因素、维生素缺乏、雌激素水平过高有关 ,所以 ,可选用利尿剂、镇静剂、孕激素、雄激素及维生素类药物治疗。利尿剂及镇静剂均为对症治疗用药 ,利尿剂可选用双氢克尿噻及氨体舒通 ,长期应用双氢克尿噻要适当补钾 ;镇静剂可选用鲁米那、地西泮等 ;维生素A和维生素B可影响雌激素在肝脏中的代谢 ,维生素缺乏会使雌激素水平增高 ,所以 ,补充维生素对该病的治疗有一定的作用。孕激素和雄激素的运用 ,目的是抵消过量的雌激素 ,孕激素可选用黄体酮 2 0…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative stress, and adipokine-ameliorating effects of Liuwei Dihuang (LWDH), a traditional Chinese herbal formula, in obese rats. METHODS: After 2 weeks of acclimation with free access to regular rodent chow and water, obese-prone-caesarean-derived (OP-CD) rats were fed a modified AIN-93G diet containing 60% energy from fat. Treatment was performed twice daily by gavage feeding with 500, 1 500, or 3 500 mg/kg body weight LWDH suspended in water (n=12 rats per group). Twelve obese-resistant-CD (OR-CD) rats were fed the atherogenic diet and gavaged with water, and served as the normal control. Blood biomarkers of inflammation, oxidative stress and adiponectin were measured post-sacrifice and used to determine the treatment effect of LWDH and assess the suitability of OR/OP-CD rats for studying these parameters. RESULTS: After 9 weeks of treatment, LWDH lowered serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels. Serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels showed a tendency towards reduction, but were not significantly different from the OP-CD control. Liver superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity was increased in response to all three doses of LWDH, while the levels of reduced (GSH) and oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) were unchanged. Serum adiponectin levels were increased in response to oral administration of LWDH at the dose of either 500 or 1 500 mg/kg body weight. In addition, comparisons between OR-CD and OP-CD rats revealed differential, and for some biomarkers, conflicting characteristics of high-fat diet-fed OP-CD rats in reference to obese human subjects in terms of inflammatory and oxidative stress biomarkers and circulating adiponectin levels. CONCLUSION: The results show, for the first time, the anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidative stress and adiponectin-ameliorating effects of LWDH in obese rats. The suitability of the OP-JOP-CD rat model as  相似文献   

目的观察益智健脑颗粒联合针灸对阿尔茨海默病(Alzheimers disease,AD)大鼠学习记忆的影响。方法将大鼠随机分为假手术组(A组)、模型组(B组)、针灸组(C组)、益智+针灸组(D组)各10只,B、C、D 3组分别以海马CA1区注射β淀粉样蛋白25-35(Aβ25-35)造模,A组注射等量的双蒸水,各组分别治疗20 d后行Morris水迷宫试验,观察大鼠学习记忆能力变化。结果B组较A组的平均潜伏期明显延长,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05);与B组比较,C组、D组的平均潜伏期明显缩短,过台次数增多,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);与C组比较,D组的潜伏期缩短,过台次数增多,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论益智健脑颗粒联合针灸能够提高Aβ25-35介导的AD模型大鼠的学习记忆能力。  相似文献   

钟文昭  吴一龙 《循证医学》2008,8(4):193-197
以表皮生长因子受体酪氨酸激酶抑制剂(epidermal growth factor receptor-tyrosine kinase inhibitor,EGFR-TKI)分子靶向治疗研究为肇始,转化性研究使基础实验和临床实践间的鸿沟迅速填平,改变着人们认识治疗肺癌的视角。无可否认,EGFR-TKI上市后极大地延伸了肿瘤学家治疗肺癌的手段,但不管从临床经验、临床研究数据、分子生物学层面还是文献计量学的角度,  相似文献   

程丑夫是国家级名老中医,湖南中医药大学第一附属医院主任医师、教授、博士生导师,享受政府特殊津贴专家,出身于中医世家,从医40余年,经验丰富,对于内科系统及疑难杂症的治疗颇有心得,笔者有幸跟师学习,聆听教诲,受益匪浅,现将程师论治情志病的经典验案略陈一二。1思虑伤脾案患者肖某,女,27岁。初诊:2014年5月20日。半年前因婚变后出现忧心忡忡,多思多虑,近1月来反复腹部胀满,刻诊:腹胀,食后为甚,呃逆,无反酸,通气后可减轻,无腹痛,不欲食,夜寐不安,二便调。舌红苔厚白腻,脉弦,BP:110/70mmHg。  相似文献   

补肾活血方对PCOS大鼠模型卵巢中PAI-1mRNA表达的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨补肾活血方对大鼠PCOS模型卵巢局部纤溶酶原激活物抑制因子-1(PAI—1mRNA)表达的影响。方法选用未成年24d龄SD雌性大鼠60只,随机分为模型组、克罗米酚组、补肾活血方高剂量组、补肾活血方低剂量组、正常对照组5组。用Bogovich法建立大鼠多囊卵巢病理模型。以克罗米酚为对照。用原位杂交法观察补肾活血方对多囊卵巢大鼠局部PAI—1mRNA的影响。结果模型组卵巢局部PAI—1mRNA存在卵泡膜间质细胞显著增高,用补肾活血方高、低剂量与克罗米酚药后,卵巢局部PAI-1mRNA的表达明显降低.差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05、P〈0.01)。补肾活血方高剂量组与克罗米酚组比较,差异具有显著统计学意义(P〈0.01);低荆量组与克罗米酚组比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),补肾活血方高、低剂量组比较,低剂量组卵泡膜间质细胞上PAI-1的基因表达增高更明显,但二者差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论PAI-1mRNA可能与多囊卵巢综合征的发病机制有关。以补肾活血立法的补肾活血方能降低多囊卵巢大鼠局部PAI—1mRNA的显著增高表达.降低PAI—1mRNA卵巢局部的作用。提示补肾活血方可能通过PAI—1mRNA途径促进卵巢排卵的机制。  相似文献   

Objective To determine the safety and efficacy of UniPron as a reversible contraceptive.
Methods Vaginal swabs were obtained before and after UniPron administration, cultured onto appropriate culture media and bacteria identification was done based on type of media used, Gram stain reactions, colony morphology and biochemical tests. Vaginal biopsy tissues were processed using paraffin wax method, stained with hematoxylin and eosin and examined under light microscopy to determine the effect of the product on vaginal tissues. The effect of UniPron on sperm was examined by mixing the product with electroejaculated spermatozoa in vitro at different concentrations. For efficacy studies, male baboons of proven fertility were mated with UniPron treated or untreated females of proven fertility during the fertile stages.
Results All the five females (100%) that were treated with UniPron did not conceive and they regained total fertility when the treatment was stopped while all the controls conceived. At a concentration of 40%, UniPron completely immobilized spermatozoa in an in-vitro system. UniPron mechanism of action was by lowering the vaginal pH and on application in baboon, the pH was lowered for at least 3 h after which it went back to normal.
Conclusions As we plan for a study to test UniPron as a microbicide to prevent STIs including HIV, our current study has established that this novel product is effective in contraception and harmless to vaginal tissues and vaginal microbial flora in a baboon model (Papio anubis).  相似文献   

Background Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) has developed dramatically in the last century.Now,ACLR has become a reliable and productive procedure.Patients feel satisfied in 〉90% cases.The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of allogenetic cortical bone cross-pin (ACBCP) used as a clinical fixation method in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the femoral side based on biomechanical tests in vitro.Methods The specimens were provided by the bone banks of the First Affiliated Hospital of People's Liberation Army of General Hospital from September 2011 to June 2012.Fresh deep frozen human allogenetic cortical bone was machined into cross-pins which is 4.0 mm in diameter and 75.0 mm in length.Biomechanical parameters compared with Rigidfix were collected while cross-pins were tested in double-shear test.The load-to-failure test and cycling test were carried out in a goat model to reconstruct anterior cruciate ligament with Achilles tendon autograft on the femoral side fixed by human 4.0 mm ACBCP and 3.3 mm Rigidfix served as control.Maximum failure load,yield load,and stiffness of fixation in single load-to-failure test were compared between the two groups.Cycle-specific stiffness and displacement at cycles 1,30,200,400,and 1 000 were also compared in between.Results In double-shear test both maximum failed load and yield load of 4.0 mm humanACBCP were (1 236.998±201.940) N.Maximum failed load and yield load of Rigidfix were (807.929±110.511) N and (592.483±58.821) N.The differences of maximum failed load and yield load were significant between ACBCP and Rigidfix,P 〈0.05.The shear strength of ACBCP and Rigidfix were (49.243±8.039) MPa and (34.637±3.439) MPa,respectively,P 〈0.05.In the load-to-failure test ex vivo,yield load and maximum failed load of ACBCP fixation complexity ((867.104±132.856)N,(1 032.243±196.281) N) were higher than those of Rigidfix ((640.935±42.836) N,(800.568±64.890) N,P 〈0.05).However,s  相似文献   

The study was designed to investigate the potential mechanism of herb-herb interaction between ginseng and Trogopterus (Trg) based on Cytochrome P450 isozymes (CYPs) in rat livers. We estimated the influence on CYP1A2, CYP2E1, and CYP3A1/2 activity caused by ginseng and Trg used in combination. The CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 enzyme activity were induced by ginseng and Trg used in combination. And this induction effect was caused via inducing CYP1A2 and CYP2E1 protein expression which was supposed caused by inducing the gene expression of CYP1A2 and CYP2E1.  相似文献   

中医疗法治疗运动性疲劳的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着竞技体育的发展,运动员经常承受着大负荷、超强度的体力训练,因此极易产生运动性疲劳。疲劳的出现使肌内压增高,局部缺血,造成氧化代谢、H^+排出率与pH值降低,血乳酸增高,从而影响肌纤维神经传导速度和肌内收缩力量,减弱了肌肉保护能力。致使较多的冲击力传到骨骼上,故易导致疲劳骨折的发生,严重影响了运动员的训练和比赛成绩,对运动员身心产生不必要的伤害。运动性疲劳消除手段的研究一直是竞技体育工作和运动医学关注和研究的焦点。  相似文献   

Background The therapeutic success of renal transplantation has been largely attributable to the development of effective and balanced immunosuppressive treatment regimens.This study provides a meta-analysis of a series of randomized controlled trials that compared the effects of tacrolimus and cyclosporine on metabolic syndrome (MetS) and cardiovascular risk factors after renal transplantation.Methods We searched various electronic databases and bibliographies,including MEDLINE,the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,and EMBASE,for relevant studies published prior to October 2012.Results Our meta-analysis included five randomized controlled trials that examined a total of 923 patients.The tacrolimus group and the cyclosporine group exhibited no significant differences in MetS incidence after renal transplantation; risk ratio (RR):1.06,95% confidence interval (C/):0.73-1.55,P=0.76.Cyclosporine treatment was associated with a higher incidence of hyperlipidemia (RR:0.50,95% CI:0.39-0.64,P <0.01).Although there were no statistically significant differences,cyclosporine treatment was associated with a higher incidence of hypertension (RR:0.91,95% CI:0.83-1.00,P=0.06) after renal transplantation compared to tacrolimus treatment,and tacrolimus treatment was associated with a higher incidence of diabetes after renal transplantation (RR:1.79,95% CI:0.98-3.27,P=0.06) compared to cyclosporine treatment.Conclusions Compared to tacrolimus treatment,cyclosporine treatment was associated with a higher incidence of hyperlipidemia.Future large-scale studies are expected to be conducted to further confirm our findings.  相似文献   

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