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30km分布光纤温度传感器的空间分辨率研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
分布光纤温度传感器是一种比较新型的传感器系统,它可以实时测量空间温度场的分布。空间分辨率是分布光纤温度传感器的一个重要参数。在30km分布光纤温度传感器系统的研制过程中,对系统的空间分辨率进行了优化设计。入射激光脉冲的宽度决定了系统空间分辨率的上限。光电接收系统和电系统的带宽也会影响系统的空间分辨率。电系统的带宽必须和激光脉冲的宽度相匹配。系统的空间分辨率既可以直接测量,也可以通过测量光纤末端菲涅尔反射的半宽度来间接测量。经过优化设计,在30km的系统中,空间分辨率达到了3m。  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the implementation and test of an optical fiber based accelerometer with cross axis insensitivity. The accelerometer uses two matching fiber Bragg gratings which are also responsible by the demodulation of the wavelength encoded information. The accelerometer was tested in a reinforced concrete slab, of a 3-storey building located at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. A maximum error of 0.25% for the slab eigenfrequencies was obtained when compared with the values acquired by an electronic sensor.  相似文献   

Structure multi-parameters measurement, such as strain, displacement, corrosion and temperature, is of the utmost importance for structural health monitoring. Meanwhile uncoupling method of temperature and strain has still a technical problem in structure sensing measurement. In this paper, we proposed a method for simultaneous measurement of strain and temperature using a hybrid local and distributed optical fiber sensing system. The principle of the method is investigated and then validated by the theoretical simulation experiments and tensile tests in laboratory. Furthermore, one experiment for internal force measurement of a smart stranded wire, under the interaction of temperature and strain, is also conducted in lab. The experimental results show that the strain and temperature can be well measured simultaneously by using one multi-signal optical fiber sensor.  相似文献   

The difficulties induced from large-scale measurement and sensor installation make it a big challenge but an urgent need to predict the mechanical behavior of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) anchor rod passing through the complicated areas under harsh environments. In an effort to solve this challenge, this paper proposes a novel distributed self-sensing FRP anchor rod with built-in optical fiber sensor. For the purpose of self-sensing, the technique of Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA) is applied to the built-in optical sensor for measuring the full-scale strain of the rod. Demonstration tests taking into account the de-bonded damage were carried out to simulate the field cases. A self-sensing FRP anchor rod was embedded in a 12-m-long sand slot and pulled from one end. The full-scale strain was measured utilizing the BOTDA interrogator. Using this collected data, the integrity displacement of the rod was also investigated associated with its interfacial damage evolution.  相似文献   

布里渊散射分布式光纤传感器在结构健康监测领域具有广阔的应用前景。阐述了布里渊散射分布式光纤传感器的原理,分析了基于布里渊光时域反射、布里渊光时域分析和布里渊光频域分析的分布式光纤传感技术的研究现状,提出了布里渊散射分布式光纤传感器的研究热点及存在的问题,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

基于布里渊光时域分析(BOTDA)的分布式光纤传感技术已经逐渐广泛应用在各种民用、公用设备的应变与温度监测中.尤其是近年来兴起的一种新型传感技术:脉冲预泵浦布里渊光时域分析(PPP-BOTDA),通过引入预泵浦脉冲,获得了厘米级的空间分辨力.介绍了PPP-BOTDA技术的工作原理,阐述并探索研究了该新兴技术具有的优势与...  相似文献   

分布式光纤测温系统是一种新型的线型感温探测器,以光纤作为传感器,可实现沿光纤分布的温度实时测量。理论分析了分布式光纤测温系统的原理以及影响空间分辨率指标的因素,并给出了0.5m高空间分辨率分布式光纤测温系统的设计以及测试情况。将高空间分辨率分布式光纤测温系统应用于电缆温度测量,测量结果表明0.5m空间分辨率下对小区域电缆过热点的探测更为显著,可及时发现潜在的火灾隐患。  相似文献   

34km传感长度的布里渊光时域反射计的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
宋牟平  章献民 《仪器仪表学报》2005,26(11):1155-1158
布里渊分布式光纤传感器是目前最具应用前景的分布式光纤传感技术之一,其关键是如何检测布里渊散射光信号,布里渊光时域反射计是其中较好的检测方式。针对布里渊散射光信号特点,应用光相干技术来检测布里渊散射光信号。具体采用微波电光调制产生频率可调的参考光,和散射光进行相干检测,根据散射光频移特性,应用电信号处理技术取出布里渊散射光电信号,并采用偏振控制技术来抑制相干检测的偏振相干性,再经过数字信号累加和平均处理,最后得到分布式传感信号。采用光相干检测设计方案实现了布里渊时域反射计分布式光纤传感器,并进行了34km光纤的分布式应变传感实验。  相似文献   

科学合理的管道安全监测技术对管道工程运行具有重要意义,开展了基于分布式光纤传感技术的管道受弯变形监测试验研究。针对现有分布式光纤变形计算方法的不足,提出了分布式光纤监测管道受弯变形计算方法,编写了基于MATLAB的分布式光纤管道受弯变形计算程序。研究结果表明,基于分布式光纤传感技术的管道受弯变形监测方法整体测量精度较高,在变形量小于180 mm范围内时绝对误差小于4 mm,平均相对误差在2%以内;当变形量较大时,绝对误差随之增大,但是平均相对误差在3. 2%以下。初步开展了基于分布式光纤传感技术的管道受力分析,结果表明模拟所得管道剪力模式与理论模式以及实际情况较为吻合。基于分布式光纤传感技术的受弯变形监测方法测量精度较高,误差较小,能够满足管道受弯变形监测要求,具有较好的应用前景,是一种理想的变形监测技术,同时该方法也能拓展应用到管道受力等其他安全分析中。  相似文献   

硅基材料光纤具有比较小的热膨胀系数,可用来制备具有折射率、应变、应力等敏感特性而温度不敏感特性的传感器件,比如利用光纤F-P传感器可实现高灵敏度的应力传感.本文提出了一种基于化学腐蚀法的低成本、高灵敏光纤F-P传感器件,并分析了其应力传感特性.该方法先利用HF溶液制备凹孔端面光纤,然后采用熔融放电方法制备空心结构的光纤FP传感器,有助于增强光纤器件的应力传感特性和温度不敏感能力.实验结果表明,所设计的F-P传感器其应力变化与光纤F-P传感器干涉谱峰变化呈正比关系,其应力灵敏度可以达到5.2,且成本较低廉,具有一定的应用价值.  相似文献   

Distributed Brillouin sensing systems (DBSs) have growing applications in engineering and are attracting attention in the field of underground structures, including mining. The capability for continuous measurements of strain over large distances makes DBSs a promising monitoring approach for understanding deformation field evolution within a rock mass, particularly when the sensor is installed away from excavation damaged zone (EDZ). A purpose-built fiber optic sensing cable, a vital component of DBSs, was assessed in laboratory conditions.A test program was performed to observe DBSs response to various perturbations including strain and joint movements, including opening and shearing of joints. These tests included assessment of the strain-free cable response and the application of extensional and lateral displacement to various sensing cable lengths (strained lengths), from 1 m down to 1 cm. Furthermore, tests were done to evaluate the time-dependent behavior of the cable and to observe the effect of strain transfer using a soft host material (e.g. a soft grout) under lateral displacement.The noise level of the DBSs range was ±77 με, determined through repeated measurements on an unstrained cable. Stretching test results showed a clear linear correlation between applied strain and Brillouin frequency shift change for all strained lengths above half the spatial resolution of the DBSs. However, for strained lengths shorter than half the spatial resolution, no strain response was measurable and this is due to the applied internal signal processing of the DBSs to detect peak Brillouin gain spectrum and noise level. The stability with time of the measurements was excellent for test periods up to 15 h.Lateral displacement test results showed a less consistent response compared to tension tests for a given applied displacement. Although the Brillouin frequency shift change is correlated linearly with the applied displacement in tension, it shows a parabolic variation with lateral displacement. Moreover, the registered frequency response (correlated with strain) of the system decreased significantly when the sensing cable was embedded in a sand-filled tube compared with direct cable displacement.  相似文献   

Optimal sensor placement is one of the crucial and fundamental factors for constructing a cost-effective structural health monitoring system and is related to the effective evaluation of the state of the structure. Structural responses are correlated to some extent, as the structural behavior is continuous. Based on the above two considerations, the question arises of how to obtain the maximum amount of information for understanding the structure using measurements from limited sensors and not be limited to direct monitoring at the placements where the limited sensors are located. Data correlation analysis for optimal sensor placement is proposed using a bond energy algorithm, in which the objectives, such as structural response evaluation covering the maximum structural responses using measurements from sensors located at the optimal placements, are taken into account. The data correlation analysis is conducted for the structural responses, and the correlation matrix is established. Furthermore, the optimal sensor placements and the correlation of the responses at element locations can be determined using the bond energy algorithm. A Schwedler single-layer spherical lattice dome-like structure, which is a common large space steel structure, is used to simulate the structural responses and verify the effectiveness of the proposed method by discussion of different scenarios of parameter selection.  相似文献   

In recent decades, conventional electric instruments have already been widely used to monitor the performance of geotechnical structures. However, there are several inherent limitations of electric instruments for engineering including: electromagnetic interference, a large number of cables for multipoint measurement, signal loss in long distance transmission, and poor durability. Since the first Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor was fabricated in 1978, a significant progress has been made on the commercialization of optical fiber sensing technologies. In 1980s, a fully distributed sensing technology named Brillouin Optical Time Domain Analysis (BOTDA) has been proposed and developed for measuring strain and temperature. In this paper, the authors review previous studies on the development and application of fiber optic sensors. Based on the measured strains, various analysis methods were transferred to required parameters such as displacement, force and pressure which can more directly reflect the safety of geotechnical structures under complex engineering stress condition.  相似文献   

分布式光纤振动传感器及振动信号模式识别技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究分布式光纤振动传感技术及光纤振动信号的模式识别技术。通过M-Z干涉原理实现对振动信号的检测,通过信号双向时延定位技术实现光纤振动信号的定位。运用不同的数学方法对光纤振动信号进行分析,找出不同事件产生的振动信号的特征信息,并运用MATLAB进行仿真分析。通过仿真分析,证实了系统能找到挖掘机、车辆及人员走动的特征参数,从而能将这三种不同的事件区分开来。  相似文献   

李威  刘宏伟 《光学精密工程》2008,16(11):2173-2179
摘要:为了研究应用于大口径空间光学遥感器中由碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)制成的精密支撑构件的结构稳定性,设计并研制了连接在主、次镜间的CFRP连接筒。对该连接筒建立等效力学模型、计算相关参数和确定铺层的合理形式,运用有限元法对连接筒进行分析计算,通过试验验证连接筒的结构稳定性。首先,由给定的主、次镜间角度变化量计算出连接筒前端面的最大挠度,根据实际载荷情况建立等效力学模型,计算连接筒轴向弹性模量,结合复合材料层压板理论,确定碳纤维铺层的合理形式。然后,运用ANSYS软件对有限元模型进行分析,计算主、次镜间的角度变化量和支撑结构的模态分布。最后,通过量级逐增的力学试验,采用光学测量的方法测量主、次镜间角度变化量,验证CFRP连接筒的结构稳定性。试验结果表明:主、次镜间角度变化量小于10″,CFRP支撑构件一阶基频大于75Hz。CFRP支撑构件满足主、次镜间角度变化量要求,具有较好的结构稳定性。  相似文献   

简要介绍ASHM实验室近两年在基于光纤光栅传感器的大型起重机械健康监测技术、基于光纤声发射传感器的大型起重机械局部损伤监测技术,以及基于无线传感节点的大型起重机械健康监测技术研究等方面所取得的阶段性研究成果,部分研究成果已在现场进行应用试验,效果良好。大型起重机械结构健康监测技术不仅能实现对起重机械结构健康状况进行实时监测,还能及时捕获起重机械结构失效的前兆,预防突发性灾难事故,避免重大人员伤亡与财产损失。  相似文献   

多用途光纤生化传感器的设计与研制   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用发光二极管、大芯径大数值孔径分叉光导纤维作传光介质、硅光电二极管作探测器,以双光束补偿原理为基础,仅用一套光路、一套电路和计算机系统设计和研制成可供pH、NH3/NH+4和SO2检测的多用途光纤生化检测系统。仪器具有体积小、检测灵敏度高、性能稳定、准确方便等优点;pH值的响应可低达0.01pH、对水中的NH+4检测限为2×10-6mol/L、SO-3的检测限为2×10-4mol/L。仪器可做成便携式,可用于环境监测、生物医学研究或临床诊断检测工作。  相似文献   

对地、对天观测航天器在深空和极地探测、军事侦查、国土资源测绘、地质与农业灾害监测、海洋观测、气象观测和环境监测等系关国民经济社会发展的重要领域都发挥着关键作用。遥感航天器在轨结构受空间极端温度变化、重力、碎片冲击和疲劳等因素作用会产生微变形,在轨微变形监测对保障遥感航天器功能指标实现和系统可靠性及寿命有重要作用。光纤监测技术被视为最具潜力的遥感航天器在轨监测技术之一,经过近30年来的研究发展,正在从实验室研究向工程应用演进,但是目前存在若干问题限制了该技术的应用发展,亟待探讨解决方法。为此,梳理了遥感航天器结构微变形监测的主要技术,分析了光纤监测的主要技术类型、技术优缺点、微变形场重建算法、在轨适用性和典型应用案例,指出了需要研究解决的关键问题和未来发展方向。  相似文献   

为实现敏感元件仅为单一光纤光栅流速传感器的多参数同时测量,提出了一种流速/温度共采的光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)涡轮流速传感器。该传感器通过涡轮实现流体冲击力对光纤光栅中心波长的频率调制,解决光纤光栅温度应变的交叉敏感,理论计算得到其流速检测灵敏度为2.91·10-2 m/(s·Hz-1)。为测试传感器的性能,搭建了传感器测试系统,并选取光纤动态解调仪解调的光纤光栅中心波长动态信号作为试验原始数据。应用快速傅里叶变换(FFT)法分析试验数据,得到传感器流速的检测下限为0.541 7m/s,检测灵敏度为2.57·10-2 m/(s·Hz-1),检测精度为25mm/s,略小于理论计算值,其主要原因在于圆管内流体的流速并非均匀分布的匀速运动,管道内壁对流体具有一定的黏滞力。应用经验模式分解分析原始数据获取其趋势项信号,得到该传感器的温度灵敏度为10.6pm/℃,检测精度为0.5℃。  相似文献   

Nowadays, structural health monitoring is a fundamental tool to control the civil infrastructures lifetime. Raw earth masonry structures (as adobe, rammed earth, among other techniques) were very common in many regions of the World. With the introduction of reinforced concrete structures in the construction industry, the adoption of traditional masonry systems, and adobe in particular, rapidly declined. However, an important number of the adobe buildings in the world are of cultural, historical and architectural recognized value, presently, about 30% of the World population lives in raw earth buildings.  相似文献   

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