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In this second study, we have combined two-photon calcium imaging with whole-cell recording and anatomic reconstructions to directly characterize synaptically evoked calcium signals in three types of mouse V1 supragranular interneurones: parvalbumin-positive fast spikers (FS), calretinin-positive irregular spikers (IS), and adapting cells (AD). We observed that subthreshold synaptic activation evoked calcium signals locally restricted to individual dendritic compartments. These signals were mediated by NMDA receptors (NMDARs) in AD and IS cells, whereas in FS cells, calcium-permeable AMPA receptors (CP-AMPARs) provided an additional and kinetically distinct influx. Furthermore, even a single, subthreshold synaptic activation evoked a larger dendritic calcium influx than backpropagating action potentials. Our results demonstrate that NMDARs dominate subthreshold calcium dynamics in interneurones and reveal the functional contribution of CP-AMPARs to a specific subclass of cortical interneurone. These data highlight different strategies in dendritic signal processing by distinct classes of interneurones.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K+ channels perform many functions in integration of synaptic input and action potential (AP) generation. In this study we show that in bitufted interneurones from layer 2/3 of the somatosensory cortex, the height and width of APs recorded at the soma are sensitive to changes in the resting membrane potential, suggesting subthreshold activity of voltage-gated conductances. Attributes of K+ currents examined in nucleated patches revealed a fast subthreshold-inactivating K+ conductance (Kf) and a slow suprathreshold-inactivating K+ conductance (Ks). Simulations of these K+ conductances, incorporated into a Hodgkin–Huxley-type model, suggested that during a single AP or during low frequency trains of APs, subthreshold inactivation of Kf was the primary modulator of AP shape, whereas during trains of APs the shape was governed to a larger degree by Ks resulting in the generation of smaller and broader APs. Utilizing the facilitating function of unitary pyramidal-to-bitufted cell synaptic transmission, single back-propagating APs were initiated in a bitufted interneurone by repeated stimulation of a presynaptic pyramidal cell. Ca2+ imaging and dendritic whole-cell recordings revealed that modulation of APs, which also affect the shape of back-propagating APs, resulted in a change in dendritic Ca2+ influx. Compartmental simulation of the back-propagating AP suggested a mechanism for the modulation of the back-propagating AP height and width by subthreshold activation of Kf. We speculate that this signal may modulate retrograde GABA release and consequently depression of synaptic efficacy of excitatory input from neighbouring pyramidal neurones.  相似文献   

Spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP) by definition requires the temporal association of pre- and postsynaptic action potentials (APs). Yet, in cortical pyramidal neurons pairing unitary EPSPs with single APs at low frequencies is ineffective at generating plasticity. Using recordings from synaptically coupled layer 5 pyramidal neurons, we show here that high-frequency (200 Hz) postsynaptic AP bursts, rather than single APs, are required for both long-term potentiation (LTP) induction and NMDA channel activation during EPSP–AP pairing at low frequencies. Furthermore, we find that AP bursts can lead to LTP induction and NMDA channel activation during EPSP–AP pairing at both positive and negative times. High-frequency AP bursts generated supralinear calcium signals in basal dendrites suggesting the generation of dendritic calcium spikes, as has been observed previously in apical dendrites during AP burst firing at frequencies greater than 100 Hz. Consistent with a role of these dendritic calcium spikes in LTP induction, pairing EPSPs with low frequency (50 Hz) AP bursts was ineffective in generating LTP. Furthermore, supralinear calcium signals in basal dendrites during AP bursts were blocked by low concentrations of the T- and R-type calcium channel antagonist nickel, which also blocked LTP and NMDA channel activation. These data suggest an important role of dendritic calcium spikes during AP bursts in determining both the efficacy and time window for STDP induction.  相似文献   

Retinal bipolar cells convey light-evoked potentials from photoreceptors to ganglion cells and mediate the initial stages of visual signal processing. They do not fire Na+-dependent action potentials (APs) but the Mb1 class of goldfish bipolar cell exhibits Ca2+-dependent APs and regenerative potentials that originate in the axon terminal. I have examined the properties of Ca2+-dependent APs in isolated bipolar-cell terminals in goldfish retinal slices. All recorded terminals fired spontaneous or evoked APs at frequencies of up to 15 Hz. When an AP waveform was used as a voltage stimulus, exocytosis was evoked by single APs, maintained throughout AP trains and modulated by AP frequency. Furthermore, feedback inhibition of the Ca2+ current ( I Ca) by released vesicular protons reduced depression of exocytosis during AP trains. In the absence of K+ current inhibition, step depolarizations and AP waveforms evoked a rapidly activated outward current that was dependent on Ca2+ influx ( I K(Ca)). I therefore investigated whether proton-mediated feedback inhibition of I Ca affected the activation of I K(Ca). A transient inhibition of I K(Ca) was observed that was dependent on exocytosis, blocked by high-pH extracellular buffer, of similar magnitude to inhibition of I Ca but occurred with a delay of 2.7 ms. In addition, the amplitude of APs evoked under current clamp was inhibited by the action of vesicular protons released by the APs. Protons released via exocytosis may therefore be a significant modulator of Ca2+-dependent currents and regenerative potentials in bipolar-cell terminals.  相似文献   

Inner hair cells (IHCs), the primary sensory receptors of the mammalian cochlea, fire spontaneous Ca2+ action potentials (APs) only before the onset of hearing. Although a role for APs in the developing auditory system has not been determined it could, by analogy with other sensory systems, guide the functional maturation of the cochlea before experience-driven activity begins. Spontaneous APs in immature IHCs are shaped by a variety of ion channels including that of the small conductance Ca2+-activated K+ current (SK2), which is only transiently expressed in immature cells. Using SK2 knockout mice we found that SK2 channels are not required for generating APs but are essential for sustaining continuous repetitive spontaneous AP activity in pre-hearing IHCs. Therefore we used this mutant mouse as a model to study possible developmental implications of disrupted AP activity. Immature mutant IHCs showed impaired exocytotic responses, which are likely to be due to the expression of fewer Ca2+ channels. Exocytosis was also impaired in adult mutant IHCs, although in this case it resulted from a reduced Ca2+ efficiency and increased Ca2+ dependence of the synaptic machinery. Since SK2 channels can only have a functional influence on IHCs during immature development and are not directly involved in neurotransmitter release, the altered Ca2+ dependence of exocytosis in adult IHCs is likely to be a consequence of their disrupted AP activity at immature stages.  相似文献   

Population spikes (PS) are built by the extracellular summation of action currents during synchronous action potential (AP) firing. In the hippocampal CA1, active dendritic invasion of APs ensures mixed contribution of somatic and dendritic currents to any extracellular location. We investigated the macroscopic and subcellular factors shaping the antidromic PS by fitting its spatiotemporal map with a multineuronal CA1 model in a volume conductor. Decreased summation by temporal scatter of APs reduced less than expected the PS peak in the stratum pyramidale (st. pyr.) but strongly increased the relative contribution of far dendritic currents. Increasing the number of firing cells also augmented the relative dendritic contribution to the somatic PS, an effect caused by the different waveform of somatic and dendritic unitary transmembrane currents (I(m)). Those from somata are short-lasting and spiky, having smaller temporal summation than those from dendrites, which are smoother and longer. The different shape of compartmental I(m)s is imposed by the fitting of backpropagating APs, which are large and fast at the soma and smaller and longer in dendrites. The maximum sodium conductance ((Na)) strongly affects the unitary APs at the soma, but barely the PS at the stratum pyramidale (st. pyr.). This occurred because somatic I(m) saturated at low (Na) due to the strong reduction of driving force during somatic APs, limiting the current contribution to the extracellular space. On the contrary, (Na) effectively defined the PS amplitude in the st. radiatum. The relative contribution of dendritic currents to the st. pyr. increases during the time span of the PS, from approximately 30-40% at the peak up to 100% at its end, a pattern resultant from the timing of active inward currents along the somatodendritic axis, which delay during backpropagation. Extreme changes imposed on dendritic currents caused only moderate effects on the st. pyr. due to reciprocal shunting of active soma and dendrites that partially counterbalance the net amount of instant current. The amplitude of the PS follows an inverse relation to the internal resistance (R(i)), which turned out to be a most critical factor. Low R(i) facilitated the spread of APs into dendrites and accelerated their speed, increasing temporal overlapping of inward currents along the somatodendritic axis and yielding the best PS reproductions. Model reconstruction of field potentials is a powerful tool to understand the interactions between different levels of complexity. The potential use of this approach to restrain the variability of some experimental measurements is discussed.  相似文献   

During synchronous action potential (AP) firing of CA1 pyramidal cells, a population spike (PS) is recorded in the extracellular space, the amplitude of which is considered a reliable quantitative index of the population output. Because the AP can be actively conducted and differentially modulated along the soma and dendrites, the extracellular part of the dendritic inward currents variably contributes to the somatic PS by spreading in the volume conductor to adjacent strata. This contribution has been studied by current-source density analysis and intracellular recordings in vivo during repetitive backpropagation that induces their selective fading. Both the PS and the ensemble action currents declined during high-frequency activation, although at different rates and timings. The decline was much stronger in dendrites than in the somatic region. At specific frequencies and for a short number of impulses the decrease of the somatic PS was neither due to fewer firing cells nor to decreased somatic action currents but to the blockade of dendritic action currents. The dendritic contribution to the peak of the somatic antidromic PS was estimated at approximately 30-40% and up to 100% at later times in the positive-going limb. The blockade of AP dendritic invasion was in part due to a decreased transfer of current from the soma that underwent a cumulative increase of conductance and slow depolarization during the train that eventually extended into the axon. The possibility of differential modulation of soma and dendritic action currents during APs should be checked when using the PS as a quantitative parameter.  相似文献   

Fast-spiking parvalbumin-expressing basket cells (BCs) represent a major type of inhibitory interneuron in the hippocampus. These cells inhibit principal cells in a temporally precise manner and are involved in the generation of network oscillations. Although BCs show a unique expression profile of Ca(2+)-permeable receptors, Ca(2+)-binding proteins and Ca(2+)-dependent signalling molecules, physiological Ca(2+) signalling in these interneurons has not been investigated. To study action potential (AP)-induced dendritic Ca(2+) influx and buffering, we combined whole-cell patch-clamp recordings with ratiometric Ca(2+) imaging from the proximal apical dendrites of rigorously identified BCs in acute slices, using the high-affinity Ca(2+) indicator fura-2 or the low-affinity dye fura-FF. Single APs evoked dendritic Ca(2+) transients with small amplitude. Bursts of APs evoked Ca(2+) transients with amplitudes that increased linearly with AP number. Analysis of Ca(2+) transients under steady-state conditions with different fura-2 concentrations and during loading with 200 microm fura-2 indicated that the endogenous Ca(2+)-binding ratio was approximately 200 (kappa(S) = 202 +/- 26 for the loading experiments). The peak amplitude of the Ca(2+) transients measured directly with 100 microm fura-FF was 39 nm AP(-1). At approximately 23 degrees C, the decay time constant of the Ca(2+) transients was 390 ms, corresponding to an extrusion rate of approximately 600 s(-1). At 34 degrees C, the decay time constant was 203 ms and the corresponding extrusion rate was approximately 1100 s(-1). At both temperatures, continuous theta-burst activity with three to five APs per theta cycle, as occurs in vivo during exploration, led to a moderate increase in the global Ca(2+) concentration that was proportional to AP number, whereas more intense stimulation was required to reach micromolar Ca(2+) concentrations and to shift Ca(2+) signalling into a non-linear regime. In conclusion, dentate gyrus BCs show a high endogenous Ca(2+)-binding ratio, a small AP-induced dendritic Ca(2+) influx, and a relatively slow Ca(2+) extrusion. These specific buffering properties of BCs will sharpen the time course of local Ca(2+) signals, while prolonging the decay of global Ca(2+) signals.  相似文献   

Interneuronal networks in neocortex underlie feedforward and feedback inhibition and control the temporal organization of pyramidal cell activity. We previously found that lower layer neocortical interneurones can reach action potential threshold in response to the stimulation of a single presynaptic cell. To better understand this phenomenon and the circuit roles of lower layer neocortical interneurones, we combined two-photon calcium imaging with whole cell recordings and anatomical reconstructions of low threshold spiking (LTS) interneurones from mouse neocortex. In both visual and somatosensory cortex, LTS interneurones are somatostatin-positive, concentrated in layer 5 and possess dense axonal innervation to layer 1. Due to the LTS properties, these neurones operate in burst and tonic modes. In burst mode, dendritic T-type calcium channels boosted small synaptic inputs and triggered low threshold calcium spikes, while in tonic mode, sodium-based APs evoked smaller calcium influxes. In both modes, the entire dendritic tree of LTS interneurones behaved as a 'global' single spiking unit. This, together with the fact that synaptic inputs to layer 5 LTS cells are facilitating, and that their axons target the dendritic region of the pyramidal neurones where bursts are generated, make these neurones ideally suited to detect and control burst generation of individual lower layer pyramidal neurones.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent K+ channels in the apical dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurones play important roles in regulating dendritic excitability, synaptic integration, and synaptic plasticity. Using cell-attached, voltage-clamp recordings, we found a large variability in the waveforms of macroscopic K+ currents in the dendrites. With single-channel analysis, however, we were able to identify four types of voltage-dependent K+ channels and we categorized them as belonging to delayed-rectifier, M-, D-, or A-type K+ channels previously described from whole-cell recordings. Delayed-rectifier-type K+ channels had a single-channel conductance of 19 ± 0.5 pS, and made up the majority of the sustained K+ current uniformly distributed along the apical dendrites. The M-type K+ channels had a single-channel conductance of 11 ± 0.8 pS, did not inactivate with prolonged membrane depolarization, deactivated with slow kinetics (time constant 100 ± 6 ms at −40 mV), and were inhibited by bath-applied muscarinic agonist carbachol (10 μ m ). The D-type K+ channels had a single-channel conductance of around 18 pS, and inactivated with a time constant of 98 ± 4 ms at +54 mV. The A-type K+ channels had a single-channel conductance of 6 ± 0.6 pS, inactivated with a time constant of 23 ± 2 ms at +54 mV, and contributed to the majority of the transient K+ current previously described. These results suggest both functional and molecular complexity for K+ channels in dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurones.  相似文献   

Simultaneous fluorescence imaging and electrophysiologic recordings were used to investigate the Ca(2+) influx initiated by action potentials (APs) into dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) pyramidal cell (PC) and cartwheel cell (CWC) dendrites. Local application of Cd(2+) blocked Ca(2+) transients in PC and CWC dendrites, demonstrating that the Ca(2+) influx was initiated by dendritic Ca(2+) channels. In PCs, TTX eliminated the dendritic Ca(2+) transients when APs were completely blocked. However, the Ca(2+) influx could be partially recovered during an incomplete block of APs or when a large depolarization was substituted for the blocked APs. In CWCs, dendritic Ca(2+) transients evoked by individual APs, or simple spikes, were blocked by TTX and could be recovered during an incomplete block of APs or by a large depolarization. In contrast, dendritic Ca(2+) transients evoked by complex spikes, a burst of APs superimposed on a slow depolarization, were not blocked by TTX, despite eliminating the APs superimposed on the slow depolarization. These results suggest two different mechanisms for the retrograde activation of dendritic Ca(2+) channels: the first requires fast Na(+) channel-mediated APs or a large somatic depolarization, whereas the second is independent of Na(+) channel activation, requiring only the slow depolarization underlying complex spikes.  相似文献   

Action potentials (APs) in CA1 pyramidal cells propagate in different directions along the somatodendritic axis depending on the activation mode (synaptic or axonal). We studied how the geometrical inhomogeneities along the apical shaft, soma, and initial axon modulate the transmembrane current (I(m)) flow underlying APs, using model and experimental techniques. The computations obtained at the subcellular level during forward- and backpropagation were extrapolated to macroscopic level (field potentials) and compared with the basic in vivo features of the ortho- and antidromic population spike (PS) that reflects the sum total of all elementary currents from synchronously firing cells. The matching of theoretical and experimental results supports the following conclusions. Because the charge carried by axonal APs is almost entirely drained into dendrites, the soma invasion is preceded by little capacitive currents (I(cap)), the ionic currents (I(ion)) dominating I(m) and the depolarizing phase. The subsequent invasion of the tapering apical shaft is preceded, however, by significant I(cap), while I(ion) decayed gradually. A similar pattern occurred during backpropagation of spikes synaptically initiated in the axon. On the contrary, when the AP was apically initiated, the dendritic I(ion) was boosted by the apical flare, it was preceded by weak I(cap) and spread forwardly at a slower velocity. Soma invasion is reliable once the AP reached the main apical shaft but less so distal to the primary bifurcation, where it may be upheld by concurrent synaptic activity. The decreasing internal resistance of the apical shaft guided most axial current into the soma, causing its fast charging. There, I(ion) began later in the depolarizing phase of the AP and the reduced driving force made it smaller. This, in addition to a poor temporal overlapping of somatodendritic inward currents within individual cells, built a smaller extracellular sink, i.e., a smaller PS. In both experiment and model, the antidromic (axon-initiated) PS in the soma layer is approximately 30% larger than an orthodromic (apical shaft-initiated) PS contributed by the same number of firing cells. We conclude that the dominance of capacitive or ionic current components on I(m) is a distinguishing feature of forward and backward APs that is predictable from the geometric inhomogeneities between conducting subregions. Correspondingly, experimental and model APs have a faster rising slope during ortho than antidromic activation. The moderate flare of the apical shaft makes forward AP conduction quite safe. This alternative trigger zone enables two different processing modes for apical inputs.  相似文献   

The role of postsynaptic action potentials (APs) in the induction of long-term potentiation (LTP) remains unclear, but has important implications for theories of associative learning in the brain. In area CA1 of hippocampus, at least three discrete forms of LTP coexist, each displaying unique decay kinetics and involving different signalling and effector systems. The present work investigates whether these forms of LTP also differ in their requirement for postsynaptic APs. Inhibition of APs during theta-burst stimulation (TBS) had no effect on the persistence of short-lasting LTP (LTP 1), but reduced the persistence of more durable forms (LTP 2 and 3). Calcium imaging revealed different requirements for APs in generating calcium signals in spines, dendrites, and somata, consistent with their known roles in the induction of each form of LTP. Finally, short-lasting LTP was endowed with dramatically enhanced persistence by the presentation of TBS-patterned APs alone. These data reveal that the requirement for APs in LTP induction is dependent on the form of LTP under investigation, supporting the contention that different neuronal learning mechanisms coexist in hippocampal area CA1.  相似文献   

Hippocampal inhibitory interneurones demonstrate pathway- and synapse-specific rules of transmission and plasticity, which are key determinants of their role in controlling pyramidal cell excitability. Mechanisms underlying long-term changes at interneurone excitatory synapses, despite their importance, remain largely unknown. We use two-photon calcium imaging and whole-cell recordings to determine the Ca2+ signalling mechanisms linked specifically to group I metabotropic glutamate receptors (mGluR1α and mGluR5) and their role in hebbian long-term potentiation (LTP) in oriens/alveus (O/A) interneurones. We demonstrate that mGluR1α activation elicits dendritic Ca2+ signals resulting from Ca2+ influx via transient receptor potential (TRP) channels and Ca2+ release from intracellular stores. By contrast, mGluR5 activation produces dendritic Ca2+ transients mediated exclusively by intracellular Ca2+ release. Using Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry, we show mGluR1α-specific extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) activation via Src in CA1 hippocampus and, in particular, in O/A interneurones. Moreover, we find that mGluR1α/TRP Ca2+ signals in interneurone dendrites are dependent on activation of the Src/ERK cascade. Finally, this mGluR1α-specific Ca2+ signalling controls LTP at interneurone synapses since blocking either TRP channels or Src/ERK and intracellular Ca2+ release prevents LTP induction. Thus, our findings uncover a novel molecular mechanism of interneurone-specific Ca2+ signalling, critical in regulating synaptic excitability in hippocampal networks.  相似文献   

Relationships between calcium signals and NADH responses were investigated in pancreatic acinar cells stimulated with calcium-releasing secretagogues. Cytosolic calcium signals were studied using Fura Red or calcium-sensitive  Cl  current. Mitochondrial calcium was measured using Rhod-2. The highest levels of NADH autofluorescence were found around the secretory granule region. Stimulation of cells with physiological doses of cholecystokinin (CCK) triggered slow oscillations of NADH autofluorescence. NADH oscillations were clearly resolved in the mitochondrial clusters around secretory granules. Very fast apical calcium signals induced by acetylcholine (ACh) produced no detectable changes in NADH; slightly more extended apical (or preferentially apical) calcium transients triggered clear NADH responses. Triple combined recordings of cytosolic calcium, mitochondrial calcium and NADH revealed the sequence of development of individual signals: an increase in cytosolic calcium was accompanied by a slower mitochondrial calcium response followed by a delayed increase in NADH fluorescence. Recovery of cytosolic calcium was faster than recovery of mitochondrial calcium. NADH recovery occurred at elevated mitochondrial calcium levels. During the transient cytosolic calcium oscillations induced by intermediate doses of ACh, there was an initial increase in NADH fluorescence following the first calcium transient; each of the subsequent calcium responses produced biphasic NADH changes comprising an initial small decline followed by restoration to an elevated calcium level. During the higher-frequency sinusoidal calcium oscillations induced by higher doses of ACh, NADH responses fused into a smooth rise followed by a slow decline. Supramaximal doses of ACh and CCK produced single large NADH transients.  相似文献   

Activation of Resting, Pure CD4+, and CD8+ Cells via CD3   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We studied the requirements for secondary activation signals in pure CD4+ and CD8+ T cells after stimulation with anti-CD3 antibodies. Stimulation of CD4+ or CD8+ cells with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) bound to polystyrene monosized particles never resulted in a proliferative response. However, DNA synthesis was observed when recombinant interleukin 2 (IL-2) or other secondary signals, such as those provided by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) or autologous accessory cells (AC), were also added. These secondary signals were not in themselves capable of inducing DNA synthesis in the absence of particle-bound anti-CD3. We also found that the signals provided by AC may be dependent on the activation state of these cells. Thus, the effects of accessory cells were enhanced by a factor present in fetal calf serum (FCS), most likely endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which alone, however, were not able to activate T cells, even in the presence of particle-bound anti-CD3. Recombinant IL-1 over a broad dose range was unable to replace PMA or activated AC after stimulation with particle-bound anti-CD3. Purified CD4+ and CD8+ T cells behaved identically in all the experiments, indicating that the basic mechanisms for activation in the two T-cell subsets are identical.  相似文献   

Maurocalcine (MCa), a 33 amino acid toxin obtained from scorpion venom, has been shown to interact with the isolated skeletal-type ryanodine receptor (RyR1) and to strongly modify its calcium channel gating. In this study, we explored the effects of MCa on RyR1 in situ to establish whether the functional interaction of RyR1 with the voltage-sensing dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) would modify the ability of MCa to interact with RyR1. In developing skeletal muscle cells the addition of MCa into the external medium induced a calcium transient resulting from RyR1 activation and strongly inhibited the effect of the RyR1 agonist chloro- m -cresol. In contrast, MCa failed to affect the depolarization-induced Ca2+ release. In intact adult fibres MCa did not induce any change in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration. However, when the surface membrane was permeabilized and calcium release events were readily observable, MCa had a time-dependent dual effect: it first increased event frequency, from 0.060 ± 0.002 to 0.150 ± 0.007 sarcomere−1 s−1, and reduced the amplitude of individual events without modifying their spatial distribution. Later on it induced the appearance of long-lasting events resembling the embers observed in control conditions but having a substantially longer duration. We propose that the functional coupling of DHPRs and RyR1s within a Ca2+ release unit prevents MCa from either reaching its binding site or from being able to modify the gating not only of the RyR1s physically coupled to DHPRs but all RyR1s within the Ca2+ release unit.  相似文献   

《The Journal of physiology》2008,586(2):605-626
The depletion of ER Ca2+ stores, following the release of Ca2+ during intracellular signalling, triggers the Ca2+ entry across the plasma membrane known as store-operated calcium entry (SOCE). We show here that brief, local [Ca2+]i increases (motes) in the thin dendrites of cultured retinal amacrine cells derived from chick embryos represent the Ca2+ entry events of SOCE and are initiated by sphingosine-1-phosphate (S1P), a sphingolipid with multiple cellular signalling roles. Externally applied S1P elicits motes but not through a G protein-coupled membrane receptor. The endogenous precursor to S1P, sphingosine, also elicits motes but its action is suppressed by dimethylsphingosine (DMS), an inhibitor of sphingosine phosphorylation. DMS also suppresses motes induced by store depletion and retards the refilling of depleted stores. These effects are reversed by exogenously applied S1P. In these neurons formation of S1P is a step in the SOCE pathway that promotes Ca2+ entry in the form of motes.  相似文献   

In hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons, action potentials are typically initiated in the axon and backpropagate into the dendrites, shaping the integration of synaptic activity and influencing the induction of synaptic plasticity. Despite previous reports describing action-potential propagation in the proximal apical dendrites, the extent to which action potentials invade the distal dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons remains controversial. Using paired somatic and dendritic whole cell recordings, we find that in the dendrites proximal to 280 microm from the soma, single backpropagating action potentials exhibit <50% attenuation from their amplitude in the soma. However, in dendritic recordings distal to 300 microm from the soma, action potentials in most cells backpropagated either strongly (26-42% attenuation; n = 9/20) or weakly (71-87% attenuation; n = 10/20) with only one cell exhibiting an intermediate value (45% attenuation). In experiments combining dual somatic and dendritic whole cell recordings with calcium imaging, the amount of calcium influx triggered by backpropagating action potentials was correlated with the extent of action-potential invasion of the distal dendrites. Quantitative morphometric analyses revealed that the dichotomy in action-potential backpropagation occurred in the presence of only subtle differences in either the diameter of the primary apical dendrite or branching pattern. In addition, action-potential backpropagation was not dependent on a number of electrophysiological parameters (input resistance, resting potential, voltage sensitivity of dendritic spike amplitude). There was, however, a striking correlation of the shape of the action potential at the soma with its amplitude in the dendrite; larger, faster-rising, and narrower somatic action potentials exhibited more attenuation in the distal dendrites (300-410 microm from the soma). Simple compartmental models of CA1 pyramidal neurons revealed that a dichotomy in action-potential backpropagation could be generated in response to subtle manipulations of the distribution of either sodium or potassium channels in the dendrites. Backpropagation efficacy could also be influenced by local alterations in dendritic side branches, but these effects were highly sensitive to model parameters. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that the observed dichotomy in dendritic action-potential amplitude is conferred primarily by differences in the distribution, density, or modulatory state of voltage-gated channels along the somatodendritic axis.  相似文献   

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