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A typical 1/f noise is excited in GaAs filament with the Hooge noise parameter of about αH=2×10-3 . The noise level increases in proportion to the square of the terminal voltage, and decreases approximately in inverse proportion to the total number of carriers within the device. A transition from the typical 1/f noise characteristics to the diffusion noise characteristics of MESFETs was observed when the electric field was increased above 1 kV/cm. The noise parameters were also investigated as a function of the device width between 2 and 200 μm. Deep levels within the n-GaAs active layer and the high electric field are the main factors of the nonideal 1/f characteristics  相似文献   

New calculations are given for the 1/f noise in metal-oxide-semiconductor transistors (MOSTs) based on the McWhorter model (number fluctuations). Particular attention is paid to two regions of the drain current-voltage characteristic: weak inversion and near saturation. The results are at variance with previous theories, where some errors have been made. The gravest error was the violation of the physical law whereby the variance of the number of carriers N in the channel is ⩽N. The calculations do not give a divergent noise power at current saturation, as found by other authors. In the ohmic region, the relation between the spectral density of the drain current fluctuations and the number of carriers is determined. The Langevin method and the Klaassen-Prins method for calculating the 1/f noise in MOSTs are discussed and shown to have been used incorrectly when the mobility and the Hooge 1/f noise parameter depend on position in the channel  相似文献   

The 1/f noise of an n-type silicon MOSFET has been studied under conditions ranging from accumulation to depletion at 300 K. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of a bulk phenomenon and are characterized by Hooge's empirical 1/f noise parameter α with values between 10-7 and 10-5. The α value for surface conduction at strong accumulation can be at least one order of magnitude larger than the value for bulk conduction  相似文献   

The effects of a 1/f frequency noise on self-heterodyne detection are described, and the results are applied to the problem of laser diode linewidth measurement. The self-heterodyne autocorrelation function and power spectrum are evaluated for both the white and the 1/ f components of the frequency noise. From numerical analysis, the power spectrum resulting from the 1/f frequency noise is shown to be approximately Gaussian, and an empirical expression is given for its linewidth. These results are applied to the problem of self-heterodyne linewidth measurements for coherent optical communications, and the amount of broadening due to 1/f frequency noise is predicted  相似文献   

The usual approximate expression for measured fT =[gm/2π (Cgs+C gd)] is inadequate. At low drain voltages just beyond the knee of the DC I-V curves, where intrinsic f t is a maximum for millimeter-wave MODFETs, the high values of Cgd and Gds combine with the high gm to make terms involving the source and drain resistance significant. It is shown that these resistances can degrade the measured fT of a 0.30-μm GaAs-AlGaAs MODFET from an intrinsic maximum fT value of 73 GHz to a measured maximum value of 59 GHz. The correct extraction of maximum fT is essential for determining electron velocity and optimizing low-noise performance  相似文献   

Accelerated life tests with high-temperature storage and electric aging for n+-p-n silicon planar transistors were carried out. Current gain hFE increases monotonously with time during the tests, and the hFE drift is correlated with initial measured 1/f noise in the transistors, i.e. the drift amount significantly increases with the increase of noise level. The correlation coefficient of relative drift ΔhFE /hFE and 1/f noise spectral density SiB(f) is far larger than that of Δ hFE/hFE and initial DC parameters of the transistors. A quantitative theory model for the h FE drift has been developed and explains the h FE drift behavior in the tests, which suggests that the h FE drift and 1/f noise can be attributed to the same physical origin, and both are caused by the modulation of the oxide traps near the Si-SiO2 interface to Si surface recombination. 1/f noise measurement, therefore, may be used as a fast and nondestructive means to predict the long-term instability in bipolar transistors  相似文献   

A 1/f noise model for diodes operating in the thermionic-emission mode under forward-bias conditions has been developed. The model is based on mobility and diffusivity fluctuations occurring in the space-charge region and accounts for the current-limiting role of the metal-semiconductor interface The bias dependence of the 1/f noise spectral density calculated from this model is in excellent agreement with the results of the authors' experiments but is at variance with the predictions of a model developed by T.G.M. Kleinpenning (1979). From the experimental data, a value of 4.2×10-9 for the Hooge parameter is derived. This value is in good agreement with theoretical calculation for electrons in silicon  相似文献   

Quantum 1/f noise is given by a simple engineering formula. It affects photodetectors through mobility and recombination speed fluctuations. The former are also in the diffusion constant, and all affect the dark current. However, there is no quantum 1/f noise in the photogeneration of carriers, as is shown  相似文献   

While so-called 1/f or scaling processes emerge regularly in modeling a wide range of natural phenomena, as yet no entirely satisfactory framework has been described for the analysis of such processes. Orthonormal wavelet bases are used to provide a new construction for nearly 1/f processes from a set of uncorrelated random variables  相似文献   

The 1/f noise in the drain current of hot-carrier damaged MOSFETs biased in weak inversion has been studied. By the use of a biased annealing treatment to simultaneously decrease the density of oxide trapped charge (Not) and increase the density of interface traps (Dit), the authors have separated the contributions of these two kinds of defects. The results clearly indicate that, while the low-frequency 1/f noise is correlated with Not, the high-frequency 1/f noise is correlated with Dit  相似文献   

Wavelet-based representations for the 1/f family offractal processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is demonstrated that 1/f fractal processes are, in a broad sense, optimally represented in terms of orthonormal wavelet bases. Specifically, via a useful frequency-domain characterization for 1/f processes, the wavelet expansion's role as a Karhunen-Loeve-type expansion for 1/f processes is developed. As an illustration of potential, it is shown that wavelet-based representations naturally lead to highly efficient solutions to some fundamental detection and estimation problems involving 1/f processes  相似文献   

A figure of merit, G/T, for a multichannel active array antenna was derived, and the effects of the beamforming network on the overall noise figure of the system were studied. Also examined are the dependence of the noise figure on various losses, and the difference between a resistive and nonresistive taper in the combining network. When the amplifier gain is sufficiently large, the losses following the LNA can usually be ignored. For a photonic array with lossy time shift elements, however, the downstream losses become significant. Also, if resistive tapering is employed, not only the array gain but also the noise figure will be degraded by the collective effect of the feed network  相似文献   

A V/f PWM inverter control algorithm based on controlling the stator flux vector of an induction motor is presented. The algorithm permits an automatic boost of inverter voltage in such a way that the stator flux magnitude is kept constant. The voltage autoboost method is based on knowledge of the IM equivalent circuit parameters and given load characteristics. An offline auto measurement of the equivalent circuit parameters using a PWM inverter is described. The technique consists of performing the no-load and single-phase tests when the motor is connected to the inverter. The complete control system has been constructed and tested and the experimental results have been found satisfactory. The proposed method has achieved a considerable improvement of IM torque-speed characteristics under optimal slip frequency operation  相似文献   

To produce a comfortable breeze similar to a natural one, a digital open-loop control system was utilized to control the speed of a small fan motor with 1/f fluctuation. The system was modeled as a first-order lag element with a time constant of 1.1 s. The output was controlled by commands and produced 1/f fluctuations, even though it was an open-loop system when the holding time of the data for 1/f fluctuation was set at more than 2 s  相似文献   

The optical power emitted by a monomode GaAlAs laser is filtered with a monochromator. The 1/f noise in the filtered emission is found to be directly dependent on the noncoherent emission, such as SpαPncm. Here sp is the spectral density of the 1/f fluctuations, Pnc is the average noncoherent power, m=3/2 under spontaneous emission, and m=4 in the superradiation and laser regions. Study of the 1/f noise in the optical power in a band centered at the laser wavelength and with variable bandwidth shows three operating regions. (1) LED region (at low currents): the fluctuations with a 1/f spectrum are uncorrelated in wavelength. (2) Superradiation region (at currents close to the threshold): the fluctuations are correlated. (3) Laser region: the 1/f noise apparently is dominated by noncoherent emission within a small optical band around the laser wavelength  相似文献   

1/f noise experiments were performed for n-p-n GaAs/AlGaAs HBTs as a function of forward bias at room temperature. The experimental data are discussed with the help of new expressions for the 1/f noise in bipolar transistors where the influence of internal parasitic series resistances has been taken into account. At low forward currents the 1/f noise is determined by spontaneous fluctuations in the base and collector currents. At fixed bias, the collector current noise exceeds the base current noise. At higher forward currents the parasitic series resistances and their 1/f noise become important. Experimental results from the literature are compared with the results  相似文献   

The FM-noise spectrum and the linewidth of 1.3 μm DFB (distributed feedback) semiconductor lasers measured in the high-power state up to 20 mW are discussed. A 5-MHz residual linewidth is observed in the high-power limit. The FM-noise spectrum consists of white noise and 1/f noise. The spectral density of the white noise is reduced by the increase in the output power, whereas that of the 1/f noise is unchanged, which means that the linewidth residual in the high-power limit is caused by the 1/f noise rather than the white noise. The impact of the 1/f-type FM noise on coherent optical communication systems is also discussed  相似文献   

The 1/f noise in HEMT-type GaAs FETs is calculated for low drain bias. It comes from 1/f type fluctuations in the series resistances RS and RD on the source and drain side of the channel, respectively, and 1/f type fluctuations in the device resistance RA. It is assumed that the latter is due to mobility fluctuation noise and that the former may either be due to number fluctuations or mobility fluctuations. It is demonstrated how one can experimentally discriminate between the two noise sources.  相似文献   

The effect of nonnormality on E{X} and R charts is reported. The effect of departure from normality can be examined by comparing the probabilities that E{X} and R lie outside their three-standard-deviation and two-standard-deviation control limits. Tukey's λ-family of symmetric distributions is used because it contains a wide spectrum of distributions with a variety of tail areas. The constants required to construct E{X} and R charts for the λ-family are computed. Control charts based on the assumption of normality give inaccurate results when the tails of the underlying distribution are thin or thick. The validity of the normality assumption is examined by using a numerical example  相似文献   

The coherence function of 1/f noise fluctuations in the optical output from the two laser facets is derived from a simple model. At low power, the coherence is shown to be dependent on the optical absorption in thermal equilibrium. The coherence function can be used to determine the absorption coefficient. In the superradiation region, the coherence function increases strongly with power toward its maximum value of one. It remains one above threshold. Experimental findings on a channeled-substrate-planar laser are in good agreement with the author's theory  相似文献   

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