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A thermodynamic analysis of a Biomass Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (BIGCC) plant has been performed based on energy and exergy balances in a proposed configuration. Combustion of supplementary biomass fuel is considered using the oxygen available in the gas turbine (GT) exhaust. The effects of pressure and temperature ratios of the GT system and the amount of fuel burned in the supplementary firing chamber on the thermal and exergetic efficiencies of the plant have been investigated. The plant efficiencies increase with the increase in both pressure and temperature ratios; however, the latter has a stronger influence than the former. Supplementary firing of biomass increases the plant efficiencies of a BIGCC plant till an optimum level of degree of firing. The other technical issues related to supplementary firing, like ash fusion in the furnace and exhaust heat loss maintaining a minimum pinch point temperature difference are accounted and finally a set of optimum plant operating parameters have been identified. The performance of a 50 MWe plant has been analyzed with the optimum operating parameters to find out equipment rating and biomass feed rates. Exergetic efficiencies of different plant equipments are evaluated to localize the major thermodynamic irreversibilities in the plant.  相似文献   

A 100 kWe hybrid plant consisting of gasification system, solid oxide fuel cells and organic Rankine cycle is presented. The nominal power is selected based on cultivation area requirement. For the considered output a land of around 0.5 km2 needs to be utilized. Woodchips are introduced into a fixed bed gasification plant to produce syngas which fuels the combined solid oxide fuel cells – organic Rankine cycle system to produce electricity. More than a hundred fluids are considered as possible alternative for the organic cycle using non-ideal equations of state (or state-of-the-art equations of state). A genetic algorithm is employed to select the optimal working fluid and the maximum pressure for the bottoming cycle. Thermodynamic and physical properties, environmental impacts and hazard specifications are also considered in the screening process. The results suggest that efficiencies in the region of 54–56% can be achieved. The highest thermal efficiency (56.4%) is achieved with propylcyclohexane at 15.9 bar. A comparison with the available and future technologies for biomass to electricity conversion is carried out. It is shown that the proposed system presents twice the thermal efficiency achieved by simple and double stage organic Rankine cycle plants and around the same efficiency of a combined gasification, solid oxide fuel cells and micro gas turbine plant.  相似文献   

Gasification of biomass can be used for obtaining hydrogen reducing the total greenhouse gases emissions due the fixation of CO2 during photosynthetic processes. The kind of raw materials is an important variable since has a great influence on the energy balance and environmental impacts. Wastes from forestry are considered as the most appropriate raw materials since they do not compete for land. The aim of this work is to determine the environmental feasibility of four Spanish lignocellulosic wastes (vine and almond pruning and forest waste coming from pine and eucalyptus plantation) for the production of hydrogen through gasification. LCA methodology was applied using global warming potential, acidification, eutrophication and the gross energy necessary for the production of 1 Nm3 of hydrogen as impact categories. As expected, the use of biomass instead of natural gas leads to the reduction of CO2 emissions. Regarding to the different feedstocks, biomass coming from forestry is more environmental-friendly since does not need cropping procedures. Finally, the distribution of environmental charges between pruning wastes and fruits (grape and almond) and the use of obtained by-products have a great influence, reducing the environmental impacts.  相似文献   

An integrated system for the production of hydrogen by gasification of biomass and electrolysis of water has been designed and cost estimated. The electrolyser provides part of the hydrogen product as well as the oxygen required for the oxygen blown gasifier. The production cost was estimated to 39 SEK/kg H2 at an annual production rate of 15?000 ton, assuming 10% interest rate and an economic lifetime of 15 years. Employing gasification only to produce the same amount of hydrogen, leads to a cost figure of 37 SEK/kg H2, and for an electrolyser only a production cost of 41 SEK/kg H2. The distribution of capital and operating cost is quite different for the three options and a sensitivity analyses was performed for all of these. However, the lowest cost hydrogen produced with either method is at least twice as expensive as hydrogen from natural gas steam reforming.  相似文献   

In this paper the integrated process of biomass gasification and a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) was studied in terms of thermodynamics. The study is based on an ongoing project intending to develop an innovative sustainable technology with high efficiency. According to some assumptions, the energy balance revealed that the process can be auto-thermal. Furthermore, and due to the utilization of the hydrogen content of steam utilized in the reforming stage, the overall efficiencies to electrical power could reach very high levels.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to investigate the field of gasification of aqueous biomass in supercritical water. In order to achieve this analysis, a mathematical model (based on thermodynamical equilibrium assumption) is built. This model allows not only the computation of the solid, liquid and gas phases produced in a process composed of a gasification reactor and a separator unit, but also the computation of the energy requirements or yields in these specific units. The composition of these three phases is computed in terms of fractions of CH4, H2, H2O, CO, CO2, H2S, NH3, C6H5OH, CH3COOH, CH3CHO, C(s) and minerals. The model also predicts the lower heating value of the gas leaving the process. The main problem that is encountered in the derivation of this mathematical model is the estimation of the activities of the chemical species present in the mixture as well as the enthalpy of this mixture. In this work, these evaluations are performed using Peng-Robinson equation of state. Results of the model are presented in the frame of gasification of vinasse, which is an aqueous residue from the alcohol production industry. It is shown that some specific conditions exist where it is not necessary to yield energy to the reactor to convert the incoming biomass into a gas for which the lower heating value can reach 5 MJ/kg with a gasification efficiency of 85%.  相似文献   

Biomass has great potential as a clean, renewable feedstock for producing modern energy carriers. This paper focuses on the process of biomass gasification, where the synthesis gas may subsequently be used for the production of electricity, fuels and chemicals. The gasifier is one of the least-efficient unit operations in the whole biomass-to-energy technology chain and an analysis of the efficiency of the gasifier alone can substantially contribute to the efficiency improvement of this chain. The purpose of this paper is to compare different types of biofuels for their gasification efficiency and benchmark this against gasification of coal. In order to quantify the real value of the gasification process exergy-based efficiencies, defined as the ratio of chemical and physical exergy of the synthesis gas to chemical exergy of a biofuel, are proposed in this paper. Biofuels considered include various types of wood, vegetable oil, sludge, and manure. In this study, exergetic efficiencies are evaluated for an idealized gasifier in which chemical equilibrium is reached, ashes are not considered and heat losses are neglected. The gasification efficiencies are evaluated at the carbon-boundary point, where exactly enough air is added to avoid carbon formation and achieve complete gasification. The cold-gas efficiency of biofuels was found to be comparable to that of coal. It is shown that the exergy efficiencies of biofuels are lower than the corresponding energetic efficiencies. For liquid biofuels, such as sludge and manure, gasification at the optimum point is not possible, and exergy efficiency can be improved by drying the biomass using the enthalpy of synthesis gas.  相似文献   

Gasification is considered as a key technology for the use of biomass. In order to promote this technology in the future, advanced, cost-effective, and highly efficient gasification processes and systems are required. This paper provides a detailed review on new concepts in biomass gasification.Concepts for process integration and combination aim to enable higher process efficiencies, better gas quality and purity, and lower investment costs. The recently developed UNIQUE gasifier which integrates gasification, gas cleaning and conditioning in one reactor unit is an example for a promising process integration. Other interesting concepts combine pyrolysis and gasification or gasification and combustion in single controlled stages. An approach to improve the economic viability and sustainability of the utilization of biomass via gasification is the combined production of more than one product. Polygeneration strategies for the production of multiple energy products from biomass gasification syngas offer high efficiency and flexibility.  相似文献   

Biomass gasification is a promising option for the sustainable production of hydrogen rich gas. Five different commercial or pilot scale gasification systems are considered for the design of a hydrogen production plant that generates almost pure hydrogen. For each of the gasification technique models of two different hydrogen production plants are developed in Cycle-Tempo: one plant with low temperature gas cleaning (LTGC) and the other with high temperature gas cleaning (HTGC). The thermal input of all plants is 10 MW of biomass with the same dry composition. An exergy analysis of all processes has been made. The processes are compared on their thermodynamic performance (hydrogen yield and exergy efficiency). Since the heat recovery is not incorporated in the models, two efficiencies are calculated. The first one is calculated for the case that all residual heat can be applied, the case with ideal heat recovery, and the other is calculated for the case without heat recovery. It is expected that in real systems only a part of the residual heat can be used. Therefore, the actual value will be in between these calculated values. It was found that three processes have almost the same performance: The Battelle gasification process with LTGC, the FICFB gasification process with LTGC, and the Blaue Turm gasification process with HTGC. All systems include further processing of the cleaned gas from biomass gasification into almost pure hydrogen. The calculated exergy efficiencies are, respectively, 50.69%, 45.95%, and 50.52% for the systems without heat recovery. The exergy efficiencies of the systems with heat recovery are, respectively, 62.79%, 64.41%, and 66.31%. The calculated hydrogen yields of the three processes do not differ very much. The hydrogen yield of the Battelle LTGC process appeared to be 0.097 kg (kg(dry biomass))−1, for the FICFB LTGC process a yield of 0.096 kg (kg(dry biomass))−1 was found, and for the Blaue Turm HTGC 0.106 kg (kg(dry biomass))−1.  相似文献   

In the present work, effects of biomass supplementary firing on the performance of fossil fuel fired combined cycles have been analyzed. Both natural gas fired combined cycle (NGCC) and integrated coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC) have been considered in the study. The efficiency of the NGCC plant monotonically reduces with the increase in supplementary firing, while for the IGCC plant the maximum plant efficiency occurs at an optimum degree of supplementary firing. This difference in the nature of variation of the efficiency of two plants under the influence of supplementary firing has been critically analyzed in the paper. The ratings of different plant equipments, fuel flow rates and the emission indices of CO2 from the plants at varying degree of supplementary firing have been evaluated for a net power output of 200 MW. The fraction of total power generated by the bottoming cycle increases with the increase in supplementary firing. However, the decrease in the ratings of gas turbines is much more than the increase in that of the steam turbines due to the low work ratio of the topping cycle. The NGCC plants require less biomass compared to the IGCC under identical condition. A critical degree of supplementary firing has been identified for the slag free operation of the biomass combustor. The performance parameters, equipment ratings and fuel flow rates for no supplementary firing and for the critical degree of supplementary biomass firing have been compared for the NGCC and IGCC plants.  相似文献   

Biomass gasification is an attractive option for producing high-quality syngas (H2+CO) due to its environmental advantages and economic benefits. However, due to some technical problems such as tar formation, biomass gasification has not yet been able to achieve its purpose. The purpose of this work was to study the catalytic activity of coal-bottom ash for fuel gas production and tar elimination. Effect of gasification parameters including reaction temperature (700–900 °C), equivalence ratio, EQR (0.15–0.3) and steam-to-biomass ratio, SBR (0.34–1.02) and catalyst loading (5.0–13 wt %) on gas distribution, lower heating value (LHV) of gas steam, tar content, gas yield and H2/CO ratio was studied. The tar content remarkably decreased from 3.81 g/Nm3 to 0.97 g/Nm3 by increasing char-bottom ash from 5.0 wt% to 13.0 wt%. H2/CO significantly increased from 1.12 to 1.54 as the char-bottom ash content in the fuel increased from 5.0 wt% to 13.0 wt%.  相似文献   

Back in 1970s and 1980s, cogeneration plants in sugarcane mills were primarily designed to consume all bagasse, and produce steam and electricity to the process. The plants used medium pressure steam boilers (21 bar and 300 °C) and backpressure steam turbines. Some plants needed also an additional fuel, as the boilers were very inefficient. In those times, sugarcane bagasse did not have an economic value, and it was considered a problem by most mills. During the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s, sugarcane industry faced an open market perspective, thus, there was a great necessity to reduce costs in the production processes. In addition, the economic value of by-products (bagasse, molasses, etc.) increased, and there was a possibility of selling electricity to the grid. This new scenario led to a search for more advanced cogeneration systems, based mainly on higher steam parameters (40–80 bar and 400–500 °C). In the future, some authors suggest that biomass integrated gasification combined cycles are the best alternative to cogeneration plants in sugarcane mills. These systems might attain 35–40% efficiency for the power conversion. However, supercritical steam cycles might also attain these efficiency values, what makes them an alternative to gasification-based systems. This paper presents a comparative thermoeconomic study of these systems for sugarcane mills. The configurations studied are based on real systems that could be adapted to biomass use. Different steam consumptions in the process are considered, in order to better integrate these configurations in the mill.  相似文献   

The non-catalytic autothermal gasification of woody biomass with air and steam mixtures is thermodynamically and experimentally investigated. A laboratory-scale fixed-bed downdraft reactor was used to gasify fine-grained woody biomass particles (German conifer, mean particle size = 133.7 μm) at atmospheric pressure and at 900-1020 K, with an equivalence ratio (ER) in the range 0.3-0.4 and a steam-to-biomass ratio (SB) in the range 0-0.6. The gasification efficiency and carbon conversion peaked at 35% and 83%, respectively, for ER = 0.4 and SB = 0.6. Hydrogen yield increased with both ER and SB within the ranges considered. The corresponding volumetric lower heating value of the dry gaseous product varied from 2.0 to 3.4 MJ/Nm3.  相似文献   

More efficient biomass gasification via torrefaction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wood torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis process that improves the fuel properties of wood. At temperatures between 230 and 300 °C, the hemicellulose fraction of the wood decomposes, so that torrefied wood and volatiles are formed. Mass and energy balances for torrefaction experiments at 250 and 300 °C are presented. Advantages of torrefaction as a pre-treatment prior to gasification are demonstrated. Three concepts are compared: air-blown gasification of wood, air-blown gasification of torrefied wood (both at a temperature of 950 °C in a circulating fluidized bed) and oxygen-blown gasification of torrefied wood (at a temperature of 1200 °C in an entrained flow gasifier), all at atmospheric pressure. The overall exergetic efficiency of air-blown gasification of torrefied wood was found to be lower than that of wood, because the volatiles produced in the torrefaction step are not utilized. For the entrained flow gasifier, the volatiles can be introduced into the hot product gas stream as a ‘chemical quench’. The overall efficiency of such a process scheme is comparable to direct gasification of wood, but more exergy is conserved in as chemical exergy in the product gas (72.6% versus 68.6%). This novel method to improve the efficiency of biomass gasification is promising; therefore, practical demonstration is recommended.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic analysis of hydrogen production from biomass gasification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation is reported of the thermodynamic performance of the gasification process followed by the steam-methane reforming (SMR) and shift reactions for producing hydrogen from oil palm shell, one of the most common biomass resources. Energy and exergy efficiencies are determined for each component in this system. A process simulation tool is used for assessing the indirectly heated Battelle Columbus Laboratory (BCL) gasifier, which is included with the decomposition reactor to produce syngas for producing hydrogen. A simplified model is presented here for biomass gasification based on chemical equilibrium considerations, with the Gibbs free energy minimization approach. The gasifier with the decomposition reactor is observed to be one of the most critical components of a biomass gasification system, and is modeled to control the produced syngas yield. Also various thermodynamic efficiencies, namely energy, exergy and cold gas efficiencies are evaluated which may be useful for the design, optimization and modification of hydrogen production and other related processes.  相似文献   

P. Plis  R.K. Wilk 《Energy》2011,36(6):3838-3845
This investigation concerns the process of air biomass gasification in a fixed bed gasifier. Theoretical equilibrium calculations and experimental investigation of the composition of syngas were carried out and compared with findings of other researchers. The influence of excess air ratio (λ) and parameters of biomass on the composition of syngas were investigated. A theoretical model is proposed, based on the equilibrium and thermodynamic balance of the gasification zone.The experimental investigation was carried out at a setup that consists of a gasifier connected by a pipe with a water boiler fired with coal (50 kWth). Syngas obtained in the gasifier is supplied into the coal firing zone of the boiler, and co-combusted with coal. The moisture content in biomass and excess air ratio of the gasification process are crucial parameters, determining the composition of syngas. Another important parameter is the kind of applied biomass. Despite similar compositions and dimensions of the two investigated feedstocks (wood pellets and oats husk pellets), compositions of syngas obtained in the case of these fuels were different. On the basis of tests it may be stated that oats husk pellets are not a suitable fuel for the purpose of gasification.  相似文献   

This paper presents an exergetic analysis of a combined heat and power (CHP) system, integrating a near-atmospheric solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with an allothermal biomass fluidised bed steam gasification process. The gasification heat requirement is supplied to the fluidised bed from the SOFC stack through high-temperature sodium heat pipes. The CHP system was modelled in AspenPlus™ software including sub-models for the gasification, SOFC, gas cleaning and heat pipes. For an average current density of 3000 A m−2 the proposed system would consume 90 kg h−1 biomass producing 170 kWe net power with a system exergetic efficiency of 36%, out of which 34% are electrical.  相似文献   

Biomass is usually gasified above the optimal temperature at the carbon-boundary point, due to the use of different types of gasifiers, gasifying media, clinkering/slagging of bed material, tar cracking, etc. This paper is focused on air gasification of biomass with different moisture at different gasification temperatures. A chemical equilibrium model is developed and analyses are carried out at pressures of 1 and 10 bar with the typical biomass feed represented by CH1.4O0.59N0.0017. At the temperature range 900–1373 K, the increase of moisture in biomass leads to the decrease of efficiencies for the examined processes. The moisture content of biomass may be designated as “optimal” only if the gasification temperature is equal to the carbon-boundary temperature for biomass with that specific moisture content. Compared with the efficiencies based on chemical energy and exergy, biomass feedstock drying with the product gas sensible heat is less beneficial for the efficiency based on total exergy. The gasification process at a given gasification temperature can be improved by the use of dry biomass and by the carbon-boundary temperature approaching the required temperature with the change of gasification pressure or with the addition of heat in the process.  相似文献   

The main objective with this work was to investigate techno-economically the opportunity for integrated gasification-based biomass-to-methanol production in an existing chemical pulp and paper mill. Three different system configurations using the pressurized entrained flow biomass gasification (PEBG) technology were studied, one stand-alone plant, one where the bark boiler in the mill was replaced by a PEBG unit and one with a co-integration of a black liquor gasifier operated in parallel with a PEBG unit. The cases were analysed in terms of overall energy efficiency (calculated as electricity-equivalents) and process economics. The economics was assessed under the current as well as possible future energy market conditions. An economic policy support was found to be necessary to make the methanol production competitive under all market scenarios. In a future energy market, integrating a PEBG unit to replace the bark boiler was the most beneficial case from an economic point of view. In this case the methanol production cost was reduced in the range of 11–18 Euro per MWh compared to the stand-alone case. The overall plant efficiency increased approximately 7%-units compared to the original operation of the mill and the non-integrated stand-alone case. In the case with co-integration of the two parallel gasifiers, an equal increase of the system efficiency was achieved, but the economic benefit was not as apparent. Under similar conditions as the current market and when methanol was sold to replace fossil gasoline, co-integration of the two parallel gasifiers was the best alternative based on received IRR.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the hydrogen-rich gas produced from biomass employing an updraft gasifier with a continuous biomass feeder. A porous ceramic reformer was combined with the gasifier for producer gas reforming. The effects of gasifier temperature, equivalence ratio (ER), steam to biomass ratio (S/B), and porous ceramic reforming on the gas characteristic parameters (composition, density, yield, low heating value, and residence time, etc.) were investigated. The results show that hydrogen-rich syngas with a high calorific value was produced, in the range of 8.10–13.40 MJ/Nm3, and the hydrogen yield was in the range of 45.05–135.40 g H2/kg biomass. A higher temperature favors the hydrogen production. With the increasing gasifier temperature varying from 800 to 950 °C, the hydrogen yield increased from 74.84 to 135.4 g H2/kg biomass. The low heating values first increased and then decreased with the increased ER from 0 to 0.3. A steam/biomass ratio of 2.05 was found as the optimum in the all steam gasification runs. The effect of porous ceramic reforming showed the water-soluble tar produced in the porous ceramic reforming, the conversion ratio of total organic carbon (TOC) contents is between 22.61% and 50.23%, and the hydrogen concentration obviously higher than that without porous ceramic reforming.  相似文献   

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