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目的 比较唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者颅外支架式牵引成骨术 (RigidExternalDistraction ,RED)前后软组织面型及鼻唇部变化 ,评价RED治疗上颌发育不足效果。方法 唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者 2 2名 ,其中男性 14名 ,女性 8名 ,平均年龄为 15 3岁。所有患者在改良高位LeFortⅠ型截骨术基础上行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术。测量RED前后头颅定位侧位片软组织面型、鼻唇部结构各项指标 ,用配对t检验比较RED术前术后变化。结果 RED前后面凸角、软组织鼻根点至零子午线距离、软组织颏前点至零子午线距离、上唇长度、唇间隙、唇颏比和颏唇沟深度变化具高度显著性差异。鼻唇角RED后增加了 7°。上中切牙露出程度无变化。结论 RED治疗唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足患者 ,在有效地延长前移上颌骨同时 ,面中下部软组织得到适应性改变 ,使面型更为协调 ,上唇长度得到延长 ,鼻唇角趋向增大。  相似文献   

唇腭裂继发上颌骨发育不足牵引成骨后腭咽部功能变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 通过颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术 (RigidExternalDistraction ,RED)前后唇腭裂患者静止位和[i]发音位头颅定位侧位片腭咽部结构变化 ,拟评价上颌骨牵引成骨术对唇腭裂患者腭咽部结构功能的影响及其相关因素。方法  1999~ 2 0 0 1年行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术的唇腭裂术后上颌发育不足患者 2 1名 ,平均年龄15 .0 5岁。所有患者RED术前后拍摄静止位及 [i]位头颅定位片 ,然后对腭咽部结构功能指标测量分析。结果 (1)RED术后PNS A、PNS PPW、NR、ASPHP、RVCR、EASP和MSP具有显著性变化 ;(2 )RVCR的变化与上颌骨前移幅度、PNS PPW增加幅度和NR增大程度呈正相关。上颌前移幅度还与软硬腭夹角增加呈正相关。结论  (1)上颌骨牵引成骨术后腭咽腔深度增加 ,对唇腭裂患者腭咽闭合功能仍有一定负面影响 ,但同时腭咽部软组织有代偿性改变 ;(2 )上颌骨前移幅度与RED术后腭咽闭合功能变化有关 ;(3)咽后壁瓣的存在对防止和减少RED术后腭咽闭合功能不全产生有积极作用。  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者不同截骨方式下上颌骨外置式牵引成骨的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:利用颅外支架外固定式牵引器治疗唇腭裂继发上颌骨重度发育不足患者,分别采用上颌骨前段截骨和整块截骨方式,探讨不同截骨方式的牵引成骨效果。方法:唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨重度发育不足患者10例,反覆盖均超过10mm。采用传统整块截骨5例,前段分块截骨5例,均利用颅外支架固定式牵引器行术后牵引。通过头影测量分析,比较其矫治效果。利用SPSS13.0软件包对数据进行独立样本t检验。结果:所有患者均成骨良好,无明显并发症,面形及咬合显著改善。牵引成骨后,SNA角、NA与FH夹角、前牙覆盖、零子午线与Sn距离等显著增加。前段截骨组硬腭长度增加7.50mm,2组间有显著差异(P〈0.05)。而软腭长度、静止位腭咽腔深度无显著差异。结论:上颌骨前段截骨牵引在增加硬腭和牙弓长度、避免腭咽腔深度增加及腭咽闭合功能恶化方面具有更大优势,是一种较为理想的矫治唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨发育不足的方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对10例单侧完全性唇腭裂术后反患者上颌前牵引前后颅面硬组织的头影测量结果进行研究,发现:上颌骨长度明显增加,上颌相对于颅底位置明显前移,上颌后缘位置在治疗中相对稳定;上下颌骨间矢状关系明显改善;上前牙及上磨牙明显前移,下前牙明显后移,前牙反基本改正;颅底、下颌基骨无明显改变。研究结果显示上颌前牵引是改正唇腭裂患者上下颌骨发育不调的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者上颌骨牵引成骨术后[i]和[S]声学特性的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过研究行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术(rigid external distraction,RED)的唇腭裂患者治疗前后元音[i]和擦音[s]的声学特性变化,分析上颌骨牵引成骨术对患者腭咽闭合功能和舌位的影响。方法:1999年至2001年行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术的唇腭裂术后上颌发育不足患者21例,其中男性13例,女性8例,平均年龄15.05岁。所有患者RED手术前后测量元音[i]擦音[s]的声学指标。用非参数检验比较治疗前后[i]和[s]声学特性的变化,并绘制[i]的声学舌位图。结果:RED后患者元音[i]基频能量明显加强,擦音[s]的能量明显降低。RED前后元音[i]声学舌位图上舌位无明显变化,RED后擦音[s]强频区向高频区移动。结论:唇腭裂患者经RED前移上颌骨后,腭咽闭合功能恶化,鼻腔共鸣增加,辅音趋向无力,同时发音时舌向前运动增加。  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者上颌骨牵引成骨术后口鼻腔共鸣的变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:通过研究行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术(rigidexternaldistraction,RED)的唇腭裂患者前后过度鼻音、过低鼻音的变化,并结合腭咽部结构功能变化、上颌骨前移幅度等因素,综合分析上颌骨RED对口鼻腔共鸣的影响。方法:1999年至2001年行RED治疗的唇腭裂术后上颌发育不足患者21例,其中男性13例,女性8例,平均年龄15.05岁。所有患者RED手术前后语音测听、拍摄静止位及[i]位头颅定位片测量腭咽闭合功能,对检测结果行非参数检验。结果:RED术后患者过度鼻音程度显著加重。RED前61.9%患者存在过度鼻音,RED术后增至90.5%,所有患者均未出现过低鼻音。上颌骨前移幅度对患者术后过度鼻音加重程度有显著影响。患者腭咽闭合冠状收缩不全率(RVCR)和RED前的过度鼻音程度也直接影响术后的过度鼻音程度。结论:唇腭裂患者经RED前移上颌骨后,鼻腔共鸣增加,过度鼻音加重。  相似文献   

唇腭裂患者上颌骨牵引成骨术后发音方式的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:通过对行颅外支架式上颌骨牵引成骨术(rigidexternaldistraction,RED)唇腭裂患者治疗前后的错误发音数量变化、不同发音部位、不同发音方法以及不同类型错误发音发生特点及其变化评价,分析上颌骨RED对患者发音方式的影响。方法:1999年至2001年行上颌骨RED的唇腭裂术后上颌发育不足患者21例,其中男性13例,女性8例,平均年龄15.05岁。所有患者RED前后进行语音测听并分类。治疗前后错误发音的差异性用非参数检验。结果:RED术后42.9%患者错误发音数较RED前增加,19.0%减少,38.1%无变化。从发音部位,舌尖前音错误发音发生率最高,其次为舌面音。从发音方法,错误发音多发于塞擦音。错误发音类型以咽喉摩擦/爆破音为主,其次为腭化构音和声门爆破音。上颌骨RED后腭化构音累及音节数减少,但咽喉摩擦/爆破音和声门爆破音反而增加,尤其是咽喉摩擦/爆破音。结论:唇腭裂患者经RED前移上颌骨后,会对患者发音方式产生影响,在行语音治疗前需考虑全面。  相似文献   

目的 :利用颅外支架外固定牵引技术,采用上颌骨前段截骨牵引的方式治疗唇腭裂继发上颌骨重度发育不足患者,探讨手术效果并进行术后稳定性的评价。方法:选取唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨重度发育不足患者15例,采用上颌骨前段截骨,颅外支架外固定式牵引器进行术后牵引,通过头影测量分析,评价其术后效果及长期稳定性。利用SPSS 13.0软件包对数据进行方差分析。结果 :所有患者均顺利完成上颌骨前段截骨及颅外支架的固定,术后进行牵引,无明显并发症发生,面型及咬合关系显著改善,牵引成骨后上颌骨凸度、前牙覆盖、上颌骨长度和高度等显著增加(P<0.05),术后无明显复发(P>0.05)。而腭咽腔的深度、软腭长度无明显改变,语音功能未受明显影响。结论:上颌骨前段截骨配合颅骨外支架牵引能够显著增加上颌骨长度,同时避免了对腭咽闭合功能的损伤,降低了术后复发的风险,是一种理想的矫治唇腭裂继发上颌骨发育不足的方法。  相似文献   

上颌骨前牵引器与正畸联合治疗单侧唇腭裂的评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张桦  房兵  朱敏 《上海口腔医学》2005,14(3):219-222
目的:对单侧完全性唇腭裂伴上颌骨发育不足的患者,进行面罩式上颌骨前牵引加正畸治疗,探讨其对颌骨发育的影响。方法:14例患者在治疗前、上颌前牵引后及正畸治疗后分别摄X线头颅侧位定位片,通过9个测量指标数据进行治疗前后的比较分析。数据资料用SPSS10.0软件作统计学处理,治疗前后比较用t检验,以确定上颌前牵引及正畸联合治疗对上下颌骨的影响。结果:本组患者经上颌骨前牵引器牵引加后期正畸治疗,获得满意的效果。切牙覆盖达2mm,咬合关系较稳定;侧面呈直面型。SNA角增加,有高度显著性差异,P<0.001。SNB及下颌平面角SN-MP无变化,P>0.05;颌凸角的差值有显著改变(P<0.001)。结论:单侧完全性唇腭裂伴上颌骨发育不足的患者进行整形加正畸治疗,能促进上颌骨的发育,下颌骨未见显著的变化;通过上颌前牙轴倾度增大,下颌前牙轴倾度变小以及舌代偿,上颌前牙前移,覆牙合覆盖改善。这些改变反应在侧貌上,表现为上颌突度增加,上唇变丰满,凹面形变直面形,上下颌协调。  相似文献   

牵引成骨术治疗青少年上颌骨严重发育不足的初步报告   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 通过青少年上颌骨严重发育不足,特别是继发于唇腭裂术后严重畸形者行改良Le Fort I型截骨,并通过颅骨外固定上颌骨牵引成骨前移术,对牵引成骨后硬组织改建及腭咽闭合功能进行初步探讨。方法 采用颅骨外固定牵引装置(KLS-MARTIN公司提供)对6例11~15岁唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨严重发育不足及发育性上颌骨严重后缩畸形的青少年实施牵引成骨术。运用正颌外科电脑分析软件对术前、术后头颅定位X线侧位  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Documentation of the application of maxillary distraction osteogenesis using rigid external distraction (RED) with skeletal anchorage combined with predistraction alveolar bone grafting (ABG) in cleft maxilla. DESIGN: Case report. PATIENT: A patient with numerous congenital missing teeth and severe maxillary deficiency related to complete bilateral cleft lip and palate with large alveolar bone defect. INTERVENTION: The patient received preoperative orthodontic treatment, predistraction ABG, and maxillary distraction osteogenesis using RED with skeletal anchorage. RESULTS: Predistraction ABG completely united the cleft maxilla. The united maxilla was successfully advanced by the RED system with skeletal anchorage, despite unsound dentition with numerous congenital missing teeth. CONCLUSION: The present study demonstrates that the combination of predistraction ABG and RED system with skeletal anchorage is effective for the treatment of severe maxillary deficiency related to complete bilateral cleft lip and palate with large bone defect and numerous congenital missing teeth.  相似文献   

Patients with cleft lip and palate with severe maxillary retrusion usually have a mandible with anterior-superior autorotation and subsequent overclosure and loss of the vertical facial dimension. Maxillary distraction osteogenesis can correct the sagittal maxillomandibular relationship and should simultaneously reestablish vertical dimension through maxillary vertical height increase and clockwise rotation of the mandible to restore facial balance. We present a two-dimensional mathematical model in the sagittal plane, which reestablishes sagittal and vertical skeletal deficiencies and proper occlusal alignment for planning maxillary advancement with distraction osteogenesis in patients with cleft lip and palate. The model is illustrated in a case of a 13-year-old boy with a complete bilateral cleft lip and palate and severe maxillary retrusion. The two-dimensional mathematical model described in this article allows the surgeon and orthodontist to calculate in a simple and accurate way the ideal distraction vector to advance the maxilla to its desired position.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Maxillary distraction osteogenesis with the rigid external distraction (RED) system has been used to treat cleft lip and palate (CLP) patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia. We introduce maxillary distraction osteogenesis for CLP patients with skeletal anchorage adapted on a stereolithographic model. PATIENTS: Six maxillary deficiency CLP patients treated according to our CLP treatment protocol had undergone maxillary distraction osteogenesis. METHOD: In all patients, computed tomography (CT) images were recorded preoperatively, and the data were transferred to a workstation. Three-dimensional skeletal structures were reconstructed with CT data sets, and a stereolithographic model was produced. On the stereolithographic model, miniplates were adapted to the surface of maxilla beside aperture piriforms. The operation performed involved a high Le Fort I osteotomy with pterygomaxillary disjunction. Miniplates were fixed to the maxillary segment with three or four screws and used for anchorage of the RED system. Retraction of the maxillary segment was initiated after 1 week. RESULTS: The accuracy of the stereolithographic models was enough to adapt the miniplates so that there was no need to readjust the plates during surgery. Postoperative cephalometric analysis showed that the direction of the retraction was almost parallel to the palatal plane, and dental compensation did not occur. CONCLUSIONS: We performed maxillary distraction osteogenesis with skeletal anchorage adapted on the stereolithographic models. Excellent esthetic outcome and skeletal advancement were achieved without dentoalveolar compensations.  相似文献   

Effective maxillary advance treatment is difficult to achieve without impairing velopharyngeal function in patients with severe maxillary deficiency. We describe successful orthodontic treatment using maxillary anterior segmental distraction osteogenesis (MASDO) in a patient with cleft lip and palate. A 20-year-old woman with bilateral cleft lip and palate, multiple congenitally missing teeth, reduced maxilla, concave soft-tissue profile, and skeletal Class III jaw relationship was treated with a combination of orthodontic treatment and MASDO. After treatment, the anterior maxilla was displaced forward with new bone formation induced in the distraction gap for insertion of dental implants. Maxillary hypoplasia was successfully treated while preserving the velopharyngeal function with MASDO. We suggest that MASDO is useful for patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia.  相似文献   

Maxillary hypoplasia is a common outcome in patients with cleft lip and palate after surgical and orthodontic interventions, and maxillary distraction osteogenesis has become a useful procedure for patients with extensive maxillary deformities. The aim of this study was to evaluate long term (two years) stability after maxillary advancement of more than 10 mm by distraction osteogenesis in cleft patients using internal devices. We organised a retrospective study on 42 patients with cleft lip and palate using cephalometric analysis before and after maxillary distraction osteogenesis and evaluated them for 24 months. Postoperative measurements showed a marked advancement with an increase of 13.3 mm and 10.8° in the length of the maxilla (Co-A) and SNA, respectively, including a shift from Angle class III to class I in dental relations. Follow-up observations showed preservation of maxillary length with a relapse of only 6.0 % (mean (SD) 0.8 (0.7) mm) and 10% relapse in SNA angle (mean (SD)1.1 (1.4) °) one year postoperatively and a negligible regression at the two years’ follow up. This large-scale study shows stable results of skeletal advancement using distraction osteogenesis, indicating safe and reliable outcomes among patients with cleft lip and palate.  相似文献   

Distraction osteogenesis (DO) has gained wide acceptance as a viable modality for lengthening hypoplastic skeletal structures in the maxillofacial region. For patients with cleft lip and palate with skeletal maxillary deficiency, this technique has recently been applied extensively as an alternative to orthognathic surgical procedures. Decreased intraoperative morbidity and rates of postoperative midface regression along with esthetically acceptable soft tissue profile are the main advantages of this procedure against traditional osteotomies. This case report documents the use of rigid external distraction (RED) in the treatment of a 20-year-old female patient with midface deficiency secondary to cleft lip and palate repair.  相似文献   

Cleft lip and palate patients often present maxillary retrusion and class III malocclusion after cleft repair. Maxillary distraction is a technique that can provide simultaneous skeletal advancement and expansion of soft tissue. Twelve patients with cleft maxillary deficiency due to cleft lip and palate were treated by Le Fort I osteotomy and two intraoral distraction devices that were activated after 4 days of latency period, 1mm per day on both sides. Long-term clinical and cephalometric evaluation of one and two years demonstrate stable results concerning the skeletal, dental and soft tissue relations. In this paper we discuss the advantages of distraction osteogenesis as a method for treatment of maxillary deficiency in cleft patients in terms of stability and relapse. The indications for maxillary distraction: (1) Moderate and severe retrusion that needs large advancement as in cleft lip and palate patients. (2) Forward and downward lengthening of the maxilla with no need for intermediate bone graft. (3) Growing patients. In conclusion, maxillary distraction in moderate or severe retrusion, as in cleft patients offers marked maxillary advancement with long-term stability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In this report, the orthodontic treatment combined with rigid external distraction osteogenesis in a 5.5-year-old girl with midfacial hypoplasia and oligodontia is described. PATIENT: The child presented with a reduced maxilla, protruding lower lip, skeletal Class III jaw relationship with a low mandibular plane angle, a short and flattened nose, anterior crossbite, and aplasia of 16 permanent teeth. The patient was treated with rigid external maxillary distraction osteogenesis, maxillary protraction headgear, and Class III elastics. Following treatment, the maxilla was displaced in a forward direction with new bone formation at the tuberosities and the mandible rotated backward in relation to the anterior cranial base. The anterior crossbite was corrected, and the skeletal jaw relationship changed from a Class III to a Class I skeletal pattern. The soft tissue facial profile showed that the nasal projection had been increased, the nasolabial angle increased, and the lower lip protrusion was reduced. Postoperative treatment results were acceptable. CONCLUSION: This report documents that early maxillary advancement with rigid external osteogenesis offers a promising treatment alternative for a very young patient with maxillary hypoplasia and oligodontia.  相似文献   

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