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K Matter  W Hunziker  I Mellman 《Cell》1992,71(5):741-753
In MDCK cells, transport of membrane proteins to the basolateral plasma membrane has been shown to require a distinct cytoplasmic domain determinant. Although the determinant is often related to signals used for localization in clathrin-coated pits, inactivation of the coated pit domain in the human LDL receptor did not affect basolateral targeting. By expressing mutant and chimeric LDL receptors, we have now identified two independently acting signals that are individually sufficient for basolateral targeting. The two determinants mediate basolateral sorting with different efficiencies, but both contain tyrosine residues critical for activity. The first determinant was colinear with, but distinct from, the coated pit domain of the receptor. The second was found in the C-terminal region of the cytoplasmic domain of the receptor and, although tyrosine-dependent, did not mediate endocytosis. The results suggest that membrane proteins can have functionally redundant signals for basolateral transport and that a tyrosine-containing motif may be a common feature of multiple intracellular sorting events.  相似文献   

Furin is a subtilisin-related endoprotease which processes a wide range of bioactive proteins. Furin is concentrated in the trans-Golgi network (TGN), where proteolytic activation of many precursor proteins takes place. A significant fraction of furin, however, cycles among the TGN, the plasma membrane, and endosomes, indicating that the accumulation in the TGN reflects a dynamic localization process. The cytosolic domain of furin is necessary and sufficient for TGN localization, and two signals are responsible for retrieval of furin to the TGN. A tyrosine-based (YKGL) motif mediates internalization of furin from the cell surface into endosomes. An acidic cluster that is part of two casein kinase II phosphorylation sites (SDSEEDE) is then responsible for retrieval of furin from endosomes to the TGN. In addition, the acidic EEDE sequence also mediates endocytic activity. Here, we analyzed the sorting of furin in polarized epithelial cells. We show that furin is delivered to the basolateral surface of MDCK cells, from where a significant fraction of the protein can return to the TGN. A phenylalanine-isoleucine motif together with the acidic EEDE cluster is required for basolateral sorting and constitutes a novel signal regulating intracellular traffic of furin.  相似文献   

In polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells, newly synthesized transforming growth factor-alpha precursor (proTGFalpha) is directly sorted to the basolateral cell surface where it is sequentially cleaved and released into the basolateral conditioned medium (Dempsey, P.J., Coffey, R.J., J. Biol. Chem. 269 (1994) 16878-16889). In the present study, the role of the proTGFalpha cytoplasmic domain in basolateral sorting has been investigated using deletional and site-directed mutagenesis, as well as chimeric analyses of different TGFalpha constructs stably expressed in MDCK cells. The loss of polarized secretion of a proTGFalpha secretory mutant (TGFsec88) indicated that the proTGFalpha transmembrane and/or cytoplasmic domains contain essential basolateral sorting information. Using reporter chimeras with two apically sorted membrane proteins, p75 neurotrophin growth factor receptor and placental alkaline phosphatase, we show that the proTGFalpha cytoplasmic domain contains dominant basolateral sorting information. Analysis of proTGFalpha cytoplasmic domain truncation and internal deletion mutants, together with site-directed mutagenesis studies within the full-length proTGFalpha cytoplasmic domain, revealed redundant basolateral sorting motifs. Importantly, the C-terminal type I PDZ-binding motif was not required for basolateral sorting as determined by the integrity of basolateral sorting in deletion mutants lacking this motif. ProTGFalpha basolateral sorting may have important consequences for ligand presentation and spatial compartmentalization of epidermal growth factor receptor signaling networks in polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

All identified basolateral sorting signals of integral membrane proteins are cytoplasmically disposed, suggesting that basolateral targeting is mediated exclusively by direct interaction with vesicle coat components. Here, we report that GPP130, a cis-Golgi protein that undergoes endosome-to-Golgi retrieval using the late endosome-bypass pathway in nonpolarized cells, cycles via the basolateral membrane in polarized MDCK cells. Significantly, the membrane-proximal lumenal domain of GPP130, which mediates GPP130 localization and trafficking in nonpolarized cells, was both necessary and sufficient for basolateral cycling in MDCK cells. The use of lumenal determinants for both basolateral cycling and endosome-to-Golgi retrieval suggests that a novel receptor-mediated mechanism operates at both the trans-Golgi network and distal sites to sort GPP130 along the late-endosome-bypass retrieval pathway in polarized cells.  相似文献   

P-selectin is a cell adhesion molecule required transiently on the surface of activated platelets and endothelial cells as a receptor for leukocytes. It is stored in secretory granules in platelets, endothelial cells, and transfected neuroendocrine cells and is rapidly delivered to the plasma membrane upon exocytosis of the secretory granules. It is then rapidly internalized in endothelial cells and transfected cells. We find that in transfected neuroendocrine PC12 cells, the fraction of P-selectin that is not targeted to secretory granules is rapidly degraded. In transfected CHO fibroblasts, which lack secretory granules, P-selectin was degraded with a half time of 2.3 h in plated cells, while low density lipoprotein receptor (LDL-R) had a half life of 9 h. In cells cultured in ammonium chloride to inhibit lysosomal proteinases, P-selectin was protected from degradation and rapidly accumulated in vesicles enriched in lgp-B, a resident lysosomal membrane protein. The cytoplasmic domain of P- selectin was sufficient to confer rapid turnover on LDL-R. Deletion of 10 amino acids from the cytoplasmic domain of P-selectin extended the half life to 9.5 h and abrogated rapid lysosomal targeting in the presence of ammonium chloride, implicating this sequence as a necessary element of a novel lysosomal targeting signal. The rate limiting step in degradation occurred after internalization from the cell surface, indicating that sorting of P-selectin away from efficiently recycled proteins occurs in endosomes. We propose that this sorting event represents a constitutive equivalent of receptor down regulation, and may function to regulate the expression of P-selectin at the surface of activated endothelial cells.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1994,125(5):1025-1035
We have reconstituted polarized protein transport in streptolysin O- permeabilized MDCK cells from the TGN to the basolateral surface and to the apical surface. These transport steps are dependent on temperature, energy and exogenously supplied cytosol. Using this in vitro system we show that a whole tail peptide (WT peptide) corresponding to the cytoplasmic tail of a basolaterally sorted protein, the vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (VSV G) inhibits the TGN to basolateral transport but does not affect any other transport step. Inhibition of VSV G transport to basolateral surface by WT peptide did not result in missorting of the protein to the apical surface. Mutation of the single tyrosine residue in the WT peptide reduced its inhibitory potency four- to fivefold. These results suggest that the VSV G tail physically interacts with a component of the sorting machinery. Using a cross- linking approach, we have identified proteins that associate with the cytoplasmic tail domain of VSV G. One of these polypeptides, Tin-2 (Tail interacting protein-2), associates with VSV G in the TGN, the site of protein sorting, but not in the ER nor at the cell surface. Tin- 2 does not associate with apically targeted hemagglutinin. WT peptide that inhibited the basolateral transport of VSV G also inhibited the association of Tin-2 with VSV G. Together, these properties make Tin-2 a candidate basolateral sorter. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the SLO-permeabilized cell system in dissecting the sorting machinery.  相似文献   

V Prill  L Lehmann  K von Figura    C Peters 《The EMBO journal》1993,12(5):2181-2193
Lysosomal acid phosphatase (LAP) is synthesized as a type I membrane glycoprotein and targeted to lysosomes via the plasma membrane. Its cytoplasmic tail harbours a tyrosine-containing signal for rapid internalization. Expression in Madine-Darby canine kidney cells results in direct sorting to the basolateral cell surface, rapid endocytosis and delivery to lysosomes. In contrast, a deletion mutant lacking the cytoplasmic tail is delivered to the apical plasma membrane where it accumulates before it is slowly internalized. A chimeric protein, in which the cytoplasmic tail of LAP is fused to the extracytoplasmic and transmembrane domain of the apically sorted haemagglutinin, is sorted to the basolateral plasma membrane. A series of truncation and substitution mutants in the cytoplasmic tail was constructed and comparison of their polarized sorting and internalization revealed that the determinants for basolateral sorting and rapid internalization reside in the same segment of the cytoplasmic tail. The cytoplasmic factors decoding these signals, however, tolerate distinct mutations indicating that different receptors are involved in sorting at the trans-Golgi network and at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Previous studies of fibroblasts have demonstrated that recycling of endocytic receptors occurs through a default mechanism of membrane-volume sorting. Epithelial cells require an additional level of polar membrane sorting, but there are conflicting models of polar sorting, some suggesting that it occurs in early endosomes, others suggesting it occurs in a specialized apical recycling endosome (ARE). The relationship between endocytic sorting to the lysosomal, recycling and transcytotic pathways in polarized cells was addressed by characterizing the endocytic itineraries of LDL, transferrin (Tf) and IgA, respectively, in polarized Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells. Quantitative analyses of 3-dimensional images of living and fixed polarized cells demonstrate that endocytic sorting occurs sequentially. Initially internalized into lateral sorting endosomes, Tf and IgA are jointly sorted from LDL into apical and medical recycling endosomes, in a manner consistent with default sorting of membrane from volume. While Tf is recycled to the basolateral membrane from recycling endosomes, IgA is sorted to the ARE prior to apical delivery. Quantifications of the efficiency of sorting of IgA from Tf between the recycling endosomes and the ARE match biochemical measurements of transepithelial protein transport, indicating that all polar sorting occurs in this step. Unlike fibroblasts, rab11 is not associated with Tf recycling compartments in either polarized or glass-grown MDCK cells, rather it is associated with the compartments to which IgA is directed after sorting from Tf. These results complicate a suggested homology between the ARE and the fibroblast perinuclear recycling compartment and provide a framework that justifies previous conflicting models of polarized sorting.  相似文献   

Megalin is the main endocytic receptor ofthe proximal tubule and is responsible for reabsorption of manyfiltered proteins. In contrast to other members of the low-densitylipoprotein (LDL) receptor gene family, it is expressed on the apicalplasma membrane (PM) of polarized epithelial cells. To identifymegalin's apical sorting signal, we generated deletion mutants andchimeric minireceptors composed of complementary regions of megalin andLDL receptor-related protein (LRP) and assessed the distribution of themutants in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells by immunofluorescenceand cell surface biotinylation. Megalin and LRP minireceptors are correctly targeted to the apical and basolateral PM, respectively, ofMDCK cells. We found that the information that directs apical sortingis present in the cytoplasmic tail (CT) of megalin, which containsthree NPXY motifs, YXXØ, SH3, and dileucine motifs, and a PDZ-bindingmotif at its COOH terminus. Deletion analysis established that aminoacids 107-136 of the megalin-CT containing the second NPXY-likemotif are critical for apical sorting and targeting, whereas theregions containing the first and third NPXY motifs are required forefficient endocytosis. We conclude that the megalin-CT contains a novelapical sorting determinant and that cytoplasmic sorting machineryexists in MDCK cells for some apical transmembrane proteins.


The mechanism of UV-radiation-induced EGF receptor (EGFR) internalization remains to be established. In the present study, we found UV-radiation-mediated internalization of the EGFR to be dependent on the cytoplasmic carboxy-terminal region. UV radiation was unable to induce internalization of EGFR carboxy-terminal truncation mutants where all or four of the five major autophosphorylation sites were missing (963- and 1028-EGFR, respectively). Mutational removal of serine residues 1046, 1047, 1057 and 1142 within the carboxy-terminal receptor region was also sufficient to abolish UV-radiation-induced internalization of the EGFR. Furthermore, the UV-radiation-induced internalization was abrogated for an EGFR mutated in tyrosine 1045 (Y1045F), the major c-Cbl binding site. However, UV radiation did not induce phosphorylation at tyrosine 1045, in contrast to the prominent phosphorylation induced by EGF. Our results suggest a mechanism for UV-radiation-induced internalization of EGFR involving a conformational change that is dependent on structural elements formed by specific serine and tyrosine residues in the carboxy-terminal domain.  相似文献   

In polarized epithelial cells, newly synthesized membrane proteins are delivered on specific pathways to either the apical or basolateral domains, depending on the sorting motifs present in these proteins. Because myosin VI has been shown to facilitate secretory traffic in nonpolarized cells, we investigated its role in biosynthetic trafficking pathways in polarized MDCK cells. We observed that a specific splice isoform of myosin VI with no insert in the tail domain is required for the polarized transport of tyrosine motif containing basolateral membrane proteins. Sorting of other basolateral or apical cargo, however, does not involve myosin VI. Site-directed mutagenesis indicates that a functional complex consisting of myosin VI, optineurin, and probably the GTPase Rab8 plays a role in the basolateral delivery of membrane proteins, whose sorting is mediated by the clathrin adaptor protein complex (AP) AP-1B. Our results suggest that myosin VI is a crucial component in the AP-1B-dependent biosynthetic sorting pathway to the basolateral surface in polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The influenza virus neuraminidase (NA), a type II transmembrane protein, is directly transported to the apical plasma membrane in polarized MDCK cells. By using deletion mutants and chimeric constructs of influenza virus NA with the human transferrin receptor, a type II basolateral transmembrane protein, we investigated the location of the apical sorting signal of influenza virus NA. When these mutant and chimeric proteins were expressed in stably transfected polarized MDCK cells, the transmembrane domain of NA, and not the cytoplasmic tail, provided a determinant for apical targeting in polarized MDCK cells and this transmembrane signal was sufficient for sorting and transport of the ectodomain of a reporter protein (transferrin receptor) directly to the apical plasma membrane of polarized MDCK cells. In addition, by using differential detergent extraction, we demonstrated that influenza virus NA and the chimeras which were transported to the apical plasma membrane also became insoluble in Triton X-100 but soluble in octylglucoside after extraction from MDCK cells during exocytic transport. These data indicate that the transmembrane domain of NA provides the determinant(s) both for apical transport and for association with Triton X-100-insoluble lipids.  相似文献   

A DNA fragment coding for the human CD4 cytoplasmic domain (residues 394-433) was cloned into the pET15b expression vector. The resulting plasmid was used for synthesis of the polyhistidine-tagged 5.10(3) M(r) CD4 peptide in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)Star. The CD4 cytoplasmic domain was purified under denaturing and reducing conditions by a two-step procedure using immobilized metal affinity chromatography and gel permeation chromatography. The purified CD4 cytoplasmic domain is soluble and functional without any specific refolding steps. The yield of the described purification procedure was approximately 5 mg peptide per liter culture volume.  相似文献   

The mammalian proprotein convertases (PCs) are a family of secretory pathway enzymes that catalyze the endoproteolytic maturation of peptide hormones and many bioactive proteins. Two PCs, furin and PC6B, are broadly expressed and share very similar cleavage site specificities, suggesting that they may be functionally redundant. However, germline knockout studies show that they are not. Here we report the distinct subcellular localization of PC6B and identify the sorting information within its cytoplasmic domain (cd). We show that in neuroendocrine cells, PC6B is localized to a paranuclear, brefeldin A-dispersible, BaCl(2)-responsive post-Golgi network (TGN) compartment distinct from furin and TGN38. The 88-amino acid PC6B-cd contains sorting information sufficient to direct reporter proteins to the same compartment as full-length PC6B. Mutational analysis indicates that endocytosis is predominantly directed by a canonical tyrosine-based motif (Tyr(1802)GluLysLeu). Truncation and sufficiency studies reveal that two clusters of acidic amino acids (ACs) within the PC6B-cd contain differential sorting information. The membrane-proximal AC (AC1) directs TGN localization and interacts with the TGN sorting protein PACS-1. The membrane-distal AC (AC2) promotes a localization characteristic of the full-length PC6B-cd. Our results demonstrate that AC motifs can target proteins to distinct TGN/endosomal compartments and indicate that the AC-mediated localization of PC6B and furin contribute to their distinct roles in vivo.  相似文献   

We have examined the trafficking of the mucin-like protein endolyn in transfected, polarized MDCK cells using biochemical approaches and immunofluorescence microscopy. Although endolyn contains a lysosomal targeting motif of the type YXXPhi and was localized primarily to lysosomes at steady state, significant amounts of newly synthesized endolyn were delivered to the apical cell surface. Antibodies to endolyn, but not lamp-2, were preferentially internalized from the apical plasma membrane and efficiently transported to lysosomes. Analysis of endolyn-CD8 chimeras showed that the lumenal domain of endolyn contains apical targeting information that predominates over basolateral information in its cytoplasmic tail. Interestingly, surface polarity of endolyn was independent of O-glycosylation processing, but was reversed by disruption of N-glycosylation using tunicamycin. At all times, endolyn was soluble in cold Triton X-100, suggesting that apical sorting was independent of sphingolipid rafts. Our data indicate that a strong, N-glycan-dependent apical targeting signal in the lumenal domain directs endolyn into a novel biosynthetic pathway to lysosomes, which occurs via the apical surface of polarized epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) and its regulatory partner phospholamban (PLN) are essential for myocardial contractility. Arg(9) → Cys (R9C) and Arg(14) deletion (R14del) mutations in PLN are associated with lethal dilated cardiomyopathy in humans. To better understand these mutations, we made a series of amino acid substitutions in the cytoplasmic domain of PLN and tested their ability to inhibit SERCA. R9C is a complete loss-of-function mutant of PLN, whereas R14del is a mild loss-of-function mutant. When combined with wild-type PLN to simulate heterozygous conditions, the mutants had a dominant negative effect on SERCA function. A series of targeted mutations in this region of the PLN cytoplasmic domain ((8)TRSAIRR(14)) demonstrated the importance of hydrophobic balance in proper PLN regulation of SERCA. We found that Arg(9) → Leu and Thr(8) → Cys substitutions mimicked the behavior of the R9C mutant, and an Arg(14) → Ala substitution mimicked the behavior of the R14del mutant. The results reveal that the change in hydrophobicity resulting from the R9C and R14del mutations is sufficient to explain the loss of function and persistent interaction with SERCA. Hydrophobic imbalance in the cytoplasmic domain of PLN appears to be a predictor for the development and progression of dilated cardiomyopathy.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells establish apical and basolateral (BL) membranes with distinct protein and lipid compositions. To achieve this spatial asymmetry, the cell utilizes a variety of mechanisms for differential sorting, delivery and retention of cell surface proteins. The EGF receptor (EGFR) and its ligand, amphiregulin (AREG), are transmembrane proteins delivered to the BL membrane in polarized epithelial cells. Herein, we show that the cytoplasmic domain of AREG (ACD) contains dominant BL sorting information; replacement of the cytoplasmic domain of apically targeted nerve growth factor receptor with the ACD redirects the chimera to the BL surface. Using sequential truncations and site-directed mutagenesis of the ACD, we identify a novel BL sorting motif consisting of a single leucine C-terminal to an acidic cluster (EEXXXL). In adaptor protein (AP)-1B-deficient cells, newly synthesized AREG is initially delivered to the BL surface as in AP-1B-expressing cells. However, in these AP-1B-deficient cells, recycling of AREG back to the BL surface is compromised, leading to its appearance at the apical surface. These results show that recycling, but not delivery, of AREG to the BL surface is AP-1B dependent.  相似文献   

The C-terminal cytoplasmic domain of the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) contains two tyrosine residues, Tyr668 and Tyr734. Previous work identifying Tyr734 as a critical residue in the endocytosis of the pIgR in Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells also suggested that a second functional internalization signal was present (Breitfeld, P. P., Casanova, J. E., McKinnon, W. C., and Mostov, K. E. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 13750-13757). To test this hypothesis, Tyr668 and Tyr734 were mutated singly or together by oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis of pIgR cDNA, and the mutants were expressed in MDCK cells. The amount of ligand internalized within 5 min from the basolateral membrane by the pIgR in which cytoplasmic tyrosines were mutated separately to Cys668 or Ser734 or together to Cys668, Ser734 was 58, 39, and 20%, respectively, of the internalized by the wild-type pIgR. The cytoplasmic and transmembrane domains of the pIgR, when joined to the external domain of the influenza virus hemagglutinin, retained the capacity to mediate rapid internalization. As with the full-length pIgR, mutation of either tyrosine in the chimera resulted in impairment of endocytosis, with mutation of Tyr734 having a significantly greater effect than mutation on Tyr668 on the initial rate of endocytosis (3 and 44% of control values, respectively). However, unlike the full-length pIgR, mutation of both tyrosines together in the chimera did not reduce internalization further. The two tyrosines in the cytoplasmic sequence of the pIgR, although widely separated in the linear amino acid sequence, both contribute to internalization of the protein, suggesting that both can function as internalization signals. In addition, the correlation between endocytosis and basolateral targeting of the pIgR in MDCK cells was investigated. Neither tyrosine of the cytoplasmic domain was necessary for basolateral targeting of the pIgR.  相似文献   

Selected regions of the Hm1 muscarinic cholinergic receptor were mutated to analyze the molecular mechanisms of agonist-induced receptor internalization (or sequestration). The wild-type and mutant Hm1 genes were expressed, using pSG5, in U293 human kidney cells. Whereas surface receptor density measured with the polar tracer N-[3H]methylscopolamine was rapidly reduced by carbachol exposure, total receptor content measured with [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate did not decline for at least 24 h, indicating the absence of extensive receptor down-regulation in U293 cells. Carbachol stimulation of phosphatidylinositol turnover paralleled receptor internalization, both with EC50 values of 10-20 microM. Furthermore, a D71N point mutation that prevented receptor activation also abolished carbachol-induced receptor internalization, indicating that receptor activation (but not necessarily second messenger stimulation) was required for internalization. Truncation of the COOH-terminal tail (K447 trunc) and point mutations of several potential Ser and Thr phosphorylation sites to Ala failed to affect receptor activation and internalization. In contrast, partial deletions of the third intracellular loop (i3) (Tyr208-Thr366) resulted in receptor mutants deficient in agonist-induced receptor internalization/sequestration. Various deletions caused either complete loss of internalization (d 232-358) or impaired internalization, ranging from 10 to 30% over 2 h, whereas wild-type Hm1 internalized to approximately 50%. Whereas the reason for the observed differences among the deficient deletion mutants remains unclear, the initial rate of N-[3H]methylscopolamine binding loss from the cell surface was much slower than that of wild-type Hm1 in each case. The deletion of only one single domain, 284-292 (SMESLTSSE), in the middle of i3 was consistently associated with impaired internalization. Domain 284-292 is partially conserved among closely related muscarinic receptors, whereas most of the remainder of i3 is not (except for the i3 membrane junctions), and similar Ser- and Thr-rich regions are present in many other G protein-coupled receptors. We propose that a small receptor domain in the middle of the i3 loop of Hm1 is involved in agonist-induced receptor internalization.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells use both the exocytic and endocytic pathways to generate and maintain the polarized distribution of membrane proteins. This review summarizes current information concerning the general features and functions of the exocytic and endocytic pathways in MDCK cells. We analyse the possible implications of similarities between signals for endocytosis and determinants for basolateral sorting in the TGN. Furthermore, we discuss the fundamental relationships that might also exist in the biochemical basis of membrane traffic in the two pathways.  相似文献   

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