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Based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR(Ensemble three-dimension hybrid data assimilation for Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction system) constructed by China Meteorological Administration, a 7-day simulation(from 10 July 2015 to 16 July 2015) is conducted for horizontal localization scales. 48 h forecasts have been designed for each test, and seven different horizontal localization scales of 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500 and 1750 km are set. The 7-day simulation results show that the optimal horizontal localization scales over the Tibetan Plateau and the plain area are 1500 km and 1000 km, respectively. As a result, based on the GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR, a topography-dependent horizontal localization scale scheme(hereinafter referred to as GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS) has been constructed. The data assimilation and forecast experiments have been implemented by GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR, 3 DVAR and GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS, and then the analysis and forecast field of these three systems are compared. The results show that the analysis field and forecast field within 30 h of GRAPES-MESO hybrid En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS are better than those of the other two data assimilation systems. Particularly in the analysis field, the root mean square error(RMSE) of u_wind and v_wind in the entire vertical levels is significantly less than that of the other two systems. The time series of total RMSE indicate, in the 6-30 h forecast range, that the forecast result of En-3 DVAR-TD-HLS is better than that of the other two systems, but the En-3 DVAR and 3 DVAR are equivalent in terms of their forecast skills. The 36-48 h forecasts of three data assimilation systems have similar forecast skill.  相似文献   

To reduce the spatial correlation of representation error in observations and computational complexity, we propose a thinning scheme that can extract typical observations within a certain range. This scheme is applied to the Global/Regional Assimilation and Prediction System (GRAPES) with three-dimensional variation (3DVAR) to study the effect of the thinning radius on the assimilation results. The assimilation experiments indicate that when the ratio of the model resolution to the observational resolution is 1:3, the simulated results for precipitation are relatively good and have a relatively high equitable threat score (ETS). Moreover, the analysis errors in the temperature and the specific humidity are the smallest, the dependence of the norm gradient vector of the objective function on the number of iterations is slow, gentle, and close to 0, and the minimization results in improved conditions.  相似文献   

Assimilating satellite radiances into Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models has become an important approach to increase the accuracy of numerical weather forecasting. In this study, the assimilation technique scheme was employed in NOAA’s STMAS (Space-Time Multiscale Analysis System) to assimilate AMSU-A radiances data. Channel selection sensitivity experiments were conducted on assimilated satellite data in the first place. Then, real case analysis of AMSU-A data assimilation was performed. The analysis results showed that, following assimilating of AMSU-A channels 5–11 in STMAS, the objective function quickly converged, and the channel vertical response was consistent with the AMSU-A weighting function distribution, which suggests that the channels can be used in the assimilation of satellite data in STMAS. With the case of the Typhoon Morakot in Taiwan Island in August 2009 as an example, experiments on assimilated and unassimilated AMSU-A radiances data were designed to analyze the impact of the assimilation of satellite data on STMAS. The results demonstrated that assimilation of AMSU-A data provided more accurate prediction of the precipitation region and intensity, and especially, it improved the 0–6h precipitation forecast significantly.  相似文献   

As part of NOAA’s "Warn-On-Forecast" initiative, a convective-scale data assimilation and prediction system was developed using the WRF-ARW model and ARPS 3DVAR data assimilation technique. The system was then evaluated using retrospective short-range ensemble analyses and probabilistic forecasts of the tornadic supercell outbreak event that occurred on 24 May 2011 in Oklahoma, USA. A 36-member multi-physics ensemble system provided the initial and boundary conditions for a 3-km convective-scale ensemble system. Radial velocity and reflectivity observations from four WSR-88 Ds were assimilated into the ensemble using the ARPS 3DVAR technique. Five data assimilation and forecast experiments were conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of the system to data assimilation frequencies, in-cloud temperature adjustment schemes, and fixed- and mixed-microphysics ensembles. The results indicated that the experiment with 5-min assimilation frequency quickly built up the storm and produced a more accurate analysis compared with the 10-min assimilation frequency experiment. The predicted vertical vorticity from the moist-adiabatic in-cloud temperature adjustment scheme was larger in magnitude than that from the latent heat scheme. Cycled data assimilation yielded good forecasts, where the ensemble probability of high vertical vorticity matched reasonably well with the observed tornado damage path. Overall, the results of the study suggest that the 3DVAR analysis and forecast system can provide reasonable forecasts of tornadic supercell storms.  相似文献   

Based on the newly developed Weather Research and Forecasting model(WRF)and its three-dimensional variational data assimilation(3DVAR)system,this study constructed twelve experiments to explore the impact of direct assimilation of different ATOVS radiance on the intensity and track simulation of super-typhoon Fanapi(2010)using a data assimilation cycle method.The result indicates that the assimilation of ATOVS radiance could improve typhoon intensity effectively.The average bias of the central sea level pressure(CSLP)drops to 18 hPa,compared to 42 hPa in the experiment without data assimilation.However,the influence due to different radiance data is not significant,which is less than 6hPa on average,implying limited improvement from sole assimilation of ATOVS radiance.The track issue is studied in the following steps.First,the radiance from the same sensor of different satellites could produce different effect.For the AMSU-A,NOAA-15 and NOAA-18,they produce equivalent improvement,whereas NOAA-16 produces slightly poor effect.And for the AMSU-B,NOAA-15 and NOAA-16,they produce equivalent and more positive effect than that provided by the AMSU-A.Second,the assimilation radiance from different sensors of the identical satellites could also produce different effect.The assimilation of AMSU-B produces the largest improvement,while the ameliorating effect of HIRS/3assimilation is inferior to that of AMSU-B assimilation,while the AMSU-A assimilation exhibits the poorest improvement.Moreover,the simultaneous assimilation of different radiance could not produce further improvement.Finally,the experiments of simultaneous assimilation radiance from multiple satellites indicate that such assimilation may lead to negative effect due to accumulative bias when adding various radiance data into the data assimilation system.Thus the assimilation of ATOVS radiance from a single satellite may perform better than that from two or three satellites.  相似文献   

COSMIC资料在GRAPES全球三维变分同化系统的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
利用COSMIC获得的GPS无线电掩星数据所反演得到的大气温湿度廓线资料,在GRAPES全球三维变分同化系统中做连续循环同化试验,研究了加入COSMIC资料后得到的GRAPES分析场及其5天中期预报是否有所改善。研究结果表明:通过加入COSMIC资料连续循环同化得到的分析场,相对原来没有加COSMIC资料连续同化出来的GRAPES分析场有明显改善,由此GRAPES全球模式全球5天中期预报水平有明显提高,其中加入没有稀疏化后COSMIC资料对南半球GRAPES分析场的改善以及GRAPES全球模式5天中期预报水平的提高都比较显著;加入稀疏化后的COSMIC资料对北半球GRAPES分析场的改善以及GRAPES全球模式5天中期预报水平的提高都有比较显著的效果。  相似文献   

China’s new generation of polar-orbiting meteorological satellite FY-3A was successfully launched on May 26,2008,carrying microwave sounding devices which had similar performance to ATOVS of NOAA series.In order to study the application of microwave sounding data in numerical prediction of typhoons and to improve typhoon forecasting,we assimilated data directly for numerical forecasting of the track and intensity of the 2009 typhoon Morakot(0908)based on the WRF-3DVar system.Results showed that the initial fields of the numerical model due to direct assimilation of FY-3A microwave sounding data was improved much more than that due to assimilation of conventional observations alone,and the improvement was especially significant over the ocean,which is always without conventional observations.The model initial fields were more reasonable in reflecting the initial situation of typhoon circulation as well as temperature and humidity conditions,and typhoon central position at sea was also adjusted.Through direct 3DVar assimilation of FY-3A microwave data,the regional mesoscale model improves the forecasting of typhoon track.Therefore,the FY-3A microwave data could efficiently improve the numerical prediction of typhoons.  相似文献   

通道选择是红外高光谱探测资料同化的关键技术。为了最大限度提取红外高光谱探测资料观测信息,减少模式在青藏高原等常规观测稀少地区的初始场的误差,不同区域需要选取不同通道进行同化。基于信号自由度的通道选择方法提出一种面向资料同化的红外高光谱资料的局地综合通道选择方案,该方案综合考虑了局地的大气温度垂直分布特征、背景误差协方差、仪器通道的雅克比函数、权重函数和其他影响红外高光谱模拟和同化的因素。针对CMA_GFS(原GRAPES_GFS)全球背景误差协方差,在高原和海洋两个典型区域对FY-3D/HIRAS红外高光谱资料的温度通道进行局地综合通道选择,并通过一维变分同化评估了局地综合通道选择方案对分析场的影响。结果表明,高原和海洋两个典型区域的大气温度垂直分布特征、背景误差协方差、模式垂直分层以及各通道的雅克比函数和权重函数均有明显的差异,选出的敏感通道也明显不同,相比较在其他区域选择出的通道,在对应地区选择的通道能够显著提高红外高光谱资料的同化效果。  相似文献   

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